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Age of Youth in Argentina

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by Valeria Manzano

  Marcuse, Herbert: and eroticism, 206;

  and “1968,” 161, 163;

  translations, 85, 149

  Martínez, Javier, 133–34;

  poetry, 140–41. See also Manal

  Martínez de Perón, Isabel, 188, 221, 230

  Masculinity, 4, 17–18;

  aesthetics of, 142–43;

  alternative construction of, 125, 133;

  hegemonic construction of, 125, 138;

  and New Left, 209–10, 214–16, 218–19;

  and rock culture, 132, 135–36, 140, 144–45

  Mass culture: criticism of, 85–86;

  juvenilization of, 69–70, 78–82, 94–95;

  and taste, 86–87;

  and youth styles, 142–43. See also El Club del Clan

  Massera, Eduardo, 240–41

  May of 1969, 5, 11, 124, 149, 158–59, 164–68;

  interpretations of, 163–64, 253–54. See also Cordobazo

  Mejía, Ricardo, 76, 78–79. See also El Club del Clan; Radio Corporation of America

  Mersa, 85–88, 93, 95

  Mexico, 11, 33, 54–55, 61;

  exiles in, 209, 243;

  and politics, 163, 166–67;

  and rock music, 73, 76, 78, 94, 132–33, 136, 148, 150

  Migration: and music, 77;

  and young women, 99–100

  Militancy: activist style and, 210–14, 218;

  anti-intellectualism and, 212–13, 219–20;

  de café, 210, 213;

  revolutionary, 172, 175, 185, 209–10

  Miniskirts, 5, 93, 114, 195–96;

  and politics, 200–201. See also Fashion

  Modernization, 3–5, 252–54;

  and cultural consumption, 39, 57–58, 67, 79;

  debates over, 29–37;

  and education, 44–46, 53–56, 61–62, 101, 236;

  and gender, 97, 101, 103–5, 113;

  and masculinity, 125, 141–42;

  narratives of, 158–59, 168, 246;

  questioning of, 169–71, 173, 191, 232–35, 246;

  and sexuality, 115, 206;

  and youth, 8–9, 12–13, 17–18, 43

  Moledo, Manuel, 32, 41. See also League of Mothers

  Montoneros, 149, 186, 188, 230;

  baptism of fire, 167, 190;

  and rock culture, 150, 153–54;

  and sexuality, 216–18;

  and women, 213–14;

  youth identification with, 160, 177–78, 189–90. See also Juventud Peronista; Juventud Universitaria Peronista, Perón, Juan Domingo: on youth; Revolutionary Tendency; Unión de Estudiantes Secundarios

  Moral panic, 17, 97, 110–14, 121, 250

  Moris, 123, 133–34, 228. See also Los Beatniks

  Movimiento Ateneísta, 162, 172

  Movimiento de Liberación Femenina (MLF, Feminine Liberation Movement), 202–3

  Muchacha, 202–3

  National security doctrines: and drugs, 224, 227–28;

  and sexuality, 35, 197;

  on subversion, 232–33

  Náufragos, 132–37, 142–43

  Nebbia, Lito, 87, 132–34. See also Los Gatos

  New Left, 11–12, 18, 168–69, 209, 252–23;

  and anti-intellectualism, 212–14;

  and rock culture, 150–58;

  and sexuality, 204–6, 216–18;

  and student movement, 60–62, 68, 161–63;

  and youth participation, 176–77. See also Body: and consciousness; Militancy; Third World

  New Song Movement, 153, 174

  Noche de los bastones largos (The Night of the Long Sticks), 64–65

  Nuestro Mundo, 204. See also Homosexuality.

  Nueva ola (new wave), 69, 76–78, 80–87, 93–95. See also El Club del Clan; Ortega, Palito

  Obra de Protección de la Joven (OPJ, Organization for Protecting Young Women), 99–100

  Oficinista (office clerk), 130–31

  Onganía, Juan Carlos, 5;

  and cultural authoritarianism, 123–26, 195–96;

  and political repression, 161–67;

  regime of, 63–66

  Ortega, Palito, 80–86;

  and rock culture, 125–26, 129, 133

  Pajarito Gomez, una vida feliz, 83–85

  Pampillón, Santiago, 65–66;

  commandos and, 167

  Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores–Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (PRT-ERP, Workers’ Revolutionary Party–Revolutionary Army of the People): and conscription, 128–29;

  and gender, 213–15;

  and militancy, 210–11;

  and rock culture, 150–53;

  and sexuality, 205, 216–17;

  and Tendencia Revolucionaria, 186–87;

  and youth, 177, 192

  Pavone, Rita, 81, 93

  Pedro y Pablo, 130, 140, 152, 240. See also Cantilo, Miguel

  Pelo, 141, 143–45;

  and Buenos Aires Rock Festival, 145–46;

  on politics, 254–55

  Penjerek, Norma, 97, 110–11;

  case of, 97–98, 110–14, 121–22;

  and sociocultural modernization, 250

  Pequenino, Eddie, 73–74

  Perón, Juan Domingo, 3–5, 15–16, 20–22, 64, 93, 173;

  return in 1973, 185–87;

  third presidency, 123, 128, 149, 153, 183–84, 198, 223–24, 228–29;

  and UES, 23–28, 42;

  on youth, 23–24, 160, 176–78, 188–91;

  youth on, 38, 156, 179

  Peronism, 1, 4–5, 8, 11, 15, 18;

  anti-Peronism and, 21–22, 24–25, 28–29;

  and education, 22, 26–28, 46–47, 54–56;

  first governments, 20–21;

  re-evaluations of, 68, 169;

  right-wing, 6, 178, 183–86, 190–91, 224, 228, 230, 246;

  and youth, 38, 40, 45, 158–60, 176–78, 185, 187–89, 192. See also Montoneros; Revolutionary Tendency; Unión de Estudiantes Secundarios

  Piba de barrio (neighborhood girl), 207–8, 250

  Pill, 6, 13, 19, 118–19, 222–23. See also Sexuality: contraception

  Police: and drugs, 225–28;

  and morals, 113–14, 223–24;

  and rock culture, 136–37, 139, 154, 240–41;

  and runaways, 108–9, 111;

  and student movements, 50–51, 64–65, 165–66, 183–84;

  and youth sociability, 71–72

  Political culture, 14, 214, 219–20;

  definition of, 158–59, 168–69, 190–94. See also New Left; Third World.

  Psychological experts, 20–21, 249;

  and “adolescent crisis,” 30–32;

  and modernization, 35–36, 42–43;

  and runaways, 107;

  and sexual education, 115–16

  Radicalization, 3, 11;

  and May of 1969, 167–68, 199;

  and Revolución Argentina, 66, 124–25

  Radio Corporation of America (RCA), 73, 76–77;

  on El Club del Clan, 78–79, 81;

  on rock music, 138–39, 147

  Reca, Telma, 20, 30–32, 35, 59

  Reformism, 3;

  and Peronism, 24, 45, 55–56;

  transformations of, 60–62, 65–66, 68. See also University Reform Movement

  Revolución Argentina: definition, 64;

  demise of, 124, 167–68;

  opposition to, 162–64;

  and university politics, 65–66. See also Onganía, Juan Carlos

  Revolución Libertadora, 4, 21;

  and education, 47, 56;

  and youth, 27–28

  Revolutionary Tendency (Peronism), 178–92 passim

  Ripoll, Daniel, 143. See also Pelo

  Rivas, Violeta, 79–80, 86–87

  Rock culture: Argentine, 123–25;

  arrival in Argentina, 70–73;

  commercial aspects, 73–74, 76–77, 141–42;

  and counterculture, 145–49;

  and dictatorship, 239–43;

  and masculinity, 129�
��38, 140–42, 251–52;

  playing of, 73–74, 133–34, 138–39, 145;

  and politics, 151–55;

  progresivos and complacientes, 143–44;

  and youth sociability, 74–76, 104, 134–35

  Romero, José Luis, 59

  Runaways, 107–9;

  discussions about, 112–13. See also Penjerek, Norma

  Sandro, 82

  Sanmartino, Ernesto, 112–13

  Santaolalla, Gustavo, 147, 292 (n. 92). See also Arco Iris

  School of Humanities and Social Sciences (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires), 15–16;

  and political radicalization, 173–74, 181;

  and university renovation, 55–61, 67. See also Students—university; University

  Secondary school: and authoritarianism, 47–49, 235–38;

  coeducation, 25, 35–36, 47, 52;

  debates over, 46–47;

  Democratic Education Program, 28–29, 182;

  discipline, 49–50;

  enrollments, 22, 46–47, 236–37;

  pedagogies, 48–49;

  policies, 33, 181–82, 236–37;

  teaching-training branch, 46, 101–2;

  technical branch, 46–47, 126, 182–83, 236. See also Students—secondary school

  Second Vatican Council, 33, 62, 65, 159, 161

  Secretaria ejecutiva (executive secretary), 102–3. See also Young women: and labor market

  Sexuality, 1–9, 13–17, 250–51;

  adultery, 32, 216, 235;

  and authoritarianism, 223–24, 231, 246;

  contraception, 115, 118–19, 223–24;

  double standard of, 122, 203, 207–8;

  fears of, 109–10, 112–14;

  pre-marital sex, 39–40, 98–99, 115–22, 206–8;

  masturbation, 115–16;

  menstruation, 116–17;

  and New Left, 155, 161, 193–94, 200–202, 205–6, 216–18;

  pre-nuptial medical certificate and, 120–21;

  representations of, 26–27, 37–40, 58–59, 75, 89–90, 196–99;

  sexual awakening and, 31–32;

  sexual revolution and, 114–15, 202–6;

  and rock music, 70–72, 80, 82, 127, 140–41, 147–48;

  virginity, 69, 75, 99–100, 117–18, 122, 206–8. See also Gender; Homosexuality

  Social clubs, 2, 71, 73, 75–76;

  and new wave, 78, 82, 134

  Socialist Party, 2, 27, 61, 210

  Spinetta, Luis Alberto, 138, 140–41, 240–41;

  and “liberation,” 153–56. See also Almendra

  Students: in relation to youth, 3–4, 12–13, 16–17, 44, 67–68

  —secondary school: discipline and, 49–50, 126–27;

  political activism, 28, 44–45, 50–51, 154, 158–59, 175–76, 181–85, 211–12, 215, 243–44;

  repression, 229–31, 235–38;

  school life, 47–49;

  sexuality, 117–18, 207;

  sociability, 24–25, 52–53, 77, 92. See also Federación Juvenil Comunista; Laica o Libre conflict; Secondary school; Unión de Estudiantes Secundarios; Unión Nacionalista de Estudiantes Secundarios

  —university: political activism, 2, 5, 10, 24, 44–45, 55–56, 60–62, 103, 158–59, 161–68, 179–81;

  representations of, 41, 58–59, 63–64;

  repression, 64–66, 229–31, 235–37;

  sexuality, 115, 117–19, 207–8;

  sociability, 56–58. See also Cordobazo; Federación de Estudiantes Nacionales; Federación Universitaria Argentina; Federación Universitaria de Buenos Aires; Intregralistas; Juventud Universitaria Peronsita; May of 1969;

  Movimiento Ateneísta; Reformism; Tendencia Anti-Imperialista Universitaria; University Reform Movement

  Sui Géneris, 127–28, 140, 153

  Tacuara, 50, 110

  Tanguito, 87, 132–34, 140

  Tedesco, Johny, 79, 81, 83. See also El Club del Clan

  Teenager, 9–10, 107

  Teenpics, 71–72, 88, 93

  Tendencia Anti-Imperialista Universitaria (TAU, Anti-Imperialist University Trend), 62, 66

  Third World, 3, 10–12, 18, 157–58, 252–54;

  and culture, 173–75;

  definition, 168–69;

  and emotions, 170–71, 191–92;

  and Peronism, 176–77;

  and travel, 172–73, 183–84. See also New Left; Political culture

  Trasvasamiento generacional (generational transference), 160, 177–78, 187. See also Juventud Peronista; Perón, Juan Domingo: on youth

  Travel, 25, 146–48, 171–73, 183–84, 253

  Triple A, 178, 188, 227, 230–31

  Tucumán Arde, 170–72

  Unión de Estudiantes Secundarios (UES, Secondary School Students Union), 15–16;

  in 1950s, 22–29;

  in 1970s, 175, 179, 181–86, 189, 211–12, 215, 231, 243. See also Juventud Peronista; Perón, Juan Domingo: and UES; Students—secondary school

  Unión Feminista Argentina (Argentine Feminist Union), 202–3

  Unión Nacional de Estudiantes (UNE, National Student Union), 161–63, 166

  Unión Nacionalista de Estudiantes Secundarios (Nationalist Secondary School Students Union), 50–51

  United States, 8–10;

  and counterculture, 148–49;

  counterinsurgency training, 231;

  drug policies, 226–27;

  invasion of Bay of Pigs, 61;

  invasion of Santo Domingo, 63;

  postwar youth, 23, 32;

  and rock, 70, 72, 74;

  and sexuality, 113, 116, 119–20

  University: and authoritarianism, 228–30, 237;

  enrollments, 44–45, 180, 236;

  and military intervention, 64–65, 164;

  and modernization 12–13, 16, 44–45, 56–57, 61–62, 67–68, 170;

  and Peronism, 173–74, 179–80. See also Students—university

  University of Buenos Aires (UBA), 8, 14, 16, 31, 35, 54–55, 61, 64, 115, 173, 179–81, 195, 226, 237

  University of Córdoba, 50, 65–66, 181

  University of the Northeast, 62, 164

  University Reform Movement, 2–3, 44–45;

  left-wing criticism, 161–62;

  right-wing criticism, 63–64, 236. See also Radicalization; Reformism

  Urondo, Francisco, 84, 205, 212–13

  Vaquero. See Jeans

  Viola, Roberto, 236, 243

  Viñas, David, 7;

  on Cuba, 60–61;

  on frustrated generation, 38–39;

  on jeans, 90

  Walsh, Rodolfo, 170

  Young men, 3, 7, 17, 251–52;

  and conscription, 128–29;

  and education, 126–27;

  and fashion, 88–91, 95, 142–43, 197;

  and labor market, 129–30;


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