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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

Page 38

by Theodora Lau

  February 8, 1959, to January 27, 1960 Earth

  January 27, 1971, to January 15, 1972 Metal

  February 13, 1983, to February 1, 1984 Water

  January 31, 1995, to February 18, 1996 Wood

  February 18, 2007, to February 6, 2008 Fire

  February 5, 2019, to January 24, 2020 Earth

  January 23, 2031, to February 10, 2032 Metal

  February 10, 2043, to January 29, 2044 Water

  If you were born on the day before the start of the lunar year of the Boar, e.g., January 30, 1995, your animal sign is the one before the Boar: the Dog, the eleventh lunar sign.

  If you were born on the day after the last day of the lunar year of the Boar, e.g., February 19, 1996, your sign is the one after the Boar: the Rat, the first lunar sign.

  The Boar rules the two-hour segment of the day between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. People born during this two-hour segment are said to have the Boar sign as their ascendant; they will display many of the characteristics common to the Boar and will have great affinity for people born under this sign. Quite possibly, one parent or grandparent will also have been born in the year of the Boar.

  This lunar sign’s appointed direction is north-northwest. Its season is autumn and its principal month is November. This is a yin or feminine sign, and its fixed element is Water.

  The Boar Personality

  This is the sign of honesty, simplicity, and great fortitude. Gallant, sturdy, and courageous, people born in this year will apply themselves to an allotted task with all their strength. You can rely on them to see things through to the end. Outwardly, they may appear rough-hewn, but scratch the surface and you will find pure gold.

  The Boar is one of the most authentic people you could ever meet. An admirable good sport, a Boar will never hit you below the belt. They are popular and sought after because, like the Sheep and the Rabbit, they seek universal harmony. No doubt they will have fights and differences with others, but they will not carry grudges unless you give them no choice. They don’t like to add fuel to the fire in a confrontation and will usually let bygones be bygones. The lenient Boar will always take the first step forward to establish an excellent rapport with others. If they fail, it certainly won’t be for lack of trying. They will be blessed with great endurance. They can work steadily on one thing at a time with incredible patience and will make an excellent and inspiring teacher.

  However, Boars are equally known for their wanton pursuit of pleasure—and even depravity, when they give in to their negative traits. Often, the saint and sinner are intertwined in Boars as they zealously pursue their objectives. The spontaneous Boars cannot restrain themselves when the spirit moves them to act. A quick skinny dip, a weekend romance, or a joyride all are fair game for this adventurous spirit. Perhaps this is because Boars have a trusting heart and will rely on those they have a “good feeling about” to the point of being blind to their faults. Boars’ faith in people and optimistic nature can leave them prey to those who will snap a picture or capture a moment on camera at their expense. When the awful truth that they have been taken advantage of eventually surfaces, complete with irrefutable evidence for all to see, Boars could be in denial for years before admitting that a trusted person betrayed them. Perhaps the wisest thing a friend or parent can do for the Boar is to hide their phone and keep them distracted when they are most emotional. These are the times when the Boar is an open book that won’t close.

  On the plus side, the loyal and thoughtful Boar will make lasting and beneficial friendships. They enjoy gatherings of all kinds, give parties, host events, join clubs, and engage in every sort of volunteer opportunity. A capable organizer who hates arguments and bickering, the Boar knows how to bring people on different sides together. Their credibility and sincerity are their best assets. Yet they can be a bit too affable and condescending at times, and they expect others to tolerate their weaknesses.

  The Boar will not dazzle you like the Dragon, nor bewitch you like the Monkey or Tiger, nor mesmerize you like the hypnotic Snake. Boars will simply grow on you until you cannot do without them. The solicitous Boar is synonymous with diligence and old-fashioned chivalry. They won’t mind taking up the burdens of others; they won’t rebel at staying in the background or even supporting the whole cast with their incredible strength. They are the kind of person we tend to take for granted until they leave us to fend for ourselves, totally stunned by the realization of our dependency on them.

  It will be easy to trust the kindly Boars. They rarely have ulterior motives. In fact, they are too innocent and naive, and as a result, they can be a swindler’s favorite victim. Still, the guileless Boar is fortunate in that they will always find people to help them even though they do not go begging for favors. They would prefer to be on the giving end, and when they are in a position to help you, you can be sure they will extend their hand. Fortune will favor them because of their all-round goodness and faith in their fellow man. Boars believe in miracles, and miracles will happen to them. You cannot help but believe in karma when witnessing how things come full circle for the Boar.

  Calm and understanding, the Boar is a genial sort who can and will tolerate a lot of nonsense from friends. They are quick-tempered too, but they hate quarreling, so they will end up giving their opponents the benefit of the doubt. All told, the Boar is one of the most accommodating people you could ever find.

  A person born in this year will be a great fundraiser. They will have a penchant for social work and charity because they seek to identify with as many people as possible.

  When the world is cruel to you and fate has dealt you a stinging blow, run to a Boar. The author of the Good Neighbor policy, he or she will welcome you and your troubles with open arms. Boars are good listeners, and even when you are definitely in the wrong, they will never have the heart to tell you so. They will do what they can without rubbing any salt in your wounds. Their sympathy is limitless. They’ll get others involved. They’ll call upon old friends or crowdsource funds to help pay your debts. Boars don’t mind commitments. They’re made for them. The Boar has a good strong back and the biggest heart to be found. These hard-to-come-by virtues are no mean asset by any standard. With a Boar, it is simply, “Ask and you shall receive.”

  Now, to be perfectly fair, we must look at the other side of the coin. While Boars may be generosity itself, they also adhere to the maxim “What’s mine is yours, and what’s yours is mine.” When your Boar friends come calling, they will help themselves to your food, your wine, your clothes, your expensive camera, your car, and so on, with an easy and childlike simplicity. Telling them off could be a problem. They will react with great disbelief and hurt, and they won’t understand or accept your one-way street mentality.

  The Boar will be either spotlessly clean or terribly untidy. All Boars tend to come in these two categories, and there are only rare cases of in-betweens. Whichever they are, they will be very personable and modest. Boars are known for their ability to bring people together, so whether their home is big or small, it will have room for everyone. Friends will always come into town knowing they have a place to go. The Boar’s generosity comes with ease, and they will grow famous for all the delightful details of their gatherings. With the Boar’s large group of friends and appetite for new adventures, their home will surely be full of a wide array of decorations, food, and drink. The Boar’s many good deeds garner many gifts of appreciation. It is also easy to give gifts to this sign, as their interests are so easy to identify. This is because Boars are so tuned in to what makes them happy. You will come to know their favorite beer, author, or restaurant just from hanging out for an afternoon. The Boar’s home will bring together all he or she holds dear, and it can accumulate greatly over the years. They will make sure they are surrounded by colors that please them. And with a case of their favorite wine on hand, they are ready to prepare a generous pour for themselves or pull together a spontaneous party.

  Boars will devote their every ounce of ene
rgy to the objects of their affection and ask very little in return. You can identify them by their remarkable purity of expression and trusting ways. Yet, although they love with total abandon, they will show a preference for anonymity or even secrecy. They can admire someone at a distance for years or support them with passionate devotion without their knowing. When a Boar is on your side, he or she will be with you completely. They could play the tireless champion to their partner’s work, spend all hours of the night helping a best friend’s charitable cause, and spoil their children and pets by constantly answering to their beck and call—not to mention picking up after them all the time. But they won’t mind, and when they make a complaint, it will be but a mild one. Actually, they love tending to their loved ones, and they look upon them not as burdens but as their pride and joy. With the Boar, it will be a labor of love. Wherever they preside, people will congregate in an atmosphere of happiness and contentment. How can we not want to be invited to such a party?

  Defenseless against deception, Boars like to trust everyone and will believe almost anything told to them, even by strangers or people they know only superficially. Needless to say, Boars and their money are easily parted. The unsophisticated Boar should avoid handling finances. With them, it could be “easy come, easy go.” They are soft-hearted and too sympathetic to hold the purse strings.

  By nature, Boars are materialists, yet they love to share whatever they have. The more they give, the more they seem to have. Unselfish and unassuming, they are surrounded by an ever-widening circle of friends who Boars allow to take advantage of them. Boars have equal need of their friends, too, as the sociable Boar must always feel part of the group and enjoys footing the bills and being looked up to. The worst thing that could happen to a Boar is not being on the team.

  On the other hand, the Boar is thick-skinned and can dismiss insults and unpleasantries with a shrug. They do not like to look too far beyond tomorrow. It may be these traits that help Boars recover quickly from the misfortunes that befall them. The gregarious Boar just does not take calamity all that seriously. It is very difficult to keep a Boar down for long. Chances are he or she will come back stronger than before.

  Behind the sweet and reasonable facade of the Boar, there hides a remarkable resoluteness. Boars can ascend to the seat of authority any time they please, but they are their own worst enemy. Their scruples always get the better of them and serve more as a hindrance to their progress than anything else. On the other hand, when they are pushed to the limit, they can respond savagely and turn into a raging foe. They can summon up tremendous energy and perform Herculean feats.

  While Boars may appear gullible at times, they may be smarter than you think. Actually, they do know how to take care of their interests, but in an inoffensive manner. By allowing you to take them for a ride, they may just be giving you enough rope to hang yourself. The Chinese saying “What is yours will always find a way to come back to you” applies to the Boar’s policy with double force.

  Anyway, being of such a scrupulous nature, Boars will rarely become tricksters or thieves. They are uncomfortable with ill-gotten gains and will be haunted by severe guilt over the slightest transgression.

  Once the Boar is driven to litigation, everyone loses. They may be surrounded by an army of lawyers or even held incommunicado by those familiar with their forgiving nature. They don’t really hate you and personally regret being the instrument of bitterness and strife, but once their legal advisors have set the wheels into motion, they are forced to go along with the suit. Even when they do win, they may be plagued by remorse for the rest of their life. Lawsuits will drag the Boar deep into the mud of the legal pit. Their involvements in legal cases are often doomed to be long and complicated.

  The Boar has strong passions. Endowed with extraordinary vigor and stamina, they are admired for putting their heart and soul into their work. Then again, their very strength could turn out to be their undoing. Because their virility and vitality are above average, the Boar will love to savor the good things in life without restriction. If they are unable to practice self-control and rein in their enormous appetites, Boars will be corrupted or debased by those who know how to exploit their frailties.

  In matters of the heart, the honest Boar loves without reservation. As a rule, they are very considerate and do not camouflage their emotions. In a love affair, the Boar is likely to end up the injured party. Furthermore, the grieving Boar could carry a torch for years to come.

  Their main fault will be their inability to say “no” firmly to themselves and to their family and friends. In some cases, they will oblige others by making concessions it would have been wise to avoid and will thus end up in a heap of trouble. However, when difficulties result, they will assume the burden without complaint. They will become bankrupt at least once, but they will always manage to make a comeback, brighter and bolder than before. The secret of their success lies in their good faith, generosity, and incredible resilience.

  Boars will elect to work hard in life, and they will play just as hard, too, drawing on their bountiful supply of energy. With their basic aptitude and conscientiousness, they will triumph and provide well for those about them. Boars are fated to be blessed with a life in which all their needs are met. They will unselfishly share the money, power, and success they garner with one and all. With their robust and free-spending ways, burly Boars will always be found living it up. They are the perfect friend, forever willing to do you another favor or lend you another dollar. Maybe this explains why Boars are so lucky! At times, it seems they own the Horn of Plenty.

  Although intelligent and well-informed (somehow everyone tells the Boar their secrets), they do not dig too far under the surface. They accept things at face value and would rather conceal the misgivings they have about others in order to keep the peace.

  It is also said that the Boar has a fatalistic streak, and when they have nothing further to lose, they can turn into the most negative and debauched of creatures, throwing themselves into an abyss of self-gratification and eventual destruction.

  Most of the Boar’s problems stem from his or her overgenerous and overoptimistic nature. If Boars could contain their basic urge to do too much for others or to promise more than they can deliver, they should have few major upsets.

  All in all, the chivalrous Boar represents fortitude and goodwill. They will have their greatest triumphs unselfishly working for the benefit of the majority, and their rewards will be as lavish as their generous heart deserves.

  The Boar Child

  The Boar child will be self-reliant, sociable, and easy to deal with. Dependable and determined, they will take the lead in school activities and will acquire prestige through their perseverance and dedication. These youngsters will be courageous in the face of great odds; they will not whimper or complain. As a matter of fact, because they will be endowed with a remarkably strong body, they can withstand a good deal of pain and suffering without crying.

  The Boar, like the Rat, will have a hefty appetite, and you won’t have to force them to eat or pamper them like the Sheep child. They will cheerfully work hard and will not be easily depressed or discouraged. But their placid exterior masks a passionate nature. Boars find it difficult to be casual or detached in their affections. If they love their parents, Boar children will worship the very ground they walk on; if not, they will be full of remorse and guilt instead of blaming anyone else. They will need less of your attention than other children, but they must be assured that they will have your support when they seek it.

  Boar children have a certain individualism of their own. They will allow you to be the boss so long as you do not expect them to be your slave. Their give-and-take attitude will make them popular around the neighborhood. They compete more for the fun of playing than to win. Often, they may not treasure their belongings and may give things away easily. The only things they seem to accumulate are friends.

  In spite of their excellent ability for organizing group efforts,
mediating potentially stormy situations, and calming fiery natures, Boar children will have trouble coming out in favor of a particular side. They will also find it difficult to question other people’s motives or restrain themselves from indulging in their rich tastes and love of comfort on the sly. They need to learn judgment and self-control from their elders.

  Therefore you should not fear to discipline them. This is one child who can take reproach with a positive frame of mind. Setbacks can even imbue them with renewed vigor. Whenever they instigate change, they will be able to convince everyone of their necessity. Boar children will put all their strength, conviction, and dedication behind anything they undertake.

  With their soft approach and artless persuasiveness, Boars can and will inspire others to do their bidding. It is they who need more discipline if their talents are not to go to waste. They may excel at planning functions, projects, and other people’s activities, but they are lax about applying the same rules to their own daily life.

  Whatever you do for them, Boars will pay you back double. This goes for the bad as well as the good. They are totally blind to the faults of their loved ones and are filled with immense loyalty to their friends. Their instinctive understanding of another person’s emotions or needs will at times make them seem wise beyond their years.

  These children will constantly be looking for more ways to work off their huge supply of energy. They will unabashedly display their affection with lots of hugs and kisses. Wherever they are, you will find a lot of togetherness. They love to seal relationships with a special glue of their own. In them, you will see unselfishness and a truly great passion for living. The Boar child is a special gift to any parent.

  The Five Different Boars

  Metal Boar—1911, 1971, 2031

  This proud, passionate Boar has overpowering sentiments and values his or her reputation. Intense and more dominating than other Boars, they often possess excessive appetites and may lack refinement or tact.


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