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by L. R. Black



  L.R. Black

  Copyright © 2017 by L.R. Black

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Printed in the United States of America

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


  Jess never wanted a relationship, her art was all that mattered, but fate has a funny way of changing your plans. Falling for her dad’s best friend also wasn’t in her plans, but a case of mistaken identity and one night in a darkened club later, Jess finds herself being pursued by Callum.

  Callum never anticipated his reaction to crossing paths with the innocent Jess. Now that he’s had a taste of her, he’ll stop at nothing to have her for good. No matter what their sleepy little town or her father thinks.

  Callum is going to make her his.

  Author: L.R. Black

  Edited by: Sonya Mullings

  Cover Art by: L.R. Black

  Photo Credit: Pixabay images


  For the alpha male lovers.

  Guys my age don't know how to treat me

  ~ Hey Violet

  Chapter One


  The music is loud, the club dark and crowded with bodies. The dance floor is packed with people, couples gyrating against each other, the scent of sweat and sex surrounds me and I wonder what the hell I'm doing in a place like this. I glance to my right at my best friend Laura, my wild half that I let talk me into this. "Let's go to the club for your birthday, Jess." She said... "It will be fun to get out and party." She said. This is not my scene. Why, you ask? Well, I'll tell you.

  First off, my dad is a cop, the sheriff of our small town near Helen, Georgia. That's one of the top reasons you won't find me in a bar or a club like this. The only reason we got into this one is because Laura knows the bouncer at the door. Rave is one of those 21-plus clubs, where you can't get through the door if you aren't 21 or older. Leave it to Laura to get us into a place we aren't supposed to be at.

  The second reason is that I am a bit of a homebody. I have been raised by my dad since I was three and my mom took off because a cop's pay couldn't keep her in the lavish lifestyle she wanted. She packed up, leaving me and Dad behind and we haven't heard from her since. I can't remember much about her anyways, though, so I don't let it bother me. We lived in Chicago then, but Dad decided he wanted to raise his daughter somewhere safer, so he put in for a transfer from our local precinct and was relocated to his hometown in Georgia. A little town outside of Helen with a population of about a hundred. With not much to do in a place like that I grew up with my nose in a book and a sketch pad in my hand.

  The music thumps through the room, the vibrations sliding along my body. I glance down at my outfit, the pink pleated skirt that barely covers my ass and the black satin and lace bra that Laura gave me for my birthday showing beneath my white lace top. It's not something I would not normally wear, but sighing to myself, I think, Oh well, you're only 19 once in your life. You might as well live it up.

  "Let’s get a drink." Laura must yell over the loud music. I nod my head and she grabs me by the hand and drags me with her to the bar.

  As Laura gives the bartender our order, I scan the room looking at the people around us. I notice we are getting stares from several guys. I'm not surprised that they are checking Laura out. With her black hair, down to her shoulders and a body hugging white dress, she stands out in a crowd. Add her light and flirty personality and she draws stares no matter where we go. You can't help but love her, even if I want to strangle her half the time.

  Laura and I met in first grade when she blacked the eye of a second-grade boy for kicking dirt in my face on the playground. After that we were inseparable. Laura's parents are loaded, her dad's a doctor and her mom is a high-profile lawyer. They are always gone on one trip or another so Laura practically lived with us growing up. Her parents didn't have a problem with it, what with Dad being a cop and all.

  I jump as Laura nudges me, handing me my drink. "What is it?" I shout over the music. "It's a screaming orgasm." She tells me.

  I snort into my drink, I have never even had a real orgasm, so I have no idea if this is good or not. Knocking back my drink and setting my glass on the bar, I yell at Laura. "Let’s dance." We head to the dance floor, moving through the crowd of bodies and finding a place in the middle.

  As much as I don't like to socialize, I do love to dance. I can close my eyes and pretend that the outside world doesn't exist. Laura turns to face me as we start to move to the music. The DJ is playing Christina Milian's "Dip It Low", one of my favorites. I start to sway and move to the music with my hands over my head. Laura has one hand on my waist, her body moving against mine. I'm sure we are giving a few guys some serious hard-ons dancing like this, but I don't care because at this moment, I'm free.

  Laura turns around putting her back to my front and I almost jump when I feel hands land on my hips. I look down and see a large hand on my hip. My eyes follow the big hands, up muscular forearms and biceps to broad shoulders, to the face of the most rugged and handsome man I have ever seen. Green eyes and a hard jaw surrounded by dark scruff has me weak at the knees. Add to that messy dark hair and firm lips and I am done for.

  This man is a giant; he is every bit of six foot three inches to my own five foot two height. One side of his lips quirk up and I swear I could feel my panties getting wet. I give him a shy grin, which he takes as encouragement because he pulls me closer. He slides his big hands dusted with dark hair around my waist to span my curves, leaving not an inch of space between us.

  His body is hard and hot. I can feel every inch of him through his dark t-shirt and what little bit of clothing I am wearing. He grinds his hard length against me and even though I have nothing to compare it to, this guy feels huge! I can tell he is as turned on as I am.

  He leans down, his breath hot on my neck. "What's your name, sweetheart?" I shiver at his low, sexy voice. Not wanting to give out my real name, I tell him, "Candy."

  His deep chuckle makes something inside me clench. "I bet you are as sweet as your name." His hand slides down, toying with the hem of my skirt. "Can I have a taste?" he whispers in my ear. Without waiting for my response, he runs his tongue over the spot where my neck and shoulder meet. "Fuck." he swears. "Sweet like honey, just like I knew you would be."

  Chapter Two


  Fuck me. I'll never be able to eat honey again without thinking about this woman. I knew the minute she walked into the dark club that she wasn't one of the usual club girls. The kind that only come here to get off with any man that will buy them a drink. I leaned against the wall watching her and her friend at the bar with their drinks. I saw the other bastards in the room eyeing her like she was a drink of water and they had been in the desert for months. Tough shit, I already knew I was going to make her mine tonight.

  I can't even remember the last time a woman called to me like she does or hell, if one ever has. I know I'm a good-looking guy, don't get me wrong, I'm not arrogant about it, it just is what it is. I've dated my share of women when I was at the precinct in Chicago, but nothing serious. At 35, I started questioning things in my life, I have seen a lot of crazy shit on the force and after seeing so many gang deaths and druggies on the bad side of town, I was ready for a change.

  I called up an old buddy of mine I used to work with and he offered me a job in his little town in Georgia. I ju
mped on the chance, I'm ready for a slower pace and maybe a wife and kids. My flight got in late last night and after sleeping 'til late in the day, I decided to stretch my legs and get a drink, which is how I ended up here with my hand wrapped around the sexiest woman I have ever seen.

  As soon as I saw her and her friend move to the dance floor, I knew I had to make my move. Setting my beer on the table, I moved through the crowd until I came up to where her and her little friend were dancing on each other. One of the guys eyeing her at the bar had decided to the same thing as well, but I gave that motherfucker a look, letting him know I wasn't playing around. He raised his hands up in front of him to let me know he was backing off.

  Good. I hated to start a fight and scare the blonde beauty off, but I'll be damned if I let some idiot get his hands on her. When I moved up behind her and put my hands on her, she turned her head giving me a whiff of her scent. Damn. She smelled like sugar and honey... when she raised her eyes to mine, my decision was made. I wouldn't be leaving here tonight without her.

  With her long blonde hair sticking to the sweat on her skin and those pink lips of hers just begging for my mouth, she had no idea what those bubblegum pink lips did were doing to me. If she knew how badly I wanted those lips wrapped around my cock, this little girl would run. She gave me a shy little smile and that sealed it for her. She had her chance to run, she's mine now.

  When I asked her for her name and she whispered Candy, as cliche as it sounded, I knew I had to have a taste. And damned if her skin didn't taste just like she smelled. My cock was hard as a rock and I had to get her somewhere alone where I could get a taste of those pink lips.

  "Come with me, baby." Without giving her a chance to protest I pulled her out of the crowd and down the dimly lit hallway toward the emergency exit.

  Turning her, I eased her against the wall putting one hand next to her head I leaned down and took her lips with mine. She gasped from surprise and I took advantage of her parted lips and slid my tongue inside her mouth to tangle with hers. The little vixen whimpered and started to suck on my tongue, I almost came on the spot. Pushing my knee between her thigh I rubbed my hard body against her soft curvy one. I ran my free hand up her side to right under her breast and cupped its weight.

  I loved breasts, I guess you could call me a true tits and ass man. But her breasts were perfect. God, the things I wanted to do to her.

  Chapter Three


  I was dying. That was the only way to explain the rapture going through my body right now. This so gorgeous, he should be deadly man was slowly killing me with his lips and his tongue, and now with his big, rough hand cupping my breast, I couldn't think straight. All I could do was hold onto his shirt and try not to slide down the wall in a boneless heap. He pulled away from my lips and slowly kissed and nipped the skin along my neck, setting parts of me on fire that I never knew existed before.

  The noise of the club and the music faded away until it was only me and him and the way he was playing my body. When his mouth came to the sleeve at the top of my shoulder, he slid it down uncovering my lace and satin covered breast. Running his finger over my nipple through the thin fabric, he groaned as if in pain.

  "Fuck, Kitten, you are going to kill me with this." He leaned down taking me into his mouth and I cried out from the wet heat on my nipple. He pulled and bit on the tip and I shoved both of my hands into his hair, pulling and tugging, wanting him to stop but needing him to keep going at the same time. I had never felt these kinds of sensations before, but I knew he could have me addicted to them in no time. His mouth moved from one nipple to the other giving it the same teasing taste. "I need more." He grumbled out.

  Pulling from my breasts, he slid to his knees before me while reaching for the hem of my skirt and sliding it up my legs to reveal my matching lace underwear. I whimpered as he ran his nose along my leg to the apex of my thighs, inhaling as he went. "Damn, Kitten, these little lace panties are soaked. Is this all for me?"

  I whimpered as he slid his finger along the seem of my lips over the fabric. "Please." I begged, knowing I needed more of something. His fingers, his tongue, at this point, I was so lost in the haze of lust I didn't care which.

  "It's ok, baby, I'm going to take care of this sweet little pussy." Sliding my panties to the side he runs his tongue through my lips until he has it right against my throbbing nub. He licks and plays with my pussy like he's starving and I'm his last meal. I feel almost incoherent at this point, the tightness building low in my stomach lets me know something major is coming and I feel like whatever it is, it's just in reach, but I can't quite get to it. He slides two of his fingers inside me and I gasp at how big they are, the stretch and bite of them.

  "Fuck, I could eat this tight little pussy all day, but I need you to come for me." He slides his fingers out and then back in, stretching me and rubbing inside my walls. "Now. Come now, Kitten." He commands as he sucks hard on my nub while shoving his fingers inside me.

  I splinter, the pleasure exploding from deep inside of my body. I think I'm screaming, I can hear him groan as he licks and sucks my juices. Once the pleasure starts to ebb, I slump against the wall out of breath. He slides my panties back into place and stands while licking me off his fingers. God, he's so hot. He leans over me running his tongue along my bottom lip giving me a taste of myself.

  "I thought you were going to scream the building down, sweetheart," He chuckles against my ear. "We're going back to my place to finish this and baby, you will be able to scream all you want."

  The reminder of us being in public is like a bucket of cold water to the face. Oh, my God, what am I doing! In public, with a stranger! Oh shit, what we just did, this isn't me. I start to panic and push away from the giant while looking for Laura. I spot her at the bar getting another drink, I'm completely sober by this point. The giant behind me grabs my hand.

  "What are you doing? You're coming home with me Kitten." I pull my hand out of his, wildly shaking my head.

  "I c-can't." I stutter. A confused look crosses his face. "I have to go." I tell him.

  I turn from him and rush to Laura, grabbing her arm. "We need to go. NOW." One look at the panic on my face and she's pulling me out the door and into a cab before I can even glance back at the man that just shook up my world.

  I feel a tinge of sadness that I'll never see him again, but it's best this way.

  Chapter Four


  I've been in my new house for about a week now and I finally feel like I have settled in. The small white one story is perfect for a bachelor like me. I don't need much and I like things simple and neat... a side effect from being on the police force most of my life.

  I'm only two streets over from Troy, I feel bad that I haven't had time to get over to see him, especially since he gave me the job that brought me down here, but he knows how hectic it's been for me getting moved in and unpacked so I can start work Monday. Troy offered to help me move in but I know he has his own stuff going on, so I told him I could get it done and I agreed to have dinner at his house with him and his daughter tonight. Besides, all I had to move in was my boxes, one of the appeals of this house was that it came fully furnished and I considered that a hell of a deal.

  It won't be hardship having dinner, I'm excited to see my old buddy after all these years and plus he says his daughter is one hell of a cook. I don't remember much about his little girl, she was a toddler when he left Chicago behind. She must be in her teens by now. I know she is the light of Troy's life, the few times Troy and I have talked over the last few years she is all he talks about. I can't imagine having anyone in my life that would mean that much to me. Maybe one day. Thinking about someone long-term has an image of long blonde hair and smooth silky skin flashing in my mind.

  I can't stop thinking about the kitten from the club last weekend. I don't know what I did to scare her off but I could kick my own ass for letting her slip through my fingers. I get a sick feeling in the pit of my
stomach at the thought of never seeing her again, never tasting or touching her again. Shaking myself out of my hopeless thoughts, I look at my phone and realize it's after six. I told Troy I would be over for dinner at seven. I have just enough time to jump in the shower and get ready.

  Chapter Five


  "Jess, honey, do you need any help?" My dad asks as he walks into the kitchen.

  "No, Daddy, I'm just about done with everything." I tell him as I slide the steaks onto the tray. Dad invited his old friend over for dinner tonight and I think he's excited. I know they haven't seen each other since Dad moved us from Chicago and I think it's sweet that he's like a little kid all ready for a play date.

  "You're too good to this old man." He leans down and kisses the top of my head and I swat him with the hand towel I'm holding.

  "Dad please, you're 43, you're not that old." I taunt him.

  I love my dad so much, next to my art he is the only thing that matters to me. He gave up so much to raise me and give me the best life he could. I have a great life and I love taking care of my dad. I just feel like he has never moved on from my mom because of me. The only reason I know he has seen other women over the years is because we live in a small town and you know how small town gossip is. But he has never brought anyone home to meet me and when I ask him about those other women he just tells me he has never met anyone special enough to keep in our lives.

  Thinking about someone special has me picturing the bear of a man from the club that turned me inside out. I have never had anyone on my mind as much as this guy. For the past week, he is all I can think of, he is in my head so much that it's affecting my art. I find myself staring off into space when I should be sketching, and when I do draw, it's pictures of him, his green eyes and hard jaw are always what I picture in my mind.


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