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Rescue Me (Sunset Bay Book 1)

Page 5

by Christine Kingsley

  "Baby, my moves would blow your mind."

  "Prove it."

  He let out a low laugh that had her wishing he would.

  What was she thinking, engaging in sexual banter with him? But as he skillfully guided the boat out of the slip and into open water, she couldn't help but wonder how that strength and agility translated in the bedroom. You'd know if you hadn't blacked out. She didn't know what she regretted more, the fact that he'd been enough of an ass to take advantage of her, or that she'd never know what it had been like. Knowing how screwed up that must make her, she moved away to the railing and resolved again to keep her distance.

  * * *

  Pulling the boat back into the slip several hours later, Cole had no clue what was going on with Meredith, but he was determined to find out. He'd yet to find a way to broach the subject of the night before that wouldn't have her shutting him out. Again. Why had she run out this morning? And why was she so distant now?

  He knew he should be relieved that she didn't want to discuss it. She wanted to pretend their time together had never happened. Normally that would be perfect. No strings, no expectations. But something about her had him wanting to know what she was thinking. He also wanted to finish what they had started. It didn't appear that was going to happen.

  Reminding himself who she was, he tried to convince himself it was for the best. He'd finished her lesson as agreed, and they could be done with each other. She could find something else to do and he wouldn't have to see her again.

  "Thanks for the lesson," she said, interrupting his thoughts. "It was more fun than I expected."

  "You're a fast learner."

  A hint of a pleased smile played around her full lips, making him think of how those lips had felt under his. It looked as if she was about to say more, but then her eyes darted behind him. "Brother Bear, right behind you," she muttered. Then more loudly, "Hey, Bran!"

  "How did it go?" he called to them as he approached.

  "She's a natural," Cole said, noting her startled expression. It was true. She'd picked up on the nuances of sailing faster than most of his students.

  "Perfect. I'll tell the activities coordinator to block off more time for you this week."

  Meredith stiffened beside him. She was obviously still opposed to spending any more time with him. "I don't know," she began, her eyes darting between the two men. Brandon's eyes narrowed suspiciously. He didn't miss a thing. "I mean, I would hate to take up all of Cole's time, and I want to make time for some dance classes too."

  "Nonsense. Cole is the best, but he still has plenty of availabilities this week. Unless there's another reason you don't want to take lessons? You need to have some fun, Mere."

  Her shoulders slumped slightly, and Cole wondered about the dynamic between them. She seemed to do whatever he wanted her to, which contrasted sharply with the impression he'd had of her before. She didn't strike him as the type to take orders from anyone.

  Taking her silence for agreement, Brandon clapped his hands together. "Great. I'll book another lesson for tomorrow."

  "Great," she echoed, staring off into the distance.

  Despite his determination to not get involved any further with her, Cole was surprised to find he was relieved that they'd have another day together. "See you tomorrow then," he said, giving her a casual grin.

  "So you will," she said through clenched teeth, turning her back to Brandon to pierce him with those startlingly blue eyes. Her meaning couldn't have been clearer. She was doing this, but not for him, and not because she wanted to.

  Unsure where the need to change that came from, he resolved that by the time he was done with their lessons, she'd be wanting him to show her a lot more than how to sail.


  Cole worked on the rigging, the midday sun beating down on his back and drenching him in sweat. Better to stay busy than to think. Meredith would be back for their second lesson before long and he was trying his best to keep her off his mind.

  Not an easy task considering he'd dreamt of her the night before and woken up with a raging hard on. He didn't understand how she'd invaded his thoughts so completely in such a short amount of time, but he didn't like it one bit. After giving it much consideration, he'd decided maybe she was right and they would be better off forgetting that first night. He didn't have the time or the inclination to be so wrapped up in knots over a woman. Even if she was one of the most intoxicating women he'd ever met.

  He continued working on the boat, preparing it for a day at sea, when he became aware of a tingling sensation on the back of his neck and realized someone was watching him. Glancing up, he saw her standing before the boat, hotter than any image a dream could conjure, wearing an impossibly tinier gold bikini than she'd worn the day before, and he felt his immediate response begin to raise its own sail. He felt like a frigging fourteen-year-old boy unable to control his body when he was around her.

  "Come aboard," he called over his shoulder, gesturing toward the door. She did so wordlessly, and he tried to keep his focus on the task at hand. Easier said than done with her standing there staring at him with those eyes. God, those eyes.

  "How long until we can get started? I have some other things I want to do today." Her voice was cool enough to chill the blazing Florida sun.

  He turned and faced her. What was her deal? Hot and cold. She'd been that way the entire previous day. "If you don't want to do this, you are more than welcome to show yourself back to the beach." He didn't mean to sound so harsh, but she had him so on edge.

  Meredith crossed her arms over her chest and jutted one hip out, a stance he was becoming familiar with. "It doesn't matter what I want to do. This is what Brandon wants." Her voice took on a strange tone.

  "What is that supposed to mean? He's not master of you, even though you seem to act like it. I've known him a long time and I can't say that I've ever known him to be the domineering type, but the dynamic between you two is just weird."

  She shifted and wrapped her gauzy swimsuit cover more tightly around herself. Cole was disappointed as the smooth stretch of her stomach disappeared from sight but tried to focus on what she was saying. "It's not that. Not at all. Brandon is the best brother I could ever ask for."

  "Then why can't you seem to think for yourself when he's around?"

  That had her riled up again. Was it wrong that he kind of liked it when she got angry? Maybe it was the flush rising up her neck from her chest. His eyes followed the path down to her breasts before he could stop himself, and the memory of what they had felt like pressed against his chest came rushing back.

  "I can think for myself just fine," she snapped, bringing his attention back to the matter at hand. "I just want to make him happy." Her voice softened. "He's done so much for me. After our parents died..." She trailed off and looked away. Cole remembered. They had been in college and Brandon had been overwhelmed by the responsibility of looking out for his sister.

  Cole took a step closer to her, but she jumped back. "None of that matters. I'm here and I'm taking this lesson. So let's get on with it."

  "You seemed to have a good time yesterday. Once we actually got out on the water. So what's with the cold shoulder now?" He had to know.

  "I thought I made it clear I didn't want to discuss that."

  "Too bad. I do. If we're going to be spending time together for the next couple weeks, and it looks as though we are, I need to know. The other night you were—" A fantasy. Sexy. Irresistible. "—not nearly so cranky with me."

  Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. "Cranky? You're calling me cranky?"

  Bad move, man. "Maybe that's the wrong word," he said, backpedaling.

  "Damn right it is." She put her hands back on her hips, revealing an ample amount of cleavage.

  Cole groaned. This woman was going to be the death of him. "What would you call it?"

  "Indignant? Shocked? Outraged?"


  He drew his eyebrows together and leaned in towa
rd her. "Because I know Brandon? I didn't know who you were any more than you knew me. You act like I was trying to trick you."

  "You might as well have. For all intents and purposes, you did. You took advantage of me." She was gesturing wildly again, and he wanted to laugh at how adorably animated she was, except her words threw him off guard.

  "Took advantage? What are you talking about?" He was so confused he couldn't even pretend to follow along.

  "What else could I mean? The last thing I remember is we were on the beach." Her face flushed. The next thing I know is I'm waking up naked in your bed. Obviously you—" She broke off, gesturing between the two of them. "You and I. We. You know what I mean."

  He moved in closer, effectively trapping her against the boat rail. "No, I don't think I do. I think you need to spell it out for me." Because if she was saying what he thought she was saying, no wonder she didn't want anything to do with him.

  "We slept together. And I was too far gone to remember any of it."


  There, she'd said it. She hadn't intended to, but he'd pushed her too far. At least she'd cleared the air and he wouldn't go around acting as if nothing had happened. If they were stuck together for the time being, maybe she could function a little easier around him without that night hanging between them. She could keep her distance and keep herself in check. Because if she caved to him now after being so self-righteous she'd look like a spineless fool.

  She chewed the inside of her lip while she waited for him to say something. Anything. But he was just watching her, his face as unreadable as if it were carved from stone.

  Cole continued to stare, and she grew uncomfortable, shifting from foot to foot.

  "That's what you think?" he finally said in a strained voice.

  "Umm, yeah." She tried to give her most exasperated look, but she thought it came out wrong, because he took another step closer to her, closing the remaining distance between them in one step. The heat in his eyes made her swallow hard.

  He leaned down so that his lips were only inches from her ear. His entire body was close enough that if she breathed too deeply she was sure they would make contact. So she didn't breathe, for fear his touch would cause her to burst into flames. Then he said softly, his breath teasing her neck, "Baby, if we slept together, you better believe you'd never forget it."

  He turned and stalked off, disappearing into the cabin of the boat.

  Meredith stood rooted to the spot, unsure what had just happened. She couldn't even think straight thanks to her body's insane tendency to fall to pieces whenever she was near Cole. Part of her wanted to follow him while the other wanted to jump ship, literally.

  What did he mean? She'd never forget it. But she had. Unless...

  "Cole!" She ran into the cabin after him, stopping abruptly when she reached the bottom of the steps. The cabin was tinier than she'd expected and the man standing before her made it feel even smaller. She watched him for what seemed like an eternity, his eyes boring into hers with a mixture of anger and desire.

  "Is that really what you think of me?" he asked, seemingly disgusted.

  She didn't want to. "What do you expect? I don't even know you. Not really." She lowered her eyes for a moment then peered up at him through lowered lashes, feeling a tinge of embarrassment. "You're saying we didn't?"

  He shook his head. "Not that I didn't want to, but God, Meredith, I'd have to be a real tool to do something like that."

  Incomprehensibly, she didn't know whether she was relieved or disappointed. On one hand, he wasn't the jerk she'd made him out to be in her mind. Good. On the other hand, now she had no reason to keep her distance, and knowing she hadn't slept with him made her desperately want to know exactly what she was missing. Not good.

  She was shocked to find herself stepping closer, a smile playing on her lips. "Then I guess I owe you an apology."

  The muscle in Cole's jaw twitched several times and he raked his eyes hungrily over her body. With visible effort, he pulled his gaze back to hers and shook his head regretfully. "Like you said, let's forget it. We have a lesson to finish." He brushed past her, leaving her feeling even more confused and lost than before.


  Meredith stretched out on her beach chair, screwing up her face as her muscles screamed in complaint. Between learning the ropes of sailing and taking Pilates and Ballet Barre classes at the resort's fitness studio, she didn't think she'd been in so much pain since her days as a dancer when hours upon hours of rehearsals had pushed her body to its limits. She was sore and out of practice, but, oh, how wonderful it had felt to dance again.

  She hadn't seen Cole in two days. Not since discovering the truth of their night together. Well, she hadn't had another lesson, she corrected herself. She'd watched him plenty from her spot on the beach, while pretending to read or relax or whatever. Like right now.

  He was out in the water, just in her line of sight, teaching another guest how to get out of a kayak if they ran into trouble. Meredith sank lower in her seat, adjusting her sunglasses, and watched him over the top of the book she hadn't read a word of. He was excellent at what he did. And criminally sexy.

  After his revelation in the boat cabin he had barely looked her way, and now she couldn't keep her eyes off him. Couldn't stop thinking about what it would be like if he would show her just what she was missing. He said she'd never forget, and the wild part of herself that she'd suppressed for so long ached for him to sear it into her memory.

  "Hey, girl," a cheerful voice broke into her thoughts. Katrina, the dance instructor at the resort, threw herself down onto the chair next to Meredith.

  Meredith welcomed the distraction but crossed her arms across her chest just in case her aroused state from thoughts of Cole was evident. "You are killing me. I don't think I've worked my body this hard in years."

  Katrina laughed. "Well, you wouldn't know it. You dance like you've never stopped." They had become quick friends over the last couple days, bonding over their mutual love of dance.

  "Thanks, but I know what I'm capable of, and I am so out of practice it's not even funny."

  "That's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about," she began hesitantly.

  "How out of practice I am?" Meredith couldn't help but laugh.

  "Of course not. What you're capable of. Brandon just told me that the instructor he had booked to teach the ballroom classes next week won't be coming and he wants me to do it."

  "That's great! I think you'll do a good job."

  Katrina pursed her lips and cut her eyes away. "No, I don't think so. I don't know how to put something like that together. That's why he was bringing someone in." She paused, then turned back to Meredith with a pleading look. "Please say you'll do it."

  "Me?" Meredith shot straight up in her chair, then clapped a hand over her mouth. She had practically screamed, and heads turned in her direction, including Cole's. She shrunk back down and tried to keep her attention on Katrina, but saw Cole from the corner of her vision. He was still watching her. That was more than he'd given her since their last lesson. "Why me? I'm not a teacher. Not by a long shot."

  "Nonsense. You'll do great. You have enough experience to be able to teach a beginner class."

  Maybe, but that didn't mean she wanted to. Or even if she did, that she felt capable. "I don't think it's a good idea. It's been years since I've done any ballroom dancing. I'll just make a fool of myself and create negative reviews for the resort. Which Brandon absolutely does not need."

  "You're exactly right," Katrina said, latching on to her admission. "If I teach the class, it will be nothing but trouble for Brandon. The best way to ensure happy guests is if they're taught by someone that knows what she's talking about. You."

  Meredith snapped her mouth shut. She'd walked right into it and now she saw no way out. If it meant helping her brother, she had to do it. She admitted that a small part of herself was thrilled at the prospect, and not a little pleased that Katrina had so much
confidence in her. It would be a blast, no doubt, and a much-needed excuse to spend more time dancing. But the part of her that was full of doubt made her question if it really was a good idea.

  "I'll take that as a yes." Katrina clapped her hands together excitedly. “This will be perfect. And here comes Brandon now." She waved her hand toward Brandon's approaching figure.

  "Perfect," Meredith echoed. She risked a glance at the emerald water, noticing that Cole was finishing up with his lesson. The way the water glistened on his tanned chest caused her pulse to jump into high gear. Maybe she should schedule another lesson with him. With his aloof attitude after their last one, neither one had mentioned scheduling another. And she needed an excuse to do more than stalk him from the beach chair.

  "Brandon," Katrina gushed, pulling Meredith’s attention away from Cole. "Meet your new ballroom instructor."

  A broad smile broke across his face. "Wonderful. I'm so glad you finally agreed. I'll let marketing know to keep it on the agenda." He pulled out his phone to send a text but stopped short when Katrina put her hand on his arm.

  "No, not me. Meredith." She smiled with as much pride as if she'd just announced that Meredith was nominated for a Nobel Prize.

  Brandon's head snapped toward her and she wiggled her fingers, giving him a small smile and a shrug.

  "No," he said. "Not happening."

  Meredith felt like all the wind had gone out of her sails. Of course he wouldn't want her to. He was the main reason she'd given up dance in the first place.

  "Don't be ridiculous," Katrina said. "She's the most capable person here. And unless you can find someone else in the next few days, she's the only person we've got."

  Meredith felt an irrepressible urge to stand up to her brother. That was new. Whether it was her frustration with Cole or her newly enlivened spirit from pursuing her passion for dance, she didn't know, but suddenly she didn't want to take no for an answer. She had given up enough to prove herself to him, and irrational as it may be, she didn't want to give this up.


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