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Rescue Me (Sunset Bay Book 1)

Page 6

by Christine Kingsley

  "She's right," Meredith found herself saying, rising to her feet and sticking her chin out stubbornly. "I'm the best you can get on short notice. And I want to do it."

  "But you're here to rest," he insisted. "To have fun."

  "This is fun, Bran," she said softly. "I love it."

  "You're sure?" He looked skeptical, and Meredith smiled exuberantly. He was caving. "You know I just want to make sure you enjoy your time off."

  "You worry too much. I want to," she repeated. "Let me do this." Brandon nodded and she threw her arms around his neck. "Thank you."

  "Thank you, I guess." He still looked unsure as he left them and walked toward the water where Cole had finished up with his lesson.

  Meredith turned to Katrina. "I can't believe this. I'm excited now." And she was. It was empowering to do what she wanted. To stand up to Brandon for a change and not take his opinion as gospel truth. She loved her brother and knew he had her best interests at heart, but sometimes she wondered if he really knew her at all.

  "Let's go have a celebratory lunch and then head to the studio to work on some dances, what do you think?"

  "Perfect," Meredith said again. And for the first time in a long time some things about her life did feel perfect.


  Cole plunged his head into the salty water to cool off, then stood waist deep, shaking the drops from his hair. The cold water did him some good, both because the summer sun had been beating down on him for hours and because he had been distracted by Meredith sitting nearby through the duration of his last lesson.

  He'd immersed himself in his work completely for days to try to keep her out of his mind, but it was futile. She was everywhere, even though he had made a point not to schedule any more lessons with her. He didn't like how preoccupied he was with her. It was dangerous. He'd been so careful to keep women at arm's length for the past few years.

  Ever since Jessie.

  And now Meredith was worming her way into his thoughts, night and day. He'd seen the look in her eyes when she'd realized they hadn't slept together. She'd been shocked, sure, but she'd also seen him in a different light. More like that first night. All her irritation had dissipated and he'd known at that moment that if he wanted her, he could have her.

  A very bad idea on so many levels. That she was Brandon's sister was a given. But the fact that she was so intoxicating sent up a hundred more red flags to stay away. So he had.

  Cole saw Brandon approaching and left the water to meet him at the shoreline.

  "How's it going?" Brandon asked.

  "Great," he replied. Which was true if he was referring to Cole's stint as an instructor. "I'm actually enjoying myself. It's refreshing to be out on the water for the sport of it."

  "That's what I like to hear. You know the option to stay on is always open. You've become a guest favorite in a very short time." He smiled knowingly.

  Cole had been surprised to find himself booked up for most of the coming week. Mostly with women. Normally it would have been icing on the cake. Time on the water and sexy women vying to spend time with him? The taste was bittersweet though when the one woman he wanted to spend time with was off limits.

  "I appreciate it. Truly. And I'll keep it in mind."

  "Have you heard back yet?" Brandon became serious.

  Cole shook his head. "It should be any day now. I just wish I knew what to do."

  "I can't help you there, but like I said, you're welcome here as long as you want to be here."

  "Thanks, man." Cole clapped him on the back and turned toward his villa. He had just enough time to change and grab something to eat before his next sailing lesson. "Want to join me for lunch?"

  "Sorry, but my day is packed. How about this? I've promised Meredith I'd have dinner with her since she got here and I've still not had a chance. We're dining at Bien tomorrow if you want to join us."

  Knowing it was a bad idea, but not sure how to get out of it, he said, "Sure, see you then." He didn't think he had anything to wear to the resort's fanciest restaurant, but it looked like he would have to find something.

  After a quick shower and change, he walked to the twenty-four-hour buffet and was about to go in when he saw Meredith sitting at an outdoor table with a tall redhead. He thought he recognized her from one of the activities meetings, so she must be a resort employee. He was about to continue past the buffet and opt for the snack bar instead in another ridiculous attempt to avoid Meredith, when the redhead waved her hand high in the air and gestured for him to come over.

  "This is the guy I was telling you about," she was saying as he bit the bullet and approached them. What was her name? Katie, Kathryn?

  Meredith shook her head. "Katrina, I don't think this is a good idea. I know I agreed to it, but I'm starting to have my doubts."

  "Nonsense. Cole, this is Meredith, Brandon's sister." If only he'd been properly introduced to her before that night at the club, they could have avoided the whole mess.

  "Yes, we've met." He couldn't keep the glint out of his eye when he saw a telling flush make its way across her cheeks. Had they ever.

  "Oh, good. I was just telling her that I thought someone in one of the meetings had mentioned you had dance experience. And we need someone to help us out with the ballroom class next week."

  He couldn't have been more shocked if she'd suddenly sprouted wings and told him she was an alien species. From the wide-eyed look on Meredith's face, she felt the same. He let out a loud laugh. "I think you've got the wrong guy."

  "No, it was definitely you. So what do you say? Can you take one for the team?"

  He sighed, knowing he was about to get roped into something he would regret. Pulling up a chair, he joined them at the table. He stole a fry from Meredith's untouched plate and winked at her when she started to object. "Why did you have to put it like that? What are you getting me in to?"

  Katrina smiled like the cat that ate the canary. "I need you to be the male half of a ballroom dance couple to lead the new class. Temporarily," she added hastily when he started to shake his head. He hadn't taken ballroom dancing since he was a teenager, and even then it had only been as a favor to his sister.

  "Brandon is going to owe me big time," he muttered under his breath. "Alright, who's the unlucky woman?" He popped another fry in his mouth and nearly choked when Meredith spoke to him for the first time since he'd sat down.

  "You're looking at her."


  Meredith looked around the empty fitness studio as she started her warm-up routine. Cole would be done with his last students and arriving any minute and she wanted to be ready to go. She could not believe that Cole of all people was going to be her dance partner. She was excited about teaching the class, but also completely freaked out by the prospect of being in such a situation with him. It seemed that no matter what she did they kept getting thrown together.

  She wondered what it would be like to dance with him again. A smile stole across her face as she recalled how they had moved together on the dance floor that first night at the resort. He definitely had moves, but the fact that he knew how to ballroom dance blew her mind. She would have to ask him about it because he was nothing like any of the dancers she'd grown up with.

  She lifted one leg onto the ballet barre fastened to the wall and leaned over, relishing in the stretch. Her body yearned to move again. The few times she had been dancing since she'd arrived had been so exhilarating and refreshing.

  Finishing her stretches, she went over to the sound system and plugged in her iPod to pull up the playlist she'd made, an eclectic mix of dance tunes set to the beats per minute of the dance they would be working on. The Rumba. It was an extremely sensual dance, which made her nervous, but it would be a favorite with the students taking her class.

  Her class. The prospect sent a thrill through her. For how long had she dreamed of teaching her own dance classes? After years of training, it had been her goal, her passion, and when she'd had to give it up, she'd been h
eartbroken. It was incredible to be given the chance now.

  Cranking up the music, she fastened her shoes, strappy heels that would be perfect for the dance. Too bad she's lost her favorite red shoes. Maybe she'd ask Cole for them now that they'd been stuck together again. She briefly wondered if the outfit she'd chosen was too revealing, but it was suitable for moving. Black leggings hugged her every curve, and the loose cropped shirt hung off one shoulder, revealing her leopard-print sports bra beneath. She wouldn't have thought twice about it if it weren't for her new dance partner.

  She began practicing some of the turns and didn't hear the studio door open over the loud music. When she spun around and saw Cole leaning against the wall watching her she froze in her tracks. The look on his face was enigmatic. What did he think about all of this? He hadn't seemed very eager to do it once he'd found out she would be the other dance instructor. She had mixed feelings as well and wished she knew what he was thinking. She walked over to turn down the music so they could discuss the specifics before getting started.

  "Hey," she said, stopping a safe five feet from him and feeling suddenly shy.


  "Look, I know you aren't excited to be here, but thank you for filling in."

  "You stepped up too," he said, running his eyes up and down her body.

  She felt heat creep up her neck but fought to keep her composure. How did he make her feel so unhinged with one look? If they were going to get through the evening, she couldn't be falling all over him. Despite how delicious he looked in the shirt that was stretched tightly over his muscled chest.

  Pull yourself together.

  "So what are we working on?" he asked.

  "The Rumba. Do you know it?"

  He laughed incredulously. "I do."

  "I have to ask. How do you know anything about ballroom?"

  "My older sister," he said with a smirk. "She was obsessed with it when we were teenagers and couldn't find anyone to take classes with her. Like the good brother I am, I agreed to be her partner."

  Meredith melted a little more. "Looks like I'm not the only one who does things to please the family."

  He looked at her curiously and she realized she'd said too much. He didn't want to hear all about what she'd sacrificed for Brandon. "Let's get started."

  "It's been quite a while," he warned. I may need a refresher."

  "Okay, come here." He closed the distance between them and Meredith sucked in a sharp breath to steady her nerves. Nerves, or excitement? Whenever she was this close to him, it seemed that her body was a raging conflict of emotions.

  She placed one of his hands on her waist and took the other in hers, talking him through the basic steps and trying to maintain as much distance between them as possible. He kept up with no problem.

  "I think you've still got it."

  He grinned mischievously. "Oh yeah, I've got it."

  She couldn't suppress her responding smile. Maybe it would be fun after all. If she could just let go of her inhibitions. She'd been doing a lot of that since she'd arrived. She was suddenly overcome with a wicked desire to see how far she could push him. He'd been so aloof since their last day on the boat. After he'd revealed they hadn't slept together.

  She didn't know what motivated it, but she wanted to see if she could get him to open up again. To bring back that impish guy she'd had so much fun with the first night. The fact that he'd kept his distance only fueled the desire. She knew it was dangerous to flirt with him. Playing with fire. But the old Meredith, the one who liked to have fun and take chances, seemed to be making more of an appearance every day.

  Tilting her head back so she could look up at him with heavy-lidded eyes, she pressed herself closer to him. "You know, if this is going to be enjoyable for the students, we have to put on a good show. Make the dance come alive for them. They need to see the sensuality of the dance."

  His eyes grew darker and his jaw twitched. Yes, there was still something there between them. He hadn't just shut it off like she'd thought, or if he had, it was barely concealed beneath the surface.

  "Wrap your arm around me tighter," she commanded.

  He pulled her against him and she felt like putty with his strong arm around her and his chiseled abs flush against hers.

  "Is that good?" he asked huskily.

  "Just like that," she replied, allowing herself a sultry smile. "Okay, now you take the lead and show me what you've got."

  Cole took over, moving expertly to the music and spinning her out and around until she felt giddy, then pulling her back tightly to his chest.

  As the conventions of the dance dictated, she wrapped one leg up around his hip and he gripped her thigh.


  She arched her back, extending and lowering her torso until she was nearly upside down, her hips fused with his as he kept a firm hold on her.

  Her head nearly exploded at the raw sexuality she was feeling. She had danced this particular dance a hundred times before, but never with a man that made her want to strip her clothes off and see if he knew how to move in the bedroom as well. Cole had a confidence about him that screamed out it would be everything she hoped and more.

  Her breath becoming ragged, Meredith raised herself slowly back up until every inch of their bodies was pressed together. He stared down into her eyes as they competed the dance, not loosening his hold for a second, even as the music came to an end.

  They remained entangled in each other's arms for what felt like ages, until Meredith at last came to her senses and unwound herself from him. He dropped his hand from the death grip he had on her hip and she backed up.

  She hadn't expected anything like that. Moving away from him as quickly as possible, she returned to the sound system and scrolled through her music until she found the song they would be using for class. She took longer than necessary, needing a minute to regain her composure.

  "Good," she said, her voice sounding high to her own ears. The rush of blood coursing through her head drowned out any other sounds. "Let's go again. I'll start over here, and meet you in the middle of the dance floor."

  She gathered her courage. She hadn't expected such a response from him. Her smart idea to push his buttons had backfired and he was staring at her with such intensity that it practically bored holes through her body. Forcing a smile, she waited for the music to start up then spun and sashayed her way toward him, letting her body feel the music.

  When he reached out his hand and she grabbed it, he yanked her hard against his chest and she became lost in the heady combination of the music, the dance and his delectable body moving perfectly in sync with hers. She knew intellectually that dancing was sensual. Sexual even, but she'd never experienced anything like this.

  He pinned her with his eyes as they danced and she couldn't tell if they were in character, telling the story of the dance, or if the desire that had been simmering between them since the moment they first locked eyes was creating the slow burn in her core.

  She arched her neck and his lips were a mere breath away from the sensitive flesh there as they teased and taunted one another with the moves.

  The song came to an end, and Meredith and Cole were face to face, not an inch of space between any part of their bodies, her leg around him as before. She became aware of her heavy breathing but didn't want to break contact this time.

  As if they had a mind of their own, her hands moved up from where they rested on his shoulders and twined themselves in his hair.

  He ran his hand up her thigh until it nearly cupped her backside and she felt a throb radiating from her center.

  "Cole," she murmured.

  For an agonizing moment, the debate on his face was so obvious that she thought he was going to release her and walk away.

  But then he dumbfounded her by pulling her even closer to him, if that was possible, and lowered his head to hers in a soft, testing brush of lips.

  Her breath came out in a sigh and was swallowed as his mouth captured hers again
, more urgently this time.

  Yes. This. This is what she had been dreaming of, secretly wishing for. So secretly that she hadn't even admitted the depth of her desire to herself, having brushed her dreams of the past few nights off as nothing.

  But what she was feeling as he kissed her was definitely something.

  She responded to his warm mouth, opening for him to delve deeper.

  As he plunged his tongue inside her mouth again, her legs began to quiver.

  He expertly scooped her up, keeping one hand on her hip and lifting her other leg until they were wrapped around him. He backed up to the closest wall and pinned her against it with his body, allowing his hands freedom to roam up from her waist.

  Meredith let her head fall back and he trailed hot, wet kisses down her neck, causing her to let out a small cry when he nipped at the sensitive skin along her collar bone.

  "Meredith, I—. Oh." A distant voice broke through her foggy brain, and she tried to make sense of it. It wasn't Cole because he had been steadily making a path toward her chest with his mouth. If it wasn't him, then who—?

  Her eyes snapped open and she looked directly over Cole's head to where someone was standing in the doorway, a shocked expression on their face.


  Cole stopped moving entirely and lifted his eyes to Meredith's face, but she couldn't meet his gaze.

  "I'm so sorry," Katrina said, stumbling over her words and turning to go back out, but stopped and headed back toward whatever it was that had brought her in. She stopped again and looked like she didn't know whether to continue on or run out the door. Her eyes were as wide as a deer caught in headlights. Meredith couldn't suppress the laugh bubbling up in her throat. She knew she should be mortified, but she was too caught up in relishing the way Cole made her body feel.

  "It's okay, Katrina," she said with a sigh.

  Cole looked visibly relieved when she spoke the name and he slowly lowered her to the floor. He gave her a wolfish grin and lifted his brows suggestively at her before turning to face their intruder, keeping his arm around her.


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