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The Keepers: Declan

Page 13

by Rae Rivers

  He was trembling, his mind swarming with painful memories he battled to deflect. He growled, the sound coming out like an enraged beast, and clenched his fists.

  The night of Sarah’s death had killed the life they’d known. Four siblings, bound together by blood and the duty of protecting the Beckham witches. Along with Sienna, they’d all been inseparable.

  Until the night they’d bound Mason. It had been the only way to stop his evil madness but they’d underestimated Warrick and his loyalty to his brother.

  And sadly, Sarah had paid the price. Beautiful, sweet Sarah.

  She’d been in that damn tomb protecting Sienna and had died protecting him. Gone in a snatch of violence.

  Declan growled, the sound tearing through the darkness as he paced the floor, finally settling in front of the deserted musical instruments in the corner of the room.

  Reaching for the guitar, he slugged at the bottle, cursing the Brogan brothers, loathing himself for not protecting his sister, and fought against the grief that threatened to destroy him.


  It didn’t take Kate long to find him. After all, a quiet, cramped train at four in the morning offered Declan few options to hide.

  She pushed open the heavy lounge door, surprised to hear a tune she immediately recognised being played on a guitar. It was a theme song from an old movie, one her mother had taught her as a young child, a tune she knew by heart.


  Closing the door, she moved toward him, tightening the belt of her robe around her waist. He sat in the darkness wearing jeans and his white shirt, unbuttoned, a bottle of whiskey on the seat beside him. His expression was grim, lost to the music, his fingers working across the strings with practised ease. It was such a contrast to the warrior who’d fought for her or the beast who had almost strangled her.

  The man who’d devoured her.

  The melody struck her, as it always did, with its simplicity and beauty, and she sauntered across the room, unable to tear her eyes away from the man at the guitar. So strong, powerful, and completely in tune with the music.

  His rhythm didn’t falter when she approached, the slight narrowing of his eyes the only indication that he’d heard her.

  The music picked up a pace, the drama of the song reaching its peak, and she edged closer, drawn to him. She knew this was wrong; she shouldn’t be attracted to him. He stood for everything she should fear.

  A world she’d been taught to run from.

  Despite all that, she couldn’t stay away from him. The realisation prompted an ocean of guilt, threatening everything her mother had believed and worked so hard for. Died for.

  She’d be screaming in her grave.

  But his face held a wealth of emotion that tugged at something within her. His anger had quietened; the music – or whiskey – calming the raging demons. His eyes were a grey thunderstorm, his expression even, yet marred by sadness.

  His sister?

  Kate slid onto the seat beside him, not saying a word, absorbing the familiar melody.

  For a brief moment, they sat together as she watched his hands work their magic across the strings, mesmerized.

  Then she inhaled softly and began to hum, picking up the tune at his next pause. His head tilted an inch, acknowledging her presence for the first time.

  But he continued to play and they fell into an easy rhythm.

  As she sang, she became more aware of the man beside her. She could feel the gentle movement of his quiet, even breathing, inhaled his warm, masculine scent and sensed the energy shift between them.

  The music flowed, age-old electricity sparking to life as it always did whenever he was near. It wasn’t about the music anymore.

  Her pulse began beating its erratic rhythm reserved for him, her breathing grew shallow, and even though she tried to concentrate on the music, everything about him plagued her senses.

  She drew in a sharp breath when he stopped playing and quietly placed the guitar on the floor beside him. He shifted in his seat, settling a thigh on either side of the bench, facing her. He gripped her waist, drawing her into the space between his legs, and rested his forehead on her temple.

  The moment was as beautiful as it was fierce and she continued to hum softly, her body racing far ahead of the gentle tune, her heartbeat soaring.

  He tilted his head, his lips against her ear, holding her close. “You shouldn’t be here,” he murmured, the words choked.

  She paused, her melody missing a beat the same way her heart did. Slowly, she shook her head and he exhaled quietly, pressing his face into her hair, and breathed her in.

  “So why are you?”

  She had no idea but every part of her being wanted to be nowhere else but here. With him.

  “I hurt you and it won’t be the last time,” he whispered, “because that’s what I do.”

  His words sounded so tortured, sad, edged with regret.

  And yet, she wasn’t afraid. If anything, his honesty enthralled her.

  His fingers tracked the stray hairs on her cheek, stroking the curls behind her ear.

  “You should go back to bed. Walk away, Kate. Now.”

  She turned her head to look at him. “You walk away, Declan. You.”

  A shiver shot through her as he dipped his head, dropping feather-like kisses across her jaw. His fingers crept across her neck, tilting her head toward his. His touch was possessive but undeniably gentle.

  He caught her mouth with his, his lips warm and soft against hers, sending a thrill of excitement through her. She breathed him in, completely overpowered by his sheer masculine beauty.

  A flash of desire mingled with something else she was determined to deny. The room was plunged in silence, marred only by the sounds of their deep breathing and the gentle humming of the train.

  He tugged her around so that she straddled him. She tangled her fingers in his hair, capturing his mouth with hers.

  The kiss sent them reeling, the force of emotion catching her off guard. She didn’t bother fighting it, dismissed the flash of warning that came with the sensation, refusing to listen to reality for now.

  He nudged open her gown, the material settling beside each breast, giving him complete access. His sudden intake of breath excited her when she reached for his hand, guiding them across her curves to cover swollen breasts.

  The kiss deepened, grew more urgent, the quiet moment they’d shared moments earlier surpassed by an insatiable desire.

  The sound of the door opening, followed by a mumbled apology, had Declan breaking away with a deep growl in the back of his throat.

  Kate tugged her robe closed and blinked, trying to clear the murkiness that had overruled her common sense.

  The door closed, leaving them alone, and she offered Declan a shaky smile. He caught her chin between his fingers and gave her a lingering kiss. “God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered against her mouth.

  “You have to stop kissing me,” she whispered and his lips twitched into a hint of a smile.

  “You’re so damn sexy. I can’t help myself.”

  “Practise some control, warrior boy.”

  “Practise is for amateurs.”

  He trailed a finger along her neck, his touch so gentle; so different to the vice-like grip that had almost strangled her. “I’m sorry,” he murmured, his expression clouded with a dark emotion she’d never seen before.

  She covered his hand with hers. “I’m fine, Declan. I’ve had a lot worse happen to me.”

  “Yeah, you have. And you shouldn’t. It’s all bullshit.”

  “Do you often dream about her?”

  He frowned, and surprised her by actually answering. “Most nights. Some are worse than others.”

  “You blame yourself.”

  He didn’t reply. He didn’t have to. His tortured expression said it all.

  “Tell me about her.”

  His head shot up, his gaze meeting hers, and she felt the rapid increase of his heart rate.<
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  “Sarah,” she pressed, keeping her voice low. “What was she like?”

  He remained quiet for so long that she thought he wasn’t going to reply until a small smile eventually relaxed his features. “Beautiful, smart, crazy. She was a Keeper like us and so good at it.”

  She saw the flash of pride soften the darkness in his eyes and she ached to know more. “What happened the night she died?”

  “Mason had taken Sienna, linking her to him with a spell. She outmanoeuvred him and broke the spell, using another one to bind his powers. It was crazy to watch and then suddenly, it was all over. Or at least, I thought it was.” He lowered his gaze.

  Unable to stop herself, she tangled her fingers in his dishevelled hair, caught by his raw emotion, surprised to see his defences lowered.

  “We’d sealed Mason in the tomb. Sienna and Rose had cast the spell to strip Warrick of his powers. He was unconscious on the ground. Everything was quiet, the ceremony was over, and Archer and Ethan went above ground.” There was a hitch in his voice and he swallowed, his Adam’s apple shifting in his throat. “I didn’t see Warrick coming for me. My guard was down and I didn’t see what happened. By the time I spun around, Sarah was between us and he’d stabbed her.”

  He closed his eyes and Kate wrapped her arms around his head, drawing him closer against her. She felt his snatched breathing against her flesh, his heartbeat, and she held onto him, aching to ease the pain that came with the memories, knowing she couldn’t.

  “And Rose? What happened to Rose?”

  “A few months ago, just after we were together in New Orleans, Warrick returned to Rapid Falls. He demanded that Sienna return his powers and free Mason. Things got heated and we were all wounded. Sienna almost died defeating him and Rose sacrificed herself to save her.” He shook his head, his jaw clenched in a tight grimace. “We lost two beautiful women simply because they chose to protect the ones they loved.”

  “Rose and Sarah did exactly what you would have done.”

  He inhaled deeply, and lifted his head, reaching for her hands. “My sister’s death destroyed everything. I live for protecting my witch, defending my brothers. That’s all I have left, all I can offer. You’re right to stay away from me. From this.”

  “What is this, Declan?”

  “I have no idea. One moment I want to throttle you, the next moment I want to devour every inch of you.”

  His honesty sent her heartbeat soaring.

  “We’re from different worlds, different backgrounds,” she murmured, trying not to recall the dozens of warnings her mother had dished out over the years.

  “This has nothing to do with our differences, Kate. You’re a part of my world whether you like it or not.” His words rang with frustration, his smouldering gaze fixed on hers.

  “I can never be part of your world, Declan. All I’ll be is a tool to tipping the balance in your favour. I’ve spent my entire life avoiding the supernatural. It’s instinctive. This,” she said, waving a finger between them, “will complicate things. It can never be real because there’ll always be my powers between us.”

  The narrowing of his eyes indicated that she wasn’t wrong. He nodded, released her hands to cradle her face. Looking up at her, his grin triggered a race of butterflies in her stomach. “You know this is unavoidable, don’t you?”

  She didn’t reply, torn between the truth and her refusal to admit to it. “Just don’t kiss me again.”

  He chuckled and touched his lips to hers.


  He laughed and pulled back, the sound easing the tender moment between them. He slid off the chair and took her hand. “We should get some sleep. The sun’s almost up and the train will reach town soon.”

  Sleep? After he’d revved her up more than once? Right. And the idea of returning to his family and his home sent a flare of fear through her. She hesitated and he caught the reluctance, tipping her chin upward.

  “Don’t worry about Sienna and my brothers. They’ll be fine.”

  She nodded, doubtful, and he smiled.

  “Besides, you’re my houseguest.”

  “I don’t really make the best houseguest.”

  He flicked at the robe she wore. “If you’re dressed like this, I’m all for it.”

  “Oh, you’re so naughty.”


  Declan awoke the moment he felt the shift of tempo in the train’s movements. He stared at the ceiling, his senses instantly alert, and listened.

  Murmured voices tinged with alarm, and a crackling sound that meant trouble.


  He bolted upright, pulling on his clothes as he glanced at the sleeping woman in the bed. She looked peaceful, beautiful, and he loathed waking her.

  “Kate,” he whispered, touching her shoulder. Her eyes flew open and she frowned at him. “Wake up. The train’s slowing down.”

  “Are we in town already?”

  He saw her confusion, laced with hope, and shook his head. “No, it’s too soon. Get dressed. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Pocketing his phone, he slipped outside, closing the door behind him.

  The sound of screeching metal tore through the train as the brakes were applied with greater force, followed by shrieks of surprise that could be heard through the thin cabin doors.

  Declan took two strides to the closest window, frowning at the orange glaze that tinted the darkness in the distance. He pushed open the window and peered outside, the cool morning air crisp against his skin.

  A huge fire blazed furiously on the tracks ahead, burning with a gusto that had stopped the train. A dark orange veil covered the way forward like a dome of doom. The smell of fuel and smoke permeated the air.

  His gut clenched, the rush of adrenaline snapping everything to attention. The train finally came to a stop, the sudden absence of motion feeling odd. There was a rustle of movement in the nearest coach, a sign that a few guests had stirred. They began spilling into the cramped passage, still dressed in nightwear, sleepy and confused.

  It wasn’t long before a ripple of alarm trickled through the train once news of the fire broke out.

  The lights flickered on and a calm voice echoed throughout the train on the loudspeaker, reassuring everyone that everything was under control.

  Yeah, right.

  Declan was already retrieving his phone from his pocket and heading back to Kate, renewed worry chewing at his gut.

  A forest fire on the tracks in the middle of winter?

  This stank of a damn ambush.


  Kate fastened her hair into a ponytail, her heart thudding against her ribcage. The train had stopped, the sudden lack of movement an eerie contrast to the soothing rocking motions she’d grown accustomed to for the last few hours.

  She walked to the window, ignoring her reflection in the glass, and peered outside. It was still dark, although a flicker of light in the horizon hinted at a fast approaching sunrise.

  The window grew misty from her warmth and she ran her sleeve across the glass, only to reel back when a man stepped onto the tracks outside, turning to face her.


  Fear arrowed through her, and for a moment, she couldn’t breathe. A thick layer of stubble covered his cheeks. His hair was concealed beneath a beanie, his hands shoved into his jacket pockets. He looked so casual, almost normal.

  But there was nothing normal about the steely glare pinned on her, or the way his lips curled into a devious smile.

  They’d found her.

  Icy fingers wrapped around her heart. She stepped backward but he remained still, not shifting his gaze. His lips began to move, whispering unfamiliar words through pinched lips.

  A gentle hiss had her whirling around and she gasped when smoke began to pour through the vents and electrical sockets. One look at Rick told her all she needed to know.

  This wasn’t a train defect.

  The smoke grew thicker, the acrid smell burning her n
ostrils. Kate bolted for the door, unlocked it with shaky fingers, and threw it open.

  And stared straight into the skinny chest of a man.

  Her gaze lifted to his and she baulked when she recognised him. A hint of satisfaction flickered in his narrow eyes.

  “Surprised?” John drawled.

  She shut the door and locked it, surprised when he didn’t try stopping her.

  Her eyes watered and her throat burned, the smoke clogging her senses. Shrugging off her jacket, she held it against her mouth.

  A rumble of energy tore through her and she closed her eyes, her protective instincts spiking. Her breathing shallow, she focused on channelling the magical threat away from her.

  The smoke began to reside, pushing away from her as though she’d flicked a switch. She glared at Rick, challenging him with a confidence she didn’t quite feel. He began chanting with more vigour, determined to overpower her with his magic.

  A battle of wills; but hers was stronger.

  He grimaced and clenched his jaw, looking almost pained. His gaze faltered and he stepped back with a curse, breaking his spell.

  And then he was gone.

  A crash of movement at the door had her whirling around. Through the haze of smoke that was beginning to thin, she saw Declan.

  With a low growl that sounded more beast than man, Declan attacked John with a force that left her breathless.

  John was quick to retaliate, but Declan was bigger and angrier. He plunged forward like an unstoppable force, delivering brutal punches that sent John reeling against the wall where he crumpled on impact. He muttered something but fell quiet as blood gushed from his mouth. He sputtered, spraying blood everywhere and his eyes rolled back before closing.

  Kate’s shoulders heaved from lack of air, and she lifted her gaze to meet Declan’s.

  Oh, God.


  “Are you okay?” Declan took two strides toward John, relief clamming around his throat the moment he saw Kate in the middle of the room.

  She gaped at him, her body trembling, but a fire burned in her eyes that he recognised. And judging by her kick-ass pose, she hadn’t been about to back down.

  The room reeked of smoke and was littered with splintered wood from the broken door.


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