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by L. R. Black

  When I pulled Laura out of the club the other night, she made me fess up as soon as we got in the cab. After telling her everything that happened, well, not all the good details, she then did what any best friend would do. She squealed and pulled me into a hug, telling me everything would be fine.

  I sigh to myself knowing all he will ever be is a memory. Deep inside I feel like me not being able to forget him means something. I have never been interested in dating and I don't want a relationship like all the other girls I know do. I watched so many girls in my high school falling all over boys that would use them and then cast them aside for the next girl. I refused to play the games those girls did.

  I have no time for boys, I think that's the difference though, he wasn't a boy, he was all man. I regret running off, but I was afraid of the things he made me feel, the way I lost myself in him. It's done and over with now, so there's no point rehashing it over and over in my head. I focus instead on taking all the food to the table, I decided to fix a meal good enough to feed two grown men. Steaks loaded with baked potatoes, salad, homemade rolls, and chocolate cheesecake for dessert should be enough to satisfy my dad and his friend.

  After dinner, I plan on leaving the men to their evening and trying to get some drawing done. I'm trying to build up my portfolio enough to use for clients. I want to do freelance design and art so bad I can taste it. It's always been my dream in life to share my art with others and maybe make a living off it at the same time. Which is why I must stay focused one hundred percent on making my dream a reality.

  I hear a truck pull into my driveway and Dad calls out to me from the living room, "Callum's here."

  I set the basket of rolls on the table and go back for the steaks in the kitchen. I walk back into the dining room and can hear male voices in the hallway coming closer. My dad walks into the room talking to the man behind him.

  "Jess, sweetie, come meet Callum." I look up and almost drop the glass dish I am holding. I freeze in shock. There is no way that this is happening to me. Callum, my dad's old friend, the man that is going to be living in our town and working with Dad... is the man from the other night! The man I never thought I would see again, is standing in my home beside my dad. Oh shit, this is going to be bad.

  Chapter Six


  I make it to Troy's house at about seven and he meets me at the door with a manly hug, clapping me on the back. It's so good to finally see him again.

  "Man, look at you," He says, "It's like a blast from the fucking past."

  "Hell, you too man, it's been way too long. Shit, look at you, old man." I laugh.

  "Shut up, asshole." Troy tells me while laughing. "It really is good to see you. I'm glad you wizened up and took me up on my offer to get the hell out of Chicago."

  "Yeah, man, I really appreciate the offer. It was time for a change."

  Troy laughs. "Come on in, Cal. Come meet my girl, Jess, you're gonna love her." He closes the front door behind us and I follow him down the hallway while we banter back and forth like old times. "Bet all those women at the precinct were heartbroken to see you go." He jokes.

  "Nah, man, it wasn't even like that." I laugh as we walk into the dining room. I look away from Troy and my entire world comes to a stop as I lay eyes on what I am sure is a mirage. My breath freezes in my throat as I take in the blond bombshell across the room from us. Fuck me. It's the girl from the club, the one whose taste is still on my tongue.

  I hear Troy saying something to her and I jerk out of my daze. He's telling her to come over and meet me. She's standing at the table frozen shock, staring at me with her lips slightly open. She glances down to the dish in her hands and sets it on the table.

  Then she is walking to towards me, my kitten. I take her in as she stops in front of me. The way she has her golden hair pulled to the side and slipping over her shoulder, brushing over the breast that I had in my mouth. She has on a little peach dress with a white button up shirt that ends in a pleated skirt that almost touches her knees. Very innocent but naughty at the same time, maybe it's because I know what the fuck is under those clothes and exactly what it tastes like. I'm pulled from my dirty thoughts by Troy.

  "Jess, sweetheart, this is my old buddy Callum and Callum this is my girl, Jess, the light of my life." He grins while wrapping his arm around her shoulder and squeezing her to him. All I want to do is knock his arm from her and pull her to me, I don't even want her father touching what's mine. Oh, shit, I realize, I am so fucked. "Stop Dad, you're trying to embarrass me." Troy just laughs. I realize I better say something before he wonders what's wrong with me.

  I hold my hand out to her. "Hi Jess, it's nice to meet you. Your Dad talks about you all the time." She slides her small hand into mine and I swear I get a jolt. Her little hand is trembling in my hold, I can tell she is nervous, scared even. She's probably afraid I will say something to Troy about us.

  "It's good to meet you too." She shyly says to me. A blush slides over her cheeks and I tighten my grip on her hand when she starts to pull it away. "I can't wait to get you know you better." I tell her with a warning in my voice, letting her know what we started in that darkened hallway isn't over.

  As we sit down to dinner, her dad is at the head of the table and I'm right across from her. All I can think about is grabbing her by the waist and laying her across the table and eating her for dinner. She looks so different than she did the last time I saw her. She looks even more innocent than she did that night. Then something dawns on me, something her father said in the hallway, Jess just celebrated her birthday, her 19th birthday. We were in a 21 club the other night, so I assumed she was older than 21, but she is 19 to my 35 and the daughter of my longtime friend. I am so fucked.

  Chapter Seven


  I sit across from Callum calmly eating my dinner, when I am anything but calm on the inside. I am surprised I'm not completely shaking on the outside. I listen to Callum and my dad talk and laugh and tell old stories as we eat. Callum can't keep his eyes off me though and I'm just waiting on my dad to realize there is an undercurrent between us. I never expected to cross paths with this man again and if it wouldn't alert my dad to an issue, I would run from this table right now. The last thing I want to have to explain to my father is how I met Callum in a club I wasn't supposed to be in, on a night I was supposed to be watching movies and staying the over with Laura for my birthday.

  I hope Callum keeps quiet and just lets the other night go. From the looks he is giving me, I'm afraid he has other things in mind. Why does he have to be so gorgeous? As we finish up dinner and I serve dessert my dad beams at me.

  "How did you like dinner, Callum? I swear my Jess is the best cook there is." Dad praises me and I blush again. Before I can tell my dad to stop, Callum looks at my dad. "That was the best meal I have had in a while." He looks at me the whole time he is talking.

  "Just wait until you taste her dessert." My dad proudly says.

  "I bet her dessert is as good as the one I had last weekend, I bet it tastes as good as candy." He licks his bottom lip watching me. Oh shit, he is talking about me.

  I knew lying about my name would come back to bite me in the ass. I decide to skip out on dessert and start cleaning up the dishes so I can go hide in my room. "Jess honey, leave those dishes. You cooked, I'm sure Callum won't mind helping me clear the table."

  "It's ok, Dad, I've got it and besides Callum is a guest."

  "Okay, honey, if you're sure. I know you want to get back to work."

  "Callum, you should see her art. It's amazing. You'll have to get her to show it to you sometime." My dad brags on me.

  "Oh, I bet," Says Callum, "Sounds like Jess is a woman of many talents." Callum smiles at me and I know those words have a double meaning.

  After I finish clearing the table, I say goodnight to the men. Callum makes me promise to show him my sketches next time he is over. I reluctantly agree, knowing he is up to something. I haven't known this man long enough
to know his mind but he has a look in those green eyes that spells out trouble for me.

  "Callum, I'll go get us some coffee from the kitchen so we can finish catching up." I hear my dad tell him as I walk out of the dining room. Once I'm in my room, I realize I left my bag with my sketch pad in it on the couch in the living room.

  I head out of my room to get it and slam into a brick wall or what feels likes one. The smell of man and pine wraps around me and tells me instantly that it's Callum and he has his hands on my arms. I look up at him and gasp at the hunger in his eyes.

  "What are you doing out here?" I whisper in an urgent tone.

  "I told your dad I had to use the restroom." He grins at me and I just know he lied to my dad.

  "You can't be around me. My daddy can't find out what happened between us."

  "Don't worry, Kitten, we won't tell him until the time is right."

  He has obviously lost his mind! "Are you crazy?! Do you have any idea what my daddy will do to you? And what do you mean when the time is right? There is no reason for him to know about the mistake we made."

  "Oh, Kitten, mark my words, what happened between us was no mistake and it will happen again, in fact I have much more planned for us." He pushes me up against the wall next to my bedroom door. Putting his mouth next to my ear he whispers. "Just so you know for the future. The only man you will be calling Daddy is me, while I'm buried deep inside of you."

  My God, this man is certifiably crazy. Why does his dirty talk make me wet?

  Chapter Eight


  It’s taking every bit of restraint I have not to take her right up against this wall with her dad in the next room. Fuck. I can't do this here. I don't want to scare her off, but she needs to know the way things between us are going to play out. She needs to know there is no way she will ever be able to get away from me.

  "Kitten, you're mine, you might as well get used to the idea of us, because there is no way in hell you are getting away from me now. Not after I have had a taste of that pussy."

  She starts to squirm against my hold, my hands holding her arms to the wall. "Let me go." she pleads. "We can't do this here." My cock hardens at the implication that she wants this, just not here where we could be caught by my old friend. I know she probably thinks this is moving too fast and that I am out of my mind, hell I may be, but what she wants is a moot point. She should have thought of that shit before she let me touch her the first time.

  All her fighting is doing is rubbing that hot little body against me. I take my hand from her arm and firmly but gently grasp her chin. She immediately stops her struggles and my cock mourns the loss of friction from her body. Now, that I have her full attention.

  "There are two ways this can go, Kitten, and I promise you they will both have the same outcome." I tell her. "You can either stop fighting me and accept this connection between us or I can take you in the other room and go ahead and tell your father what happened between us. No matter which choice you make, in the end you are mine and nobody and nothing is going to change that."

  "Are you out of your mind?!" She hisses at me. My little kitten has claws. Fuck, it doesn't matter if she is spitting at me or purring, she makes my dick hard either way. I wait patiently for her decision. "What's it going to be, Kitten?"

  "Fine." She huffs. She's so fucking cute. "My dad can't know about us."

  "Oh, Kitten, he will know eventually. How soon all depends on how well you behave. Now, be a good little kitty and give Daddy a kiss before Troy starts to wonder why I've been in the bathroom so long."

  She leans in and gives me a sweet little peck on the lips. "Hell no, Kitten. None of that half-ass shit. When I tell you to kiss me you do it the right way or else I'll bend you over my knee and spank your little ass." Her eyes dilate and her cheeks flush. Hell, yeah, my girl loves the thought of my hand on her ass. She'll be feeling it before too much longer. I don't know how long I can keep this from Troy, I owe it to him to be straight with him. Even if he uses that special ops training on my ass.

  Jess leans in and presses her lips to mine, I can tell she is new to this and I can't wait to teach her how to please me. I take over the kiss, pushing my tongue past her lips and stealing her breath in the process. I slide my right hand up into her hair gripping the strands, causing her head to tilt back. I fuck her mouth with my tongue like my cock is dying to do to her tight little pussy. She whimpers into my mouth and my dick jumps inside my jeans, dying to get out and play. Sorry, boy, not tonight.

  I take my free hand and slide it up her thigh underneath her skirt to that perfect V between her legs. My new favorite place. I can tell she has on a little pair of cotton panties and damn if that doesn't make her even hotter. I can feel the wet spot on her panties. I press up until I can feel her nub, already hard and waiting for me. She pulls away from our kiss and lays her head back against the wall causing a small thud sound. "Ssh, Kitten, you have to be quiet. You don't want to get caught with my hand on your sweet little clit." I whisper into her ear and I swear that wet spot on her panties gets bigger.

  She's panting hard now, her breath hot against my neck. "You need to come, don't you baby?" She nods her head in agreement and I would love nothing more than to drag her orgasm out, but there is no time. Using two of my fingers I rub her pussy harder, pressing on her clit and circling it at the same time. I can tell she is almost there, she just needs that extra push to take her over the edge.

  "Let go, Kitten, let Daddy have it all baby." I wrap my hand around her throat and gently squeeze while rubbing hard on her nub at the same time. She cums, her juices soaking her panties and I cover her mouth with mine, stopping the scream she is about to let out. I keep my hand over her pussy as she cums. When she finally comes down from the high, she slumps against the wall like a rag doll, my arms the only thing keeping her from sliding to the floor.

  I kiss her forehead gently while wiping her hair away from her face. She's covered in perspiration. I lift her up and she wraps her legs around my waist while laying her head on my shoulder. My poor girl is drained. I quietly carry her into her room and lay her on her bed. Her eyes droop as I pull the blanket up around her and she is almost asleep when I lean down and softly kiss her lips. "Goodnight, Kitten."

  I exit her room and gently pull the door to behind me so I don't wake her. I stop and talk to her dad for a bit. Explaining that she stopped me in the hall to show me a couple of her sketches. I thought he would be suspicious, but he didn't have a clue. It doesn't matter who knows. She's mine.

  Chapter Nine


  It's been a few days since I have seen Callum. From what I hear from my father he is settling in to our town and his new job on the force well. I haven't been into town lately, but I'm sure the gossip is all abuzz about the hot new cop that moved into town. After dinner, the other night and our intense and dirty run-in in the hallway outside of my room, I really needed some space to get my head on straight. I would love nothing more than to let Callum do all the filthy things that come out of his mouth to me, but there are too many important things standing in our way.

  My dad being the major issue, he has such high hopes for me and I could not live with myself if I let him down. The morning after dinner with Dad and Callum, the first thing I did was call Laura. After squealing in my ear, she demanded all the details from our "reunion" as she called it. I told her about Callum showing up at dinner and about our little tryst in my hallway, but I didn't tell her all the details. Some things I wanted to keep to myself, I felt like those things we said to each other were private and in a way, it was a little bit of a thrill to have a few naughty secrets between Callum and I.

  My dad still has no idea that Callum and I are anything but acquaintances and I want to keep it that way. Dad is working the night shift tonight so I will be home by myself. It's still early evening and I want to take advantage of what sunlight there is left in the day and do a few sketches out in the garden.

  I throw together
a sandwich, grab a bottle of water, my sketch pad and pencils and head out into the backyard. We have a small garden in the back corner of our yard that is sectioned off from our neighbors by a tall privacy fence. In the middle of the garden, my dad built a small rock pond with a few Koi fish in it. This garden is one of my favorite places, my own little haven.

  I loved the park growing up, dragging Dad to it every chance I got until I was old enough to go on my own. Nature is one of the many things I love to draw. I think that's why he decided to create this garden for me. We worked on it together one summer, planting a multitude of colorful flowers and bushes. Most days I spend back here now instead of going to the park.

  I settle on the soft green grass beside the pond and decide to sketch the Koi fish as they swim around each other. The way the sun reflects off their gold and orange scales as they glide through the water and circle each other. I'm not sure how long I sit here by the pond working on sketch after sketch, lost in my mind and letting my thoughts drift surrounded by the peaceful atmosphere. I start as I hear the wooden gate to the back-yard creak open, I know it's not my dad since he is at work and Laura is at home since her parents made one of their rare visits home this week. There is only one other person I could think of that would show up here unannounced and I'm proven correct in my assumption as I see Callum walk around the side of the garden and come to a stop under the white lattice archway.

  I stay seated on the ground looking up at him. He's dressed in his uniform and I have never been envious of clothing like I am in this moment. His dark blue button down shirt that all the officers wear is molded to his rock-hard chest, the fabric stretching and caressing his shoulders and stomach. His arms are crossed over his chest as he stands there watching me like I'm his prey. In this moment, I feel like I'm being stalked and he is the predator.


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