Book Read Free

Naughty Nanny Series-Free Loving

Page 5

by Azod, Shara

  “Hold on, back up,” Free cut him off, holding up her hand. “Wedding?”

  “Yeah, wedding,” Travis told her firmly. He wasn't playing around. Free was the woman for him, there would never be another. “When I said I love you, Free, I meant it.”

  There, his cards were on the table. He wasn't backing down. Free would be his wife whether she realized it or not. She didn’t look convinced. That was going to have to change.

  “Yeah, but Travis, we’ve only known each other for a few months,” Free began, but Travis wasn't in the mood to hear it.

  He stopped her train of thought with another kiss, not stopping until they were both panting with need all over again. She must have opened his robe because her small hands were running all over his torso.

  “I love you touching me,” he encouraged, leaning into her touch.

  “You do?”

  She looked so adorable looking up at him; so open, so damn loveable.

  “Yeah, sugar, I do. Take my robe off. I want your hands touching me everywhere.”

  He stood patiently as her hands reached up to his shoulders, pushing the material down his arms until it was pooling at his feet.

  “Now yours, Free. Take it off. Let me see the tight little pussy I’m going to fuck again.”

  Travis waited anxiously as she let the robe slip down her arms, exposing her body to his gaze. He wasted no time. Pulling her leg up, he wrapped it around his waist, sliding back inside her snug warmth. He could spend all day inside her. Without prompting, she put the other leg around him, trusting him to hold her weight.

  “Do it,” Free rasped, her teeth nipping at his ear. “Take me, Travis.”

  He was planning on it. With a firm grip on both sides, he powered into her, unable to stop. She was so damn tight!

  “You feel so good, baby.” He was trying to be gentle, but she was so damn hot, he was driven to thrust hard and deep inside her welcoming channel. “So wet.” She writhed against him making it impossible for him to be gentle. His lips trailed over her face, her neck, anywhere he could reach, his fingers digging into her soft flesh. He hoped like hell he wasn't hurting her.

  “Harder, Travis!” Free pulled on his hair, her hips rolling in time with his thrusts. “Please, Travis! I need it so bad!”

  Fuck, yes! He was all too happy to oblige. He slammed his hips into her, swallowing her cries in a soul sucking kiss. Damn, this was heaven!

  “I’m coming! Travis, I’m coming!” Free cried, jerking her mouth away. Her teeth grazed his shoulder, her body starting to shake.

  “Yeah, baby, come all over my cock,” he egged her on. “Bite me, mark me. It’s all yours, sugar, take it!”

  Her teeth bared down against his skin, hard, her body shaking in his arms. He could feel the walls of her vagina contracting, sucking him insistently. He was hopeless to hold back, coming with a roar of surreal pleasure.

  “Fuck yes, Free, baby! Take it! Take all of me!” he had no idea what he was babbling, he just knew he had never felt so full, so complete. And damned if he didn’t want it all over again as soon as his seed flowed to the heart of her womb.

  Yep, he was a goner.

  Chapter Twelve

  Naked yoga had nothing to do with the smile that seemed to be a permanent fixture on Free’s face. It made her almost want to kick herself for not giving in sooner. On some level, she had known since the first morning back at the ranch that eventually they would end up in bed together. As soon as they had made it home the day before, Travis had literally carried her to his bedroom and spent the rest of the afternoon and night “convincing” her that they were perfect for each other.

  Like she needed that much convincing. All he had to do was look at her and she was ready to jump his bones. And the way he cared for Lorelei, attentive to her every need, Free knew that he was a rare kind of man. A man no woman in her right mind would walk away from.

  “You look beautiful like this,” Travis spoke quietly beside her, reaching over to tweak her nipple.

  “Shhh!” The admonishment sounded false even to her. Still, welcoming the new day was serious business. No matter how much she wanted to stay wrapped in his arms, she had to force herself out of bed so that she could start her morning ritual. That was one thing that she would not change.

  “Why do you do this in the nude?” Travis completely ignored her hushing, moving to sit behind her before pulling her close.

  Free smiled as his erection thumped against her lower back. The man seemed to walk around with a constant hard on. Not that she was complaining. It was a good thing her mom had taken Lorelei back to the compound. They found the note she had written on the kitchen counter after they got home last night. She must have known that they were going to need their privacy.

  “I’m nude because it’s natural, and I am welcoming the miracle of nature. A brand new day and the infinite possibilities the day brings. There is nothing between me and the beauty of the rising sun.”

  “I’m naked because you look hot as hell when you’re all contorted and twisted. Makes me hard.”

  Free was hard pressed not to laugh. “Yeah, so what doesn’t make you hard?”

  “Everyone that isn’t you.”

  Travis was good at melting her resolve in an instant when he said things like that. Instead of welcoming the morning with yoga, they wound up welcoming it making love. This was something that Free could definitely get used to.

  There were no snickers from the crew when Free and Travis returned to the set. Aside from some individuals deliberately finding something interesting to look at in a different direction, not making eye contact with them, no one commented on the extra hot love scene that had taken place the day before. Luckily, they were moving on to action scenes, very few of which involved Free. Not that Travis would let her stay at home on the days she wasn't needed on the set. The man was simply insatiable, often dragging her off to his trailer for “a little cuddle” during breaks. Everyone knew not to interrupt them.

  Free could’ve insisted she stay at home at any time and Travis wouldn’t have actually demanded she follow behind him to the movie set every single day. The truth was, she loved being there. She loved the way his eyes looked for her whenever he wasn't knee deep in a scene, or the way he still insisted she help him with his lines. It was their private little joke. Travis didn’t need help with his lines. It was just another way for them to spend more time together.

  “I’m quitting,” Travis suddenly announced, coming into the trailer and pulling her into his arms.

  “Quitting the movie?” Where had this come from? Things had been going better than good. They were ahead of schedule, under budget and François was so happy he was actually singing and dancing on set.

  “Not this movie, but after this one,” Travis informed her. “I have been thinking about your dream of building a school.”

  Uh oh. Free loved Travis, she really did, but Travis was not an educator. He was a country boy at heart, a damn good rancher if the way he talked about his horses and the operation of his ranch were any indication, but he lacked the patience needed to teach young children.

  “Baby, you should see the look on your face,” Travis let out a huge belly laugh, holding his sides like they hurt. “Honey, I have no plans on helping you teach. I just mentioned it because there is a lot of extra land out on the ranch.”

  Her throat went dry. What was that supposed to mean? Did he want her to move in with him, or was he talking of something more permanent?

  “Well? What do you think?” Travis was looking at her expectantly.

  What was she supposed to say? He hadn’t asked her a thing. She didn’t want to assume anything and get her hopes high.

  “What do I think about what? You haven’t asked me anything.”

  Her voice was not as cool, calm, and collected as she’d like, but it was as cool as she could make it. Travis was a good man, with an open mind and an open heart. But that wasn't enough to live in limbo with a man. She knew
she had overreacted when he had first mentioned marriage, but he hadn’t brought it up again. She knew now that she wanted it more than she could say to him, but she wasn't going to beg for it. If it is real and meant to be it would come.

  “Marry me, Free,” Travis cut off all speculation. “I want to live the rest of my life with you. I want to sit behind you welcoming the sun or whatever the hell we were doing this morning. I want you to carry my babies. I want to kiss you goodnight before I go to sleep every night –”

  “And I want you to stop spouting bullshit and kiss me.”



  “But Free, you are burning up the camera! I can make you a star!”

  Free smiled at the movie mogul and couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for him. Lenny Davis had the world at his feet. He snapped his fingers and hundreds of people jumped. But he was miserable. She could see it in his eyes. All his money and power would never satisfy him. The really sad part was he didn’t even realize it. He really didn’t believe his constant quest for more, bigger, better would only leave him empty.

  That was so not what she wanted for herself. This world was nice to play in for a little while, but it would disturb her balance to have to live like this.

  “Not interested in being a star. Totally uninterested in the money and fame thing. I’m good,” Free dismissed the idea quickly and firmly. Lenny thought he could bully his way into anything. It was hard to bully someone with no vested interest in what he was selling. He would have to learn that. Free just hoped he did before it was too late.

  “Do you realize what I could do for you?” Lenny persisted. The man really did think he could talk her into it.

  “Leave my woman alone, Lenny,” Travis cut in, pulling Free into his arms. “She doesn’t want to be an actress. Deal with it.”

  Lenny narrowed his almost colorless blue eyes, his thin lips pursed. Free could see the wheels in his head spinning so hard it was shocking steam wasn't coming out of his ears. Free held her breath at what was coming next. Travis hadn’t told him yet he wouldn’t be signing the contract for five more films with Lenny’s production company. Since this was the last movie Travis was obligated to star in, Lenny was about to lose his biggest box office draw. He was not going to be happy.

  “I might as well tell you now, this is my last movie,” Travis drawled, pulling himself up to his full height.

  Travis towered over most men, but he was a veritable giant next to Lenny. Free also noticed that his Kentucky drawl got quite a bit deeper all of the sudden. It was kind of like an old fashioned standoff, both men pushing out their chests just a little bit, both waiting for the other to step over the line. Free bit her lip so hard she tasted blood; not because she was worried, but because they were funny as hell. It was almost cartoonish the way they swaggered, and all over who would or would not dress up and play pretend in front of a camera. How ridiculous.

  “Oh, Lenny think of it!” François cut across the tension before either man said another word. “The last film of Travis Carter and the new leading lady in his life, Free Windsong Summer.” The Frenchman rolled his eyes and sighed like a school girl whose main crush just asked her out. “Ah, the ads, the publicity! Millions will flock to see my masterpiece! It is like a dream, non?”

  It was that simple statement that saved the day. In the end, the mileage Lenny could get from the plan hatched by the overdramatic director was worth more than dealing with an actor who didn’t want to work. There would always be someone who would greedily take Travis’s place, Lenny just had to find him, and when he did, Travis Carter would be a distant memory.

  Lenny conceded his loss, walking off with François to hatch a marketing plan to end all marketing plans. Free’s universe was right once more.


  “What the hell do you mean you’re quitting?” Liz screeched, jumping up from the couch spilling her extra dry martini.

  Free visibly cringed when the woman turned her eyes in her direction.

  “This is all your fault, isn’t it?” the woman screamed, her face turned molten red. Free could’ve sworn her glasses were staring to fog up. “You came in here with your hippie clothes and your early childhood education and seduced my best star away from me!” Technically, Free hadn’t waltzed in “here” seeing as how they were still at the Bel Air house and not back in Corona, or that it was Liz who had put the ad in the school paper, but Free didn’t think Liz would appreciate the reminder right now.

  “Liz, calm down,” Travis was at Free’s side in a blink of an eye, his arms wrapped protectively around her. “Free didn’t do a damn thing but be herself.”

  “Yeah, Liz, calm down before you blow a gasket,” Lenny, who was also present, plucked invisible lint from his pristine suit. Only Lenny Davis could wear a suit in the middle of summer and still look cool as a cucumber. “It’s fantastic publicity for the movie. Travis Carter’s last film. I can see the ads already.”

  “The ads are already out you idiot! How the hell do you think I found out!” Liz hissed at him. “And I just bet you’re ecstatic! More fucking publicity for you precious little movie!”

  “It’s not a little movie!” Lenny exploded to his feet getting right in front of Liz’s face. “It is an end of the world extrava–fucking–ganza!”

  Free and Travis took the opportunity to step away from the feuding pair and leave the living room for a smaller adjacent parlor room. Let them duke it out, she thought, it was no longer their concern. Liz was seriously pissed; the woman could go on for hours like this.

  “What do you say we skip the premiere and go make a home movie?” Travis teased, nibbling on ear. “I’ll make you a star.”

  “Yeah, I just bet you will,” Free laughed, pushing him away. As much as she would love nothing better than to disappear upstairs, they had a responsibility to the movie. And she didn’t want Liz and Lenny coming after them if they didn’t show. She shuddered at the thought.

  The rest of the shooting had gone remarkably well. They had even finished the movie ahead of schedule. In eight short months, they were done with the whole thing, shooting, voiceovers, editing, everything. Free and Travis had even been able to take a short vacation to Malibu with Lorelei, who was now a precocious toddler, walking and saying simple words. She had blossomed in Helene’s care. Now it was Free’s turn to help Travis raise Lorelei.

  The only thing Free would change if she could was Trish. Travis’s sister had shown up two months ago only to give full custody of her daughter to her older brother. She gave up all parental rights and even signed an agreement that would allow Free and Travis to adopt Lorelei. It helped the baby was mixed race, so they could decide when to tell her she was adopted. They would, of course, but she deserved as much normalcy as possible while growing up.

  “I’m really working on finding myself right now,” Trish had told Travis sadly. “I’m just in place where I can’t take care of a child.”

  Travis hadn’t argued, for which Free was infinitely glad. He was sad, but he too thought it would be best for Lorelei to stay with them. Especially now that Travis was quitting the business. Trish had left for Arizona or New Mexico, some desert place she found where she could “explore who she was.” Of course, it was all paid for by Travis. Free didn’t say anything on the subject. If Travis asked for her opinion then she would of course tell him that she didn’t think he was doing Trish any favors by always giving her money when she asked, but until he asked she would keep her mouth shut.

  “We’re going to the premiere,” Free told her fiancé. “But afterwards, you’re all mine, buddy.”

  “I always have been,” Travis answered kissing her soundly. “Hey, do you hear that?”

  “Hear what?” She didn’t hear a thing. Lorelei was upstairs with Free’s mother who had once again come down from Santa Barbara to watch the little girl who was now officially her first grandbaby. Helene smothered Lorelei with so much love and attention, she would be happy as long as “Nana�
� was here.

  “Exactly,” Travis said. “No yelling.”

  Liz and Lenny! Hand in hand, the couple tip toed to the entryway of the living room poking their heads around the corner like a couple of kids. Lenny and Liz where still there, but instead of shouting at each other, they were locked in one hell of a passionate embrace. Liz looked as if she was trying to climb the man, while Lenny had his fingers buried in Liz’s normally immaculate do, tugging her closer to him.

  “Well, I’ll be damned,” Travis whispered at the sight.

  “Shhh!” Free warned motioning for them to leave.

  The last thing she wanted to do was interrupt them. With Liz occupied, she wouldn’t have time to screech at Travis.

  “We need to go get ready anyway,” Free sighed, thinking of the skimpy dress upstairs waiting for her. A dress she wouldn’t normally have picked for herself but it was something that wardrobe had sent over for her to wear for tonight. Apparently every major designer had sent dresses in her size, wanting their name associated with the new ‘it’ couple.

  “I don’t know,” Travis smiled devilishly, sending her juices flowing. “I think there may be time to play around a little. Just one little quickie?”

  Free had to laugh. There was no such thing as a quickie where Travis was concerned. The man spent hours learning, and relearning, every inch of her body. Not that she was complaining. Free immensely enjoyed his attention.

  “Behave, and I promise I’ll take care of you when we get home.”

  “How about on the way home?”

  The man was insatiable. And Free loved every bit of it. She was already thinking of the ride home.



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