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Married By Christmas (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 3)

Page 9

by Lindsay Downs

  A short while later, with the meal finished, Amelia accepted Nash’s arm and followed the parents up to the duke’s office. Taking a seat on the same settee from yesterday, she made sure there was room for him to join her. When he didn’t, she wondered why, but that became quickly apparent when Nash accepted an opened letter from his father. She did find this unusual as she didn’t think he’d posted one to London, but her answer was immediately answered.

  “Ladies, when I sent Justin back to the city, one of the letters he carried was to another agent of the Crown. For obvious reasons, I’m unable to reveal his or her name. This is the response. As it’s unsigned I’ll let you read it yourselves, but trust me it’s from my contact.”

  As she was the closest to him, she accepted the note.


  At your request I did some more searching into the ships owned by the Countess of Rosewood, and you’re correct in your assumptions.

  They have not only been involved in smuggling goods in from France and other countries but on occasion French spies.

  I, along with my associates, strongly suspect not only the countess but also the earl participate in these illegal activities. As to who’s allowing this to happen…All I know is it has to be someone very high up in the government. At this time I’m not sure exactly who but will continue to hunt down this traitor.


  Your friend

  Having finished reading it, Amelia could feel her eyes widen in panic that a member to the peerage could be involved in this type of activity. Attempting to school her features, she then handed it over to her mother, who after reading the note passed it to Claire who had the same reaction.

  Looking to Nash, Amelia gave a small smile, which was returned, knowing they now had enough to disgrace the earl, countess, and most likely Smedley. Peering to Thomas, Amelia saw him take up another letter, which she guessed to be from his man of business.

  “Now ladies, it gets even more interesting. As I thought a week ago that the earl, along with his wife, had hidden monies, he has. Our men of business aren’t sure of the exact amounts, but needless to say it is a huge sum, possibly enough to fund Wellington for years in his campaign in Spain.”

  For Amelia at least it all became clear, but to be sure she needed to share her thoughts and feelings with everyone.

  “Your Graces, m’ lord, now it all makes sense, at least to me. If, somehow Smedley can force me into a marriage, then that would help protect his parents from having the Crown come down on them. In short, they’ve created the perfect form of safety for them all. How do you think it would look if the daughter of a duke was associated with crooks and traitors?”

  “Precisely my dear, Amelia, and we’ll make sure never happens,” Nash declared.

  “I know you won’t. However, I’ll not be hidden away in here as I’ve certain responsibilities, the first being helping to select the flowers for the ball. Then, there’s the visits which need doing tomorrow,” Amelia stated.

  She could tell by his reaction, fisting his hand, Nash wasn’t happy with what she’d said. What she found intriguing was that his father stepped between them and rested a hand on Nash’s chest.

  “No, you have to let her continue as she would normally. For one, it will show whoever is going to attempt to abduct her she’s not afraid of them, or anyone. Then, think of how the tenants will feel if she doesn’t arrive as planned. From what I’ve heard, and don’t ask how, everyone she’s met loves her and the tenderness she brings which equals that of the duchess.”

  From where she was sitting Amelia noticed Nash relax a little but not enough until—

  “Then nothing will change except for a few extra guards when we leave the immediate grounds. Here, with your approval, Amelia, a few extra footmen but in the background.”

  “Agreed. Now if I’m not mistaken we’ve arrangements and flowers to look at,” Amelia calmly spoke, rose and accepted Nash’s hand.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Exasperated, not so much at Amelia but rather at the two mothers for being dragged down aisle after aisle of flowers while giving the necessary grunts of pleasure, Nash was close to breaking. Fortunately, he was saved from having to assist in selecting potted plants when the luncheon gong sounded. As they exited the hot house Nash glanced to his father who only shrugged. Knowing it would be the same after they dined, he needed an excuse to get away, even if for only a little while.

  Then he remembered when he and Amelia had done calls a few days ago one of the farmers had a cow ready to give birth. Not having heard if it had would give him the perfect opportunity to find out.

  “M’ lady, after we eat would you care to accompany me to the Taylor farm and check on the cow?” he politely inquired.

  “As much as I would love to, especially as it would give me a little more time with the twins, I can’t. Guests will be arriving, and Her Grace wishes me here to help greet them,” Amelia answered.

  He could detect a hint of disappointment in her voice that she wouldn’t be able to go while helping to fulfil the duties of the future duchess of the estate.

  “Even though we’ve not received word of strangers in the area, to set your pretty mind at ease, I will take a groom,” he told her, as they stepped into the dining room.

  Guiding her to the chair next to his mother, which for the time being seemed where the duchess wished her to sit, he made sure she was settled then stepped over to the sidebar. There he chose her favorite meats and vegetables from the many offerings. After setting it in front of her he did the same for himself.

  While they dined, Nash patiently listened to the ladies discuss several different activities planned for the guests. One which had him intrigued, as he’d heard her play the pianoforte, would be an impromptu musical evening. He knew Amelia was familiar with several of the more popular ballads. He pondered the thought of partnering with her in one or two. When he returned from his ride, hopefully in a better mood, he’d have to ask as they might need to practice.

  With lunch finished, the two duchesses retired to his mother’s parlor to rest while the dukes went to the office for a whiskey. When asked if he would care to join them, Nash made his excuses telling them he had something which needed doing. This, he was surprised, left Amelia who had previously announced she wanted to review the menu for the evening dining.

  After changing into boots and buckskin riding britches Nash made his way to the barn where Apollo was waiting in his stall.

  “Give me a minute to hunt down the stable master, and then I’ll brush you out and throw a saddle on.”

  Not surprisingly, his beast bobbed his massive head almost as if he understood Nash’s words.

  “M’ lord, I wasn’t expecting you this afternoon. May I be of assistance?” Justin said, as he marched down the main aisle.

  “Thank you, no. I’ll take care of him. Why don’t you select a horse as we’re going for a ride to check on a farm?” Nash told him.

  “If you’re talking about the Taylor cow, she gave birth yesterday.”

  “How do you know that as they’ve not sent His Grace or myself word?”

  “Yesterday, Reading sent me into the village to the apothecary. He needed oil of clove to make a poultice for one of the mares. While I was there, I overheard Mrs. Taylor mention it to Mr. Richards. She was in getting tincture of iodine for one of the twins who’d cut himself, and she didn’t have any,” Justin explained.

  “Then, we’d best hurry as something could be wrong with the calf or cow.”

  “Give me five minutes to get Paris saddled,” Justin said.

  “Perfect. I’ll meet you at the side door. That way we can get on the trail to their farm easily.”

  Not waiting for a reply as it would have been pointless seeing Justin turn and race up the aisle to Paris’ stall Nash grabbed a brush. Stepping into Apollo’s stall Nash quickly ran it over the beasts back. That done, he hunted down his saddle and bridle. In minutes, he had the horse tacked up and was leading
him out the door just as Justin arrived.

  “I’ll lead and with that monster, I know you’ll be a step behind,” Nash declared, before swinging onto the saddle.

  Of course, he didn’t inquire if the young man had the duke’s permission to ride his father’s horse, a half-brother to Apollo. Not even looking to Justin, he tapped the sides of his horse with his heels, and in several strides was at a full gallop.

  Even with both well mounted, Nash knew it would take a good thirty minutes to reach the farm, even taking shortcuts through the woods.

  When he saw the clearing just above the farm, Nash slowed Apollo to a walk, knowing Justin would do the same. Looking down at the building, he immediately knew something was wrong. From the barn behind the house he could easily hear the cows calling out, even Mr. Taylor’s old draft horse had joined in, screaming out to be fed. And where were the children, especially the five-year-old twins? They were nowhere to be seen, much less heard.

  Reaching into his jacket pocket, Nash withdrew the same piece of foolscap he’d used to list down the flowers Amelia had told him and the pencil he’d used. Thinking for a minute he finally decided what to write.


  You are to take Justin to His and Her Graces. After which, bring Lady Amelia to them.

  Justin will then explain to them why I didn’t return with him to the mansion.

  Nash, Marquis of Renfield

  Turning to Justin, he could tell the young man was as concerned about the farm as he was.

  “You are to remain here in hiding while I find out what’s wrong. If anything untoward happens to me make a mental note then race back to the mansion. Don’t enter by the servant door but the main one as that’s where Fielding will be since guests will be arriving. Stand your ground, and hand this to him. I’ve instructed him to take you directly to His and Her Graces along with Lady Amelia. Do you understand?”

  Handing the note over, Nash could see Justin panic at the instructions he’d been given, but knew he could and would do as ordered.

  “Yes, m’ lord. Do you think the people who want to abduct Lady Amelia could be hiding there?”

  “It’s a strong possibility, but I don’t want to take any chances, that’s why you have to stay here and do as ordered .”

  Accepting the nod from Justin, Nash tapped his heels to Apollo’s sides sending the horse into a comfortable canter down the hill.


  After being introduced to Matthew’s parents, Earl and Countess of Winsome who had been turned over to the housekeeper, she glanced over to him.

  “I would have thought Lady Jessica would have accompanied you?”

  “No, m’ lady. She’s with her parents, and if I’m not mistaken that’s their carriage entering,” he told her.

  Once the Banworth coach came to a halt, Amelia watched as Matthew stepped up, opened the door, and handed Jessica’s mother down followed by Jessica. Amelia watched as the countess looked around, and then with the earl at her side stepped up. Giving them a curtsey which was returned, Amelia started to hand them over to Mrs. Gibbs but stopped when she felt a hand on her arm.

  “Lady Amelia, might I congratulate you on taming my errant godson. Where is he, out gallivanting around the countryside on that beast he insists on keeping?”

  She was about to answer when Matthew brought Jessica up to stand beside her parents. Again maintaining protocol they exchanged curtsies. With that out of the way, Amelia turned to the countess.

  “No, and he’d best not be. He went to check in on a farmer whose cow should have given…”

  She never got a chance to finish because from the stables she heard the pounding of hooves on the cobblestones. Turning to the sound Amelia saw Justin, on a huge horse, racing toward them. As he got closer, she could see fear and panic in his eyes. Whatever caused the look she knew it involved Nash and most likely Smedley.

  “I apologize for my hasty arrival, but His Lordship has been captured by sailor looking types. I’m to tell His Grace,” Justin could barely sputter out.

  Not surprised at the gasps from all the ladies within earshot, Amelia ignored them and turned to the nearest footman.

  “Take the horse to the stables, and turn it over to Reading,” she ordered.

  “Yes, m’ lady.”

  “Justin, you’re to come with me.”

  Spinning on her heel, she started to march up the marble stairs when she heard, “We’re coming along to find out how best to save Sinclair.” If she wasn’t mistaken it had been Matthew speaking.

  Stepping in to the mansion, Amelia was met by Fielding.

  “M’ lady, I heard and His Graces are in the office. Besides those with you, is there anyone else who should be in on this meeting.”

  With a glance over her shoulder, she saw both mothers, Matthew supporting Jessica, Nash’s godmother, and the earl. Satisfied with those present and not thinking anyone else was needed, Amelia shook her head, grabbed Justin by his shirt sleeve, and charged upstairs.

  Disregarding the closed door, Amelia swept in not even giving the dukes a curtsey but knew Justin had bowed.

  “Please excuse this untimely interruption, but Lord Nash has been taken.” Cocking her head to Justin, she gave him a nod. “Tell them everything you saw and heard.”

  It didn’t take Justin long to tell everyone what had occurred at the Taylor farm.

  “Are you sure the men who grabbed him were sailors?” Thomas demanded.

  “Yes, Your Grace. I could tell by the clothes they wore. I’ve never seen anything like them before. Even from where I was hiding when I heard one of them talk. The man had a French accent.”

  “Thank you. Now take a seat in the chair in the corridor in case we have more questions for you,” Thomas told him.

  Amelia waited until the young man left before focusing on Thomas as she had quickly come up with a plan to rescue Nash but doubted anyone would agree to it.

  “Your Grace, we know who they are, or at least work for, and what they want, me. So, I say we give them me.”

  Barely had the last word passed her lips when everyone started talking at once. Deciding not to pay them any mind, Amelia stepped over to the sidebar and, very unladylike, poured a little whiskey into a glass. Peering over her shoulder she was amazed no one had noticed her action except Matthew who nodded then with Jessica beside him came over.

  “Trust me, that won’t help,” he whispered.

  “No, but at least I’m doing something, maybe not saving Nash at the moment but trying to figure out a better way to do it,” she said, then took a sip of the strong liquid, crinkling her nose at the taste.

  “Trust me, Amelia, it’s an acquired taste, I can call you that, can’t I?” Jessica said.

  Stunned not at being called by her Christian name, but the other words, all she could do was nod.

  Glancing past them to the others who were still talking, more like arguing, Amelia looked back to Matthew and Jessica only to see an interesting expression shared between them.

  “Matt, I do believe we should tell Amelia exactly who we are, or rather work for when not gracing the ballrooms of London,” Jessica announced but in a low voice so others couldn’t hear.

  Astounded by what Jessica stated, Amelia wanted to ask, but a held up hand by Matthew prevented her. She did know, or at least suspected, whatever they were, one or both had a plan. No matter what it was, she’d agree to it if it meant rescuing her Nash. Suddenly she stopped and wondered where those thoughts had come from. Of course he was hers, as she was his.

  “Whatever your plan is, let’s do it, for I know neither of you would put Nash or myself at risk,” she declared.

  “Good. Now you’ll need to change into your riding habit.”

  “If you can give me thirty minutes I’ll meet you where?” Amelia said.

  “Take your time m’ lady as I don’t want to arrive at the farm until dusk. For the plan to work, we need to use darkness as a weapon,” Matthew told her.

With a nod, Amelia stepped over to the others who’d grown silent.

  “Your Graces, m’ lords and ladies. We have a plan to rescue Lord Nash, but on the off chance the mansion is being watched everything has to appear normal with greeting the guests.”

  “Think nothing of it, my dear, we’ll take care of everything, just return safely.”

  Three hours later, Amelia wearing a deep red habit, used the mounting block to climb onto her sidesaddle and waited for the others to join her. Interestingly, she found Jessica dressed as a groom and Matthew in worker’s clothes.

  They were about to start off when from the barn The Duke of Fenwick stepped out and walked up to Justin.

  “Son, are you sure about this? If you’re successful you know what it will mean for you?”

  “Yes, Your Grace, I’m aware, but it has to be done.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  As they made their way to the Taylor farm, Amelia kept thinking about everything they’d learned, which wasn’t much. What did have her puzzled was Justin? Even though he’d been ordered to return to the mansion, why hadn’t he tried to save Nash? Then there was his comment about hearing one of the sailors speaking French, not only that, but he knew what the man had said. Then, there was how the young man acted when facing the duke, calm and not frightened. Was there more to Justin than anyone knew or thought. Adding to all of that, there was that parting comment from the duke and Justin’s response.

  Having taken this route before with Nash when they’d visited the Taylors, Amelia knew there was a path to the back of the house from the track they were on. This was the one Matthew would take to get behind the cottage. Amelia, Jessica, and Justin were to wait until they saw him slip up to the back then ride up to the front.

  Earlier she’d asked why just the four of them and not more grooms. It had been Matthew who’d explained.

  “If we send a large party that would put Nash at a greater risk of being hurt or killed. By making it seem as though a very concerned lady is searching out her betrothed in the company of two grooms, everything would appear normal. Trust me when I say Jessica is more than capable of taking care of herself while Justin will, if need be, protect you.”


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