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Red World Trilogy

Page 121

by V. A. Jeffrey

  Petra (Petrites) - A tribe that lives in the North Lands. At times they war with the Ostrites.

  Pirvuk - A land bordering Oshen on the east, just outside of the Great Ridge, it has fallen under the rule of the vast Ruthenian Khaganate.

  Qutanese – People of the far eastern mountain top kingdom of Qutan.

  Raea (Raeanites) - A powerful and large tribe in western Hybron. Inhabit the town of Rhe.

  Rur (Land of the Rurrians or the Rurriana) - It is a large kingdom and land of grassy steppes east of Zapulia. Some Rurrians have migrated over the years to Hybron and with them brought a form of entertainment called 'theater'.

  Shirpul – Major tongue spoken in Hybron. Most in Zapulia speak Shirpul. It is the main tongue of Zapulia. Shirpul borrows heavily from Alharan, Jili and Ificya.

  Sons of the Mountain (See Ostrites) - An offshoot and related tribe of the Ostrites who followed their forefather who broke off from his kin from worshiping their gods and began following Airend-Ur. They are also called Lower Ostrites because they moved south from the far north snow plains, the ancestral home of the Ostrites and other northern tribes.

  Strab (Strabian) - One of the major tribes of the Middle Land kingdoms, after the Age of Empires, some of the shaikhs fell away from the worship of the First Pillar and turned to worship the moon goddesses and other gods of night and darkness. Later, most of them would follow this path. They moved southward to Egi and took up residence and through machinations took over the land and began ruling it. They, too, carry the Reshaim bloodline.

  Ulu – Official tongue spoken in Jura.

  Volgur - A land under the Rurriana khaganates.

  Ysen (Ysennish) - A kingdom and its people that reside in the Great Ridge Lands.


  Months of the Year

  Aiphaz (September)

  Udipaz (October)

  Chipaz (November)

  Kiphaz (December)

  Lali (January)

  Nali (February)

  Zali (March)

  Din (April)

  Sin (May)

  Pin (June)

  Zin (July)

  Yin (August)


  Names of Characters

  A, B

  Abgaron – A dragon, son of Garon (Turok). Also known as Tuvorok.

  Abulom - Prophet of the moon goddess, Elyshe

  Airend-Ur – Supreme God, the First Pillar, the One who created all things. Lord of the Deep Heavens

  Alin – One of Teraht’s twin sons. The elder twin.

  Amat – Arena master in Jhis. An Egi native.

  Anet (Anetaliat) – A little girl fostered by the Scions of the Citadel. Anet is the daughter of noble families, Egian on her mother’s side and Hybronian on her father’s side. She is a seer and visionary and grows up to become a desert prophetess.

  Aquillus – Rabshekah, cupbearer and chief palace official. Deceased.

  Bakku – A former temple scribe who worked under the old Kushigyar. A political schemer who works as a royal messenger for the king. Has connections in Egium.

  Baldric - King of Dyrland.

  Baudolino Polo II - Current patriarch of the Polo family, White Alchemist, widowed, has a great nephew who is a sailor named Oratio Ervetus. Oratio is the grandson of one of Baudolino's sisters, who is deceased. He is also cousin to Vinculus, another great-nephew of Baudolino and a grandson to one of Baudolino's sisters living in Corela.

  Berenice – The leader and Mother at the Citadel in Gamina. She is the foremost healer of the Citadel and in Hybron and is a minor seer.

  Betal - Sister of Lord Hasor. Youngest daughter of Lady Ketmal.


  Caina – King Khalit’s herald.

  Caius – a Gilphaen tribesman and Mercenary.

  Caullas – An official from Galieh.

  Cimbri - Queen-Consort of King Baldric.

  Culyma (Lady Culyma) - High priestess of the temple of Nimnet and astrologer to Queen Taliat.


  Dahlan – The last Red King before the Dark Age.

  Dahlan Ka Rajek – Former elder chief shaikh of the Karig. Deceased at the age of one hundred-forty. Great grand-father of King Khalit Ka Dahlan. Distant descendant of the Red Kings.

  Dana – Fish goddess of Zapulia.

  Demos – A young scribe from a wealthy family sympathetic to the Old Ways who secretly works with Ilim and Eliaz.

  Demostus – Demos’s father, a wealthy textile merchant who married into minor nobility.

  Diti Nutal – The former queen of Hybron and queen consort of King Khalit. Cast aside because she did not bear children, her title was downgraded to The Most Honored Lady Diti. Assassinated by the new queen.

  E, F

  Eilannat (Lady Eilannat) – Queen Taliat’s mother.

  Eliaz – A temple Ainash scribe.

  Enira - Baudolino's sister, Lomarco's wife.

  Erdeth – Captain of a merchant ship in Zapulia.

  Erol (Lord Erol Motudar) - A Black Alchemist and royal alchemist of King Teraht, Master Alchemist of the Society of the Black Guild of Thaumaturgists and Alchemists of Egium. Working with Teraht while he presided as Lord-Chieftain of Egi in Yilphaeus, he created a false star-sword for King Teraht to counter-act the true prophecy.

  Fredriko Polo - One of Baudolino's brothers. The next eldest brother.

  Fricka – Gray messenger cat of Queen Diti.


  Garon – See Turok.

  Garu – An old Ainash priest, part of the noble and priestly council of the Golden Temple.

  Gelgud (the sojourner) - Egian and Hybronian god of travelers and pilgrims.

  Gikunda-giki – Dragon son of Lumu, from Jurite and Makebite religion and legends.


  Harech – Regular patron of Marashiah’s tavern.

  Hari – Third wife and sister of Hec.

  Hasor of Hazad (Lord Hasor Hazad) – Kaisha’s husband, only son of Lady Ketmal, second eldest of her children and Lord of the House of Hazad. House of Hazad was an old and respected noble house in northern Hybron.

  Hec – Sun god in Hybron.

  Helia – Second wife and sister of Hec.

  Helus – Evil brother of Hec, god of the dark fires to heathens.

  Heros – Brother of Hec and forger of weapons.

  Hetar – Queen of the sun, Hec’s first wife and sister.

  Old Hildwylla - Idwil's great-grandmother and a seer.

  Hinurayu – Brother of Hec, singer and musician of lays and dirges and songs of battle and glory.


  Idwil (Lady Idwil) - Wife of the Great Thane Uwain and Lady of Grunhold. Great grand-daughter of Old Hildwylla.

  Igun Tybbl-Awat – One of the most powerful nobles, a former kushiman who hated King Khalit. Father to Silam the High Priest. Tybbl-Awat is an old noble name and priestly family that goes back to the Veiled Time. An ancient family.

  Ilim Gulin na-Shayin – Ainash priest and prophet. From an old and revered priestly family, the Shayin. The Shayin family line died out with Ilim, the last of that line. He later rejected the corruption of the Golden Temple and was appointed by The First Pillar to prophesy the doom of Jhis and Hybron and the coming of the Red King.

  Izingu – A book in the Aishanna named after the Makebite scribe who penned it.

  Ina – One of Senetta’s servants. She runs Senetta’s House and is in charge of the domestic affairs there.

  Injol – A dakhmin from the village of Gorokai in Egi, of Gilphaen origin. His true name is Jalon ni Dulon (Jalon, son of Dulon.)

  Ioltoslav - A former slave of a Black Alchemist. Originally from Rurria.

  Isetu – Egian god of wealth.

  K, L

  Khalit Ka Dahlan (Also Khalit-Aisu) – Great grandson of elder Dahlan Ka Rajek. King of Hybron, a barbarian king who did not ascend to power but took it from the lords of the city-state government of Jhis and then took over the other city-states and consolidated all of them under his rule. He is of the powerful Karig

  Kelamm – Ancient holy prophet.

  Keshi ‘i Dalaz – Elder and a shaikh of the Raea tribe. Deceased.

  Ketmal of Hazad (Lady Ketmal) – Kaisha’s mother-in-law, Lady of the House of Hazad.

  Kufun (King Kufun I) – King of Jura.

  Kufun II (King Kufun II) - Son of King Kufun I.

  Lia - A young girl, seven years old, first given in infancy to the temple of Hetar to be raised as a priestess. She, like Anet, is an adept, a visionary dreamer. Her father is Ochorus, a Hatchet Man. Her mother is unknown.

  Lomarco Getti - Baudolino's brother-in-law.

  Lumu – An evil god or demon in Jurite and Makebite religion and lore.

  Luna - Fredriko Polo's wife.

  Luz – A friend of Ochorus, a thief. Eventually befriends Rhajit and Rapheth.


  Makset (Lady Makset) - Egian noblewoman and spy for the Black Guild.

  Marashiah-Degar – Tavern owner in Rhuctium.

  Mariamne - Marco Polo's wife.

  Marco Polo - One of Baudolino's brothers

  Medella – Ancient Aishanna-La desert prophetess. The book in the Holy Aishanna with her name was penned by the scribe Lur.

  Millidred - Uwain and Idwil's daughter and first born child.

  Milukem – Ancient fabled black sailor and godly hero and scourge of South Land pirates.

  Mina (Lady Mina) - The High Priestess of Hetar's temple. Later the High Priestess of Nimnet's temple in Egi.

  Moraven - A young scout and warrior under Uwain.

  Moteth - Egian god of the dead and the underworld.

  Mytal – A friendly drunk who helps Demos find Senetta’s house.

  N, O, P

  Netaliat (Lady Netaliat or Lady Anetaliat) – Anet’s mother and a noble woman of the House of Seht. Elder sister of Eilannat. Also called Anetaliat. Deceased. Her father, a nobleman from Hybron, is also deceased.

  Nasim – a young man of the Raea tribe, great-nephew of Keshi’i.

  Nisrok – Egian crocodile god, god of the Mowret whose sons are the crocodiles. Also called lord of the leviathans.

  Norda – Older woman, friend to Queen Diti and lady of the court during the reign of King Khalit. From the Great Ridge Lands. Deceased.

  Ochorus – A head Hatchet Man for the Ainash and spy for the queen who switches loyalties from the queen’s and the Ainash's employ to Zarhaz's employ. Dies trying to rescue his daughter at the temple of Nimnet.

  Putuale - The young queen of King Teraht, later queen of Zapulia.

  Q, R

  Rafka – (See Rapheth) Nickname of Khalit and Taliat’s baby son, Rapheth. The future Red King.

  Rapheth - (See Rafka) Prince of Hybron. In hiding. Son of King Khalit and Queen Taliat. Of the Reshaim blood through his Father and Mother. The future Red King of Hybron. The holy warrior and king of the prophecies in the Holy Aishanna who will bring peace to Hybron and Zapulia, wipe out corruption and unite all things unto the First Pillar.

  Remu - One of Teraht's twin sons. The younger twin.

  Rhajit Ka Mahaj (Rhajit the Ram) - Mercenary, tribesman that left the old ways. Later became a trusted servant and close friend of the Red King.

  Ruz – Eunuch of the court of King Khalit. Guards the concubines.


  Salayma – A minor concubine of King Khalit. Deceased.

  Samje – One of Lady Senetta’s servants.

  Saujiah – Desert holy man, like Nagilla, an angelic being sent from God to carry out His work on Chialis. Saujiah has taken the form of a Jurite.

  Sawda (Lady Sawda) – an Egian alchemist, also called a witch by less charitable people, famous for her love potions and longevity potions. The title 'lady' was given to her as an honorific because of her wealth and popularity among the people.

  Seena – A prostitute.

  Sejano Polo- The youngest brother of Baudolino.

  Senetta – A former prostitute of one of the Night Market brothels. Now a powerful madam who owns her own brothel inYilphaeus named Senetta’s House.

  Setimet – Queen Taliat’s closest servant and confidant.

  Silam Tybbl-Awat – High Priest of the Golden Temple, son of Lord Igun Tybble-Awat.

  Shishak na Shushim son of Shushim – Ainash temple priest.

  Sollus – (See Hec) Sun god, northern and western equivalent to Hec but called by the name Sollus in the Great Ridge Lands.


  Taliat Seht– The new queen of Hybron, titles: Her Greatness and Most Serene Queen.

  Tasi – Zapulian serpent goddess, feasts on human flesh. She is a Zapulian version of the deity worshipped in Egi, Elyshe mother of Nimnet. Tasi has a male consort, Teche.

  Teman Ka’ Buruz son of Nihom – Head Ainash scribe, friend of Shishak.

  Tenan Seht – Queen Taliat’s father, the former vassal and Lord-Chieftain of Egi, resided in Egium. Deceased.

  Teraht Seht – Younger brother to Lord-Chieftain Tenan and uncle to Queen Taliat. Became Lord-Chieftain of Egi after his brother's death later and King of Egi and Hybron after Queen Taliat's death.

  Turok – Storm god. Also known as Garon in the north. Has a dragon son named Abgaron who lives in the Llordis Sea. He had an older dragon son, now slain, named Kivorok. Has been known to reside near the Gaspa Sea in ancient times.

  Tryga – One of Queen Taliat’s maidservants. Deceased.

  U, V

  Ulthi-Nahkteht Ut– A corrupt Egian alchemist who bought Demos as a slave. He is part of the secretive and dangerous Society of the Black Guild of Thaumaturgists and Alchemists of Egium.

  Uwain – A warrior of Queen Diti’s personal guard. Later the king's Thane in Dyrland, also known as the Great Thane, and a chieftain of his people. Of the Eostur tribe and family name. Husband of Lady Idwil.

  Vala – Black messenger cat of queen Taliat.


  Yadua – A mute servant of Queen Taliat. She had a very beautiful voice and it upset her mistress, Lady Taliat. She was tortured and her tongue was cut out.

  Yarlaam – Heathen prophet of old. Preached against the materialism and greed and the increasing lawlessness in northern Hybron centuries ago, at the beginning of the Age of theTwilight Kingdoms.

  Yemi – Explorer from Funda.

  Yisal - Eldest child of Lady Ketmal and sister to Lord Hasor of the House of Hazad. Widowed.

  Yiya - Consort of Yukti, she is the goddess of serenity and light.

  Yukti - The god of learning and enlightenment. A local god of Hybron. The city of Rhuctium is consecrated to him.


  Zarammalech – Rabshekah, cupbearer, in this instance chief prince or palace official. Deceased.

  Zarhaz – A priest of the Ainash who begins bucking the establishment.

  Zigal - Personal and trusted servant of Queen Diti. Came with the queen from the citadel in Gamina and is also a scion of the Desert Mothers. Later escaped with the king's son, saving him from murder. Raised Rapheth as her own son, aware of the prophecy surrounding him.


  The Scions of the Citadel (also known as Scions of the Desert Mothers)

  They are the spiritual descendants of the Desert Mothers and prophetesses of long ago.

  Berenice – Mother and leader of the citadel. Runs the citadel and is the spiritual leader in Gamina of the old faith of the Aishanna-La. A powerful healer and a minor seer.

  Zipporah – Head midwife

  Iddina - One of the instructors of history

  Sorrell – Apprentice to Matha the Head herbalist

  Anet - Orphan student at the citadel with great talents as a seer and prophetess. Later, a desert prophetess appointed by God.

  Kaisha - Orphan student at the citadel, later becomes a noblewoman by marriage. Also an accomplished midwife.

  Maia - Midwife

  Helga – Head Reading and letters, history and religion instructor

  Matha – Head herbalist and apothecary of the citadel

  Carisse - Religion instructor and healerr />
  Nirka - Student, later emissary

  Nitara – Student, later language and math instructor.

  Ava - Student, later a scribe

  Yusanna - Small orphan girl

  Peninah - Cook

  Medeah - Head cook

  Olimah - Seamstress

  Irtal - Student

  Tala – Masseusse

  Semmarah – Warrior

  Odwyn - Warrior

  Lita – Warrior. Deceased.

  There are also various unnamed scions who work and live at the citadel.


  Sayings, Words and Titles

  Figures of speech, unfamiliar words and titles


  Ahaifa – “Bless you, or blessings to you”; a salutation, a greeting.

  Aich – Example: "Darn it!" An expression of exasperation.

  Ai – Example: "Oh no!" Exclamation of surprise, usually unpleasant.

  Aishanna - The holy book of the Aishanna-La people.

  Aisu – An honorific denoting divine authority, rulership or status that has been handed down directly from a divine source; to be first blessed by the gods before anyone else – something being blessed by a god. Example: Khalit-Aisu, “King by God’s Hand” or “First King”.

  Alchemy - A profession that covers many disciplines. It is known as Science to all people on the planet Earth, a body of knowledge itself, of the type that can be logically explained and applied in a reliable manner. There are two major branches of Alchemy, physical alchemy and occultic alchemy. Within these two branches there are three disciplines: White, Gold and Black. Only those of Black Alchemy practice the occult.

  Arak - A spiced liquor.

  Ascerbinum – A slow acting poison.

  Asp of Assenna - A plant and flower used in the Middle Kingdoms to make blue dye. Rare.

  Auroch – Ancient wild bull/cattle, far larger and more aggressive than the normal, domesticated breeds. Became extinct on Chialis centuries after the Age of the Twilight Kingdoms.


  Blood Mordus - Huge, flesh-eating ferns that usually eat large animals and humans.

  Baga – A small creature, part mammal and part reptilian that mainly comes out at night or dusk. It is skittish and avoids contact with other creatures, easily frightened. It is ugly, looking, like a cross between a opossum and an iguana. Plays dead or runs and hides when threatened. Feeds on insects or the eggs of other animals.


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