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Warrior's Pain (Cadi Warriors Book 4)

Page 33

by Stephanie West

  “I’m just as guilty, because deep down I knew. I knew, but I let everything get in the way. I am yours, Cyprian.”

  “Say it again,” Cyprian insisted, as he rest his forehead against hers.

  “Cyprian de Praefectus, I am yours,” Riley said as she brushed her lips against his.

  As the words made it past her lips, Cyprian curled his hips. Riley finished on a gasp, which turned into a groan, as his cock stretched her wide. Cyprian pressed deeper, the knots on his shaft slipping past her slick folds, and rubbing against her straining walls. Riley nearly forgot what else she wanted to tell Cyprian, when the head of his cock struck the bundle of nerves on the roof of her vagina.

  “Cyprian,” she mewled with a breathy gasp.

  “Yes,” he replied with a strained, lust-filled snarl, as his nose brushed against her cheek.

  “Before you make it so everything I say is gibberish. I want to tell you,” Riley paused so she could look into his eyes. “I love you.”

  Riley clutched the back of Cyprian’s head, and attacked his mouth. He growled as he thrust his cock the rest of the way home, burying himself to the hilt. Riley wrapped her legs around his waist, her heels digging into his flexing ass.

  Cyprian withdrew slowly, then slammed back in, only to do it again, his pace building in speed and desperation. Riley’s back arched as the pleasure and force of his possession lanced through her. The spasms gripping her pussy, tore through her faster, growing in intensity with each mind-blowing lunge.

  Ecstasy struck, gripping her tight. Riley pulled away from Cyprian’s hungry mouth, and tossed her head back. Her broken cry echoed in the room. Her pussy convulsed uncontrollably. The pleasure that came when Cyprian snarled, as his cock swelled and pulsed inside her constricting channel, made her whimper.

  Cyprian let Riley catch her breath, then pulled out, even though his cock was still stiff. He flipped her onto her stomach, and tugged her wrists above her head. His knees nudged her thighs wider, making room for his hips.

  Riley started to pant as Cyprian ran the head of his cock through the moisture spilling from her body. He teased her puckered opening.

  “I’m such a bastard,” Cyprian growled into her ear. “Do you know what it does to me, to feel you buck beneath me, as I force myself into your tight rear. Goddess. The way you strangle me, as the head my shaft pops past your resistant ring of muscles.”

  Cyprian’s cock was incredibly slick, but still her body strained as he pressed his crown against her ass. He worked and twisted till he breached the dark opening. Riley bit the pillow, heaving through her nose, as she adjusted to his immense size.

  “Tell me you love me again,” he husked against her neck.

  “I love you,” Riley gasped.

  Cyprian bit her, as his hand shoved beneath her hips to torment her clit. The combined ecstasy had Riley instantly teetering on the edge. Cyprian then started up a gentle rhythm, fucking her ass ever deeper, till his hips were slapping against hers.

  Riley drifted in nirvana as Cyprian took her to the farthest reaches of herself. Then started all over again from the beginning.

  Chapter 19. Unbreakable Bonds

  Cyprian de Praefectus

  “I appreciate that you all have returned, given yesterday’s events,” Kagan addressed the gathered crowd.

  Everyone quieted down as the Daimio stood before them. Kagan not only called together the province regents, but also everyone else currently staying at the dulcis plantation.

  Cyprian squeezed Riley’s thigh as she sat beside him. The general understood the need for this meeting, however he was having a hard time focusing on the business at hand. Cyprian chuckled at the thought. Currently, his attention was gravitating more toward the lush thigh beneath his hand. He desperately wanted to haul Riley back to bed.

  Cyprian’s mind still spun. Riley loved him. He would carry the image of Riley laid out beneath him, for the rest of his days. The colorful artwork on her pale skin blended with the pink flush that crept over her chest. Her long, raven and violet tresses were a messy halo on the pillow. Full crimson lips parted and uttered the three words he never expected Riley to admit. It staggered and sent him soaring at the same time.

  “Cyprian,” Riley whispered, sounding slightly distressed.

  Cyprian realized his hand had travelled beneath her skirt, hiking it up higher, as he absentmindedly stroked her thigh. Riley pursed her lips and widened her eyes in admonishment, when he didn’t instantly remove it. Cyprian gave her a cheeky grin, before relenting.

  “Incorrigible.” She returned his smile.

  “We have several items to discuss. First, I would like to thank the Goddess that all our brethren have safely returned home,” Kagan continued, capturing Cyprian and Riley’s attention.

  “I’m so glad Vintor got off that damn rock,” Riley whispered to him.

  Cyprian was also relieved to see both Vintor and Ashtoret had returned unscathed, with the missing Toufik. He nodded to the warriors sitting several seats away.

  “I want to commend the High General of the Anzac Guard, along with his entire team. Most of you know this started with the abduction of our Toufik brethren. If that wasn’t heinous enough, we learned of a darker plot. It wasn’t just our lives that were at risk, when Feroze schemed to take my life and yours. The safety of Cadi was threatened,” Kagan growled. “The traitorous regent was working with the Jurou Biljana to commit these acts, culminating in yesterday’s sad events. If it weren’t for the warriors before you, most of us wouldn’t be standing here today.”

  Cyprian repressed a growl as he thought about all that transpired. He hated to think what would’ve happened to his people if Feroze had succeeded. The bastard would’ve led Cadi to ruination at the hands of the Jurou Biljana. There was a day when that fact alone would’ve enraged Cyprian. However, knowing what Riley had been subjected to because of that male, sent him over the edge.

  “Cyprian de Praefectus,” Kagan calling his name, pulled Cyprian from his thoughts. “Tytus, June, Vintor, Ashtoret, Thunder and your clan, Cadi is in your debt for what you have done. Sundara, Stigand and Metcor, your assistance and support in this mission, along with what you have contributed to your province has not gone unnoticed, and will not be forgotten.”

  Kagan turned toward the gathered Toufik and made sure to sign the gestures for thanks and respect in their language. The hairy people looked deeply affected, as they returned the gestures to the Daimio. Cyprian couldn’t help the swell of pride he too felt. They’d been more successful than he could’ve hope for, given the mounting odds.

  Kagan shifted to stand before their large bone-armored guest.

  “Aculus of the Osivoire, thank you for your willingness to trust, and your aid in our time of need. It is my greatest hope that our people continue on this path as allies.”

  “Based on what I have seen, the Osivoire would be honored to stand with the Cadi,” Aculus replied to Kagan, his red eyes serious and sincere.

  Cyprian nodded in appreciation. Meeting new races is difficult at best. Knowing they earned a new friend, rather than an enemy, was a relief. The Osivoire would make a terrible foe. They were technologically advanced, and if Aculus was any indication, their warriors were fierce.

  “This brings me to another citizen I must thank.” Kagan turned to Riley.

  Riley stiffened beside Cyprian. He rubbed her knee.

  “When Cyprian and Vintor arrived at the auction with the smugglers, Feroze’s identity was still unknown. Our esteemed warriors discovered how deeply the traitors were involved with the Jurou Biljana as they worked to find out who was at the top of this plot, and devise a way to free our brethren. However, little did my general know, he had some unexpected help from the human he was sent to rescue.” Kagan smiled at Riley.

  “Riley, I am staggered by what you were able to accomplish amidst such dire circumstances.” Kagan turned to the regents. “This colorful female, while enslaved, slyly bargained with her captors to gain a h
idden data chip, containing the star charts that led to her people. She made friends with our new ally the Osivoire, when we might have become enemies, because of the dishonorable part our two undercover warriors were forced to play. When Riley learned the asteroid was going to be destroyed to dispose of a world-ending weapon, she pushed down her fear and acted. I can’t begin to fathom how you manipulated your captors to plant those explosives in their database.” Kagan shook his head in amazement. “Then yesterday she confiscated Feroze’s communicator, and aided Cyprian in questioning the traitor.”

  “I apologize, but I must correct you,” Cyprian interjected. “It was Riley who questioned Feroze, striking fear and getting answers, where I was unsuccessful.”

  There were murmurs all around. Everyone knew who Cyprian’s family was. The appreciative gleam in Kagan’s eyes grew as he stared at Riley.

  “You discovered the truth in time for us to seek cover. And it was you who recalled the phrase that halted the weapon sent to destroy us. My thank is not nearly enough,” Kagan said as he slammed his fist against his chest and gave Riley a deep bow.

  “I only did, what any of you would’ve done,” Riley replied quietly.

  “No, Wild Manx.” Cyprian took Riley’s face in his hands. “I could not have done what you did. It took your unique combination of compassion, inner strength and wiles to bring us all home safe. You are amazing.”

  Riley’s large, dark eyes filled with tears. Her lips quivered and he wanted to kiss them.

  “Here, here!” June yelled as she and the other human females clapped their hands.

  The Cadi and Toufik present stomped their feet in agreement. The pride Cyprian felt was overwhelming.

  “As much as I hate to cut this short, we must discuss some additional business,” Kagan spoke over the boisterous cheer. “Feroze’s betrayal has left several voids in the council. I have mulled over who should become the new Chekil Province Regent, and keep coming back to one individual. This individual has successfully driven the Chekil economy, and can lead effectively but mercifully. This person has donated land for the common good and cared for all province citizens, Cadi and Toufik alike. Sundara, please come forward,” Kagan requested.

  The Cadi female stood looking surprised, and approached Kagan. There was a murmur that moved over the crowd. The plantation workers were excited, while the Cadi regents seemed uncertain and stunned. This was unprecedented. No female had ever been named regent, that Cyprian knew of.

  “I understand your reticence,” Kagan addressed the regents. “However, you have heard what our females can accomplish. Agreed, they are not the same as males. Thank Kali. But they stand on the same battlefield. Do not let their outer appearance fool you into thinking they are weak. Do not let their willingness to compromise, lull you into the belief that they are docile and without spirit. As we are learning, this is not a trait carried by human females alone. Mark my words, for Cadi to be great, we cannot relegate half our people to the sideline.” Kagan paused to let his words sink in. “Now, without further discussion, Sundara, I pronounce you Chekil Regent.”

  Cyprian wasn’t sure what to expect as Sundara stood incredibly still in front of Kagan, letting the news sink in. She then placed a fist to her chest and bowed to Kagan, the way a warrior would.

  “I am honored and will serve the people well, Daimio,” Sundara spoke proud and clear.

  “You already have.” Kagan turned to everyone. “Now, let’s take a break and prepare for a mating ceremony.”

  Cyprian turned to Riley as everyone stood.

  “I think I like your leader,” Riley commented.

  “I do not envy his position, but I support him.”

  “He is lucky to have you at his back,” Riley said with a smile as she rubbed his chest.

  Cyprian merely grunted at the compliment, though inside he crowed. The way Riley beamed at him with pride and admiration made him feel invincible. Riley was a force all her own. As a pair, they were indomitable.

  “Wild Manx, you should go freshen up with the females, because I plan on claiming you in front of everyone soon,” Cyprian husked, resisting the urge to kiss her.

  “Okay,” Riley whispered against his chest.

  She cast him a demure smile as she walked toward the females, who were congratulating Sundara. It took everything in his power to approach Kagan and the other warriors, instead of following her.

  “We have some unfortunate news,” Tytus spoke to the Daimio. “According to Ion, the Jurou Biljana took some vital parts from the Miran Sona ship.”

  “Jyk,” Cyprian growled.

  “He wasn’t among the Jurou Biljana killed last night?” Vintor asked.

  “No,” Cyprian replied. “Jyk is the leader of those reptilian bastards,” Cyprian informed the group.

  “This is not good,” Kagan grumbled.

  “The Jurou Biljana may not have the specific location of Earth, but I’m betting they now have the technology to breach the wormhole, putting them in the same quadrant of space,” Tytus said grimly.

  “Then it’s just a matter of time before they find the defenseless planet,” Dagaa interjected.

  “This is rare technology. It cannot remain in Jurou Biljana hands,” Aculus growled.

  “Agreed. They must have taken it, when they couldn’t get the Miran Sona ship to function,” Cyprian mused.

  “Then we need to hunt them down,” Kagan snarled.

  Everyone present took a deep breath. It appeared there was another mission in their future.

  “I will contact my people. We possess this technology, however we have yet to map all the various rifts. I will need your assistance,” Aculus stated.

  “You will have it,” Kagan replied. “Enough grim business for one day. There are three males present who will be announcing their bond.”

  Cyprian grinned as he slapped Tytus and Metcor’s back.

  “Are you sure our females will like what you’ve got planned?” Tytus asked. “You don’t have the best track record with the females.”

  Everyone chuckled.

  “That’s an understatement. When you shared the pictures, it looked like the humans were just standing, not dancing,” Dagaa said dubiously.

  “Thanks for the show of faith. I think they will like it,” Cyprian replied, hoping he was right.


  I’m getting married. It was too wild to believe.

  Riley couldn’t believe she almost let some terrible misunderstanding and her painful past get in the way of the best thing to ever happen to her.

  Cyprian loves me, she grinned.

  “Does my hair look okay?” June asked as she smoothed her bob and fidgeted with her dress.

  “You both look great.” Riley smiled at June and Sundara, then turned to peer out at the scores of people.

  “That is Ismat, a cleric in service to the venerable Goddess.” Sundara pointed out.

  The old Cadi man in a floor-length black robe stood up front, next to a roaring bonfire. He had the look of a priest, solemn and devout.

  A bass drum began a slow repetitive beat. The sound was something one might hear on a Viking ship, to keep the oarsmen in line. The single drum was joined by others. The cadence quickly worked its way into Riley. It kept pace with the rhythmic pulse of her heart, or maybe it was the other way around.

  “Are you ready,” Cyprian’s deep voice sounded in her ear as his arms snaked around her waist.

  Riley smiled up at the gruff, commanding warrior who’d made it past her hardened exterior and captured her heart. He was almost entirely naked, save a swath of leather that hung low on his hips. The ceremony that was about to occur had her excited, but now she looked forward to the honeymoon that would follow.

  “I am,” Riley answered before her thoughts of the night they would share, derailed her ability to form rational words.

  Riley gasped when Cyprian lifted her up and seated her on one shoulder.

  “I’ve got you,” he reassured her.
/>   “I know.” Riley always felt safe in Cyprian’s arms.

  Riley looked to see June perched on Tytus’ shoulder, and Sundara being proudly held by Metcor, as they started down the aisle. She smiled at her friends when Cyprian walked by.

  The three men formed a line, in front of the priest. A gnarled gray Toufik hobbled forward and abruptly the drumming stopped.

  “We are gathered here today so these three couples can declare their bond before Kali and all of Cadi,” Ismat spoke for all to hear. “This joining will be a mix of traditions, like the pairs here.”

  Ismat bowed to the old gray Toufik and stepped aside. The hairy man began a series of gestures.

  “I hold you up, because your burden is great,” Ismat translated the Toufik’s graceful broad gestures. “You now carry the weight of two souls - yours and mine.”

  Cyprian swung Riley low, and cradled her in his arms. He pulled her head against his chest shielding her head, like the other two men did with their women.

  “I give you shelter from the driving sands, as you willingly shelter this undeserving beast with open arms.”

  Cyprian released Riley’s head and she looked up to see he held a cup. He pressed it to her lips and she took a sip of the cold refreshing water.

  “I give you food and drink, because you nourish me with your spirit,” Ismat continued. “The two have become one. And from that one will come the future.” With those final words, there was a moment of calm introspection.

  Riley smiled up at Cyprian. She couldn’t help the tears that filled her eyes. Riley was in awe of how she felt connected to him. It happened the moment she first laid eyes on Cyprian. It was like her soul recognized its counterpart. The emotion was difficult, and far too profound to describe.

  The abrupt loud stomping, cheers and drumming beat startled Riley. She couldn’t help but laugh at herself. Cyprian smiled at her as he set her on her feet. She reached up and caressed the dimple in the corner of his cheek. Cyprian wiped the moisture from her eyes, then joined Tytus and Metcor.


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