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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

Page 37

by Theodora Lau

  5 p.m. to 7 p.m. = Hours of the Rooster

  With the Rooster ruling your birth time, you could be a preachy Dog who always has the “right” point of view. Sometimes you tend to preach more than you practice. You are very analytical and capable of achieving your goals, but you tend to investigate and contemplate too long before you act. Conservative and cautious, you can be domineering, but people are still sufficiently impressed with your credentials to believe in your ideas. Industrious, devoted, and extremely supportive, you have no qualms about fighting for what you believe in and defending your territory.

  7 p.m. to 9 p.m. = Hours of the Dog

  Having both your ascendant and birth sign under the auspices of the faithful Dog could make you ultradefensive and ever alert. You are on the lookout for causes to fight for, wrongs to right, and lost lambs to save. This is in addition to all your other self-appointed duties in life, such as guarding hearth and home. You have a big heart and an honest nature. But let’s face it: at times you can be a totally committed revolutionary. You will always stand your ground, and you never leave your post or surrender anything that is yours. No matter how docile or harmless you may appear, people should be warned that you will bite as well as bark.

  9 p.m. to 11 p.m. = Hours of the Boar

  With the passionate Pig ruling your birth hours, you could be a burly, sensuous, emotionally charged Dog. The Boar is sociable and capable of excess, whereas the Dog is fearless in censoring others who step out of line. You tend to worry more about the welfare of others than your own. But then, as the Chinese proverb goes: “One who secures the good of others has already secured his own.” You will never be without people who love you and will care for you in good times and bad.

  When Moon Signs Meet Sun Signs

  In our interpretation of Chinese horoscopes, the first lunar sign, the Rat, is not linked with the first Western astrological sun sign, Aries. Instead, we pair the Rat with its Western counterpart based on the month and season of the Rat, which are December and winter. This makes the most sense, as the lunar month of December (also called the Twelfth Moon or the Twelfth Earth Branch) is supposed to parallel the sun sign Sagittarius, the Archer. We envision the Eastern and Western horoscope cycles as two large wheels, each with twelve spokes. To correctly juxtapose these cycles, we must find the matching notch that will join them together. Once the Rat and Sagittarius are paired as the first signs, the other eleven signs of both systems fall into place.

  Following are the twelve Western solar signs, with descriptions of each sign’s effect on the Dog born under that sign.

  Sagittarius: November 22 to December 21

  Sagittarius Dog = Fire + Positive Metal

  This combination produces playful, adventurous, yet respectable Dogs. Swift, open, and sincere, they will be well-liked for their considerate ways and sensible outlook. They are informal, warmly personal, and always ready with a helping hand and a kind word. Although they are well-spoken and well-mannered, they are also realistic people who respond quickly to situations and will show their feelings without pretense. A notable keeper of confidences, he or she rarely squirms or falters under pressure. This solar-lunar union produces an expansive and thoughtful personality.

  Capricorn: December 22 to January 20

  Capricorn Dog = Earth + Positive Metal

  The Capricorn Dog is likely to be generous and benevolent but also given to careful and systematic rituals. Things must be done in the correct sequence and with the right priorities. These neighborly souls attach a great deal of importance to the welfare of their family and are lovers of all humanity. However, the Mountain Goat should be able to help them watch out for themselves, so that these Dogs will be moderates who look after their own interests without appearing selfish or greedy. With the Dog’s reason and fairness, Capricorn is less stubborn. But these people will remain true to themselves above all. When faced with having to make a stand on a controversial issue, you can be sure they will be more accurate than kind.

  Aquarius: January 21 to February 19

  Aquarius Dog = Air + Positive Metal

  The strongly individualistic Dog is made more changeable, adaptable, and daring by the Water Carrier’s sign. Invariably rich in humor, they never refuse to give others help or good advice. When dark clouds gather, this person is a crusader in the truest sense of the word. Blessed with a generous heart, they are givers. Yet they never stay in one place long enough for the grass to grow under their feet, and although they are never intolerant, they do not have many intimate relationships, either. They may become rather absent-minded when they wrap themselves up in their ideas and causes. Because they are always ready to be involved in a new issue, they tend to neglect the old camp for the new. An expert at instigating reforms, they are very broad-minded and will never condemn anything without trying it first.

  Pisces: February 20 to March 20

  Pisces Dog = Water + Positive Metal

  This East-West combination produces a brave and astute personality. Because the Fish makes the Dog much less defensive and vigilant, the Piscean Dog will not be combative or too aggressive. They prefer security, serenity, and comfort, and although they remain attentive to the needs of others, their own interests may come first. Lovely and disconcertingly attractive in their retiring way, these restive Dogs are quite happy with the Fish’s deep understanding of the inner self. They are therefore less interested in external conflict. They faithfully do their duty, but they pride themselves on minding their own business. Gifted with foresight and the ability to put things in their proper perspective, Piscean Dogs know themselves well.

  Aries: March 21 to April 19

  Aries Dog = Fire + Positive Metal

  A poised, determined, and dedicated personality, the Aries Dog walks with confidence and a head held high. This warm-hearted and vivacious person will be noted for refreshing frankness and will be sincere but never offensive. Aries Dogs could be real troopers when called upon to make sacrifices, as they will seek emotional and spiritual fulfillment over material benefits. They will also excel as leaders because of their noble and selfless ways. The Ram is full of drive and initiative, so the cynical Dog will bounce back quickly after disappointments. Aries Dogs will be a driving force in matters that need their brand of realism and focus.

  Taurus: April 20 to May 20

  Taurus Dog = Earth + Positive Metal

  The Taurean Dog is a cautious and stable character. Subscribing to the notion of “live and let live,” they will not trample on your rights if you do not trample on theirs. They are easy to be with and will do their best to make you relax in their company. The Bull is more physical than mental, while the Dog is loyal and generous to others. Together, they form a frank and honest person blessed with endurance and warmth who is never so committed to their own ideas that they won’t stop and consider another’s point of view. Positive, active, and cheerful, they will try their best to please while sensibly looking out for their own interests as well. Realistic and traditional, they will not take to changes in their routine or anything unconventional.

  Gemini: May 21 to June 21

  Gemini Dog = Air + Positive Metal

  This East-West combination produces a Dog of rapid movement and a multitude of talents. Blessed with star quality, this personality could be an excellent entertainer, as he or she will project a natural and likable image to the public. Gemini’s mercurial spirit quickly adapts to changes and is easily sparked by enthusiasm and excitement. At times, this native seems to have a dual personality: the Dog is appealing in his or her honesty and kindheartedness, while the Twins tend to be super-optimistic daredevils who won’t mind burning the candle at both ends. In the end, these people may suffer because they try to live up to expectations beyond their capacity. Yet it is hard not to envy Gemini Dogs for their exciting and productive life.

  Cancer: June 22 to July 21

  Cancer Dog = Water + Positive Metal

  The acute sensitivity of the Crab is intertwined h
ere with the internal balance of the Dog. This rational personality will not be too rash or emotional and will be able to maintain his or her equilibrium and fair-mindedness. However, they may suffer bouts of emotionalism and become introspective and sulky now and then. But don’t let the crabbiness fool you. They do know what they want in life. In spite of the Dog’s sharp and critical tongue, this sign will be an avid appreciator of beauty. The Cancerian Dog may have discriminating taste. He or she may also be possessive and over-protective. In general, a person of this combination will display a natural affection for others and enjoy serving home and community while living in refined and comfortable circumstances.

  Leo: July 22 to August 21

  Leo Dog = Fire + Positive Metal

  The Lion’s august appearance could brighten the warm yet pensive outlook of the Dog and instill more ambition and confidence. This native will possess a strong moral fiber and could be domineering and outspoken. Endowed with a safer and saner judgment than most, they can make decisions that are usually above reproach. They hate injustice and will never betray any trust placed in them. Unlikely to humor any fence-sitters in their camp, they will insist you support them wholeheartedly or get out of their life. The Lion is captivating and forceful while the Dog is realistic. The result is a person who is not naive about the high cost of success and has the stamina for the large-scale campaigns they must wage in order to win their battles.

  Virgo: August 22 to September 22

  Virgo Dog = Earth + Positive Metal

  This East-West duo produces an academic and responsible soul. Two such fretfully caring signs could combine to produce a worrier, overly concerned with the woes of humanity and with fulfilling a myriad of self-imposed obligations. The sum of their admirable qualities could be much reduced when it comes to total appeal. For although the Dog is more even in temperament, it will be inhibited by the industrious and straitlaced Virgo. Reliable, fair-minded, and spiritual, the Virgo Dog is always working for a higher order and a better system. He or she is also always cleaning up the messes other people make. Virgo’s excellent mental powers and the Dog’s neutrality may also produce an able legal executor, lawyer, or judge.

  Libra: September 23 to October 22

  Libra Dog = Air + Positive Metal

  The Dog is not one to weave underhanded or intricate plots, while Venus’s child is not a troublemaker and prefers to remain in everyone’s good graces. The result is a Dog who can demonstrate grace under fire with an angelic smile. This kind of person will receive good reviews by being a just and able arbitrator, even if they occasionally seem a touch overgenerous. However, sometimes they have trouble making up their mind or attending to their own needs because they put off decisions on difficult issues. Libra’s peaceful disposition and the Dog’s charitable nature will make this subject the sort of social worker who not only genuinely sympathizes with you but also feels obligated to come up with a solution to your problems.

  Scorpio: October 23 to November 21

  Scorpio Dog = Water + Positive Metal

  This combination is powerful, dedicated, and energetic, a person who will display the Dog’s righteous spirit and Pluto’s deep insight into human nature. The Scorpio Dog likes to honor his or her promises, but Scorpio here could be detrimental to the liberal Dog’s nature. This person will approach problems with the kind of single-mindedness that is not amenable to compromise. Pugnacious when aroused and unsparing with words, they can be fierce and unyielding, even in the face of defeat. Because they believe in absolute commitment, the Scorpio Dog will serve God or the Devil with equal fervor. But they will never have two masters. In the end, they will be true only to themselves. Their passion and loyalty never waver as they head resolutely toward their goal.

  The Seasons of the Dog


  Dogs born in the spring are carefree and happy by nature and will love teamwork and group action. However, they do need to be relied upon and given responsibility. Helpful and sociable, the noble spring Dogs will keep abreast of what is going on around them and have much to contribute to their families and community. Fated to have a large circle of friends as well as a busy life, these Dogs are noted for their bright and optimistic outlooks and ability to devote themselves to unselfish pursuits. However, if they are born into families that do not or cannot take good care of them early in life, they could become cynical, averse to trying anything new, or mistrustful of others. Dogs who have been deprived or treated cruelly will have a pessimistic view of life and be unable to relate to or trust others.


  Summer nurtures Dogs with its long, warm, sunny days. They will have more confidence in themselves and be at ease with their world. Of course, the Dogs born in the evening of any season tend to be more restless and anxious than their brothers and sisters born during the day. Summer Dogs are noisy and inquisitive. They like to have a large territory and will fight to establish their dominance. Although they have above-average communications skills, they are often argumentative, overprotective, and at times even militant. Less cautious or restrained than their siblings of other seasons, they tend to be independent and strong-willed and may not like to retreat once they have started a battle. However, summer Dogs make the most loyal and best friends you can find. They will always totally support whatever or whoever they believe in.


  Autumn breeds idealistic and reflective Dogs who take their duties seriously and care deeply about serving others. They are very dependable and faithful, and they expect others to be the same way. The Dogs of the fall season are the most patient of the lot and less outspoken. They will investigate before sounding an alarm. However, they can be tenacious and hostile when challenged. Again, the night Dogs are more watchful and protective and do not tolerate even the slightest invasion into their rights or territory. Their defensive nature is heightened by any unhappy experience in life; they never forget injuries. At home, they are selfless and attentive to their loved ones and family, and they will be able to bond closely with those they trust and rely upon.


  The Dogs born in the cold of winter are the most affectionate and protective of all. They obey without question and give of themselves without reserve. However, if they are disappointed or rejected early in life, they can turn into paranoid and reclusive cynics. Their outlook is established early in childhood, and their beliefs will not change with time. As a matter of fact, these Dogs tend to reinforce their positions by employing their own code of ethics to determine what they view as fair or unfair. These caring, warm, and honorable Dogs can become pugnacious and militant toward those who they feel have mistreated them. They cannot abide discrimination of any kind. The Dogs of winter can be the best of friends or the worst of enemies. There is little in between for them.

  Famous People Born in the Year of the Dog


  Andre Agassi


  Mariah Carey

  Matt Damon

  Tina Fey

  Robert Louis Stevenson

  Mother Teresa


  Pierre Cardin

  Kelly Clarkson

  Kirsten Dunst

  Zsa Zsa Gabor

  Ava Gardner

  Judy Garland

  Anne Hathaway

  Victor Hugo

  Norman Mailer

  Kate Middleton

  Billie Piper

  Eddie Redmayne

  Prince William


  Brigitte Bardot

  Justin Bieber

  Sir Winston Churchill

  Dame Judi Dench

  Herbert Hoover

  Sophia Loren

  Ralph Nader

  Elvis Presley

  Carl Sagan




  Bill Clinton

  Diane Keaton

  Liza Minnelli

  Susan Sarandon

  Steven Spielberg



  Christiane Amanpour

  Alec Baldwin


  Golda Meir


  The Twelfth Sign of the Lunar Cycle

  The Boar

  Of all God’s children

  I have the purest heart.

  With innocence and faith,

  I walk in Love’s protective light.

  By giving of myself freely

  I am richer and twice blest.

  Bonded to all mankind by

  common fellowship,

  my goodwill is universal

  and knows no bounds.


  Lunar Years of the Boar in the Western Calendar Elements

  February 4, 1935, to January 23, 1936 Wood

  January 22, 1947, to February 9, 1948 Fire


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