Wrangled Mess
Page 12
It’s so nice to be loved. Trace fell asleep to the ticking of my keyboard. I made lists and read emails until my thoughts felt a little more organized. The email from Joe was a bit alarming.
It held a detailed synopsis of everything he’d dug up on Jackson. The first line of the email told me if I wanted to use any of this in court I’d have to obtain the information legally. Fine by me. Once I know what’s going on I can find a way to handle it.
Jackson not only stole money from me, which on some level I feel is my own damn fault for not paying better attention, and for trusting him so completely, but he stole my pride, and that hurts. Joe attached a file with over a hundred emails in one week from several different women. Four, excluding me, women who all thought they were in a long term relationship with him.
Joe didn’t give any indication the women knew about each other. That doesn’t surprise me. I read a few of the emails then skipped further down in Joe’s email to find bank records indicating he was taking large deposits from these other women too.
Jackson is a con artist, plain and simple. I closed the lid on my laptop and sat back to look up at the stars. Jackson needs to go down. I wonder if Fletcher got fingerprints from Trace’s house. I wonder who they belong to if he did.
What will the club do? I don’t want to know. Jackson messed with the wrong people by taking a shot at a brother. Colson or not, the club will have their revenge, legal or otherwise. I don’t want to know about the latter.
“You okay Cookie?” Trace groaned and sat up.
“Yeah. I just read the email from Joe. I want to take Jackson down. He’s a con artist. A criminal. I have to find a way to prove he had me sign those tax forms without me knowing what I was signing. Better yet I’d like to find a way to track the money he stole legally, then file charges against him for grand larceny.”
“The club and your lawyers are working on it.”
“I know, but I feel like I need to do something. This is my life here. My money. My career. My love.” I reached over and took his hand in mine. “He tried to take you from me. Above everything else, that makes me the most angry.”
“You’re handling all this very well sweetheart. If you want to get angry, get angry. I wouldn’t recommend throwing a fit right now, but we can go for a ride out in the woods somewhere if you need to let out a good scream. I’m kind of surprised you haven’t unloaded on me for doing all this to you.”
“None of this is your fault. If it’s anyone’s fault, it’s mine. Realizing he’s a low life con artist helps ease the burn. People get conned all the time. I just can’t believe it happened to me. Then you add in the fact that I could go to jail?? For something he did?? Oh! I just want to strangle him!”
“Maybe the club will do it for us. Actually, we need him alive to take the fall for your tax issue. Tracking that money he stole, and proving he stole it will go a long way with the IRS. There’s a lot of investigating going on right now. He took a shot at me, which means you have the entire network of bikers at your disposal. We’re talking untold resources. Trust me, between the club and the cops, Jackson will go down for this.”
“I just don’t want to go down with him. I like spending every moment I can with you. I’d miss you.”
He stood taking my hand so I’d follow. “I’ll steal you away to some foreign country with no extradition laws first.”
“That wouldn’t work. We have too much family here.” I stepped inside before he closed and locked the sliding glass door. “Some more than others. I can’t believe you have eight brothers and sisters.”
“If I never make another sandwich in my life, it will be too soon.”
“I learned a lot about you yesterday from your mother. You’re definitely her favorite.”
“She says that to all the kids. Come on. Let’s see if we can’t clear that head of yours enough to get some sleep with me.”
“You can’t possibly have the energy for, that.” I followed him to the master bedroom, mostly because I forgot where it was. This boat is a sixty foot, five star hotel, on water. It even smells new.
“I always have energy for cookies.”
“You always have energy because you eat every cookie in sight. Did you seriously eat half the batch of cupcakes by yourself the other day?”
“No. I gave two to Stan and one to Renee.” He sat to take his boots off.
I stepped in front of him to help. “So you ate nine.”
“They were small. Barely over a bite a piece.”
“Why don’t you have diabetes??”
“I’m a busy man. I burn a lot more calories than I take in. Restoring that old house helps. Not only that, but until recently I didn’t indulge unless Red was baking at the club. I don’t care for the processed goods.”
“I still think I’m going to have to find a way to make healthier desserts for you, especially if you keep going at this rate.”
“My body is yours, inside an out. I’ll eat whatever you put in front of me, unless it’s tree bark. No tree bark.” He put his hands on my hips and pulled me closer.
I held him gently not wanting to hurt his shoulder or hip. “No tree bark. Got it. Why don’t you lay down sweetheart. You have to be drained.”
“I want to help you relax.” He argued tossing the covers back on the bed. “But I’m afraid I’d fall asleep in your cookies.”
I chuckled and helped him out of his shirt. “Where did you put Bits?”
“Guest room. I found some old newspapers in the recycle bin. He should be okay. He ate his dinner and curled up on his blanket while I was unpacking. I think he’s done too.”
“Good. I’ll go check on him and get my phone. Maybe he’ll stay in there all night this time.”
“I hope so, or he’s going to sleep in the John boat.”
Ten minutes later I was lost in some free crime solving novel that was just complicated enough to keep my mind busy without the stress of my life mixed in.
Trace is sound asleep on my shoulder with his arm and leg draped over my body. I like holding him this way. It feels right.
“Good morning sweet girl.” His whisper tickled my ear.
“I made coffee. Are you hungry?”
“I don’t know my name before coffee.”
“It’s almost ten. Get your lazy butt up so we can take Bits for a real walk.”
“How long have you been up?” I rolled over trying to snuggle into his chest and go back to sleep. Something about this boat is making me want to sleep.
“Since seven.” He welcomed my body against his. “I made you a fresh pot of coffee.”
“Can’t we just stay here all day?”
“No. Your piglet is going ape shit. He’s discovered traction again with these carpets, but he hasn’t figured out the glass doors. We really need to go wear him out.”
“He’s crashing into the doors??”
“Yes, at break-neck speeds. There’s a shopping center a couple blocks from here. The map says they have some novelty pet stuff. He needs a life jacket and a harness.”
“Okay okay. I’m getting up.” Nothing like guilting me with the welfare of my piglet to get me going.
He moved my hand down between us. “Me too.”
I applied pressure and lifted my chin for a nice long kiss, that might have turned into something else, if a little piglet hadn’t come screaming into the room. He tried to jump up on the bed, but miscalculated the new height and bounced right back to the floor.
I tried not to laugh and hopped over Trace to scoop him up. “Bacon Bits! What’s wrong honey??” I looked him over for bumps and bruises. His nose is a little red, but he seems fine.
Trace untangled himself from the bed and headed down the hall. “Shit fuck fire Turner, you scared the living piss out of my pig.”
Georgia’s voice sounded angry, “Sorry to barge in. We seem to have a multitude of problems right now. Somebody, no names mentioned, decided to hide my anniversary present in a really fucked up place.”
I got up and grabbed my robe before anyone could see me. Doors are slamming in the hallway.
I caught up to Georgia on her way down towards the kitchen, “Hey. Can I help?”
“No. I’ll find it. I swear that man is going to drive me to drink.”
“What are you looking for?”
“My anniversary present. He thinks it’s fun to hide shit throughout the year, then make me hunt for it. He just told me last night where he hid my anniversary present. I tried to call you, but I think your phone is dead, and Wrangler’s wouldn’t pick up at all. No voicemail, nothing.”
“That’s weird.”
“I thought so too since I told you to keep them close.” She started opening cabinets in the kitchen. “One of these days I’m going to make him hunt for something.”
“Why does he torture you like this?”
“Because he knows I love presents. It’s a sick obsession doc. Help me.” She laughed before closing the last door and looking around.
“Maybe he likes to see you excited and on the hunt.”
“No, not his style. More like he’s amusing himself at my expense.”
“I can’t imagine him laughing.”
“It’s rare, but, it has happened. Ah ha. Laundry.” She snapped her fingers and pointed back down the hall.
I followed enjoying the game. “Laundry?”
“He knows I hate laundry.” She opened the pocket doors to the wash closet, then popped open the dryer and felt around. “Ah ha. Sneaky fart.” She pulled out a dark blue felt covered box that looked like it might hold a necklace big enough for a movie star.
“Do you get to open it now?”
“No. If I do he gets very grumpy. I tried lying to him once, didn’t go over well.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Oh no, he didn’t hurt me, he just turns into a bigger ass than he already is. Turner would never raise a hand to me. I’d cut it off in his sleep.” She hooked her free arm, that’s not occupied by a five pound piglet, through mine. “Smells good. Did you cook breakfast?”
“No. I think Trace did. I just woke up.”
“Oh, sorry to crash in on you like this. I thought for sure you’d be up by now.”
“It’s okay. I enjoyed the adventure of the treasure hunt. You’ll have to send me pictures of whatever it is later.”
“I will.”
We had a nice breakfast with Georgia and Turner before they headed back to Phoenix on his giant Harley. She all but disappears behind his huge back. The man is a serious beast.
Trace and I went shopping with Bits at the Seaside Village shopping center. He got more attention than most celebrities, and loved every minute of it.
Originally I was going to get him a simple orange or yellow life jacket, and a black harness. Maybe red. Then Trace walked into the store.
“Here. He needs this, the fake one bothers me.”
I held up the little leather jacket designed for small to medium dogs. “Are you serious??”
“Here. Boots for your slick floors.” He put a set of four little red rubber rain boots on the counter and quickly went back to shopping.
I looked down at Bits who is currently enjoying belly rubs from the owner’s daughter in the same bed as their Dachshund. “You’re ridiculous.”
“Here, it’s going to get cold at night on the boat.” Now he’s piling on some kind of blanket with sleeves.
He turned around with a small tennis ball in his hand, “What?”
“No, he needs toys.” He went right back to shopping.
The shop owner and I just shook our heads and went back to talking about Dr. Phil.
By the time we got back to the boat my feet were sore, my belly was full of the best fish tacos on earth, and my arms were loaded with bags. I didn’t spend one dime.
Once we were inside and unloading bags and Bits to the floor I asked, “I know it’s none of my business, but we didn’t need half this stuff.”
“It’s okay, I don’t have any secrets from you. If I don’t have to keep up with the demands of the contracts I’m trying to win, I have more than enough to get by. If I upgrade our facility, then things get tight. We’ve got a lot going on right now. I’m going to let things settle for a while, try for the contracts again in a year or two.”
“Oh Trace. I’m sorry. Is this because of me?”
“Nah. I was pushing it as it was. It was fine when it was just me, but now we have the kid to consider. Can’t have him going around in Chihuahua hand me downs.” He opened the fridge. “Shit. Looks like I’m going back out. Want to make a list?”
“Why just you?”
“We can’t leave Bits here alone yet, he might freak out and tear something up. I want to check out the beer selection anyway.”
“Alright. Get me a nice looking bottle of red. Don’t spend an arm and a leg.”
He sat down on the couch beside where I’d landed to take the weight off my feet. He turned and settled on his back with his head in my lap looking up. “I still want to expand the business. More than that, I want to spend time with you. The business can wait, you, my love, cannot wait another second.”
“I can help you renovate your house if you take all the snakes and stuff out.”
“I don’t have room to move them to the shop. We’re maxed out there. That’s why I said I needed a larger unit with more land. Don’t worry about my house. It’ll get there.”
“Basically what you’re saying is, you don’t have time to grow your business, and date me.”
“Nope, and I don’t want to try and do both. I can make a good living where I’m at. The expansion was more for Stan. He’s got kids that are growing up and looking interested in joining the team. I wasn’t doing anything else and figured I’d get a jump start on the east side.” He reached up and unbuttoned the top button of my blouse.
“I wasn’t going to tell you this because I didn’t want it to sound weird, but I have the building you need. Two of them actually. Side by side. One side is rented to an antique lady named Carol, the other is empty.”
“How much?”
“Normally, four grand a month. Carol can’t afford that, so I have her at fifteen hundred for the first year, and an increase in a year, and every three years after. She’s a friend, and the building is paid for, so it’s not a big deal. Her rent pays the taxes.” I shrugged.
“Bad idea, but thank you for the offer.” He sat up. “I better go to the store before I finish undressing you.”
“Just think about it. You could save a ton of money, get those contracts back, and maybe be able to afford to hire someone to help you finish the house.”
“You’ve given this a lot of thought.”
“Don’t let your male pride, or that famous Colson ego, get in the way of making a smart decision. Like I said, think about it.”
The look I’m getting right now would send most people scrambling out the door. I waited it out. It’ll pass.
It did. Not exactly the way I’d hoped, but it passed. With the slamming of a door and a grumble about figuring out what we need on his own.
Once my heart slowed to a reasonable rate I looked at Bits who is looking up at me like he wants an explanation. “I don’t know baby boy. I guess I over stepped. Come on, let’s unpack all this crap and start washing your new clothes.”
Trace was gone for a little over an hour. It took him several trips to bring everything inside. Neither of us said a word until he made the last trip.
That’s when he folded me in his arms and hugged me harder than I’ve ever been hugged before.
“I’m sorry Cookie.”
I hugged him back as hard as I could before letting up remembering his injuries. “You were forgiven before you left this boat.”
“I talked to Fletcher.”
“The guy who trashed my place is just some crackhead. He has no memory of who paid him, or where the house is he smashed. We don’t have anything solid to tie Jackson to the damage at my place. Fletcher had to write it up as vandalism.”
“Will your insurance cover it?”
“Right before they raise my rates, or drop me. I may not report it. The only real damage is the cages and the anti-venoms. I can cover that. I can’t afford to have an uninsurable house.”
I stepped back to look up for those silver eyes, “Do you have to carry extra insurance to cover the anti-venoms?”
“Not really, but I have the premium plan that covers all contents no matter what they are, as long as I can prove purchasing the items. I keep all my receipts online. Well, Renee does. She says we’re in some kind of cloud on the internet, so my paperwork can’t be destroyed. She’s got backups of everything too.”
“Must be nice to have someone who has your back, instead of stealing behind it.” I complained.
“It helps that Renee is Stan’s sister.”
I grabbed a pillow and slammed it on the cushion. “I guess I’m going to have to do my own books and taxes now. At least for a while.”
“I’m sure Eddie and I can help you. It’s obvious he has your well being at heart. Barry is a little tough to read.”
“He experienced a very tragic loss. I’m surprised he’s still able to function.”
“That explains the blank look. I took an H&R Block tax course. It’s the one they make new employees take, and coasts about four hundred bucks, but it’s worth it in the long run. Time consuming, but worth it.”
“I’ll take the course if you take the office space I have that’s not being used.”
“Are you bargaining with me?” He smacked my butt, then slid past me with his hands on my hips. I’m trying to organize things in the fridge, and but Bits keeps raiding the bags on the floor and taking off with things.