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Page 10

by Corinne Michaels

  “Yes, I’m sure you’re what he’s worried about,” I huff.

  No one told her to get knocked up.

  “Relax, both of you. Ben will not stand Gretchen up.” Cat tries to be the voice of reason. “He loves her too much.”

  My phone rings and déjà vu hits me like a ton of bricks. Panic builds as I rush over to it.


  “Babe. There was a major accident on 264 and we’re totally stuck, but I called Mark and he’s on his way with his motorcycle to get me and Jackson.”

  “You’re not standing me up?” I ask with fear in my voice.

  “Never. I have been waiting for this day for freaking years. Just know I’m coming for you.”

  I smile, clutching my hand to my chest. “Okay. Just hurry.”

  “I’m trying.”

  “I know.”

  Ben clears his throat. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  I hang up and walk over to the window. It’s such a gorgeous day and we found the cutest church right off the beach. At first, we thought we’d do a beach wedding, save the fanfare and all, but my mother wasn’t having it.

  The Catholic guilt is strong with that one.

  She pretty much demanded that we’d be married in a church, surrounded by family.

  Which is now a wedding of over three hundred people.

  Between my family and Ben’s family, which means everyone he ever served with, our intimate wedding is now a shit-show.

  “Where is he?” My mother opens the door, and I can see the worry on her face.

  “He’ll be here, Mrs. Burke,” Ashton says. “Or he’ll have to deal with my pregnant ass.”

  “Ashton Caputo, you watch your mouth in church.”

  My mother will forever be trying to reform her. I figured by now she’d have tired of it, but it seems she just becomes more determined with each of the sins Ashton commits.

  “You can’t save me, Mama B.”

  “No one can save her. The sooner we accept this, the happier we’ll be.” I try to get my mother’s attention or these two will go toe to toe and my mother loses to no one. “Ben is stuck in traffic but Mark went to get him on the motorcycle.”

  She nods once. “Okay, otherwise I couldn’t be responsible for what your Uncle Tony and father do. Lord knows we had to convince Tony that you actually called the wedding off so he didn’t...”

  Ashton laughs. “Have Harold swim with the fishes?”

  My mother tries to look affronted but she fails.

  “He did like to scuba dive. He might have liked it,” I explain with a giggle.

  “Gretchen!” Mother chastises me. “Not in church.”

  “I think the Lord would understand,” Catherine tosses in.

  The four of us burst out into a fit of laughter. My mother fusses over my dress and then moves on to the girls. They’re like my sisters and no one is exempt in this group.

  After a few minutes, she goes out to assure the crowd the wedding is in fact happening. More like assuring my father who has spent a boat load giving me the wedding of my mother’s dreams.

  A knock comes at the door and Mark peeks his head in. “I got your groom.”

  “Good, now we can get her hitched and I can get this dress off,” Ashton says.

  “Thanks, Mark.”

  He winks. “Anything for you, Jilted.”

  I flip him off.

  Daddy enters with a smile. “You ready?”

  “I am.”

  Catherine and Ashton each kiss my cheek as they start to walk out. I am so glad they’re by my side. I couldn’t have done this—for the second time—without them.

  “He’s a good man,” Dad says as he makes his way to me.

  “I know.”

  “Came right to me, shook my hand, apologized and explained. He left that limo on the interstate to get here. Not like the last idiot.”

  I smile, loving that my Dad likes Ben. They’ve bonded a lot over the last few years, but then again, Ben has made every effort to show them he’s different.

  We go up to New Jersey for the holidays, and it also doesn’t hurt that he’s a die-hard Giants fan, which makes him an automatic win to Daddy. More than that, I know it’s how he treats me. My father has always wanted me to find someone to love me like he loves my mother. They met very similarly to us. They were high school sweethearts that got married right out of school. No one thought they’d last, but here they are, still ridiculously in love.

  “Are you ready to give me away, Daddy?”

  He kisses my forehead. “No, but I’m ready to give you to a worthy man.”

  I hook my hand in his arm, leaning on him for support. My stomach is in knots as we make our way down the hall toward the aisle. When we get there, the music changes and I focus on my breathing.

  I’m so ready for this. Ready to be Mrs. Benjamin Pryce.

  When we get to our spot, I see him for the first time.

  I promised myself I wouldn’t cry, but the look on his face makes it impossible.

  My father starts to walk and tears fall with each step. They’re not sad tears though, it’s joy. I’ve never been happier than I am right now.

  Ben looks at me like I’m the center of the world and he’s my anchor. Together, we ground each other.

  When I get to where he stands, I see the unshed tears in his eyes.

  My father places my hand in his and kisses my cheek.

  “I’m sorry I was late,” Ben says softly.

  “I’m just glad you made it.”

  “It would’ve taken an army to keep me from you.”

  I smile, wishing I could kiss him right now, but I know it has to wait.

  The priest begins, calling our attention away from our private conversation.

  Through each part of the ceremony I think about how we got here. The struggles and triumphs that lead us to this moment. We’ve had no shortage of issues, from his recovery after being shot to me adjusting to not being a practicing lawyer and feeling a little out of place. Both of us have been each other’s rock and I know that no matter what we face, we’ll come out on top.

  We say our vows, the same that many long-lasting couples have promised each other, but add our own touch to assure each other of what we both need.

  “I, Gretchen Burke, promise to always be there, even when you think I won’t be. I promise to give you my heart, my love, and my soul without question. You will never have to wonder because I won’t give you cause to doubt me. From this point forward, trust me to never fail you and always come from a place of love. Even if I’m angry, tired, or just in a mood, know that the constant will be how much you mean to me. Know that you’re my heart, Ben. Always.”

  Ben’s eyes are locked on mine as he speaks. “I, Benjamin Pryce, promise to love, honor, and cherish you. I think I’ve been waiting to say those words since I was thirteen, because that’s the first time I felt love. You didn’t know it, I didn’t even really understand it, but I’ve loved you since the beginning. I promise to be the man you deserve and when I’m not, I will do whatever I can to fix my shortcomings. I vow that my love will be the constant you can always rely on...forevermore.”

  And that last word says it all.


  He looks to the priest, who gives a nod. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may—”

  He doesn’t get to finish because Ben already has me in his arms. I grip his shoulders as he seals our union with a breathtaking kiss.

  Thank you for reading Ben & Gretchen’s story. If you loved this group of guys, then be sure to check out Beloved and fall for all the Salvation Series heroes.

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  Say You Won’t Let Go: A Return to Me/Masters and Mercenaries Novella

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  I’ve had two goals my entire life:

  1. Make it big in country music.

  2. Get the hell out of Bell Buckle.

  I was doing it. I was on my way, until Cooper Townsend landed backstage at my show in Dallas.

  This gorgeous, rugged, man of few words was one cowboy I couldn’t afford to let distract me. But with his slow smile and rough hands, I just couldn’t keep away.

  Now, there are outside forces conspiring against us. Maybe we should’ve known better? Maybe not. Even with the protection from Wade Rycroft, bodyguard for McKay-Taggart, I still don’t feel safe. I won’t let him get hurt because of me. All I know is that I want to hold on, but know the right thing to do is to let go…


  Salvation Book 1

  By Corinne Michaels

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  Men suck.

  They break you. Leave you. Take everything until there's nothing left. And frankly, I'm done allowing them to make me feel insignificant. So, forget men. I'll just throw myself into my job, because at least that never fails me.

  Jackson has other plans, though. I refuse to be impressed by his perfect body, the cute dimple on his cheek, or the rugged stubble on his face. Jackson Cole can be resisted.

  But, I'm only fooling myself.

  He's going to wear me down. I can feel it. In the end he'll prove that once again, I'm no one's beloved.

  * * * *


  To belong to someone.

  All I’ve ever wanted is to be loved. I crave it—need it, desire it—more than food and water. I long for undying love and affection. The kind of love that bonds souls. The kind of love that’s so deep two become one.

  To be someone’s beloved.

  As a child I had my father, who adored and worshipped me—I was his perfect little daughter. He held me when I was sad, kissed my knee when I fell and got hurt, and read me bedtime stories. I was his princess, his daughter, his entire world.

  What happens to a little girl when all of that stops? When she’s no longer her father’s perfect angel, but instead a painful reminder of his past. What happens to her when he pushes her aside and shows her he doesn’t want her anymore?

  “I just can’t stay, Catherine. It hurts too much.” His eyes are filled with pain and regret.

  “Daddy, I love you! Please don’t go. I won’t cry anymore. I’ll be good,” I plead as I look into the dark brown eyes that mirror mine. My heart is begging for understanding from all this confusion and change. It’s my ninth birthday, we finished cake and presents, and he’s leaving. If only I could go back in time and change my wish. I’d forget about the silly bike and wish for him to stay.

  “It’s not you, baby girl. You have to understand—it’s too much. Your mom and I don’t love each other anymore.” He looks into my eyes, unwavering, as I continue to plead.

  “Don’t you love me, Daddy?” I ask the man who is supposed to love me forever, the man who’s supposed to never leave me.

  “I do, but I have to go now. You be good. Good-bye, Catherine.” He kisses the top of my head and I grab onto his leg for dear life. I know, even at this age, this will be the last time I see my father.

  He pries me off his leg and turns without another word. And I watch the man who promised to always be there leave me behind without another glance.

  He broke me.

  He ruined me.

  And he won’t be the last man to do so.

  * * * *


  “Ashton, I’m running over to Neil’s house. I’ll be back in a bit!”

  Our wedding invitations arrived. They’re beautiful, everything I could’ve hoped for. I can’t wait to show him. Not that he’s really into the details, but we spent a lot of time choosing these. It’ll be such a relief when we finally move in together and stop all this back and forth. Ashton and I signed our lease a month before Neil proposed, so I couldn’t leave and screw her out of half the rent. Though I adore my best friend, I would’ve loved to have lived with Neil as we planned the wedding. Thankfully, the big day is in four months and we’ll finally be under one roof. I’m excited and anxious to make everything official.

  “Okay. I’ll be here,” she says, walking toward me.

  “Don’t get into any trouble while I’m gone.” I wink as I grab my purse and rush out the door. Once I get in the car I send him a quick text.

  Me: On my way. I have a surprise!

  Ten minutes later, I’m pulling into a parking space in front of his cozy two-bedroom townhome in the trendy section of Hoboken. This area is all older homes on cobblestone streets. It’s a place I look forward to building a life and starting a family in. I gather my purse and the invitations and hop out, excited to share this piece of our future with him. His car is in the driveway, but the door is locked. Digging for my keys, my bag topples over, spilling all my belongings on the stairs. After collecting everything, I use my key to get into his house.

  As the door opens I hear a low moan. Slowly I lift my eyes. Nothing could’
ve prepared me for the sight before me. I freeze, watching my worst nightmare unfold.

  The shock ripples through me, coming in waves of horror and pain.

  And no matter how much I want to … I can’t look away.

  The man I love, the man I’m going to marry, is having sex with one of my friends.

  Neil has Piper bent over on the couch—the couch I picked out—and is taking her from behind. His head is turned toward the door, his eyes are closed, and his face is pure ecstasy as he drives into her, enjoying every second of it while my world crumbles. With each thrust I feel the floor falling out from under me. I can hear them, see them, smell the sex in the air. Each slap of skin on skin, each grunt and moan tears through me like a knife slicing my veins open. I’m bleeding out, and there’s no stopping it.

  I close my eyes, begging for this not to be real, hoping this is a sick joke or a bad dream, praying that when I open them again, this cruel vision will fade away. When I gather the strength to look at them, I realize this isn’t a joke or a dream—it’s reality.

  Piper’s head is thrown back as she moans. “More. Harder!”

  His hands grip her hips as he rears back and rams into her.

  “Neil, yes!” Her loud, high-pitched voice screams out, “Oh! I’m coming. Oh. My. God. Neil! Fuck!”


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