Book Read Free

Naughty Nanny Series-Free Loving

Page 4

by Azod, Shara

“No.” She didn’t have anything against acting in a movie; it was just something she never sought to do.

  “Do you feel like you are being forced into it? Or that by staring in a movie, you are letting yourself down in some way?”

  “No, Mom, nothing like that.” Then what was it? “I just, I know I’m not doing this because it’s something I want to do. I am doing it for Travis.”

  Her mother gave her one of those little knowing smiles. Of course the older woman had already known that hadn’t she?

  “If it’s not a betrayal of any dearly held conviction, and you’re not being forced, do you feel bad because you are only doing this for your young man?”

  That was it exactly. “Isn’t that like, some kind of anti-woman’s lib thing or something?” Free asked honestly. “I mean, I am only doing it for Travis. Isn’t doing something for a man like a bad thing?” Free felt she was somehow going against on her beliefs. Not something she thought she ever saw herself doing. But Travis was different. She cared about him, more than any other man she had known, except for her father, of course.

  “Not at all!” Helene laughed. “Not if it’s not something that is against your convictions or something that belittles you. I do things for your father I wouldn’t otherwise do all the time!”

  “You do?”

  “Oh honey, almost every woman in a relationship does! Do you honestly think I like going to those entomology conferences?”

  It made her feel better, but she wasn't exactly in a relationship. As close as she and Travis had grown, they hadn’t crossed the line since that first morning. Not that she hadn’t thought about it. The memory of the way he looked through the glass door haunted her before she went to sleep every night. The thought of that delicious cock fucking her had her diving for her vibrator every night, but it wasn’t the same. Every morning, when she went out to exercise, she could feel his eyes on her. It had gotten to the point where she was doing it more because he watched then her honest enjoyment of greeting the new day. She needed to see the desire in his eyes more than anything else.

  Man, she had it bad! Although Travis never made an untoward move, there were times when she wanted to just give in to the banked passion she saw in his eyes. So far, she hadn’t made that first move though. She was just too scared to go through with it. What if it didn’t work out? Leaving Travis and Lorelei was something she didn’t even want to contemplate. They had both come to mean so much to her.

  “Go on, sweetheart,” her mother nudged. “You’re going to be late, and that handsome man of yours is waiting.”

  “Yeah, I better get going. Bye Mom, and thanks.” With one last kiss to Lorelei she left the bedroom.

  He wasn’t her man, no matter how much she might want him to be but it was nice hearing the words.

  Travis was waiting for her as Free descended the staircase. He looked so nervous and eager, it would have been funny if she wasn’t so damn terrified.

  “Free? Are you all right?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  It was a lie. She was anything but fine. Today, they would be shooting a love scene. One where they would have to pretend like they were making love, making it look as real as possible, which meant being naked, in a bed with Travis. Free wasn't at all sure she could go through with it. He would know – hell, the world would know – just how deeply for him she had fallen. It just wasn't something she wanted to showcase to the world.

  “You don’t have to do this,” Travis surprised himself by saying. “I’m sorry if pushing you made you feel you had to.”

  “I don’t feel obligated,” Free tried to assure him, but Travis was far from being convinced.

  “I’m not going to force you to do something you don’t want to do, Free,” Travis told her firmly. “I’m so sorry for all of this.”

  “No, Travis, stop.” She reached out to stop him just before he was about to stomp away. “I swear to you, I’m okay. Really.”

  “Then why do you look like you want to be anywhere but on set in a few minutes?” Travis demanded, his jaw clenched in irritation.

  She was going to have to tell him. Otherwise, he would believe she was playing the martyr. If she had been dead set against it, she never would have agreed to be in the damn movie in the first place. The thing was, she thought they would build up to the love scenes like it was written in the script. She had no idea the movie would be pieced together and shot completely out of sequence. That little surprise had been laid on her two short days ago. Every second since that time, she had dreaded this day.

  “Travis, the scene we are shooting today is a heck of a lot more than making out,” Free reminded him. “Much more.”

  Travis stared at her blankly for a few minutes before enlightenment slowly dawned on his face.

  “Oh Free! Damn, sugar, I’m so sorry!” Wrapping her in his arms, Travis pulled her close, his hand stroking up and down her back. She could feel the anxiety slowly seep away just by him holding her. How easy was she? “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll make sure it’s…tasteful. I’ll be right there with you the whole time. I promise not to let anything happen to you.”

  So not what she was worried about, but she decided it best not to let him know that. In a couple of hours, she was sure to make a complete fool of herself, probably declaring her undying love for him in front of God and everyone present, immortalizing her declaration on film. How was she supposed to keep her emotions under wraps during a scene she had been dreaming about since she first met him? She just hoped and prayed she wouldn’t make a complete fool of herself.

  Chapter Ten

  How the hell was he supposed to hide his raging hard on? This hadn’t happened to Travis since he was a kid in his first love scene. Nineteen had been a bit young to ask a man to keep his equipment under control when there was a half naked woman underneath him. But that had been a long time ago, and it had been years since he had the same problem. There was no way in hell he was going to tape it down which was the only way to hide it from Free. The scene called for full back nudity, with a shot right on his ass, so a flesh colored jock strap was out – too noticeable. The only way out of this was to ask for body doubles, something Travis never did.

  He would do it for Free though, if that’s what she wanted. It would kill him to do that because he didn’t want any other man taking his place but if it made Free more comfortable he would go through with it.

  As soon as she appeared on the set in her robe, nervously chewing on her lower lip, he pulled her over to a secluded corner, determined to give her the option.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked first. Maybe she would ask for a double first.

  “A little nervous, but otherwise all right,” she smiled sweetly at him, making his heart beat a little faster.

  “Uh, Free? I have to tell you something.” This was going to be hard. Would she run? Hit him? What would she say?

  “Go ahead,” she nudged him with her shoulder. “It could hardly be all that bad. You look like you’re about to tell me we have to do it for real in front of all these people.”

  Lord help him! His cock jumped becoming more than a little noticeable as it lifted the heavy material of his robe.

  “Oh!” Free gasped, her eyes clued to the growing rise. “Um, yeah. Well. Can you make it go down?”

  Hell no, not with her eyes glued to that particular area. His damn dick seemed to preen under her undivided attention.

  “Free, sweetheart, I uh,” aw, hell, he was just going to have to come right out and say it. “It’s not going to go down, sugar. Not as long as you’re the woman in the scene.”

  “Oh,” she breathed out softly, still riveted on the terrycloth tent. “Well, um, do you want to do it with someone else? I mean, like a body double or something?”

  “Hell no.” He wanted Free. But it wasn't fair to her, seeing as how she had to be just as nude in the scene. “But if you want me to ask for one, I’d understand.”

  She looked so damn good standing there,
staring at his erection. She kept chewing on her bottom lip, staring. He wanted to take her in his arms so damn bad it hurt.

  “Free?” he had to ask after she was silent for far too long.

  When she looked up at him, Travis knees threatened to buckle. There it was, expressed so clearly in her eyes he wanted to rip open the damn robe, beat his chest as he ran around yelling “She wants me too!” at the top of his lungs. He saw every bit of passion he felt reflected in the deep brown orbs, telling him it wasn't a fluke, and it wasn't one way. She really did want him as much as he wanted her.

  “Let’s do it,” she said barely above a whisper.

  “Are you sure?” Travis could resist pulling her closer. “You don’t have to do it.”

  “I want to,” she assured him. “Besides, it won’t last very long right? I mean, the actual scene is only like five minutes tops.”


  Five minutes, tops. Ha! Wow, had she ever been off. This had to be the fourth time the director had changed their position, trying to get as “real” as he could. It was getting increasingly harder to remember that this was a movie. Travis was kissing her so passionately because it was in the script. The hard on he was sporting was due to simple physiology. A man got hard around a bare naked woman. The fact that her nudity made him hard and horny was an established fact. The throbbing, thigh piece of male meat resting against her thigh was a simple physical reaction to two people, moderately attracted to each other. Maybe if she kept repeating that to herself she would believe it.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?’ Travis was lying between her spread legs, diligently trying not to freak her out with the massive tool he had lying there, pulsating against her skin. She could feel the slight wetness seeping out of the tiny slit on the head of his cock. The poor thing. She wished she could take him in her hand or mouth, savoring his taste. She knew he had to feel her wetness against his lower stomach. While François was yelling about the lights and camera angles, they were stuck like this, trying to pretend they weren’t as close to coming together as two people could possibly be.

  “I’m fine,” she smiled at him in what she hoped was reassurance. “I just hope this is over soon.” The sooner they finished the sooner they could go back home and finish what they started. There was no denying their mutual attraction now and she didn’t want to fight it any longer.

  Travis didn’t answer her statement; he just looked at her in a way that had her heart pounding and her already wet core even wetter. He didn’t say anything, but by the way his eyes darkened, the way his cock jumped a little against her, she knew he felt it. Funny, she thought she would be more embarrassed. They were lying on a fur animal skin pallet, surrounded by dozens of people scurrying around like it was a normal thing. She should have been embarrassed but she wasn’t.

  From where Free was lying, it seemed to only be the two of them. The rest of the world seemed to fade away giving the illusion they were alone on the large bed.

  “I want realism!” François was screaming at someone, shattering the fantasy. “This is not feeling real to me!”

  “Urghhhh,” Free groaned under her breath. How much more real could it be without actually doing the nasty right in front of everyone here?

  “Hold on, baby,” Travis soothed, pushing a loc that had fallen into her face over her shoulder. “I promise it will be over soon.”

  It had better be! If it lasted much longer, she was afraid she would shift her hips and glide that luscious looking hard on right where she was desperate for him to be. That would be very, very bad. They were not filming a porn movie.

  “You two are perfection,” François praised, coming over to kneel so he was right there in their faces. “I hate to ask, but it is necessary for Travis to put his thing between your legs. Not in the natural act, maybe behind a little, oui? The camera, it picks up the shadow, it shows too much. I can adjust if you like –”

  “No!” Travis and Free shouted at the exact same time.

  “I’ll do it,” Travis grimaced, stuffing his cock between her legs, slightly behind the rise of her behind.

  “Does it hurt?” Free whispered wide eyed. That had to hurt. She was trying not to put too much weight on it, but she was lying on his dick!

  “I’m good,” Travis managed to grit between his teeth.

  Free didn’t buy it for a second. She wished there was something she could do to alleviate the pain he was clearly in yet short of asking him to put it inside her she was coming up empty.

  François ran over to look through the camera, pointed it directly at Travis’ ass. “Perfect!” he announced. Beads of sweat popped out all over Travis brow. “Okay, action!”

  The kiss Travis laid on her was devastating. As soon as the words were out of François’s mouth, Travis ravaged her mouth, his tongue sweeping in to pillage. On instinct, her arms wrapped around him, her body straining against his, needing to get as close as possible. The lights, the cameras, the work crew faded away and nothing else mattered but the two of them. In all the previous takes, Travis had held back a little. He had to have been, because the kiss he was giving her now took and left nothing behind. She gave back as good as she got. Her tongue battled his for control. He growled at her aggression. She tightened her hold on him.

  His hips were moving against her, the log of his erection rubbing enticingly but in the wrong damn spot! That was it. She couldn’t take anymore teasing. It was time to take matters into her hands. Without a care as to who was watching, she shifted, moving left and right until the head of his cock was knocking at the slit of her weeping pussy. Just a quick downshift and he was there. Not wanting to let him go, she wrapped her legs around him and pulled him down with as much force as she could muster.

  “Oh God, baby, I can’t stop!” Travis growled against her mouth.

  “Then don’t,” she panted right back.

  And he didn’t. With a wild thrust, he was there, buried deep inside her. Free came almost immediately, unable to hold back. It was so good! She had waited so long! Uncaring about the rest of the world, Free was swept away in the pure sensation that was Travis with only one thought rolling around in her mind.


  Chapter Eleven

  Travis was lost. He had tried so damn hard not to do this, but the second she had shifted, forcing his cock directly against her slit, he lost all willpower to stop. And he couldn’t feel sorry for a damn thing. She felt so fucking good wrapped all around his cock. Exquisitely tight, scotching hot, and deliciously wet all at the same time, she was better than he dared to dream. He could feel the walls spasm after one stroke. Holy hell, she was sucking him like a hot, wet mouth! Only infinitely better, so damn much better.

  In some distant part of his mind, he knew he should stop this. They weren’t alone. She would hate him for it later. But damn it was just too good to stop! His hips moved almost against his will, demanding more, deeper, everything. He wanted her to come again and again and again, and he wanted to watch every fucking second, see every damn emotion that played across her face.

  “Look at me, Free,” he demanded, powering inside her. “This is not going to end. You aren’t going to run from me any damn more; do you understand me?”

  “I don’t want to run,” came the melodious reply. “I need this, I need you. I never knew how much.”

  “Hell, yeah,” Travis groaned, taking possession of her mouth once more. He was going to hold her to it.

  They both lost completely lost track of time, place, of everything but each other. He couldn’t get close enough, couldn’t get deep enough. He moved her legs to his shoulders, angling himself to get as deep as he possibly could. Maybe it was the yoga, or maybe she was just naturally limber, but wrapping her ankles around his neck, Free arched into him, welcoming him inside.

  “Shit! Free, baby, I going to need for you to come for me,” Travis moaned out helplessly. There was no way he could stop the explosion he could feel churning. It was just too damn good. “Come for
me, sugar. Now!”

  He pinched down on her clit, while frantically driving into her. Her walls clamped down almost unbearably tight against him. He had no choice but to detonate, feeling the rush of his orgasm down to his toes.

  “I love you, Free Windsong Summer,” Travis murmured, falling to his side to pull her against him.

  “Um, Travis?” came a hesitant reply. Not exactly what he wanted to hear.

  “Hmm?” She was tense, but he wasn't letting her go. Not now, not ever.

  “Where did everyone go?”

  Shit! He had forgotten where the hell he was at. Looking around he realized everyone had mysteriously disappeared. The director, the crew, everyone. François, that wily bastard! Anyone with eyes could see how into each other they were. The few scenes they had shot earlier had been so hot; Travis had to remind himself they weren’t real. And those had been shot fully clothed!

  “Come on, sugar,” Travis pulled her to her feet, wrapping her robe around her. “Let’s go to my trailer to talk.”

  “Do you think they all know?” Free asked, allowing him to lead her towards the trailer.

  She didn’t sound upset, but that could just be shock.

  “Yeah, I’m pretty sure they do,” he answered honestly. She needed to be prepared for the sly looks and giggles that might come tomorrow.

  They didn’t talk for the rest of the short walk. Just as Travis expected, most of the cars were long gone, indications François had let everyone go for the day. He didn’t speak when he pulled her inside. He couldn’t, his tongue was in her mouth as soon as the door closed. He may have had the best orgasm ever a few short minutes ago, but damned if he wasn't rock hard again already.

  “I’ll never get enough of you,” he muttered after breaking the kiss. It was true, he was hopelessly in love. “And I meant what I said. I love you Free.”

  “I think I love you back,” Free responded. Not exactly what he had been looking for, but close. “So what now?”

  “Now, you’re going to move into my room,” Travis told her, opening her robe and lightly running his fingers against the soft contours of her skin. “We finish the movie, we go home, plan the wedding, and then find some contractors to build your school –”


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