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Married By Christmas (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 3)

Page 10

by Lindsay Downs

  At the time it had made sense, but as it came closer to putting the plan into action, Amelia could feel butterflies swarming around in her stomach.

  “Excuse me, Justin, but isn’t that Lord Matthew,” Amelia whispered.

  “Yes, m’ lady, it’s time. And don’t worry, everything will go as we laid out,” he answered. She heard confidence in not only his words but voice.

  Taking in a deep breath in the hopes of calming her nerves which partially failed, Amelia looked across the grounds then tapped her heel against the mare’s side sending her forward at a walk. From behind she heard the other two horses following.

  Using the fence railing to dismount, she looped the reins over a post. Turning on her heel, she started for the cottage door and wasn’t surprised when it opened revealing Smedley with two elderly people behind him.

  “See, Mother and Father? I told you Amelia would come without having to send a letter. Come in, my dear, for we’ve many plans to make for our wedding.”

  Looking past him, Amelia saw Nash, tied to a chair and coming through the rear door Matthew step quietly into the room.

  “You heard my son,” Smedley’s mother demanded.

  As Smedley lunged for her, Amelia took a step back.

  “Yes, I did hear him, but the only plans you’ll be making is who will greet the hangman first for being traitors to the Crown,” Amelia stated as she stepped aside and watched while, the now freed Nash along with Matthew grabbed the earl and countess.

  Past her, Justin rushed in and seized Smedley around the throat.

  Feeling an arm around her waist, Amelia looked over her shoulder as Jessica started to steer her from the cottage.

  “No wait, what about the Taylor’s? Are they all right?” she demanded.

  “Yes, m’ lady we’re fine,” Amelia heard coming around the corner of the house.

  Spinning around, she watched as Mr. Taylor came forward with two sailors, bound and gagged, walking in front of him. Following behind was the man’s wife holding the twins’ hands. She wanted to giggle seeing as the boys were trying to tug themselves free.

  “Oh, let them go,” Amelia said.

  No sooner were they free of their mother’s hold then they raced up to her, both talking at once. Concentrating so hard on what they were attempting to tell her, Amelia never saw or heard Nash step up until he settled a hand around her waist. Glancing up, she smiled then shook a hand free and cupped his nape to draw his head down to hers until their mouths were less than an inch apart. Rising up on her toes, she settled her lips over his, enjoying the tenderness he sent her.

  After a few seconds and feeling her face start to warm, she separated from him.

  “I’m sorry, m’ lord. I don’t know what came over me, I’m just so happy to see you’re not hurt,” she whispered.

  “There’s nothing to be apologetic for. I’ve been wanting to kiss you for years, but I feel we should hold off any more until we marry,” he softly told her.

  A not too subtle cough caught her attention.

  “Excuse me, m’ lord and lady, but we need to get these traitors back to the mansion and arrange further transportation for them,” Justin announced.

  Two hours later, with the prisoners locked in the mansion basement, Amelia and Nash, along with now properly attired Matthew and Jessica, strolled into the ducal office.

  “Welcome back. I’m pleased to see and hear none of you were hurt, except for a certain marquis’ pride,” Thomas declared to laughter and giggles from the assembled select guests.

  “Yes, Your Grace. Everything went as planned which usually never happens,” Matthew added.

  “Lord Nash, what will happen to them since they’re traitors?” his mother asked.

  He answered with a shrug, even though he knew their fate. He didn’t wish to mention it in front of the ladies. Earlier, he’d heard Amelia tell them of their fate, but he wasn’t sure that would be the end result. If he was to hazard a guess, none of them, including the sailors, would ever make it in front of a magistrate.

  “I’ve arranged for a secure carriage to transport the captives to London in the morning. Justin will be accompanying them then return here so he’ll be able to participate with staff for Christmas dinner,” Nash explained.

  “Good, now as it’s getting close to dinner and none of you appear disheveled, we shall have a whiskey for the men and sherry for us ladies,” Nash’s mother ordered.

  Christmas Eve Day

  Bored, Nash worked his way through the public rooms in the mansion in search of Amelia, who had disappeared right after luncheon. Not only had she gone missing, but both mothers, his godmother, and Jessica seemed to have as well.

  With only the ballroom left, he made his way there to hear her giving orders to some hapless man, a footman most likely.

  “After you move the potted plant into the corner see Lady Jessica, as I’m sure she will need your assistance.”

  “Yes, m’ lady.”

  Immediately Nash recognized the voice as belonging the Matthew. As quietly as possible, he started to back up when he saw Amelia, hands firmly set on her hips, hips he couldn’t await to hold naked against him, glaring back at him. It wasn’t the stabbing glower she was laying on him as much as when she crooked her finger that had him panicked.

  Glancing around in the hopes she was looking at some other poor soul, he dropped his shoulders in defeat and marched into the room.

  “Lady Amelia, how may I be of service?” he said, giving her a deep bow.

  “To start, you can assist Lord Matthew in moving that divan into the alcove there.”

  He glanced over to where his friend was struggling with a couch then followed her arm to where she was pointing. With a nod, he headed off to help his friend and maybe save him from a dressing down by Jessica. Glancing around the ballroom, he was surprised at not seeing any staff but several gentlemen and their ladies who were directing them. What he found interesting was that he knew them all—powerful members of Parliament, not to mention his father and hers as well. Both being directed by their wives. If anything, this told him married life was going to be interesting to say the least, challenging, at the most.

  After over an hour of moving furniture and plants, Nash was happy when Amelia announced everything was perfect. He watched as the ladies gathered then started for the stairs. If he was to guess, he would say they were going to the duchess’ parlor. He, on the other hand, wanted to check on Apollo but got side-tracked by his father.

  “Would you care to join Julius, Lord Matthew, and myself for a whiskey? It will help fortify us for the upcoming evening.”

  “It would be my pleasure, especially if you’re serving from the cask put up the year I was born?”

  As the marriage contract had been finalized, with help in sending him to the poor house by both mothers, Nash knew the conversation would most likely be about the upcoming season. Something he’d not have to worry about and hadn’t for the past four years, ever since Amelia had made her bows to the ton. He wondered if Matthew would be hunting down another young lady or had Jessica finally stopped his rakehell ways. Only time would tell. He did suspect, considering they both worked for the Crown, Matthew was ready to settle down with the young lady.

  “Of course. Would I serve anything less?” his father declared.

  With glasses passed, Nash wanted to make sure the conversation didn’t come around to him so he decided to interrogate his friend. He waited until the others had settled themselves in chairs.

  “Matthew, would I be correct in saying you won’t be alone for long? From what I’ve seen here, and in London, you seem to be smitten by Lady Jessica’s charms.”

  “On that point, you’re correct. I spoke with the earl, and he’s given his blessing for me to make my intentions known to her.”

  “Congratulations,” Thomas announced raising his glass in a toast.

  “So another rakehell has finally met his match. It would seem our ranks are slowly dwindling whic
h will make the mammas very happy,” Nash declared.

  “Son and Matthew, I wouldn’t be so sure of that. I have it on excellent authority next season there will be a certain gentleman who will make both of you look like milksops.”

  Nash looked over to Matthew and noticed the same puzzled look he knew he was wearing. Who could this person be? Quickly he reviewed the list of questionable gentlemen from last season who’d had the mammas worried and couldn’t think who his father could be referring to.

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t think who it could be. If you’ll excuse me, I want to check on Apollo and find out if Justin has returned yet.”

  Accepting nods from the dukes, while ignoring Matthew’s pleas to stay, Nash rose and went to the stables. As he got close, he easily heard Reading giving a groom a dressing down. At first he couldn’t make out what was being said, or more precisely yelled, to the hapless young man.

  Not wishing to disturb them, he turned on his heel and returned to the mansion and his suite. With about an hour before the dinner gong Nash shed his jacket and picked up Candide. Settled in a chair near the fireplace, he continued to read until interrupted by Ryan.

  “M’ lord, your bath water will be here shortly. As it’s Christmas Eve, I took the liberty of making sure your deep-red jacket and trousers were brushed and the wrinkles ironed out.”

  “Thank you. For the vest, is the forest green one wearable?”

  “Yes it is, m’ lord.”

  At the appointed hour he stepped from his suite, perfectly attired for the evening and what it would bring. A wife.


  The next morning-late

  The feeling of warm air gliding gently over his shoulder slowly woke him. Reaching out, he carefully pulled back the curtain around the bed which helped keep heat in and cold out. Seeing the sun had risen higher in the morning sky than he’d expected, Nash couldn’t decide if he should wake Amelia or not.

  Carefully, so not to disturb her, he rolled over only to come eye to eye with his lovely bride of a few hours.

  “Good morning, my love.”

  “And to you, good sir. Last night, or was it early this morning as I can’t remember, was even better and more marvelous than mother said it would be.”

  “I’m glad. I was afraid you’d be fearful as the first time can be a little uncomfortable,” Nash whispered.

  “No, not at all. My only question is, can we make love again?”

  A heavy pounding on the door to his suite told Nash they might not be able to.

  “You both have exactly one hour to present yourselves at the top step of the ballroom for the wedding breakfast,” his mother’s very familiar voice called out through the thick oak door.

  “My dear, I believe your question has been answered, and if I don’t miss my guess, in a few seconds Wendy, without knocking, will be storming in.”

  No sooner had he finished than his words came true. Behind Amelia’s maid, Ryan slipped in and Nash could tell the man wasn’t happy. Knowing he had to take control, Nash properly covered at least from the waist down, sat up.

  “Both of you out now, and don’t enter until I direct you to,” Nash bellowed at them.

  Much to his, and he suspected Amelia’s, surprise they did as ordered. Lying back down, he collected her nakedness in his arms.

  “From this day forward, they’re not to enter until we ring for them.”

  “On that, dear husband, I’m in total agreement, but how do we deal with today as we’re in your suite?” Amelia stated.

  Knowing the only people allowed in this wing of the ducal mansion were select family and staff and with her former suite in the guest corridor he had no idea. Then, even he was amazed by his plan .

  “You stay hidden in the bed with the curtains drawn. I’ll take care of my morning needs and partially dress. Ryan will tie my cravat in the family reading room next door. That will allow you the time needed to take care of your routine and dress. When you’re ready, come get me. Is that agreeable?”

  An hour later, with Amelia’s hand in his, forgetting protocol, they stood at the top stair of the ballroom.

  “Your Graces, m’ lords, and ladies, I present Nash, Marquis of Renfield and Amelia, Marchioness of Renfield,” Fielding bellowed out.

  As he guided her down the steps, he noticed a gentleman, uncomfortable it appeared, as he kept tugging at his collar, bow to them. When the young man straightened, Nash recognized him.

  Justin, Earl of Rosewood, his former groom.

  Nash could feel his mouth drop open and eyes widen when Justin and The Duke of Fenwick stepped up.

  The End

  About Lindsay Downs

  I’ve been an avid reader ever since I was old enough to hold a red leather bound first edition copy of Sir Walter Scott’s The Lady of the Lake in my lap.

  So it only seemed natural at some point in my life I take up pen and paper to start writing. Over time my skills slightly improved which I attribute to my English teachers.

  My breakthrough came about in the mid 1970’s when I read a historical romance written by Sergeanne Golon, Angelique. This French husband and wife team opened my eyes to the real world of fiction. Stories about romance, beautiful damsels, handsome heroes and plots which kept me hooked. Of course, being a man, I had to keep my reading hidden from others as that wasn’t appropriate reading for men.

  With this new found appreciation of the written word I took up other books and devoured them as a starving person would a plate of food. I them attempted to write again. I still wasn’t satisfied so I put it aside for years as other events entered my life.

  Finally, in the early years of the new millennium I tried again to write and once again met with limited success. At least now I was able to get past the first page or two. Then, in 2006 a life changing event brought me back to my love, I took a job as a security officer. This allowed me plenty of time to read different genres.

  My favourite was regency. As I poured through everyone I could get my hands on I knew this could be something I wanted to attempt.

  Since 2012 when my debut regency romantic suspense released I was hooked and have, except for a few contemporaries, focused on this genre.

  Since 2012 I’ve lived in central Texas. I’m also a member of Romance Writers of America and their local chapter.

  Where you can find me—


  Facebook Pages-

  Twitter- @ldowns2966



  Lindsay Downs-Romance Author-




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