Book Read Free

Wrangled Mess

Page 13

by Reese Madison

  “Yes. Maybe I can get a tax write off by having you there. If you can offer to fill the contracts for less because you have less overhead, then maybe I can call offering you the space for free a donation of sorts to the city, county, or state.” Maybe.

  I don’t know much about these things, but I imagine if you donate space to a company that’s keeping costs down for local government, that there’s tax break somewhere.

  Either way it helps him keep up with his goal of expanding his business at little or no cost to me. I’ve tried renting the space, but I always end up with tenants who cause more damage than they’ve paid for in rent. I gave up looking because it was too much of a pain in the ass.

  “I don’t want to talk about it right now.” Grumpy Trace is back.

  “Bacon Bits!!! You little shit!! Give me that!!” I caught him dragging off a bag of lunch meat. “Trace!!”

  I started trying to capture the fast little food bandit, but every time I got close he’d shake the bag of turkey really hard and fast, then bolted across the floor. He raced past me down the hall where Trace reappeared in time to scoop him up.

  “Thanks buddy, I wanted some turkey.” He tugged on the package of meat until it ripped leaving plastic in his little baby teeth. Trace tossed me the bag of turkey and fought Bits for the plastic piece stuck in his mouth. “Hold still.”

  I took the turkey from the mangled bag, gave it a rinse, patted it dry, then put it in a clean plastic zipper bag. “He’s as bad as a toddler getting into everything.”

  “Why don’t you take him out of here, let me finish putting this stuff away, and go put on something I want to take off with my teeth.”


  He dropped a feisty piglet in my hands. “I need to marinate the steaks for tonight anyway. Go get comfortable up on deck. Pour some wine, read one of your Kindle books, and snuggle your pig. I owe you for slamming doors on you earlier with my temper.” He kissed my cheek and down my neck.

  “Okay, but hurry up. I missed you.” I pouted feeling like I’m being tossed out.


  Trace found Bits and I playing ball on the sun deck a little while later. I looked up, “He loves fetch.”

  “He loves you. So do I.” He handed me a glass of champagne and a bowl of mixed berries as he sat facing me where I’d been rolling the ball for Bits against the base of the sofa. “You know, this is my first real vacation. I checked in at home. Prospects are holding down the fort. Slider found out one of the guys used to run the reptile center at the zoo, so they have expert help if they need it.”

  “Good. I was worried about how you’d be able to cover work.”

  “I borrow prospects a lot. It’s good quick cash for them, and cheap help for me. I guess they’ve learned a lot in the last couple years. Kind of makes me proud.”

  “Aw. That’s sweet. I feel bad sitting back and enjoying your brother’s yacht while everyone works to save my ass.” I rolled the ball over to him.

  He reached out to fight Bits for it. “It’s less drain on their resources having us out of the way. If we’re under foot then we need a security detail twenty-four-seven.”

  “I guess so.”

  “What’s bothering you Cookie?”

  “I don’t like wanting to close curtains. It feels like someone is watching me now. Looking for an opportunity to kill me. Or you.”

  “Jackson doesn’t have a motive to kill you now. All he can hope for is that you don’t dig up enough evidence to send him to jail. I’m sure he’s hoping you’ll go to jail so he has the satisfaction of punishing you for dumping him for me.”

  “Makes me want to fire up this big boat and sail away to another country. Another world. Anywhere but here where people want to hurt me. What did I do??”

  He rolled the ball back to me. “I talked to the harbor master on the way back from the grocery store. He’s going to find us a Captain to take this big rig out tomorrow. You didn’t do anything baby. You have a kind, gentle, trusting soul. One I love with all my heart. He took advantage of your nature. I plan to worship it.”

  “Did you tell Turner you were taking his boat out?”

  “I sent Georgia a text. She said the insurance paperwork is in the console by the wheel. She said they’ve talked about letting the marina use it for guests to charter parties and such. The income would cover the slip fees and maintenance.”

  I laughed, “I wonder what Turner got her for their anniversary. Whatever it is, it’s probably worth more than this boat.”

  “She made him take her to Greece last year. When they were in Pompeii he ordered a profile of her cameo. I guess they use seashells to carve the cameos. That’s why he hid it on the boat.”

  “Wow. That’s the most thoughtful gift I’ve ever heard of.”

  He raised his eyebrow at me, “Maybe I shouldn’t tell you these things.”

  “Oh stop.” I rolled the ball back to him after wrestling it from Bits. “How did you know?? I thought Turner didn’t speak.”

  “He doesn’t, but he’s fluent in ASL. So am I.”

  “You are? Why?”

  “I have a sister who is deaf. We all learned with her.”

  “I’m amazed he communicated with you. Is he really mute? Or does he choose his silence?”

  “He chooses it. Since Georgia came along he’s been around more often. Before that he had nothing to say to anyone in ASL, except Joe. Those two did some work together overseas, but that’s about all I know. Turner earned his patch and disappeared for years when he was seventeen. Slider said he’s lost track of him more than once over the years.”

  “What silenced him?”

  “Nobody knows. Joe says he was never talkative. Then one day they noticed he had nothing to say even when you asked him a direct question. He’d either ignore the person, or leave the room. The rumor is there was some kind of trauma. I don’t know though.”

  “Yeah? Why is that?”

  “I think the fertility drug fucked him up. Same way it did his twin sister Chardonnay.”

  I bounced the ball to make Bits jump up for it. “You think it was a different formula?”

  “I think Bull tried to make it stronger, and it backfired. Everyone after those two seems to have had about the same dosage, if that makes sense.” He bounced the ball back to me.

  I caught it just before Bits crashed into my thigh. “I think he’s tired.”

  “Go put him in his bed in the guest room. I want to rearrange a few things up here.”

  “You do?”

  He crawled forward like the man hunter who hadn’t just been shot. “Go Cookie. Run. Or that little innocent pig of ours is going to see some very naughty things.”

  I stole a kiss and a piglet before escaping back inside to put him down for a nap and freshen up. I know what’s coming. I should be more apprehensive, but it’s Trace. He belongs with me. Inside me.

  I trembled hard enough to grab the bathroom counter at the idea of him inside me with those darkening silver eyes on mine. He’s intense when he enters the room. What’s he going to do to me when he enters me??

  I know what he’s going to do. He’s going to destroy me, beautifully. No matter the outcome, I want this man for one night or ten thousand. I want as much as he’ll give me. I’m a slut for this incredibly sexy man. I have no business keeping such a man all to myself, but damn if I won’t fight to the death to keep him all mine.

  Trace had moved the cushions to the floor, and brought out all sorts of pillows and blankets from inside, to fill the floor of the deck. By doing this we have perfect privacy to do whatever we want.

  I crawled over to the bucket of ice where my glass of champagne sat on an upside-down bucket nearby. “This is nice. I like it. You have mastered comfy and elegant.” I held my glass up to toast him, “Well done love.”

  He’s propped on the e
lbow of his better arm relieving the weight on his left side, where he was shot. “I want to make love to you here tonight. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t get much more romantic than this.”

  “I think I’d like that.” I feel a little shy talking so boldly about this.

  “I don’t want to use a condom with you. I know you don’t want kids yet. Talk to me.” He encouraged dropping a half eaten strawberry into my champagne.

  “I want that too. I’m on the pill, but I’ve never been with a guy without a condom.”

  “I was with my ex without a condom when I thought she was pregnant. She was hoping to turn up pregnant, but didn’t. What if I can’t give you children? Will you regret marrying me?”

  “No. Children are a bonus. Before they were a goal, but you changed some priorities around for me. We can always adopt. I don’t need kids to be happy with you. I just want them.”

  “I’ll do everything I can to give them to you.”

  “I just want you Trace. Do you know that? Do you know what an impact you’ve made on my life in less than a week??”

  He kind of snarled and fell to his back, “Yeah, I messed it up pretty good.”

  “Thank God.”

  He turned his head sharply, “What?”

  “If you hadn’t come along and stood in my doorway like some dark knight ready to rescue me from my boring existence, I’d be… let’s see, it’s Saturday… I’d be at home, in the kitchen cooking up a storm for tomorrow. Oh shit. I haven’t told my family anything!!” I rolled to my back feeling the weight of the drama on my chest.

  “Tell them we’re eloping.”

  “That would not go over well.”

  “Maybe you should call them right now. I don’t want your mind wandering with worry about them later.”

  I groaned knowing he’s right. “Nothing like ruining the moment.”

  “The only way you could ruin a moment is to not be in it. Take your time, I’ll go get us a snack.”

  “Do you have any chocolate?”

  “I can’t believe you just asked me that.”

  I rolled my eyes, “Let me get this call over with so we can enjoy the rest of the night.”

  “You’re where??” My mother sounds frantic.

  “Trace and I are on a friend’s boat in San Diego. We’re taking some time to ourselves.”

  “Trace?? You mean the snake guy you practically drooled over from Sunday?”

  “The one and only.”

  “You just broke it off with that jerk Jackson. Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

  “I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life. He feels right Mom, and he genuinely cares about me. I’ve never felt so… cherished. Sounds corny, but it’s true.”

  “Is he standing there??”

  “No Mom, he’s down in the kitchen getting us a snack. We’re going to picnic up on the open deck and kiss all night.” I love teasing my mother. She’s not as goody-two-shoes as she would like everyone to believe.

  “I don’t need to hear this Celeste. Are you sure you’re okay? Your sister said something about a lawsuit.”

  I sighed, “Jackson cheated on my taxes and stole some royalty money from me. I have investigators trying to track the stolen money, and lawyers working to get the IRS to take a check and not press charges. We’re hoping by pressing charges against Jackson the IRS will take my word that I didn’t know what I was signing and not send me to jail.”

  “Oh good grief Celeste. You have a PhD. What is wrong with you?? You signed whatever he gave you??”

  “Thank you for the verbal spanking Mom. Yes, I messed up. Trace suggested I take the H&R Block class they make their employees take so I’ll be able to do my own taxes for a while.”

  “That’s good advice. Alright, I guess I need to make some calls. I think I’ll just have everyone over here tomorrow. Will you call me when you’re done seducing that big sexy snake guy?”


  “What? I’m pushing sixty, not dead. I have to say I’m more than a little happy Jackson is out of your life. Do you think Trace will come to our Sunday barbecues?”

  “He’ll be there, unless he gets a call for work. Snakes don’t keep regular hours.”

  “He better. You deserve a good man. Hang on, your sister is here and chomping at the bit to talk to you.”


  “Hey hussy.” She calls me hussy, I call her hosebag. It’s a friendly banter we’ve had since she lost her virginity in high school. “You sure you’re okay? I mean, if you can’t handle him, I can come tag you out.”

  I laughed, “No way, he’s all mine. Nice try though.”

  “Do you think this shit with Jackson will blow over?”

  “I can only hope. Don’t tell Mom, but Jackson hired someone from one of the club’s rivals back east to kill Trace. Obviously he failed, but he managed to nick him good in the arm and butt.”

  “Why would Jackson try to kill Trace? Jealousy?” I heard the screen door creak while I was talking, so I know she’s outside away from my mother.

  “I’m not sure if jealousy was the motive. I think he thought if it looked like Trace was killed by some random act of violence that I’d break down and go to him for comfort. We think Jackson put the snake in the shed, feeding it until we got married, then he was going to stop feeding it. A trapped and hungry snake would go after me readily.”

  “Oh shit. Did you tell the cops?”

  “Yes. Fletcher is working on it from his end, the club is helping with the investigations, and they have a great lawyer who is helping me with all this.”

  “Oh man sis. What a mess.”

  “Tell me about it. If I get to keep the wrangler, it will all be worth it in the end.”

  “What do you mean if you get to keep me? I’m already yours Cookie.” Trace’s arms came around me from behind. “Hi Mom.” He thinks I’m talking to my mother, which means he hasn’t been lingering behind me very long.

  I laid my arm over his and hugged him back. “It’s my sister, but she’ll relay the greeting to Mom.”

  “Hi to Aurora then too.” He started nosing my hair away from my neck to place soft kisses under my ear.

  “Tell him hello from both of us, and to take care of you, and himself. Poor guy, getting shot must have sucked. Okay, I’ll let you two go and lick each other’s wounds.”

  I chuckled, “I’m not wounded.”

  “I’m sure he can find something to lick instead.”


  “Bye sis, love you.”

  “Love you too, hussy.” She laughed and disconnected the line at the same time I did. I turned in Trace’s arms and leaned back to look up for him. “I believe everyone is caught up now. I hate to worry my sister, but I need her help sugar coat this for my mother. She has high blood pressure as it is.”

  “Slider will end up telling your father if he asks.”

  “Let’s hope he doesn’t. Did you find us some chocolate?”

  “I did. Come on, I want to make a chocolate-Celeste mess all over the deck.” He teased pulling me back down to the cushions.

  “People can see us.”

  “Can you see people?”


  “Then they can’t see us. We have blankets.” He threw one so it fell over my head and went back to work getting my jeans off. Evidently he wasn’t kidding when he said he wanted to eat the chocolate off my body.

  “You’re going to make a mess.”

  “That’s why I put sheets over the cushions. They’re easy to replace. I plan to consume the chocolate Cookie, not finger paint with it.” He tugged the blanket down over my legs and took my hands lifting them straight up.

  I pulled the sheet up to my chest as soon as he disposed of my shirt and bra in one move. “We’ll have to remember the f
inger painting later. That sounds like fun.”

  “Yes it does.” He tossed his shirt aside to where my clothes lay and stood to remove his jeans.

  “Trace! Sit down. People will see you!”

  “A guy standing on his boat with his shirt off?? Are we a little shy Cookie?”


  “Want to go inside?”

  “No. It’s nice out here. Just come back down here where people can’t get suspicious of what we’re doing.”

  He knelt in his red and blue plaid boxers in front of me. “I’ve already seen you naked.”

  “Not in the broad daylight.”

  “Your shyness is cute. I like imagining what’s under there.”

  “But, you already know.” I reminded him.

  “You’ve been very stingy with those breasts.” He set a chocolate dipped strawberry on my tongue.

  After savoring the textures and the view I swallowed. “Will you take your hair down?”

  “Later. I’ll be grilling here shortly.” He dipped a thick slice of banana in the small crock pot warmer. I have no idea where he found an extension cord to plug it in.

  Chocolate banana is one of my favorite flavors, so I let it linger on my tongue and melt in my mouth.

  “Lay back my love. Here, I want you to see.” He stacked some pillows behind my head as I lay back. “Give me this.” He tugged the sheet down exposing the girls to the slight breeze that’s sneaking over the sides of the deck.

  Instead of ruining the moment with my rambling about being shy, and never having been so exposed before, I sat back and watched as trace went to work.

  He’s using a spoon to dribble the warm chocolate silk into deliberate designs. When he messed up, he’d lick the spot clean and start over. Every now and then we’d share another piece of chocolate dipped fruit.

  “What are you drawing?”

  “I used to have this reoccurring dream when I was a kid. A woman would be humming to herself in the woods. I’d spend hours searching for her.

  “One night I found her. She didn’t have a face, not one I could focus on enough to make out specific details. Anyway, she started drawing in the dirt. Strange symbols I’d never seen before. She explained what each one meant. I remember being worried I’d forget their meaning when I woke up.”


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