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Married By Christmas (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 3)

Page 7

by Lindsay Downs

  “I know this is going to sound a bit confusing, but yes and no. Something tells me, from Lord Matthew’s silence in not demanding he attend to you, this demented man could be bluffing. If you go he could grab you up?”

  “And if I don’t, he might have several men ready to murder my Nash. I have to go and alone as he demands.”

  Standing, Amelia with a determined look at everyone surrounding her, started to step away when she was forcibly stopped by a firm hand on her arm.

  “And just where do you think you’re going?”

  Immediately she recognized the voice as belonging to Nash. Turning to face him, she could feel herself becoming faint on seeing him safe.

  Sounds around her faded.

  Brightness turned to gray then black.

  In the distance she heard voices talking in whispers.

  A trickle of cool water, she hoped, dripped down the side of her face.

  An almost constant patting on her hand became annoying.

  Carefully Amelia opened her eyes, which she’d not realized had been closed. Turning to the sound of talking, she barely saw Nash speaking with both dukes and Matthew, about what she didn’t know. That was when she realized she was lying down, but she wondered where and hoped not in the ladies retiring room otherwise the men wouldn’t be allowed in.

  Trying to sit up, Amelia felt a gentle hand on her shoulder pushing her back down.

  “No darling, just lie there for a minute or more then you may sit up.”

  She recognized the voice as belonging to her mother.

  “What happened?” she barely could get out.

  “On seeing my son you had the vapors. He caught you before you ended up a pile on the floor.”

  “That’s impossible. I never faint,” she demanded, sitting up this time gently pushing her mother’s hand away.

  Trying to stand she was met by a black, perfectly tailored wall of manliness.

  “Don’t even think of it. I’ll let you sit up, then once your color returns you may stand. Now, from the other gentlemen I have learned about the note and what you were planning to do. My question is why? I asked you to remain with our parents.”

  Realizing there was no way up, much less around this impossible man, all Amelia could do was sit back down on the divan. Glaring up at him, she crossed her arms over her chest while contemplating her reply. After a few seconds she took in a deep breath.

  “If you read the note Smedley sent, then you’d understand. I also knew I wasn’t in danger because of what Lord Matthew hinted at. That he had several of your people, whoever they are, set to watch and protect me.”

  “I did, but that still doesn’t explain, even knowing you’d be protected, why you were risking yourself?”

  “With the protection, as I mentioned, I was hoping to be able to flush Smedley out so he could be nabbed.”

  Amelia studied Nash as he started to digest her words, and when she saw him smile knew she’d been correct in her actions. Her only problem now, and actually it seemed to be Nash’s as well, was that the man was still out there and more of a threat than before.

  From behind Nash she saw the door open and her godmother sweep in, past the men who all bowed, but she waved them off.

  “My dear Amelia, I’m so glad you’re up and looking better. I must say though, not only did you make a grand entrance on Lord Nash’s arm, but your unexpected exit caused quite a stir.”

  “Yes, thank you. From what my mother said, my fainting happened on seeing Lord Nash when I thought he might be in danger. Now, if this impossible man standing in my way doesn’t mind, I’d like to rejoin the ball as I’m feeling so much better,” Amelia declared while laying a piercing glare on Nash.

  “Daughter, are you sure you’re up to it and don’t wish to return home?” her mother said.

  “I’m positive. When the young ladies see my reappearance it will teach them a lesson, not to run away but stand strong.”

  With a glance to the other ladies and even the scowling men, Amelia saw them either nod or smile at her decision. She waited as Nash separated himself from the others then accepted his arm to escort her back into the ballroom.

  No sooner had they entered than the musicians started to play a waltz. At first she wondered if Nash had planned it or not and got her answer when he tilted his head down.

  “Believe me, I had nothing to do with the choice of music. If you’re feeling up to it would you care to partake of our second and final dance of the evening?”

  As she let him sweep her around the ballroom Amelia was amazed at the nods, which used to be shakes of heads, from many of the matrons including several Grand Dames. Seeing their support she looked up to Nash.

  “My returning to the ball after my spell seems to have met with the approval. I’d wager once again we’ve started to set a new standard.”

  “Most definitely, as in the past the young lady would be rushed home. Now, let’s enjoy the rest of the waltz then retire to where our mothers are seated and watching us closely.”

  Much to her pleasure the rest of the evening proceeded without any further incidents. She did appreciate it when Nash let her dance, not waltzes, with Matthew and a very few select gentlemen.

  Later, once safely returned, with her parents, to the Appleton palace, Amelia bid them a pleasant night and made her way to her suite where she was met by a worried Wendy. After reassuring the maid she was fine, Amelia dressed for bed. Crawling between the sheets, she wondered what Nash was doing.

  Chapter Ten

  As planned and agreed upon by Amelia’s parents, Nash was pleased the announcement of their engagement in The Tattler would be held back a day. This had been done to give them a quiet drive around the park.

  Much to his frustration, the rag had made mention of her fainting then insisting on returning to the dance floor. Now he knew, or at least suspected, they, in particular Amelia, would be swamped by the curious. He wondered whether they should use the landau or the closed town carriage. With the second they would be able to allow only select friends in while with the opened coach anyone could easily approach.

  Needless to say, no matter which he chose most likely, both duchesses would be in attendance. With a frustrated moan he rang for Lucas who appeared instantly.

  “M’ lord?”

  “Have the landau in the courtyard at two, and make sure there are several heavy blankets in it,” he ordered.

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  No sooner had the butler left than his father entered their now combined office, bringing Nash to his feet.

  “No, son, sit back down as we’ve something to discuss,” Thomas said.

  Doing as told, he was surprised when his father went over to the sidebar and poured two glasses of whiskey then returned handing one over. This action told him whatever they were going to talk about had to be serious.

  He waited for his father to take a seat on the settee.

  “What may I do for you?” Nash asked.

  “I just came from a private meeting with Appleton at White’s, and he’s in agreement with me. Now, I know you and the duchess had talked about it but now, considering last night, we need to put your plan into action.”

  Immediately Nash knew what his father was talking about. Taking a sip of his drink, he studied the man over the rim of the glass and was amazed at the smile directed to him.

  “When do you think we should retreat to the country, and which estate should we go to?” Nash said.

  “As the announcement will be in The Tattler tomorrow, we’ll need to wait until the next day at least. Appleton and I are in agreement we go to ours.”

  “I think that’s a marvelous recommendation as it will allow me to help Amelia with the transition,” the duchess declared, as she swept into the ducal office bringing both men to their feet.

  Now, more than ever, Nash was confused. Why would his mother be talking about a changeover from her to Amelia? Last he knew, the only time the sitting duchess stepped down was when
the senior son married and the death of the duke.

  “Mother would you care for a sherry?” Nash said guiding her to the settee where his father awaited for her.

  “I’d prefer a glass of that marvelous whiskey you’re partaking of, son.”

  With a bow, he stepped over to the sidebar and poured her a glass then went back and handed it over. Retaking his seat at the desk, he took another sip of his before turning to his father.

  “Are Amelia and her mother being made aware of the change in location?”

  “Yes, as we speak Julius is informing them.”

  Silently, Nash wondered how Amelia would take the news. For him it was good news. At the ducal estate he’d be able to protect her since she’d be under the same roof as he would be. That thought started to make his heart beat faster and harder. His only regret was that they’d not be sharing the same bed, at least not for a few more weeks.

  Right now, though, his concern was how they would leave London without being seen by Smedley. He was sure the man had a watch over the Appleton palace and possibly this one as well. For the time being he put that on hold when the luncheon gong sounded. However, he did have one question which he needed an answer to.

  “Mother, this afternoon, will you be joining Amelia and myself for the drive in the park?”

  “Yes, and so will Helena. Then we’ll all return here to write out invitations to a select few guests. I’m thinking no more than fifty or sixty,” his mother stated, before standing and starting for the office door.

  Taken aback by her sudden departure, Nash quickly finished the last of his whiskey, saw his father doing the same, and together marched after her.

  “Welcome to my world, son. Once you marry, be prepared for the same. As you must already know, your Amelia is very much like your mother, strong willed and determined,” his father whispered.

  Besides her beauty, charm, and grace those were two more attributes he did appreciated about her. Of course, he’d keep that to himself along with and more importantly the fact he loved her.

  With luncheon finished, Nash slowly made his way upstairs to his suite. There he was met by Ryan.

  “As you must have already heard, we’ll be leaving for the ducal estate day after tomorrow. As the majority of my clothes are at my place in Surry, you’ll need to pack most of what’s here.”

  “Yes, m’ lord. I’ll start once your trunks are sent up. I’ll leave two sets of evening attire along with day wear out. Is there anything specific you’ll want me to hold off from packing?”

  As the time was getting close to when he needed to leave and meet Amelia, he shook his head. He’d have to trust that Ryan would leave the right clothes out along with personal items.

  “Later, when I return with the duchesses and Lady Amelia I might have an idea as to what plans they have for this evening,” he told Ryan, then with his greatcoat over his arm, Nash marched out and down to the ground floor.

  Fortunately, as he never liked keeping his mother waiting, he smiled seeing she’d not arrived. After being helped into his coat by Lucas he stepped outside onto the porch as the landau drove up. Again, he wasn’t surprised to see Justin beside the coachman.

  This made him wonder if the young man would like to be taught to handle a team of horses. He knew when they married Amelia would need a trusted coachman to drive her around town and the estate. That is, whichever one they lived at. This was something he’d have to talk to her about, but not today.

  Hearing footsteps approaching, Nash turned and was greeted by his mother who was smiling brightly at him.

  “Your Grace,” he said, with a bow.

  “M’ lord, shall we be off as I’m sure Lady Amelia is anxiously awaiting our, or should I say your arrival.”

  With a nod to the grand lady, he offered her his arm and escorted her to the coach. After she was settled on the squabs he climbed in, then with a nod to the coachman they moved off.

  As the landau made its way to the Appleton palace Nash wondered who’d be out strolling about the park. Hopefully Matthew would be out so he could learn how Smedley was able to gain entry to the Kimberly grounds.

  A short while later, sitting across from Amelia, with her mother glaring at him, his coach rolled into the park and moved to the side of the carriage path. This was all he needed to know as they’d be allowed to stroll around. When they stopped, he climbed down then assisted Amelia out.

  “Now remember, stay within sight of us,” his mother ordered.

  “Yes, Your Grace, and we won’t be too long as it seems we’ve invitations to write out,” Amelia answered before he could.

  He offered her his arm and smiled down to her when she refused it, taking his hand in hers instead.

  “My dear, shall we see who is about. I’m also curious as to the reactions from the story in The Tattler,” he said.

  “Yes, most definitely,” she answered.

  As he guided her away from the carriage path he glanced around, then cocked his head down to see where she was looking. Not surprised he saw Amelia doing the same and most likely for the same reason.

  “Amelia, after last night I don’t think he’ll show his face in public for a few days, even though only a few of us know what he tried,” Nash whispered.

  “I know, but I still worry he might appear.”

  “Well, let’s put that out of our minds as I see several couples from last night. Shall we greet them?” he said, hoping his words would get her mind off Smedley.

  “And interestingly isn’t one couple Lord Matthew with Lady Jessica. They do seem to be spending quite a bit of time together.”

  “You’re correct, and I’m beginning to wonder if he might approach the Earl of Banworth and The Duke of Fenwick for her hand,” Nash whispered.

  He did notice she shivered ever so slightly as he spoke, and it wasn’t from the chill in the air. If he had to guess it was from his breath passing ever so gently over her ear. His thought was confirmed when he noticed the faintest hint of pink color her cheeks.

  “I don’t understand, besides being Lady Jessica’s godfather why would His Grace need to give his consent?”

  “I’ll explain later,” he softly said, as they got closer to the group.

  Before he knew what had happened, he was forced to step back when the young ladies swarmed around Amelia. Much to his pleasure he wasn’t the only gentleman who’d been deserted by the lady they were escorting.

  “Well, Nash, it would seem your Lady Amelia is popular with the other gentle folk. To that I’m not sure if I should thank you or not,” Matthew stated from beside him.

  “Save your thanks for later. Now, after we left what were you able to find out?”

  “Nothing. As we both know everyone had to present a card otherwise they weren’t admitted. Rosewood isn’t very popular and hasn’t been for quite a while so the boy wouldn’t have had one. Therefore, the only way he could have snuck in was through the mews then the garden. That’s also how I feel he departed once his plan went awry.”

  “Thank you, as it will help His Grace decide where to have guards set when we return to the country in a few days.”

  “I don’t understand?” Matthew exclaimed.

  “After what happened last eve at the ball, it’s been agreed both families retire to my father’s estate until after the new year. Of course, it will be a party so don’t say anything. You and Lady Jessica will be receiving invitations within the next day or so.”

  From the grin Nash saw on Matthew, something told him this could be an interesting gathering. Braving a set down, Nash glared at his friend.

  “So I’m guessing if Jessica is invited, the earl and countess will be also?”

  “Yes, they will be as someone needs to make sure you behave,” Nash teased.

  “Sinclair, as with you, now that I’ve found the perfect lady, I’ve reformed.”

  “No, m’ lord, you’ve not completely. You do still try to steal a kiss whenever possible.” A feminine voice announced f
rom behind Nash.

  Turning, he came face to face with Amelia and Jessica. Glancing over their shoulders Nash saw the other couples had started to drift away.

  “Lady Jessica, let me ask you this? Has he succeeded?”


  “Then I rest my case. Now, if you’ll excuse us, I must return Lady Amelia to her mother as we’ve a busy afternoon ahead of us,” Nash stated.

  “Ah, Lord Nash, as I’ve been able to enlist the assistance of Lady Jessica and Lord Matthew the penning of the invitations will be much easier,” Amelia declared.

  Hearing what Amelia had done, Nash gave her a bow for her ingenuity and forethought as she must have known they’d be invited. This was another example, to him, of her ability to not so much lead but guide as the surprised expression on Matthew’s face told him.

  How she’d been able to get Jessica, thusly Matthew, to help he didn’t know, and for the present didn’t want to. All that mattered, with the tenants at his estate in Surry and later the ducal estates he now knew there wasn’t anything Amelia couldn’t overcome.

  “Then, Lord Matthew, we’ll be seeing you and Lady Jessica shortly at the palace. Oh, and bring your finest penmanship,” Nash stated, then offered Amelia his hand which she took easily.

  “All I ask is that you make sure there’s whiskey, as I’ll need it.”

  “No,” both ladies said at the same time.

  Not daring to say a word, Nash shrugged his shoulders then guided Amelia back to the carriage and the awaiting duchesses.

  Chapter Eleven

  After helping both ladies out of the ducal traveling carriage, Nash offered Amelia his arm since his mother had already swept ahead. As they started up the marble steps, he saw the housekeeper marching toward him, and she didn’t look pleased on seeing him. Then again, she never had been so why should now be any different.

  Granted, in a few weeks he and Amelia would be married then off to his estate in Surry. Somehow, he knew he’d survive, or so he hoped.

  He started to open his mouth to offer her a warm greeting, only to stop when she sent him a stabbing glare. Instead he watched as the woman swept up to Amelia and curtsied.


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