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Defying Dorian: Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 3

by Sloan Storm

  “Yes, Dorian. It’s been taking care of.”


  “Excellent work, Kendrick. That will make things with her much easier.”

  Who, her? Me, her?

  I swallowed hard, the haze surrounding my brain clearing in an instant.

  “If you don’t mind me asking… Why do you insist on having her here? It’s not worth the risk. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  Dorian didn’t respond right away. I imagined the handsome face I saw through the window of the Rolls-Royce turning serious.

  “That’s not something you need to worry about. You’re goddamn lucky we were able to get there in time and get that situation under control before the police showed up.”

  Kendrick uttered a sound like he was trying to interrupt. Dorian didn’t let him.

  “As far as Tempest is concerned, I’m going to keep her as long as I need to. I don’t give two shits if you think having her around is risky or not. We clear?”

  A sudden surge of exhaustion coursed through my body. Whatever they’d used to knock me out still had hold of me. Uncontrollably, the image of Todd being murdered flooded into my mind.

  “Todd… Todd,” I muttered.

  The men stopped talking.

  Holy shit. Oh, shit.

  I struggled to keep my composure, maintain a steady breath. My hearing seemed like it was a thousand times more sensitive than normal. I noticed someone walking towards me, their feet squishing on thick, firm carpeting, until at last I sensed a presence between my knees.

  All movement and sound stopped.

  I panicked. “Please don’t kill me!”

  After a couple of horrifying seconds, Kendrick responded.

  “No one is going to kill you. Actually, it’s quite the opposite.”

  A pair of hands closed in around my face and with a few gentle pulls, undid the ties of the blindfold. Once it fell away, I blinked my eyes several times in a row, looking at Kendrick. He had an average looking, slim build. With a pair of wire rim glasses set low on his nose, he looked more like an accountant than a criminal mastermind.

  He continued. “You’re here for your own protection.”

  Trying to orient myself, I looked around the room and noticed I was in an office. It wasn’t like the kind you’d find in a building though. It was more like a home office. I glanced at Kendrick again.

  “Who am I being protected from?”

  Without saying a word, Kendrick stepped to one side and it was then I saw him.

  I felt my eyes widen right in their sockets.

  Seriously, like moons.

  I’ll never forget those words he said… ‘You’re safe with me now, Tempest. I’ve got you.’ In the chaos of the desert, part of me wanted to believe him, but now, in this calmer setting, I began to have second thoughts.

  After all, having my hands and feet bound wasn’t exactly reassuring.

  He was the most handsome man I’d ever seen. If it wasn’t for the fact I was being held against my will, and the fact these men were probably responsible for Todd’s death, I might actually give a shit.

  As it stood I wasn’t in a romantic mood. I looked away from him and back towards Kendrick, yanking against the restraints at the same time. He stepped in my direction and placed his palm on my shoulder.


  After a deep inhale, I blew out a long breath and looked at him.

  “What makes you think I’m not? Wouldn’t you be if you were me? Let’s see, I’m driving along minding my own business with my fia– boyfriend… When, out of nowhere, two masked men run us off the road, kill him, kill each other and leave me all alone in the middle of nowhere until you call. The next thing I know, I’m knocked out and dragged to who knows where? Relaxed? Yes. I can honestly say I can’t remember a time I’ve ever been so relaxed. Thank you for your concern, Kendrick.”

  The narrow-shouldered man looked at me and frowned. In contrast, Dorian chuckled, grumbling a low rolling sound that filled the room.

  I never broke eye contact with Kendrick. Not that it mattered, but it was obvious from the way he stared at me he didn’t appreciate my response. We looked at each other in silence until Dorian spoke.

  “That’s enough, Kendrick. Untie her.”

  “Yeah, Kendrick.” I nodded, narrowing my eyes at him. “Untie me.”

  While he undid the restraints, my gaze met Dorian’s once again. I wanted to keep my composure, keep a straight face. He might have been the one who saved me, but that still didn’t mean I could, or should, trust him. Kendrick circled around behind me. I turned my head a fraction to follow him before returning my gaze to Dorian.

  He was not what a killer is supposed to look like.

  Worse yet. I felt the sudden swell of an unwelcome emotion stirring inside of me. It was something I shouldn’t have felt.

  Was it attraction? Oh God. Lust? What the hell is wrong with me?

  I broke eye contact with him. The restraints fell away, pooling around my feet and ankles. I had to find a way to get these urges under control and fast. It didn’t matter what Todd had done to me –– two wrongs don’t make a right.

  That’s what dad always said.

  Kendrick walked around in front and stepped between Dorian and me, mercifully breaking the staring competition.

  “There. Better?” Kendrick asked.

  His tone pissed me off. I don’t know why. Exhaustion maybe. Anyway, it did.

  “Fuck you. Fuck both of you. Let me out of this office.”

  “I told you…” Kendrick said, sarcasm dripping from his tongue.

  He turned and looked at Dorian.

  Dorian eased back in his oversized chair but didn’t say a word, just glared at Kendrick. For several seconds the two of them exchanged silent stares of displeasure until the door to the office opened.

  A woman entered. She was gorgeous, and I mean, stunning.

  Seeing her, Kendrick nodded and stepped to one side, allowing her to pass. She walked in the direction of Dorian, who got to his feet when she approached. Reaching for her hip, he placed his hand on it and leaned in, kissing her once on the cheek.

  Then, he pointed at me. “Ainsley, this is Tempest. The woman I mentioned to you.”

  Ainsley reached towards her forehead, gliding a couple of fingers through her glistening brunette hair before whipping it away from her face and glaring at me. The look didn’t last long, maybe a second, but it was unmistakable.

  She looked at Dorian again. “How long is she going to be staying?”

  Staying? Where the hell am I?

  Dorian shrugged. “I’m not sure yet. Could be days, weeks, hell, who knows, months?”

  She listened attentively until he finished. Once he did, she looked straight at me. “I’ll make the necessary arrangements.”

  A soft smile came to Dorian’s face.

  “Thank you,” he began, nodding at her. “I don’t know where I would be without you.”

  Ainsley smiled at him in return. It seemed formal, polite. Immediately after, she turned her attention to Kendrick.

  “Are you ready?”

  Kendrick nodded. “Yes.”

  Then, almost as quickly as she entered, Ainsley passed by me without so much as a word. Marching right by Kendrick, she continued towards the exit. He followed close behind, and then they disappeared.

  Once they had, another woman made her way inside and closed the door behind her, locking it. She was fit and square jawed, looked to be European — maybe Russian. Whatever she was, her expression was serious and focused on me. I snapped my head towards Dorian.

  “What the hell is going on? You can’t keep me here.”

  Dorian lifted his arm and made a motion with his hand like I needed to calm down. I bit my lip. His charm faded right then, for sure.

  “Take it easy,” he began, lowering it again. “You are going to be staying with me, here. This is my home.”

  He paused just long enough to reach down towards the floor. His arm d
isappeared beneath the surface of his desk which blocked my line of sight. The next thing I knew, he produced the metal case, swinging it up and over the edge of his desk before placing it in front of him.

  I wasn’t even thinking. When I saw it I wanted to get away, get as far away from it as I could. Staggering to my feet, I backed away from his desk, turning towards the door of the office.

  “Come sit down,” Dorian said, pointing to my chair. “I’ve already told you that you won’t be going anywhere.”

  Ignoring him, I took off running before the Eastern Bloc chick stepped in front of me, blocking my exit.

  “Get out of my way, lady. I’m warning you.”

  The woman crossed her arms at her chest. Shaking her head, she nodded her chin in my direction.

  “Go sit.” She growled, her accent sharp. Russian, definitely Russian.

  I frowned at her. “Go to hell!”

  I kept walking in her direction, determined to open the door and get out. She didn’t waste any time. With blinding speed, she grabbed me by the wrist and pulled my arm behind my back, pinning me against the wall before I could say a word.

  The pressure she applied caused a sharp sting of pain to radiate down my arm.

  “Ow!” I winced. “Let go of me!”

  I felt her shift positions behind me, pulling my forearm higher up the middle of my back and sending the pain to new heights. Gritting my teeth, I cried out.

  Dorian stopped her with a stern tone. “Oksana…”

  No sooner did he speak her name than her death grip eased. The woman moved away from me and took her position by the office door again. I reached up towards the shoulder she’d yanked behind me and rubbed it, moving the joint in a small circle. Glaring at her, I turned in place until my eyes met Dorian’s.

  “Tempest, that is my personal assistant, Oksana.”

  My eyes darted towards her. Thin lipped, she nodded in my direction, her face expressionless while Dorian continued.

  “She grew up in a military household… Three brothers, all Russian special forces. They were protective of their little sister and taught her well. You’ll have to forgive her instincts.”

  When he finished speaking, Dorian pointed towards the seat in front of his desk. “You are making this more difficult than it has to be.”

  Crossing my arms in front of my body I rubbed them with the palms of my hands while I made my way back to the chair before sliding into it. The cold feel of the leather sent a shiver down my spine.

  I looked at him.

  He broke eye contact with me just long enough to look at the case. Placing his hand on top of it, he rubbed the smooth surface, tracing it back and forth with a series of strokes.

  “Tempest, I know you’re afraid.” He stopped and looked at me. “But I’m telling you, you don’t have anything to worry about. I’m not going to let anything happen to you. You’re safe with me.”

  Leaning back in the chair, I frowned at him while he continued.

  “For now though, there is business to conduct. Until it’s completed you won’t be going anywhere or talking to anyone. The less you know about everything that’s happening, the safer you’ll be.”

  I scoffed at him. Was this guy for real?

  “What makes you think I want to be anywhere near you? You kidnapped, blindfolded and brought me here against my will. Not only that, but there’s the inconvenient fact that you’re a killer!”

  From behind, I heard the sound of Oksana’s heels clacking in my direction. She circled around the back of Dorian’s desk while I finished my thought.

  “Don’t you think someone saw what happened? You know, grew suspicious? I have friends, family… They are going to want to know what’s happened to me.”

  The truth was I didn’t have many friends, but I did have my father. Still, none of it seemed to matter to Dorian. His expression hardly changed.

  He gestured towards Oksana. “All of the people who work for me are incredibly loyal, Tempest. No one knows you are here in my home and no one is coming to look for you. The fastest way for you to get your old life back is to do as you’re told, when you’re told.”

  I shook my head in disgust.

  Oksana looked down at Dorian. “Would you like anything to eat, sir?”

  Dorian waved her off at first, but then turned his attention towards me. “Do you want something?”


  Dorian looked at Oksana again. “Not now. Maybe later.”

  Her face softened with a smile. I didn’t think she had it in her. Oksana turned and walked away, going towards the back of Dorian’s office and disappearing around a corner. Once she vanished, I looked at Dorian. He sat there, his hands folded comfortably in his lap.

  “As you can see, there’s no sense in struggling or fighting. You should do what you can to relax. It will make your stay here much more enjoyable.”

  I leaned into the chair, pressing my upper body into it.

  “Enjoyable? Would you enjoy being kidnapped?”

  Dorian ignored me. Instead, he reached for the cuffs of his white dress shirt and started to roll them up. When the tan skin began to emerge, I bit my lip.


  Anticipation took hold of me. He slipped his fingers underneath the soft fabric and began to curl it upward, one inch at a time. Rugged musculature and deep striations ran down the length of his forearm, riveting my attention.

  I sat there staring like a wide-eyed puppy. I swear, I couldn’t help myself.

  He finished the first one and after I got an eyeful, I used the last of my sorely depleted strength to look away, focusing on the office decor instead.

  In every direction, the trappings of success filled my gaze.

  Whoever he was, whatever he did, there was little doubt he was successful at it. Eventually, I looked towards a large bank of windows, which extended floor-to-ceiling. Beyond that, there wasn’t much to see, and by that I mean outside. It was dark. Only the subtle orange lighting of the grounds came into focus.

  Without thinking, I spoke. “Where do you live?”

  I heard Dorian ease back in his chair, the fine leather groaning under the weight of his shifting torso. “You’re at my home, in Las Vegas.”

  I swallowed hard but didn’t turn to look at him.

  Las Vegas? How far could I possibly be from my apartment? What if I got away somehow? Could I make it?

  Dorian interrupted my escape fantasies. “You live in Las Vegas. Don’t you?”

  Turning my attention away from the windows, I looked at him. Dorian leaned over his desk, a pen in one hand, writing away. I found myself staring, again.

  He was incredible. I shook my head. What the hell is wrong with me? It must be exhaustion.

  What was the question again? He asked me something right?

  Dorian put his pen down and looked at me. “Not much of a talker are you?”

  I shrugged. “There’s nothing to say.”

  Dorian changed subjects, catching me off guard.

  “I’m sorry for your loss,” he began, placing his hands on his desk and interlacing his fingers. “I didn’t know that you were engaged to Todd, or even with him for that matter. Of course, that is until after everything happened tonight.”

  I couldn’t believe how much this guy knew about me. Good-looking or not, his smugness about what he did know was already wearing thin on my nerves.

  I snapped at him. “How did you find out about that? The engagement?”

  Awareness hit me like lightning. I looked down at my finger. The ring. It was gone.

  Where was it? Did he have it? Did I lose it? I couldn’t remember.

  Dorian didn’t say anything, just arched an eyebrow at my question.

  “No, you know what? Never mind,” I snapped, deciding to keep my mouth shut about the ring for the moment. “I don’t want pity from someone like you.”

  Only, he wasn’t finished.

  “Information is easy to come by and cheap to get, Tempest. I know ev
erything about you. Not just where you live but that you’re an only child, your mother died of cancer, your father is in prison, and you’re a cocktail waitress at the Bellagio.”

  Gritting my teeth, I felt my pulse quicken. My fingers curled into balls of hard flesh.

  “I also know that your real name is Tempest, it’s not just the name you assumed for work. Maybe a byproduct of having parents who were drunk or high all the time?”


  I crossed my arms over my chest, squeezing them together tight. “My parents didn’t drink or do drugs, asshole.”

  I barely got the sentence out. By now, I was biting my lip so hard I thought it might bleed. Whatever stupid game he was playing, it annoyed me I was so far behind in it. I didn’t know anything about him except that being in his presence made me uncomfortable, in more ways than one.

  He smiled at me, oblivious to my frustrated inner state or maybe in full awareness of it. I had no idea.

  “Have you changed your mind yet?” he asked.

  “About what?”

  “Something to drink? Are you thirsty?”


  “Something to eat then? Are you hungry?”

  “No. I’m not either, so just quit asking.”

  He seemed to study my face, trying to figure out if I lied or not. He turned over his shoulder and looked behind him, calling for Oksana. Before long, she was standing next to him.

  “Oksana,” he began, pointing his index finger upward while he thought. “I’ll have a gin and tonic. Prepare something for Tempest in case she changes her mind later.”

  I couldn’t believe the nerve of this guy.

  A few minutes later, Oksana returned. She passed him a glass filled with clear liquid and three ice cubes. Dorian took it from her and raised it to his mouth, gulping down a healthy swig. Oksana walked away, and he put the glass down on the table with a thud.

  “Of course,” he began, circling his finger around the rim of the glass. “I didn’t know Todd.”

  I looked away from him. Dorian stopped talking. I heard the sound of him picking up the glass and drinking from it once again.

  “Tempest.” He paused. “Look at me.”


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