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Defying Dorian: Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 4

by Sloan Storm

  With reluctance, I turned my head towards him.

  “Like I said, I didn’t know him.” he stopped, holding the glass in his hand. Dorian swirled it, ice clinking inside before he continued. “Here’s the thing. He took something that didn’t belong to him to give to another man — a very dangerous man.”

  I scoffed at him.

  “Dangerous!” I snapped. “You had him killed or at the least, you were involved! What could be more dangerous than that?”

  His eyes narrowed at me. My comment bothered him.

  Good! Finally! I got under his skin for a change.

  “Yes, his death was unfortunate, but trust me when I tell you both of you would have died if he’d been allowed to deliver that case to Reno. Even though you may not realize it, I saved your life. If the person who was to get this case would have gotten to you before I did, you would have wished you were dead.”

  On the one hand, his smug self-assuredness pissed me off. On the other, I had no way of knowing if he was telling the truth or not. The simple fact was I was still alive and Todd… wasn’t. I really didn’t know how to react – how to think or feel.

  “I see a lot of men do desperate things for money. Crazy shit, just like Todd. It had nothing to do with you. The guy was a piece of shit. You are far better off without him. He didn’t deserve a woman like you.”

  What the hell was that supposed to mean?

  Before I could ask, Oksana returned with a plate of food and a glass of wine. A juicy burger and a healthy helping of fries tantalized me, causing my mouth to water. I wanted to restrain myself, not give him the satisfaction of knowing he was right about how hungry I was, but I hadn’t had anything to eat since early in the morning.

  Oksana had placed the meal down at the edge of his desk. Dorian reached towards the plate and nudged it forward with his index finger.

  “Why are you being so stubborn? You need to eat.”

  My eyes darted back and forth between the half inch thick patty and Dorian. By now, the aroma from the burger began to permeate my senses.

  “Go on.”

  I sat forward in my seat, reaching for it and sinking my teeth into the first bite. Salted meat and hickory flavor cascaded across my tongue. I’m not sure if it was the best burger I’d ever eaten or not, but hell, it was close. After my second bite, I grabbed the glass of wine and took a big sip.

  I gulped down the first few bites, probably giving him the satisfaction he wanted. At that point, I didn’t care. I was too tired and too hungry. Another couple of swallows of wine, and the glass was nearly empty. Oksana returned and refilled it.

  “How is it?” Dorian asked, pinching his chin between his thumb and forefinger. One corner of his mouth curled into a smile, a dimple mocking me followed not long after.

  “It’s good, very good,” I replied, wiping my face with a napkin. “Thank you.”

  He didn’t say anything. He just nodded and returned to his paperwork. I ate in silence for a little while longer, watching him work. Eventually, I started to feel full and eased back into my chair.

  The insanity of everything that had happened combined with my exhaustion, half a hamburger and two glasses of wine were all starting to take a toll on me.

  I began to feel sleepy.

  It wasn’t long before I struggled to keep my eyes open. In fact, I found it almost impossible.

  Dorian took notice.

  “Oksana!” he called out.

  His personal assistant returned. Dorian gestured towards me.

  “Take Tempest to her room. It’s been a long day, and we’ve got several more to come.”

  I seriously didn’t have the energy to fight with him for even one more second. Getting up from the chair, I thanked him again for the food and followed Oksana out of his office.

  It looked like I’d be staying.


  Allies (Dorian)

  The door clicked shut.

  Now that Tempest was taken care of for the rest of the night, I still had one thing to handle. Standing from my chair, I looked down at the metal case.

  “I hope you were worth all the trouble. Fuck.”

  Picking up my cell phone from the desk, I swiped it on and called the owner of the case’s contents – my friend of nearly fifteen years, Ronan Volk. The phone rang a couple of times before he picked up.

  “Is it done?” he asked.

  “It is, but there were some… complications.”

  “I see.”

  I recounted the entire story to him, including the fact we’d made a goddamn mess of the scene.

  Concluding, I added, “Even so, I’ve been assured that the area was scrubbed clean.”

  “What do you mean ‘assured’? You weren’t there?”

  “I’m getting to that…”

  Ronan paused for a moment. “All right. What about Malcolm? Does he have any idea the case has been intercepted?”

  Exhaling, I walked around the side of my desk and dragged my fingers through my hair. “There’s no telling with him. You of all people should know that, Ronan. I’ll just say this — it won’t be long before he does. After all, the list of possible suspects here is really fucking short.”

  Ronan grumbled in agreement. “You were going to mention something else? Something about the reason why you weren’t there?”

  “Well, like I told you, there were three confirmed kills, one survivor. It was a woman, the fiancée of the deliveryman, Todd.”

  “Fuck. That’s all we need.”

  By now, I’d settled into a steady rhythm of steps back and forth across my office, winding up next to the window.

  I looked outside. “Yeah, it’s not ideal, that’s for sure.”

  “Who is she? Do you know anything about her?”

  I told Ronan everything I’d discovered about Tempest. Considering the situation, I expected him to be concerned. He was.

  “Where is she?”

  “She’s here, at my estate.”

  A prolonged exhale sputtered through the phone. “Do you think that’s smart? I mean, how do you know she can be trusted?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know. I can’t be sure but that’s exactly why I’m keeping her under my thumb. One way or another, I’ll find out.”

  “What does she know?”

  “Nothing, aside from the fact that her fiancé was a total loser. The contents of the case are safe. You’ve got nothing to be worried about where that’s concerned.”

  Ronan remained silent for a couple of seconds. “Okay, well, I’m going on record here. I’m uneasy with this little arrangement you’ve got with this Tempest woman, but as long as you’re sure you’ve got control of her, that’s enough for me. Let’s talk about the exchange. When do you want to do it?”

  I slid my free hand inside the pocket of my pants. “That’s a good question. My gut tells me that we should let things die down a bit. Just to be sure that no one is the wiser, let’s give it some time, at least a week. Can you wait that long?”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  I chuckled. “What do you think?”

  “I think that I’ll be talking to you in about a week.”

  “That sounds good. Let’s chat again in a few days and firm things up.”

  Soon after, I pulled the phone away from my ear and disconnected the call. That was the third person in a row to question my decision about keeping Tempest here with me.

  It’s not like I didn’t respect the opinions. I did. At the same time, years of struggle in business, making tough choices twenty-four hours a day, taught me to trust my instincts. Turning away from the window, I looked towards my office door.

  Not far away, Tempest would be asleep soon in one of the guestrooms.

  I thought back to earlier that night when I stopped her from running, grabbing her and pulling her into my arms. One of my men even stepped in and offered to carry her for me.

  There was no fucking way that was happening.

  I was the one who held her
close, all the way to the helicopter and then from there into my office. Her angelic face, strawberry blonde hair, brilliant blue eyes, and perfect body stoked my desire. But more than anything, it was her bravery at the scene and her courage here that really made me want to get to know more.

  I hadn’t planned on having these feelings, but now there was no way I would turn back, not until I figured out where they would lead.


  New Reality (Tempest)

  I lost track of time. After that first night, exhaustion got the better of me. Days came and went, but I didn’t have the energy or stamina to even get out of bed. I don’t think I’ve ever slept so much my entire life. On the morning of what I guessed was the fourth day, I woke up, my head pounding again.

  I sat up, propping myself up on my elbows and looking down at my clothing.

  What the hell?

  Somehow or another I’d been dressed in a pair of silk pajamas. I had no idea how I got into them or where they came from. Maybe Oksana put them on me. Hell, maybe I did it myself. It occurred to me my own clothes were missing. For the time being, I didn’t care. With a groan, I pushed myself up and got out of the bed. However, no sooner did my feet hit the floor than another throbbing of pain shot between my ears.

  I winced. “Fuck.”

  Walking over towards the bedroom windows, I hooked my fingers inside of the blackout blinds. Just beyond them, the bright light of the noonday Las Vegas sun shined with intensity. Squinting, I pulled the blinds back, hoping to figure out where in the hell I was. It took my eyes a few seconds to adjust, but after blinking them into focus I scanned the horizon.

  The Strip loomed in the distance. I figured I was about twenty miles away, probably somewhere in Summerlin. That would put my apartment a little more than ten miles from Dorian’s estate. Looking away from the window, I glanced towards the bedroom door. Was it stupid to think that I could actually escape?


  I turned and looked out the window again. There wouldn’t be anyone looking for me, not until my vacation time was over. Of course, I was supposed to visit my dad on the trip with Todd but that didn’t happen. I’m sure he was probably worried sick about me. However, being in jail himself, there wasn’t much he could do about it.

  I let go of the blinds and pivoted, walking back towards the bed once again. I hadn’t missed a single monthly visitation with him since he got locked up. It had been almost three years now. Ever since mom died and he got convicted, we were all each other had in the entire world. I sat down on the edge of the bed, shaking my head.

  Just then, there was a soft knock at the bedroom door.

  With a half turn, I looked over my shoulder expecting to see Oksana. The door cracked open. It wasn’t Oksana. It was Ainsley.

  Immediately I stood from the bed to face her. Thinking back to her interaction with Dorian, the brief kiss and his touch on her hip, I assumed they were together. This in spite of not seeing a ring on her finger. If they were with each other, it wasn’t as serious as it could have been.

  I don’t know why I found it interesting. It should have been the last thing on Earth I cared about. In reality, all I wanted to do was leave, just get the hell out of there. Ainsley closed the door behind her. Looking at her, I had a sensation stab at me.

  It felt a lot like jealousy.

  I know that’s stupid. It didn’t make any sense. Even though it was only a twinge, it was there and, unmistakable.

  She turned and looked at me. Aside from him being gorgeous, I couldn’t figure out why she would be attracted to Dorian. He was controlling, demanding and inflexible – pretty much every quality I couldn’t stand in a man. Even so, if she’d managed to tame a guy like Dorian, she had to be tough as well as beautiful.

  Ainsley smiled at me. It wasn’t genuine though. That much was obvious.

  “It’s good to see you up and about. I wondered how long it would be…”

  I frowned at her. “What do you mean? How long what would be?”

  “Oh… the sedatives. You wouldn’t have been able to get the rest you needed without them.”

  My entire body flexed, tension tightening every muscle including the ones still wrapping around my brain.

  “What! You’ve been drugging me!? No wonder I feel like my head is about to explode!”

  Ainsley stopped walking, standing just on the other side of the bed across from me. Smugness came to her lips. “Now, now. Calm down. I wouldn’t exactly say we’ve been drugging you.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “What the hell would you call it then?”

  “Precautionary measures. You have nothing to worry about. Dorian has a complete infirmary and surgical center here at the estate. We were only following the advice of the doctor who treated you when you came in the first night.”

  “Uh!” I scoffed. “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

  “It’s obvious Dorian cares about your well-being. That should count for something.”

  Shaking my head, I looked away from Ainsley. I suppose she had a point. If nothing else, Dorian did seem interested in doing what he could to protect me.

  Turning in her direction, I exhaled, agreeing with her, but not out loud. “Where is he by the way?”

  “Dorian? He’s been away on business for days.”

  Something wasn’t making sense. “I thought you said he was following the advice of the doctor.”

  That smug smile returned to her lips. “Oh, he is. Well, I mean I am.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “He put me in charge of you before he left. It was my little assignment.”

  I wanted to jump up on the bed, dive towards Ainsley and grab her around the neck. Instead, I just looked at her in disbelief and muttered the first word that came to mind.


  Not only did my comment not affect her but her smile grew wider. Before she could say anything, I continued, gesturing towards the silk pajamas.

  “Where the hell are my clothes? I don’t want to be here anymore. I want to leave. Now.”

  Ainsley ignored me. “There is no reason to be upset. Now that you’re feeling better, it’s only a matter of time before Dorian delivers the case and you’re free to go. In the meantime, you should try and relax.”

  “I don’t want to relax! I don’t want to be here! Now, I’m asking you again. Where are my clothes?”

  Ainsley looked at me and shook her head for pointing in the direction of a walk-in closet. “In there.”

  Storming away, I threw open the door to the closet and switched on the light, seeing my clothes hanging at the far end of it.

  “I am so outta here…” I mumbled, marching towards the hangers where my clothes were, cleaned and pressed.

  They’ll drug me but dry clean my clothes. What the hell?

  I dug my fingernails into the flimsy plastic covering the outside of my garments, tearing it away. From behind me, Ainsley cleared her throat.

  “Tempest, you need to calm down…”

  “No!” I snapped, turning in place and cutting her off. “That’s where you’re wrong, I don’t have to do anything you tell me. As soon as I get dressed, I’m getting the hell out of here.”

  “That’s not going to happen.”

  Half-listening, I suddenly realized something. “What day is it?”

  Ainsley shrugged. “Thursday. Why?”

  In the midst of yanking on my jeans, I yelled, “Holy shit! My vacation is over! I have to be at work tonight.”

  “I’ve already told you, you won’t be going anywhere. As far as your job situation, you don’t have to worry about it. It’s been taken care of.”

  With my fingers on the snaps of my jeans, I froze in place. “What do you mean ‘taken care of’?”

  “Just what it sounds like. No one is expecting you there tonight. There’s no reason to be concerned.”

  After pulling my t-shirt over my head, I ran my fingers through my hair, shaking them
free with a violent motion before walking towards Ainsley. “Get out of my way! I’m not about to be kept prisoner, drugged, and in the dark about what you plan on doing to me.”

  I stopped less than a foot away from her, pointing my finger. “I am not an animal!”

  Ainsley backed away a bit, showing me her palms. “You’re overreacting.”


  “You heard me. You need to start being more grateful to us for taking care of you like we have.”

  The chick was delusional.

  “If your idea of taking care of someone is kidnapping and drugging them, I’d hate to see how you’d treat someone you want to hurt.”

  “Believe me,” she said, her tone turning serious. “If Dorian wanted you hurt, you wouldn’t be here right now. I’m not going to tell you again. You’re wasting your time. There’s no way you are leaving the estate.”

  My eyes met hers. We stared at each other in silence. I started walking, brushing my body against Ainsley to move her aside. She grabbed my upper arm, squeezing it.

  I snapped my head in her direction. “Let go of me. You may be able to keep me here, but if you ever lay a hand on me again, you will regret it.”

  She held me for an extra second or so, I guess to make a point. Eventually, she let go. Once she did, she turned and started to walk away, heading in the direction of the bedroom door. On the way, she pointed at the breakfast tray next to my bed, still filled with food I hadn’t eaten.

  “You should at least try to get something in your stomach.”

  I didn’t respond, just shook my head. For all I knew, my bagel was laced with Valium. Ainsley stopped at the door and wrapped her hand around the knob.

  “After all, it’s a long time until dinner.”


  “Yes, Dorian will be back later tonight. He’ll be expecting you.”

  I scoffed. “Hah! Well, he can expect anything he wants, but I won’t be there.”

  Ainsley twisted the knob and opened the door, her eyes never leaving mine. “It isn’t a request.”

  Before I could say a word, she left.

  Running over towards the door, I grabbed hold of the doorknob and twisted hard.

  “Shit,” I muttered. “Locked.”


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