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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

Page 39

by Theodora Lau

  They exert less control over their personal lives than other Boars, and they can’t help being very sociable, extroverted, and openly demonstrative with their affections. They are not likely to be secretive but will instead be direct and trusting, even credulous. As a result, they underestimate their enemies and overestimate their friends. Ambitious and forceful, but not always objective, the Metal Boar could be a dangerous opponent, as they can be violent in expressing their anger or resentment.

  This Boar will not concede defeat graciously. They will never be quitters and can be relied on to have immense powers of endurance. An active doer blessed with great positive strength, the staunch Metal Boar will have enough vigor for ten.

  Water Boar—1923, 1983, 2043

  Persevering and diplomatic, this Boar is blessed with all the qualifications of an outstanding emissary. Perceptive when discovering people’s hidden desires, they will be resourceful when bargaining with their opponents. Still, Water makes them look for the best in others, and they often refuse to believe someone has evil intent toward them until the last minute. This type of Boar has a touching faith in their causes and loved ones. A believer in miracles, they can be used by others if they are not careful.

  The cordial, peaceful, and earnest Water Boar will be a great partygoer. They love to be around people and will stick scrupulously to the rules of the game, showing their goodwill by meeting others more than halfway.

  True to their Boar nature, they will have their share of passion and outpourings of love. When they are negative, they can be preoccupied with sex, enjoyment of rich foods, excessive drinking, or indulgence in costly luxuries at the expense of others.

  Wood Boar—1935, 1995

  The Wood Boar can unwittingly manipulate others with remarkable facility. Although they are concerned with their personal gains and ambitions, they will also be inclined to devote a good deal of time to charitable organizations, and they are excellent managers of social functions and club activities. They love to help all who come into contact with them, and they will try their best to get along with everyone. Because they are splendid promoters, they will also be adept at securing financing for their business deals.

  Extremely good-hearted, they will recommend clemency even for the most unworthy people, and they are often not selective about whom they associate with. Consequently, their boisterous, unworthy friends may dupe or drag the Boar into the mud with them if he or she spends too much time in their company.

  On the other hand, Boars will be rewarded for the confidence they place in people and will assume important positions because of their gift for bringing people together.

  Wood makes them expansive but scrupulous enough to operate by accepted methods. They will seek to be connected with the right people and will undertake ambitious corporate ventures.

  A persuasive talker, the Wood Boar will love to entertain; they also have the ability to create a congenial atmosphere wherever they go. Their positive and cheerful ways will encourage people to support both their vices and their virtues.

  Fire Boar—1947, 2007

  Fire will conduct powerful and intense emotions directly into this courageous Boar. As a result, they will display stouthearted heroism in their endeavors and can follow through with their plans in a pigheadedly determined manner.

  They could attain the highest levels of achievement or plunge to the lowest depths of degradation, depending on which path they choose and how tight a rein they have over their immense energy and sensuality.

  The Fire Boar will never fear the unknown. Intrepid, optimistic, and trusting their innate ability, they will try their luck at anything and will succeed against vast odds. They are motivated by love and will try to accumulate wealth in order to provide a gracious lifestyle for their all-important family. They don’t mind doing favors for anyone, even strangers, and they will be famous for their generous handouts to friends.

  When in a negative state, this Boar can be willful, bullying, and guilt-ridden. Generally, though, they are characterized by their largesse and lack of prejudice. They favor manufacturing or other labor-oriented enterprises because they enjoy employing a large number of people, given the opportunity.

  Earth Boar—1959, 2019

  These peaceful, sensible, happy Boars may have enough sense to be charitable to themselves and others. This is one native who may understand the meaning of the phrase “Charity begins at home.” The Earth element makes them productive, and they will readily take on financial responsibilities or related activities as well as plan for their own future.

  Renowned for their steadiness and patience, they will relentlessly apply themselves to an objective until they attain it. Their willpower enables them to endure stress and shoulder burdens well beyond the capacity of others.

  Devoted both to their work and their family, Earth Boars demonstrate a diligence and drive that are hard to surpass. But they will not be authoritarian; rather, by pushing themselves, they will serve as a motivation for others.

  Although Earth Boars may be portly because of a fondness for food and drink, they tend not to worry too much over their problems. Their ambitions are reasonable and are not beyond the scope of their health. Therefore, they will easily obtain the security and material success they crave.

  A kind, thoughtful friend, reliable associate, and helpful employer, the Earth Boar will steer clear of troubled areas and will concentrate on finding and maintaining tranquility and domestic harmony in life.

  Compatibility and Conflict for the Boar

  The Boar is part of the Fourth and last Triangle of Affinity, a group made up of the emotionally and artistically guided signs of the Rabbit, Sheep, and Boar. These three signs are mainly concerned with their senses and what they can appreciate with them. They are expressive, intuitive, and eloquent in aesthetic and talented ways. Fine arts, architecture, design, fashion, software, and other innovative fields are their forte. Diplomatic and compassionate, this trio has calmer dispositions than other lunar signs. Dependent on others for stimulation and leadership, they are flexible because they are sympathetically attuned to the vibrations of their environment. These signs are drawn toward beauty and the higher aspects of love. They will extol the virtues of peaceful coexistence with humanity. These lunar signs will provide each other with excellent company because they share the same basic philosophies.

  Boars will have a happy life when they share it with the quiet and sagacious Rabbit or the gentle Sheep. They will also get along well with the Tiger. The Rat, Ox, Dragon, Horse, Rooster, and Dog will make good secondary teammates and will have no serious conflicts with the Boar. Boars may not find the company of other Boars too stimulating but will be able to take it in stride. Most of their problems will arise from the Snake and the Monkey, for Boars will be no match for their cunning and wit.

  Boars will encounter their most serious personality clashes with someone born in the year of the Snake. Anyone whose ascendant is the Snake will most likely also come into conflict with the Boar native. And vice versa: someone with a strong Boar ascendant will not find harmony in the company of Snakes. In the Circle of Conflict, Boar and Snake just will not see eye to eye—after all, they occupy opposite positions on this wheel of conflict, 180 degrees apart. The Boar’s fixed element, Water, is detrimental to the Snake’s fixed element, Fire. They are both yang or negative signs. The Boar faces north-northwest, and the Snake has south-southeast as its appointed direction. Intentionally or not, they will not seek each other out, and in their relationships with one another they will encounter distrust, unhappiness, and complications. It would be best for them to deal through intermediaries and mutual friends they both respect.

  Aside from the most compatible signs, the Sheep and the Rabbit, and the most incompatible sign, the Snake, the other nine signs are compatible with the Boar to varying degrees.

  Triangle of Affinity for the Boar

  Circle of Conflict


  This could be a moderately happy and
workable partnership. The generous Boar will respond to the Rat’s need for commitments and affection. The crafty Rat brings intuition and self-preservation into the union, which the Boar will find invaluable in any venture. The Rat will also discover that luck always favors the good-hearted Pig. Both will benefit from their association and come out feeling like winners.


  The Ox will be compatible with the Boar to only a moderate degree. There will be no great personality clashes between these two unless the Boar’s best friends, the Sheep and the Rabbit, are at odds with the Ox. There is also the possibility that the Boar may encounter trouble with the Ox’s strongest ally, the Snake. The relationship will also be cool if the Ox enforces the rules too rigidly and dominates the Boar. Otherwise, the social Boar will get along with the Ox and do his best to keep the peace. There may be no big struggles here, but there may be no lasting bonds either.


  The Tiger and Boar could be an enthusiastic team. Both are outgoing and generous, and they are secure in each other’s company. The honest Boar is forgiving of the Big Cat’s outbursts, and the Tiger is as passionate and as dynamic as the strong Boar could desire. They will find rapport in love and business; the Tiger will provide the ideas, and the Boar will find them captivating and will offer wholehearted support. One concern, however, is that both have large appetites and tend to be impulsive. They could live it up and defer fulfilling their responsibilities indefinitely. Someone needs to put the brakes on and inform them when enough is enough.


  The Boar and the Rabbit bring balance to each other’s lives. The Pig’s sweet nature and generous heart win friends easily, especially the Rabbit. The Boar is also quickly taken with the Rabbit. The Rabbit makes a trusted friend and advisor to people born in the year of the Boar. With their trademark gift of communication, Rabbits can influence the Boar to make wise decisions. In response, Boars are die-hard supporters of Rabbits and will prop them up when times get tough.


  The honest and obliging Boar will happily be the Dragon’s friend and join his or her fabulous group of faithful followers. There should be no large differences or serious conflicts in such a partnership. Both signs value sincerity and commitment, and they will work passionately for what they believe in. On the negative side, the Boar may be more scrupulous and, at the same time, more self-indulgent than the Dragon likes, and the Dragon may be too egotistical and pompous for the Boar. After all, the Boar prefers to make friends, not vanquish enemies, as the Dragon is more fond of doing.


  The Boar and the Snake may always remain strangers because the ice never completely gets broken when having a conversation. Snakes only trust a chosen few, and they will only present this VIP status after they have made a suitable evaluation. The Boar is an open book to every animal, saying, “take it or leave it,” which only serves to confuse the Serpent. The Snake will be thrown off by the Boar’s lack of agenda, and the Boar will be turned off by the Snake’s skeptical behavior.


  The Horse and Pig will be moderately compatible because of the Boar’s inability to match the Horse’s quick reflexes and occasional temperamental bouts. Horses need the Boar’s strength and generosity and will seek an alliance with the lucky Pig because they know Pigs will share their bounty. However, while there are no long-term attractions due to differences in chemistry, there are no large clashes either. Special bonds are possible between these two only if they share the same ascendant, and if the independent Horse can understand the possessive nature of the amorous Boar. Both are outgoing and will be good friends if they find similar interests.


  The Sheep and the Boar will be constant companions and have lots of fun together. Both animals are peacemakers who encourage others to stop and smell the roses. Both are open to new experiences and enjoy learning from each other’s strengths. This makes for an ideal combination for friendship or marriage. The Sheep and the Boar can depend on each other for emotional support because both are excellent communicators and share their feelings willingly.


  There will be no large clashes between the Monkey and the Boar if the Monkey can refrain from playing tricks on the unsuspecting Pig. Monkeys might find that hard to do, but once they realize the two need each other, they will sing a different tune. Thankfully, the Pig is a good sport and will admire the Monkey’s ingenuity and ability to spot opportunity a mile away. However, they may not appreciate each other’s shortcomings. The Monkey will not admire the Boar’s extravagances and freewheeling generosity to friends and family, while the Boar will find the Monkey’s all-too-flexible conscience deplorable. If there is trouble, the Monkey could leave the Boar holding the bag.


  Roosters get along with Boars because Pig natives are honest and giving and perhaps because they do not take offense easily at Rooster criticism. Boars won’t take Roosters too seriously, which is just as well; if they did, they would make themselves miserable. Boars hear what they want to hear and then make their decision. The Rooster can spout advice and admonitions all day long, and the Boar will remain cordial, patient, and unaffected. The Boar will let the Rooster do the books and guard the cashbox so long as the Rooster allows the Boar to have fun. Because they need each other’s skills, their relationship will prosper if they can identify their areas of expertise and stick to them.


  The Boar is sincere and helpful by nature and will have no serious personality clashes with the loyal Dog. Relationships will be acceptable and agreeable to a certain extent, provided the Pig displays moderation and modesty and does not challenge the Dog’s sense of propriety. The Dog might be critical of the Boar’s lifestyle and values and may try to remake the Pig into something less unruly and emotional. If they share the same loyalties, the Boar will not be unwilling to listen to the Dog, but that does not mean the Boar will change. The Boar enjoys the pursuit of pleasure, while the Dog tends to find pleasure attending to his or her duties. They will be compatible only to a certain degree, after which their paths could diverge.


  A Boar and another Boar tend to rub each other the wrong way. They clash because they are so alike that they find it hard to resolve their problems. Often, they want the same things or are interested in the same person, and they find it difficult to control their desires and possessiveness. They both tend to mirror the other’s unflattering traits, a circumstance that can prompt some mutually contentious behavior. But if each has a real need for the cooperation of the other, they will be able to set aside their differences and work together for the common good. Still, there had better be a referee nearby at all times.

  The Boar and Its Ascendant Relationships

  We all have a shadow that follows us throughout life. Sometimes it grows bigger than life, and at other times it shrinks until it disappears into the soles of our feet. Sometimes it walks tall before us, and on other occasions it lags behind like a sulking friend. In Chinese horoscopes, this constant partner, manifest or not, is our ascendant, the animal sign that rules the hour of our birth and becomes a comrade in our journey through life. We may view it as friend or foe, or even a little of both. It surfaces when we least expect and shows a better or worse side of our nature. We can often be confounded by the way we listen to our “other self,” and we can feel resentful of the significant influence it can exert on us. Actually, a personality has many rings around the center of the “self,” and each ring can have a different size, texture, and aura. When all these factors combine, they bring forth the unique individual that the person truly is.

  Hence, a Dragon with an incompatible ascendant, like the Dog, has perhaps a more difficult inner struggle than a Snake born during the hours of the Snake. The double intensity of the Snake person will be easily understood by horoscope readers, while the more intricate Dragon/Dog may exhibit the contrary Dog and Dragon traits to varying degrees. There are many voices within each p
erson, but in the end, only the individual determines which course he or she will follow, which choices he or she will make.

  Following are the time periods governing the twelve ascendants, with descriptions of each ascendant’s effect on the Rat born during that period. The time of birth used to determine the ascendant is always the local time in the place of birth.

  11 p.m. to 1 a.m. = Hours of the Rat

  The crafty Rat ascendant makes you a shrewd Boar, one who is well-equipped to make investments and judgments and will never be left high and dry. You love with all your heart and can be devoted and indulgent to your family and loved ones. Tough but generous and caring, you will know how to stand up for your rights. Both signs here are very sociable and know how to make the most of their carefully cultivated friendships. The Rat in you is cautious, while your Boar self would be carefree. You could have the best of both.

  1 a.m. to 3 a.m. = Hours of the Ox

  You could be a strong-tempered Boar with regular habits and opinionated views. You take life seriously and therefore will be reliable and purposeful. The Ox will see to it that you do not get too carried away by sensuality and generous commitments that are hard to fulfill. You can also be relied upon to watch your waistline. The Ox ascendant makes the Boar in you realistic and very down to earth. You will be more reserved and less outspoken than other Boars. Capable of self-sacrifice and hard work, your family and friends will value and respect you.


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