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Married By Christmas (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 3)

Page 8

by Lindsay Downs

  “My dear, Lady Amelia. As always it’s a pleasure having you visit. I’ve got you in your favorite room, the pink suite. Now, let’s get you away from this horrible man and into a hipbath of hot water,” the housekeeper declared.

  Nash stifled a groan on hearing how he’d been referred to, which was better than some of the other times and what she’d called him.

  “Mrs. Gibbs, it’s so good to see you again. Thank you for the suite as I do love the view overlooking the garden. I should also point out His Lordship and I will marry in a few weeks.”

  “Yes, of that I’m aware. Then he’ll be known to me as that infuriating man. After all, what man ever does the right thing without being goaded? Now come along. I’m sure Wendy has arrived in your suite along with the trunks.”

  He smiled on hearing Mrs. Gibbs estimation of him would improve, slightly or so he hoped. Nash watched as Amelia, beside the housekeeper, glided up the main stairs. Even in her heavy, dark-brown traveling dress he loved to watch the way her hips swayed ever so slightly while she climbed the steps.

  When he caught movement out of the corner of his eye, Nash turned to see his father, arms across his chest and leaning against the doorframe of the morning room, smiling back at him. Not sure if staff was around, he bowed.

  “Your Grace, I didn’t know you were there. Please accept my apology.”

  “Think nothing of it, son. After the dressing down Mrs. Gibbs gave you, I think you could use a whiskey.”

  Not that he wanted to admit it, but his father was correct. If he wasn’t mistaken the woman had improved in her skill. His only question was, would it ever stop? Waving his father ahead, Nash followed while wondering if there was a way to get on Mrs. Gibbs’ good side. By the time they reached the ducal office Nash realized there wasn’t, so the best he could do would be to stay away from her, whenever possible.

  “Son, if you’ll pour, use the decanter on the left.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Marching over to the sidebar, Nash studied both glass containers and noticed the one he was instructed to use matched the color from the one in London. Pouring some into two glasses he carried them over to where his father was seated, behind his oak desk. Nash found it interesting that the number of letters was smaller than he’d expected, but then the man had only been gone a few days.

  “Father, your whiskey.”

  After handing the glass over Nash stepped over to the chair in front of the desk, the same one he’d occupied many times, especially in his youth. Then, it was usually more for a dressing down than to compliment him on his high marks at school.

  “No, have a seat on the settee,” his father directed him.

  With a nod, Nash did as requested, which he knew was from the calm tone of the duke’s voice. Taking a sip of the exquisite whiskey he looked over to his father.

  “Was there something in particular you wished to discuss? Or is this just to help me calm down from earlier?”

  “Actually, a little bit of both. On the ride down have you come up with a plan on how to protect Amelia from Smedley?”

  “Yes, I might, but I’m not sure how we can instigate it. From what I learned the other day, it would seem he was able to sneak in through the mews then the garden. If I might suggest we have men not only between the mansion and the rear garden but closer to the forest.”

  “Do you know if the man has any other skills such as sneaking through the forest without being found out? Also, why wouldn’t he come up the drive?”

  Taking another sip of whiskey, Nash used the few seconds to think about what his father had asked and suggested.

  “I’m sorry but as to the first I don’t know much of anything about the man, and I doubt Amelia does either. From the times I’d seen him I don’t think he could. As for the other, in my opinion he’s too timid to be so bold. There is another possibility, is the earl as poor as everyone thinks?”

  “From everything we know, he is. I know you had your man of business check out his financials, as did I,” the duke uttered.

  “Yes, and the countess has her own estate near Southampton, and she’s been living there for several years. We also know with the ships she inherited from her father brings in a healthy annual income.”

  “Son, I don’t understand,” his father declared.

  “I think I do,” Amelia declared, from the doorway then swept in with both duchesses and her father following.

  Nash and his father jumped to their feet, not only from being surprised by the three but Amelia’s statement. Stepping over to her, Nash settled his hand on the small of her back, getting a tingling sensation coursing up his arm. Cocking his head down, he could tell she experienced the same or similar event from the pink hint to her cheeks. He easily guided her over to the settee he’d been using and waited until she got comfortable. With a glance over his shoulder he saw the other two ladies had taken seats also.

  “Ladies and Julius, can we get you something to drink?” Nash said.

  “Whiskey,” they all answered at the same time.

  Without even having to look, Nash knew they’d need more glasses. He stepped over to the door knowing the butler would be there.

  “Fielding, glasses and bring another decanter of the whiskey,” he ordered.

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  Once the man was on his way, Nash returned to the center of the room where everyone was waiting for him. Not wishing to wait, he turned to Amelia.

  “Can you explain what you said?”

  “I believe the earl and countess have been planning this for several years. It’s not about the money. It is, but I’ll get to that shortly, as they both are well-funded. Somehow, the earl arranged to have most of his monies hidden away, leaving just enough to live on,” Amelia started to explain, then stopped as Fielding entered with glasses and a new decanter.

  Nash waited until the butler set it down, and with his father pouring he served everyone, then he realized what the Rosewood plan was all along.

  Taking a seat beside Amelia, he handed over a glass and smiled.

  “I believe, with what you said I know their endgame. Amelia, as you mentioned, it’s about the money but also power. If my subtractions are accurate, Smedley started attempting to court you three years ago when you came of age. The countess married the earl to bring respectability to the ton. Now they want power with him marrying the daughter of a duke, specifically you Amelia.”

  He wasn’t surprised at the sudden silence which filled the room as everyone thought over what he’d said. Now that he knew what Rosewood was planning, it would be easier to protect Amelia. Or so he hoped.

  “Nash, even if Smedley forced me to marry him, couldn’t my parents do something?”

  “Let me answer that, if you don’t mind,” her father interjected. Accepting a nod from Nash, he continued. “We wouldn’t be able to. The more we protested, the stronger their position would be. Most likely they have copies of everything he sent you professing his love. Not to mention, he might even have false letters from you saying the same. No, the only way to bring them down is to wait until something untoward happens.”

  “Father, wouldn’t it be easy to prove the supposed letters from me could be forgeries. After all, even as a young lady I was taught not only penmanship but how to compose a letter. Unless the writer had those skills they would stand out,” Amelia said.

  “On that daughter, you’re correct,” her mother answered.

  The notes weren’t the only problems Nash knew. First off, the earl’s funds. Where had the man hidden them? Also, was Smedley the only child, specifically a son? To get these answers he didn’t know where to look so how would or could they dig out the information.

  “Father, we have the same man of business, and as we know he didn’t find anything. Is there another avenue we could use who might have different sources?” Nash stated.

  “Thomas, I know we use different gentlemen. I could send him a note asking him to look into the Rosewood financials,”
Amelia’s father told them.

  “Yes, that would be perfect, and now that we have a timeframe for everything, I’ll post one to mine also,” Thomas said.

  “Once the letters are written, I’ll have my groom Justin, mounted on Apollo, deliver them with instructions to wait until he receives replies from both,” Nash suggested.

  “And knowing that beast of yours he can easily make it in less than a day,” his father stated.

  Besides the two posts, Nash would also have Justin take a note to Matthew to see if he could find more out about the earl and countess. In particular, if there might possibly be another child hidden away someplace. If so, that’s where the money could have been secreted.

  Another question which hadn’t been addressed was how, or who, would attempt to grab Amelia. He then realized with the countess owning, or having access to ships, she could have sailors take his bride-to-be. Lifting the glass to his lips, he took a final sip while studying how she was taking all this information in. What he noticed didn’t set well with him.

  Earlier when she swept into the office wearing a simple deep-green day gown and her hair simply braided and hanging down her back she’d been relaxed and smiling. Now Amelia was tense and clutching her glass so hard her knuckles had turned white. Glancing around at the others, who were talking in whispers, he noticed they seemed confident he could be on the track to discover the plot.

  If what he was thinking could be possible, and he was sure it was, then Smedley would come after Amelia with others. To be specific—sailors. What he needed to do was somehow alert all the farms and those who worked in town of the possibility of strangers. He wondered how to do this without panicking Amelia. Then he had an idea, as someday she’d be duchess. From past knowledge he knew his mother along with a groom, footman, and maid would visit the tenants.

  “Amelia, if the weather holds, which it should, would you care to join me as I go to some of the farms. It’s been quite a few years since I have and thought you might enjoy the time away from here.”

  “Son, that’s a marvelous proposal as tomorrow is the day this week when I, or Mrs. Gibbs in my absence, do calls. Of course that will mean you’ll have to take a cart which shouldn’t be a problem as that beast of yours will be heading back to London,” Claire said.

  When Amelia settled her hand on his, what felt like a fire rushed up his arm before settling in the pit of his stomach and continued to burn. It was an emotion he relished, and from the wide-eyed look she gave him she did also.

  “I love your suggestion as it will give me a chance, at a casual pace, to see the estate,” she said, giving him a warm smile.

  “Wonderful. Now that we have things settled I know two dukes who need to write letters so they can be sent to London in the morning. After which, certain people need to dress for dinner then meet us ladies in my parlor,” Claire stated, then stood bringing the men to their feet.

  Chapter Twelve

  With one hand she pressed the quilt to her breasts as she sat up and reached for her heavy bathrobe. Leaning back, she quickly drew it on then tossed off the covers. Swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, she slid her feet into warm slippers. After she rubbed the last of the sleep from her eyes she glanced over to the fireplace and smiled. She knew, under the direction of her maid, a footman had added several small logs to the fire. That, she knew explained why her suite wasn’t chilly.

  Surprised by a yawn, which she didn’t even bother covering since there wasn’t anyone around to see, Amelia swept over to the bell pull. Giving it two tugs to let Wendy know she’d finally risen, Amelia stepped into her private room. With her morning needs taken care of and a freshly scrubbed face she returned to her room just as her maid entered.

  “Good morning, Wendy, and thank you for the extra logs. I’m sure Mrs. Gibbs didn’t mind relinquishing them for my early morning comfort?”

  “Not at all, m’ lady. However, His Lordship might not be so pleased as she had the footman take them from Lord Nash. Now, will you wish to break your fast here or in the dining room?”

  As much as she wanted to groan at his seeming discomfort with her maid standing in front of her, she thought better of it. Somehow, someway, Amelia knew she’d have to make it up to Nash and soon. But first a low, very unladylike, grumble coming from her stomach told her it was time to eat.

  Wishing to start the day since a few of the house party guests would be arriving, she looked over to Wendy.

  “Help me dress, and let’s do my hair in a simple chignon as it will be easier for everyone if I break my fast downstairs. I’ll wear the dark-brown day dress and walking shoes.”

  Amelia hoped Nash would be there since she wanted to talk to him about the next round of tenant visits. Also, had his father heard back from their man of business? As of last eve her father hadn’t and it’d been over a week since the letters had been sent. She had noticed Nash becoming tenser the longer it took to get the replies.

  Lost in her thoughts, she hadn’t noticed Wendy helping her out of the nigh trail and into her undergarments then the dress.

  “M’ lady, it would seem you’re woolgathering. Is something wrong or are you thinking about His Lordship?”

  “A little bit of both and the upcoming house party. I still can’t understand why Her Grace is handing me so many of the duties.”

  “If I may be so bold, that’s because Her Grace knows you’re up to the task. Now, please sit so I can fix your hair,” Wendy stated.

  Taking a seat in front of the dressing table, Amelia continued to wonder why many of the details of the gathering had been left to her. She knew she was more than up to the task having organized several much smaller ones at her parents’ estate, but why here and now? The only answer she could come up with was that one day she’d be The Duchess of Fenwick.

  After several minutes of putting up with her hair being brushed, pulled, then twisted Amelia smiled into the mirror at the reflection of Wendy.

  “Thank you. Depending on the arrivals this morning I might need to dress in a slightly more formal gown for luncheon. Make sure the light-blue one with the high collar is fresh and ironed out.”

  “Yes, m’ lady. Now you’d best hurry along before the gentlemen devour all the food.”

  Not that she would admit it, but Amelia knew Wendy could be right, as the men tended to pile their plates high. At least they ate everything they’d chosen so nothing was wasted. With a head bob she grabbed up her dark-green shawl from the bed and started to make her way out of her suite and down the corridor. As she got to the stairs she was amazed to see Nash marching toward her from his set of suites.

  She could feel her heart start to quicken and seemingly get louder the closer he got. Unlike the previous days when they’d either gone riding or to visit tenants, today he wore trousers in a deep green, almost matching her shawl. Stifling a disappointed moan as she loved to see him in riding britches, she was rewarded by the jacket in brown, the same color as her dress. Had this been planned by him or was it luck they were in the same colors? Whatever, it happened to be she didn’t care. Just seeing him strong, powerful, and with his ever present smile made her feel protected.

  “Good morning, m’ lord,” she stumbled out, giving him a curtsey.

  “M’ lady, I do love your choice of attire this morning,” he said giving her a bow.

  “Thank you, kind sir. Have you broken your fast? Or are you going down now?”

  “No, I haven’t. Would you care to join me? I believe we might also meet our parents in the dining room as well.”

  Tilting her head up just enough to be able to look at his face easier since he’d stepped to where their bodies almost touched, she smiled. This would be better than she’d hoped. Now she might be able to find out if any letters had arrived in regards to Rosewood and his funds.

  As Amelia let him guide her into the family dining room she released his arm then curtsied.

  “Your Graces, what a pleasant morning,” she cheerfully announced.
  “Yes, it is. Now direct my son to set up a plate for you, and come sit beside me,” Claire instructed.

  With a glance over her shoulder on hearing plates being rattled, Amelia knew Nash was already doing what his mother had ordered. She took a seat to the duchess’ right and glanced down the table to the others.

  “Lady Amelia, I’m happy you were able to join us. After we finish breaking our fast we need to adjourn to my office as we’ve received some interesting reports,” Thomas said.

  From the look on the duke’s face she knew it had to be good news.

  “It would be my pleasure, Your Grace.”

  Over the meal she along with both mothers discussed the upcoming ball and what events they should plan for the days leading up to Christmas Eve.

  “Your Grace, after we meet in the duke’s office shall we see what is available for flowering decorations in the hot house. A few days ago I tried to get in, but it seems your head gardener is very protective of what he has growing,” Amelia declared.

  “My dear, he’s been like that for years,” Claire explained.

  Hearing a snicker from across the table, Amelia glanced over to see Nash quickly hiding his face behind his coffee cup. Something told her he was the reason the head gardener behaved the way he had. Turning back to his mother, who was smiling, she knew that to be the case. But, what had he done?

  “Your Grace, from his action I suspect strongly Lord Nash did something to annoy the man. Might you be willing to share it with me so I can make sure it never happens again?”

  “Let’s just say it took over a year until we had flowers equal to what we’d had before His Lordship got finished.”

  “Yes, and he was sent away to school the day after we learned of his transgressions,” Nash’s father added.

  Bobbing her head in understanding, she also wondered if that was the reason Mrs. Gibbs treated him the way she did. It would make sense.

  “To answer your question, I believe we should see what is available, and I’d also suggest His Graces and Lord Nash join us. After all, this ball isn’t just for the ladies, and I’m dying to see what insights they will bring to the decorations,” Claire firmly declared.


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