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Page 7

by A. M. Wallace

  Amy and I had spent a lot of time together. It was more work related than anything else, at least at first. But now I was getting the feeling we were both looking for excuses to see each other. Maybe it was innocent, maybe it wasn't. No matter what it was, I really enjoyed her company.

  The day after she started working here, the day we met, she had beat me to work that morning, which was a nice greeting when I walked into work. Apparently, Rachel left without completing the two weeks of her two week notice¸ so Amy was stuck fending for herself, with the help of everyone who was willing. So far, that seemed to be me. Neither of us seemed to mind that, though.

  I'd spent that morning at the front desk, helping her with learning how to use the programs for the memberships and how to access clients’ profiles and such. I also spent a good while showing her where she could look up locker combinations and teaching her the combination for the locker under the desk that held the keys for a certain group of lockers in the locker room. These were for the members who couldn't learn to use a combination lock. That wasn't meant to be rude, but some of our members would rather have keys. While we were trying to update the gym, some issues had come up because of this, and because the new combination lockers had already been paid for and some used, they were to stay. So we just went out and bought new key lockers for some of the older members. It wasn't the best system, if you asked me. But I guess in the end, the gym saved some money. Who really knew.

  After a couple of sessions with some regulars, the rest of the day was spent with Amy. Because it was mostly work related, we didn't make it awkward. But we learned a lot about each other.

  I knew she was twenty-five and had just moved back into her mom's apartment because she couldn't afford the space she was living in before by herself. She told me she was taking night classes at the university’s main campus a couple of times a week, hoping to be a Dental Hygienist one day, which was why she left earlier the day before. I now knew why she had so openly complimented me about my smile that first day.

  Though it would take her twice as long to earn her degree that way, she would rather take night classes so she could work during the day and have a nice income. With her living with her mom, it cut back on her living expenses and now she could save the majority of her check. It was admirable, really.

  I told her about my college experience and how I'd been out of school and working here for the last three years. We talked about Hannah and Chad, but I didn't feel the need to mention my current inner conflict with Hannah. I was just hoping it wasn't that obvious when I talked about her, like Chad claimed it was.

  Amy talked a little about her personal life, too, over the past two days. She mentioned that her relationship with her ex had ended about a year ago and he left her in their apartment to more or less sink or swim without him. This was why she was back at home. The apartment was too big for one person and cost more than she could afford. Hearing her talk about this jerk she had dated made me angry. Not only the way they had ended things, which she didn't really elaborate on, but the way he treated her. She'd lost most of her friends and hadn't spoken much to her family. Not to mention, she didn't leave the house much. She had just recently started school, so I gathered she didn't get to go out much for anything, much less socialization. She didn't have to tell me it was because of him, I could tell. It made me really want to find this guy and put him in his place. It also made me want to make things better for her.

  Right now, Amy was sitting on the end of my desk, bouncing my mini basketball against the wall as we talked and I went over my schedule for the next couple of days. I had to switch some things around.

  “…and then when the aliens said they were here for me, I told them I didn't care where they took me, but no probing on the first date.” I frowned, catching the end of her story and looked up to find her smirking at me. “You haven't been listening to me at all, have you?”

  “Uh…” I smiled and hung my head. “I'm sorry. I'm just a little distracted today.”

  “I can tell.” She stood and went to lean against the wall where I had the hoop, tossing the basketball from hand to hand. “What's up?”

  “Nothing. I was just…thinking.” She laughed lightly and I snorted in response. “What?”

  “That's a cop out. It tells me that you were either thinking of something you really don't want me to know, or you are just saying that to be polite and you really have no interest in what I was saying.” She grinned as she said it, but I thought I saw a little worry etched in her features. It didn't last a split second, so I wasn't sure if I had imagined it or not.

  I liked how straight forward she was. Amy didn’t really beat around the bush.

  “All right. Busted.” I turned and looked at the computer, pretending to ignore her. I hadn't even touched the mouse yet when something hit me in the back of the head. “Hey!” It didn't hurt, really. Just surprised me. I turned to look at her and saw her hand was to her mouth like she was trying to suppress her laugh. I narrowed my eyes at her.

  “Hey, I am a hard person to ignore, big fella.” She narrowed her eyes playfully and I laughed. Did she really just call me big fella?

  “So I'm seeing.” I raised my brow at her.

  “You don't want to tell me what's got you so distracted, fine.” She kept her face neutral as she walked toward the door. “That means it was probably about me.” My heart stopped. Was I that obvious or was she that conceited? Not once in the last few days had I gotten that vibe from her. “So, I'm going to assume you were picturing me naked and you're too embarrassed to admit it.” She turned to wink at me before walking back out to the front desk.

  My jaw was on the floor. I hadn't been thinking that at all, but I had been thinking about her. But now that she mentioned it, of course my mind went there. Damn. This girl was evil. I couldn't believe she just said that. I could tell she was joking with me. I knew I didn't know her all that well yet, but I knew enough about her that she wasn't the kind of girl who would honestly think that. If anything, she lacked confidence because of her asshole ex-boyfriend when she should have been full of it.

  Didn’t I just tell myself I liked how straight forward she was?

  She looked over at me and grinned like nothing had happened. I couldn't help but grin back. We would only be here for a couple of hours longer and I knew she didn't have class tonight. I was going to do it.

  I got up when I saw there was no one else at the front desk and walked out of my office. Amy grinned as she looked up and I smirked. I think it made her uncomfortable, but not necessarily in a bad way. I walked right up to where she was sitting and leaned onto the desk, looking around before leaning closer and whispering like it was some big secret.

  “Do you really want to know what I was thinking?” She eyed me suspiciously, but nodded slowly. “I was thinking about asking you to go out with me tonight after work.” I was shocked I didn't sound as nervous as I felt about asking her out. It wasn’t exactly a lie. I was thinking about how to make things better for her. Now I just had to wait for an answer.

  She looked at me for a minute before giving me a very slow, very sexy smile.

  “That's what you were thinking about?” I nodded, leaning back slightly. “Okay, so where do you want to take me?” I chuckled.

  “I can't tell you that. It's a secret,” I said and she raised a brow, but kept the smile on her face. I wasn’t sure where I was taking her yet, but I couldn’t tell her that.

  “How much time are you going to give me to get ready?”

  “Is that a yes?” I asked, a little surprised, hoping I didn't sound too eager and blow my chance before I even got one.

  “That's a yes.” She grinned and I tried really hard to contain my smile, not wanting to freak her out by how excited I was.

  “Can you be ready by ten?” I chuckled as she raised an eyebrow at me.

  “I can, but isn't that a little late?”

  “We don't leave until eight. Well, I don't usually, and it's Friday ni
ght.” I grinned. “But if you don't want to go that late—” She cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

  “No, ten is fine with me.” She sounded a little eager herself. I tried not to let that go to my head.

  She smiled and grabbed a stack of Post-Its and started writing on one. A few seconds later, she ripped the top one off and handed it to me. Taking it from her hand, I looked down and grinned. It was her address, not her phone number. Of course Amy would give me her address instead of her phone number. She was different like that.

  “I’ll pick you up at ten, then.” She grinned and looked at the clock. Whether it was what she was really doing or not, it made me feel like she just couldn't wait for tonight. I couldn't. Just a few days of knowing this girl at work and I wanted to know more. I really did like Amy. From what I knew of her, I had a feeling I'd like the rest of her too.

  Not that I was thinking about her naked again, or anything.

  “I'm leaving here soon, so I'll see you then.” I smiled at her and turned to walk back to my office.

  I took a seat and got on my computer to make myself busy so I didn't keep looking out to the front desk every chance I got. I did sneak one look just a few minutes later and instantly made eye contact. Amy smiled at me and I smiled back. Then she waved and left the front desk, walking toward the entrance until I could no longer see her. I kept watching though. Was I rushing things with Amy? I didn't think so. Most guys would have asked her out days ago. I kind of wanted to, but I wanted to get to know her first.

  The sound of my phone going off, indicating a text, brought me back from my inner battle. I grabbed it off my desk and opened it up to my text messages, frowning at the text on my screen.

  Sorry I've been M.I.A. this week, I've just been really busy with school. I promise, I'll call you tomorrow. Xoxo

  It was from Hannah.

  Reading that text made my stomach knot up. Not once today did I think about Hannah. But now I was. Not once today did it dawn on me that I haven't really seen or heard from Hannah since last weekend. Now, it was suddenly all I could think of. Not once did I feel guilty about spending time with Amy or even asking her out. Now I did.

  Because of one text message.

  There wasn't a lot I could do about it now. I couldn't very well cancel on Amy. I wasn't sure I even wanted to. Hannah was busy, but that wasn't why I asked Amy out. The honest truth was, I didn't forget about Hannah today. I could never just forget about her. But I felt like I was opening up more to other people, other opportunities. My new relationships, be it friendship or more, didn't have to hinder my relationship with Hannah. I knew that, deep down, but it was hard to keep myself convinced. Hannah had been busy, and I'd been too busy to notice. Did that mean we were growing apart? There was a lot going on. I was sure I'd see Hannah this weekend sometime. I'd fill her in then and let her tell me all about her studying and the lesson plans she was working on. Nothing had to change because of this.

  No worries. I've been pretty busy too. We'll get together soon. Don't work too hard.

  I sat my phone back down on my desk and leaned back in my chair. This was all going to work out. It had to. Hannah would be happy that I'd started dating. She'd know all about it already had we had a chance to talk this week. I had no reason to feel guilty. I just needed to get through the next hour or so and hurry home to clean up before picking Amy up.

  Tonight was just about Amy. I couldn't keep bringing Hannah into my personal life like this.

  it was finally friday, and at first, I couldn't have been more excited. The weekend was here and I could take a break from school work. But the day had been dragging on so long, I thought I might die. Okay, that was dramatic, but still, I didn't think the day would ever end.

  I sat behind the counter at work, detail cleaning just about everything just for something to do. It was unusually slow today. Erica decided to come with me after our seminar class instead of going home like she usually did. I couldn't blame her for spending her breaks at home instead of here. It was four hours in between that class and our Statistics class. Why would anyone want to volunteer to be here?

  I knew why she did and I loved her for it. In the few days since I'd starting seeing Justin, it was already clear to both of us that it meant seeing her less. I didn't like it, necessarily, but I couldn't see everyone all the time. I knew she understood that, but it didn't mean we had to like it.

  I couldn't believe it had been a week since I met Justin. Just a week. It was last Friday that he'd run me over on his way to class. I laughed a little as I started restocking the cups with my back to Erica. She had left her lonely table and came to stand at the counter, drumming her fingers against it.

  “What's so funny?” she asked me and I shook my head, finishing my task before turning toward her and leaning on the counter where the coffee pot was.

  “I was just thinking about--” She cut me off.

  “If you're going to say Justin, don't even finish that sentence.” She glared playfully at me and I pretended to be offended and gasped.

  “I wasn't! I was going to say…” I looked around trying to find something I could say really quick. “Um…” She gave me a stern look, and I sighed. “Okay, fine. So I was. Sue me.” She snorted and I turned back around to get a new box of creamer packets out to restock the containers.

  “You've got it bad, eh?” I looked at Erica to see she had a serious look on her face. I couldn't tell if she was happy about that or not.

  “I don't know,” I admitted.

  “Well,” she sighed, “I just don't see how you could date someone who ran you over a week ago.” Throwing her hands in the air dramatically, she continued. “It's just preposterous!”

  “What?” I laughed, shaking my head. Sometimes, she could really throw me for a loop. Like now, when I thought she might not have been happy for me, she started making jokes about how Justin and I met. “That's what I was laughing about, by the way.”

  “What? Oh, you mean about how you're dating a monster?” She grinned to let me know she was joking, but I still nodded my head.

  “Yes. A completely horrible, bloodthirsty monster who happens to be really sweet, smart, and good looking. It's a crime, really, to be dating someone so awful.” She rolled her eyes and I resumed my position behind the counter.

  “It is kind of funny that we were both so angry with this guy last week and now you're, like, completely gaga over him.” I shrugged and grinned as Erica rolled her eyes.

  “I do really like him, E.”

  “I know you do.” She looked away and started pulling at a string on her shirt.

  All week, she'd been acting like this. One minute, she was fine and happy for me, and the next it was like it made her uncomfortable. I wasn't sure what to do about it, or if there was anything I could do about it. I sighed and turned back to my task of refilling just about everything behind the counter. There wasn't much to do when it was slow like this, but if I just sat down, it would make it that much more awkward with Erica. I wanted to stay busy.

  “Could I get a pumpkin latte, please?” I jumped at the sound of his voice and turned around to find a grinning Justin. I had been tuning the world out, so he surprised me twice, really.

  “Hey, I thought you'd be in class.” I walked over and leaned over the counter to kiss him but he made it quick.

  “I got out a little early, but I'm headed to my last class now. Big lecture tonight.” I nodded and raised my brow at him.

  “Do you really want a pumpkin latte?” I asked him and he laughed.

  “No, just my usual please.”

  “So much for trying new things.” I narrowed my eyes at him with a smirk and went to make his coffee. “Oh! Erica!” I waved her over as I placed the coffee pot back in place.

  She looked up from her magazine, confusion playing on her face as to why I was calling her over when I had a customer. She obviously hadn't been paying much attention. She had gone to a table to wait when she saw a customer coming up, li
ke she always did, so I could wait on them and not get into trouble.

  “Yeah?” she asked, eyeing Justin a little before looking directly at me.

  “Erica, this is Justin. Justin, this is my best friend, Erica.” She blinked a couple of times to let it sink in before turning and taking Justin's hand with a smile. Uncomfortable or not, she was polite when the situation called for it.

  “Hey, it's nice to finally meet you,” Justin said as they shook hands.

  “Ditto. I feel like I kind of already did, though.” She gives me an exaggerated look and Justin laughs.

  “I could honestly say the same thing,” he replied. I rolled my eyes and handed him his coffee.

  “I'm glad you two got to meet. Now you both have faces to put with the names.” I grinned and they both returned it.

  “Well, hey, I really hate to run, but I need to head to class. It was really nice to meet you, Erica.” He smiled at her before leaning over to give me a quick peck on the lips. “I'll call you later.”

  Erica and I both waved goodbye as he walked away and I couldn't keep from grinning like a fool. We just got over the first obstacle. Okay, I got over the first obstacle, and that was getting Erica and Justin in the same place to meet. With all of our schedules being so crazy and busy, I didn't see it being possible any time soon. I usually spent the weekends with Erica, Marcus, and Chad. I wasn't ready for Justin to meet everyone yet, but I needed him to meet Erica. Maybe it would help loosen her up a bit.

  “So?” I looked at Erica with my bottom lip between my teeth, anxious to hear what she thought.

  “So, what?” She gave me a bored look and I groaned in frustration.

  “You know what!” I snorted.

  “Well…” She grinned and shrugged. “He's pretty good looking, I guess,” I rolled my eyes, “and he seems polite enough.”

  “You sound like a parent.”

  “Maybe you need a parent.” she said with a snort, so I threw a packet of creamer at her.


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