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The Keepers: Declan

Page 14

by Rae Rivers

  Declan snatched John’s hand, the double tattoo on his wrist adding to his rage, and tugged at the black material clasped within the warrior’s fist.

  He cursed, gaping at the black mask Kate had worn the night of the party.

  “How did they know I was in here?” Her voice was shaky but tinged with anger. She coughed and swiped at her mouth with the back of her hand.

  “He’s a tracker.” Declan tapped the markings on the man’s wrist and showed her the mask. “He’s been tracking you since the party. That’s why they’ve always been one step behind you. Are you hurt?”

  “Harper went as far as to stop a train,” she said. “A public train full of tourists.”

  “They’re getting desperate.”

  “They stopped the damn train, Declan!”

  “Harper knows that once we get to my brothers, they’ll have less chance of reaching you.”

  “If they were willing to take you all on and now they’re after me, what chance do I stand? How do I fight them? My magic’s not strong enough.”

  Tossing the mask, he went to her. “I won’t let anything happen to you, Kate.” She nodded, her eyes filled with panic, and he tipped her chin so that her gaze was level with his. “I promise.”

  “They’re not going to stop, are they?”

  “Not until they have what they want.”

  “How did they get here before us?”

  Good question.

  A scream echoed in the distance and Declan charged for the door. He cursed at the sight of Harper and his warriors bulldozing their way through the surprised crowd in the passage.

  People were shoved aside, despite their protests, insignificant to Harper.

  Their gazes met, challenge dripping from them both. A muscular man stepped out of his room and into the path of the warlock but Harper’s pace barely faltered as he forced his way through the barricade with swinging blows, his wall of burly warriors directly behind him.

  A woman screamed and everyone scattered, clearing a path.

  Declan looked at Kate, everything inside him clenching in revulsion at the idea of her being at their mercy.

  “They’re coming, aren’t they?” she asked, her voice merely a whisper.

  He nodded. “And they’re nothing like the Brogan brothers. These people mean nothing to them and they won’t think twice about either hurting them or exposing us all.”

  “We need to get Harper off this train, Declan. These people are innocent. They can’t be hurt because of me.”

  Declan gave a brief nod. Grabbing his rucksack, he stormed to the window. He pushed it open, did a quick scan of the area outside, and tossed his bag out. Turning, he held out his hand to her. “Let’s go.”

  She went to him and slid a leg over the railing. Hesitating, she glanced up at him. “You’re coming, right?”

  A small smile lifted the corner of his lips and he nudged her. “You have my backpack. Of course I’m coming.”


  They were both panting by the time they reached the river, the smell of smoke thick in the air.

  Harper’s men had set chase and could be heard in the trees surrounding them.

  Eerie laughter, mocking taunts. Like a pride of lions cornering their prey, they circled Kate and Declan.

  A flash of movement beside Kate startled her as she turned to see Megan leap beside her on all fours, her body fluid and agile.

  Twisted laughter and excited shouts mingled with rustling treetops and the rush of water flowing beside them.

  Surrounded, Declan reached for Kate and wrapped his arm around her in a protective shield. Holding her close, he circled, glaring at Harper and his warriors as they closed in.

  Harper had called in reinforcements.

  Big, bad-assed, and dangerous. Different ages, different backgrounds and no doubt, each with different abilities, but all sporting fierce expressions and brandishing weapons.

  Ice trickled down Kate’s spine as a dozen men and women surrounded them. Some walked beside Harper whilst others hung back in the tree tops, whistling and hooting with excitement.

  Their glee made her sick to the stomach.

  “These animal freaks are really starting to piss me off,” Declan muttered through clenched teeth.

  “Declan, there’s so many of them.”

  “They won’t stop, Kate,” he murmured in her ear, his voice breathless but tinged with fury. “But they won’t win.”

  His heart pounded furiously against her, joining the explosive thudding of hers. “They only want me, Declan. It’s not you they’re after.”

  “Like hell.”

  Holding out his free arm, he began rotating his wrist in a small movement that sparked a ball of flames. His connection to the element was immediate, and she felt the flow of heat wash over him.

  Thin wires of orange inferno flew up from the flames, spinning around them in circular movements that grew larger and larger, forcing the warriors to back away.

  In perfect unison, lashes of fire sprayed through the air, sending the warriors scattering for cover.

  All but one.

  Harper stepped forward, holding out his hands, whispering a chant that altered the course of the flames. It sky-rocketed, twisted mid-air, and arrowed straight back to Declan.

  Kate shrieked, fear triggering a flow of energy before the fire hit them.

  Almost as though she’d slipped under an invisible dome, the lash of fire ricocheted off them, hissing above their heads as it connected with a nearby tree, dislodging a blanket of snow.

  “How did you do that?” Declan asked, his tone edged with disbelief.

  She lowered her guard, along with the dome of protection. “I have no idea.”

  Harper stepped forward, flames blazing around him, and clapped his hands. “Impressive show, Bennett.”

  “You’re a fool, Avery. That train was filled with innocents. You’re going to start a war.”

  A small grin broke free and Harper nodded. “Then it means my plan is working.”

  “And what is that exactly?” Declan taunted, keeping his grip on Kate. “Exposure? Control? We all know what happened the last time our kind attempted to come out.”

  He shrugged. “The massacre took place a long time ago, Bennett. People have evolved since then.”

  “Their fears remain the same. Exposure would put us all at risk. At some point, you and your minions need to get your heads out your asses and move on.”

  A roar of objection rippled through the warriors but Harper held up a hand to reel them in. “It’s about time it all came to a head, don’t you think? The Brogan brothers had the right idea, but one’s entombed and the other’s dead.” His expression hardened, bitterness wiping away the smug smile. “And I believe we have you and Archer to thank for Warrick’s death.”

  “A given considering he attacked our witch.”

  “And we all know how protective you are of your witch.”

  Everything about Declan’s icy glare and the way he stood, immovable, unafraid, spoke volumes about the way he felt about his witch. “All witches, Harper. Best you remember that.”

  Harper snickered and glanced at Kate. “Last time I checked, the girl wasn’t one of yours.” He motioned to his warriors. “You’re outnumbered, Bennett. Give her to us and we might consider letting you go.”

  “The girl has a name and I’m betting she’s quite happy right where she is.”

  You bet your ass.

  “What do you want with me, Harper?” Kate called out, pleased that her voice sounded calm, even fearless. The exact opposite of the mess inside. “You could’ve had my powers but you chose not to. It doesn’t take Einstein to figure out I’ll never willingly side with you.”

  Harper’s smile was slow, his lips pinching into a thin line. “You say that with such conviction,” he mocked, cracking a wide smile, “almost as if you think you have a choice.”

  There was a rumble of thunder in the sky above them, followed by flashes o
f lightning, a bolt of reality that ripped through the forest, altering the tension. A warrior called from the distance, issuing a warning Kate couldn’t decipher, but the signal sent a ripple of renewed energy through the crowd.

  “You Bennetts are really messing with my time schedule.” Harper glared at them, all trace of amusement gone. He shifted his gaze to Declan, clenching his fists, and tilted his head to his warriors. “Forget about the girl. I’ll handle her. Take down the Keeper. And this time, do it properly!”

  Smoke began to swirl around them and Declan tightened his grip on Kate. He raised a hand toward the flames, readying a ball of fire that swivelled mid-air.

  A ball of flames flew through the air in the direction of two of Harper’s men but they scattered into nearby trees, dodging the attack.

  Thunder roared above them, reverberating through Kate. Her heart slammed against her rib cage, fear whirled in her gut, but she stood her ground, drawing comfort from Declan’s presence.

  The smoke grew thicker, muffling their vision, and Declan and Kate circled, back to back.

  Harper glanced up at a large branch hanging above them and glared at it with a determination that sent a trickle of warning down Kate’s spine. With a loud crack, the branch tore loose and hurtled toward them.

  With a speed that left her dizzy, Declan grabbed her and shoved her away from the crushing weight. The warriors pounced, colliding with Declan. He grunted and whirled around in a blur. The veins in his neck and face bulged, his eyes were wide, and he attacked with vicious force.

  Through the haze, Kate saw Megan approach, cracking two whips against her side.

  She jerked her wrists, the strands of leather snapping forward in a lethal hiss. With an icy glare pinned on Declan, she aimed her weapon at him, the leather wrapping around his arm. A second flick of the wrist, and the whip secured his other arm.

  He roared, tried to break free, but the punch from John was brutal.

  Kate whirled around just in time to see Harper approaching Declan, still struggling against the strains of the whip.

  As the warriors closed in, he searched for Kate, shouting her name.

  Harper raised an arm, mumbling words below his breath. An abandoned branch, sharpened on one end from the sudden break, began to rattle on the ground.

  Everything crashed into place. She looked at Declan, terror churning through her as she realised what Harper was about to do.

  He glared at the wooden spear and waved an arm at Declan. Rumbling with energy, the spear charged through the air, headed for Declan’s exposed chest.

  Kate was already running, all her reflexes rushing forward in a whirl of panicked energy. She leapt in front of Declan; drawing on the protective power within, reaching for the dome of safety she’d used moments ago.

  She cried out as the spear slammed into her body. Pain tore through her and she sank to the ground, clutching the spear.

  “KATE!” Declan’s roar ripped through the air and he struggled against the binds that kept him captive.

  Air evaded her, and she gaped at Harper, reeling with the horror that her powers had failed her.

  God, she was such an amateur.

  “NO!” Harper bellowed, charging forward but an arrow of fire shot toward him, cutting him off.

  Declan went wild.

  With a deafening roar, his face distorted by rage and horror, he tugged at the whip with a force that broke Megan’s hold. Swinging around in a whirl of fury, he dislodged the two warriors.

  The ground began to rumble, unsettling snow and forest debris.

  A roar of air rushed past them as flames sparked with renewed life, chasing a single line of fire along the sand and forming a circle of protection around Kate and Declan.

  The water from the river shifted course, breached its banks, and trickled along the ground where the warriors stood. Harper’s men charged forward, halting in their tracks as the water rose up and began to harden into spiky icicles.

  A perfect barrier of spears that separated the warriors from Kate and Declan.

  Gaping, the men scanned the forest, realising there was new magic at work.

  A ball of compacted snow flew through the air and collided with a warrior with a force that buckled him. An army of snowballs rained down, the lethal weapons sending everyone lunging for cover.

  Stunned, the warriors backed away, despite Harper’s orders to retrieve Kate.

  Declan rushed forward, dropped to his knees beside her. “Kate!” He clamped the spear buried in her side, his hands trembling. “Dammit, Kate, what the hell did you do?”

  The flames drew brighter around them, hissing with unbearable heat, and Kate’s gaze shifted to Declan. “What’s happening? What are you doing?”

  “It’s not me.”

  Still cursing her, he searched their surroundings. Kate felt his relief as he drew her fiercely against him, his gaze fixed to a spot across the river. Hope soared when she saw three people standing beside the water, staring at them with fierce expressions.

  Two men and a woman with fire red hair.

  “Is that –?”

  “My brothers and my witch,” he finished, ripping the spear out of her.

  She gasped and clutched at his shirt, dizziness engulfing her. Through the fog that threatened to claim her, she saw Harper and his men retreating.

  “How did they get here so soon?”

  “I sent Archer a text earlier. Must have gone through when we picked up signal because when I called them from the train, they were already on their way.”

  “Lucky us.”

  Her words came out as a murmur and he grabbed her chin in his hand. “You’re bleeding, Kate. There’s nothing lucky about that.”

  “We’re alive, aren’t we?”

  His face clouded with something dark and he tugged her against him so tightly that she struggled to breath. “When your wound’s healed, I’m going to kill you myself.”

  “Don’t be so ungrateful. I just saved your life,” she grunted but her words were drowned by her own groan.



  Bennett Estate

  Rapid Falls, Canada

  Frustration churning in his gut, Declan left a sleeping Kate in the guest room and headed for the kitchen. He’d cleaned and dressed her wound and shoved some pills in her hand that had knocked her out.

  Serves her right.

  With any luck, she’d stay asleep until he cooled off. He scurried down the stairs of the mansion, the smell of dinner wafting through the air. Spicy tomatoes. Pasta. Garlic. Ethan had been a busy boy.

  He went into the kitchen, barely glancing at his brothers and Sienna gathered around the marble counter scouring a bunch of old books, all clutching a glass of red wine.

  The fireplace against the opposite wall was ablaze with a roaring fire, and he could feel the heat from a distance. They looked casual, so domesticated that Declan’s agitation grew.

  There was a lull in their conversation and he felt their intense scrutiny as he walked to the liquor cabinet, stopping briefly to pat Levi. The Golden Retriever’s tail thumped happily against the floor but she remained sprawled on her side in front of the fireplace.

  Pouring himself a whiskey, he looked up and cocked a brow. “Stop looking at me like I’m about to turn into a raging bull.”

  Archer snorted. “You’re way past that, brother.”

  “Yeah, true. Raging bull is mild for what I’m feeling right now.”

  “You’re a fool, Declan,” Archer said, shutting the book and straightening. With neatly cropped brown hair, a forehead creased in a semi-permanent frown, and a calm sense of control, Archer was everything Declan lacked. And right now, he was zeroing a frown his way.

  “Don’t start with me, Archer,” Declan warned, not up for another lecture.

  “Taking off into the mountains alone in search of the woman was a dick move and you know it. We would’ve come with you.”

  “Her name is Kate and I�
�m all for dick moves, brother. You of all people love to remind me of that. Besides, it’s safer for Sienna here.”

  Declan walked past Ethan and went to the stove to investigate the source of the spicy aroma that filled the air. He’d never been one for cooking but Ethan could turn out a dish at the drop of a hat and make it look easy. Sarah too.

  He grabbed the spoon on the counter and dipped it into the pot of sauce. “I’m starving.” Not surprising considering he hadn’t eaten since the plate of sandwiches the night before. “Is this ready yet?”

  Ethan took the spoon from Declan. Nudging him out the way, he peered into the pot, stirred, and replaced the lid. “Aren’t you planning to feed your guest?”

  “She can feed herself.”

  “Is she still sleeping?” Sienna asked in an even voice, worry lining her features.

  “She’s fine.” Declan retrieved a wine glass from a nearby cupboard and reached for the bottle. “She’ll be right as rain in a few hours.” And then he planned to throttle her himself.

  Sienna swivelled on her chair, tucking a strand of wavy red hair behind her ear. “For someone whose life has just been saved, you should really be more grateful.”

  Declan scowled at her, not surprised she’d called him out on his mood. “She shouldn’t have done it.”

  “She must care for you.”

  “She hardly knows me.”

  “She took a spear for you.”

  “It was stupid.”

  “Are you listening to yourself? She’s been hunted by Harper, she’s just saved your ass, and you’re mad at her?”

  “Yes, I’m mad, Sienna! I’m about done with women throwing themselves in front of me and I’m even more done with the likes of Harper attempting to turn us into road kill!” He slammed the wine bottle on the counter. “I thought we were done with this crap!”

  “Declan –”

  “Mason. Warrick. Now Harper,” he continued. “It’s like playing a fucking game of Whack-A-Mole!”

  Sienna went to him, took his hand and tugged him around to face her. “Declan, there will always be people like them. That’s why nature has us to counteract their crap.”


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