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Mad Dog (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #2) (Angel's Rebellion MC)

Page 5

by Jeneveir Evans

  “I ain't gonna share my cookies with anyone, big bro. Have you tried these things? They have nuts, chocolate chips, and oatmeal in them. Ain't never eaten a cookie this good before.”

  “Well, fuck. Won't be any left for me,” I muttered.

  Viper snickered, “Prez, the Old Ladies made you your own container of them.”

  “Ha! Take that you assholes,” I commented while general mutterings of not fair went around the room. I smiled at the motherfuckers. Teach them not to share.

  “Anyway, got a couple things I want to talk to you about that occurred to me yesterday. Gonna want your input, so those of you with a damn brain, need you to put on your thinking cap.”

  I took a drink of beer, “First off, as of right now we have thirty Brothers in the club and seven Prospects. Three of those Brothers are semi-retired,” I stated. “Out of those combined numbers, twenty-six are single men, so you all are currently sharing four club girls.”

  “Hell, I knew something was off, four girls for twenty-six men? Prez, that ain't enough girls,” Nickel muttered.

  I nodded at Nickel, “For once you're right, Brother. We need more girls. So that's one of the things I wanted to talk to you about. Have any of the Friday night girls mentioned wanting to be a club girl? Or do any of you know of anyone who wants to be a club girl? Y’all know this could take some time since they'll need to be interviewed and a background check will be done. Not sure if I want the executive board on this or set up a committee for it.”

  “I think we should set up a committee for it,” Seer commented.

  “I agree with Seer, Prez,” Cueball stated. “I think it needs to be you, Seer, Viper and Blood.”

  I glanced at Viper and saw a puzzled look cross his face.

  “What's your reasoning for the men you chose to be on the committee, Cue?” I asked Cueball. I was curious myself on why he suggested Viper, after all, the man wasn't ever with club girls.

  “Well, my reasoning is this, Prez, you've got a good head on your shoulders, we all know this. Seer can look into a person's soul. I swear he can. Blood studies people and can sense if they are good or bad. Viper has all three of those abilities, Prez. So I think he should be on the committee because of that reason.

  “If we are bringing in new girls, I feel like we should have some of our top men on the team. Because personally, I don't want to have to worry about a girl going and telling tales about us or causing trouble.”

  As he gave his explanation, every Brother was nodding in agreement. Viper looked shocked at the praise he had received. But damned if Cueball wasn't right. Viper could do all those things, and sometimes more, I believed. He had an uncanny way about him. He seriously had major leadership skills.

  “Anyone have a problem with Cueball's recommendations? If not, I need a show of hands if you agree.”

  I looked around and saw every hand raise.

  “Looks like everyone agrees with Cue's recommendation. I'm going to need to speak to the committee members about twenty minutes before Friday's Church.”

  The three men nodded at me. Seer, who has been our secretary since the beginning of the club, had his notepad out and was busy writing everything down. The man kept meticulous notes. We could feasibly go back to the beginning of the club and find out anything that has been done since day one. He not only kept the information from Church, but he recorded every claim a Brother made for an Old Lady, marriages, divorces, births, deaths, and anything else he thought we might need to be able to look back at.

  “Now, how many girls should we try adding? Thoughts?”

  “I'd say at least another four, Prez,” Doom replied as he took a drink of his beer.

  “Agreed. At least four,” Brute said.

  “All of you agree, or do you feel we need more or less, need input from you Brothers.”

  “Fuck not less, eight girls will still be stretching it as it is,” Nickel commented.

  “Agree with Nickel, Prez. We need at least four more,” Doom stated as he munched on a cookie.

  Watching them eat the damn cookies made me want one now. I felt like the kid standing outside a fucking candy store and watching all the other kids inside eating candy.

  “So, for now let's keep it at four. We can re-evaluate after we get four more girls here and settled in. I need a show of hands from everyone who agrees four is the number of girls to add.”

  It was unanimous again.

  “Alright, it looks like we are going to try to add four girls. Now on to my next dilemma. I don't want any club girls’ rooms upstairs, that's non-negotiable. We only have two rooms available. So that means we need to have more rooms for them downstairs.”

  “Can't they share rooms?” Nickel asked.

  Fuck, just when I thought the boy has a brain, he then asks a dumbass question like that. I swear I think my cousin, KJ, dropped him on his head when he was a baby. Not only was KJ the local sheriff, he was also a member of the MC, but that had always been kept on the down low. He'd always wanted to be a member of the club and a member of the law enforcement community as well. Sarge made sure he could do both, we just kept his membership known to only Brothers.

  “You dumb shit,” Tater looked at Nickel shaking his head. “Do you want to share a fucking room with a Brother? I know I don't, so why would you expect a girl to have to share a room. Do you want to fuck a girl in the same room as another Brother and girl? Fuck, wait don't answer that, you probably would. But, Brother, personally, I like to fuck in private.”

  Several heads nodded all around the table. However, I knew some of the fuckers could care less if others saw them fucking.

  “Each girl deserves a room of her own. No discussion on that one. Hoss, any ideas?” I commented.

  Hoss was the head of the construction company the club owned. Even though he and I had shared that position before I became Prez, I left the running of it entirely up to him now. My job currently consisted of me putting together the bids for bigger jobs for the company. I seriously hoped he had a good answer for this.

  “I'd have to think about it, Dog. Might have to add on to the Clubhouse.”

  I frowned when I heard that. That wasn't what I wanted to hear. I wanted to figure something out where it didn't come to that. Not that I was against adding on to the Clubhouse, but that was time we really didn't have right now.

  “Think I know something that might work, Prez,” Viper spoke up.

  “By all means, Brother. Share your ideas with us.”

  “Well, I've walked around the Clubhouse a few times learning the layout of it.”

  I nodded at him.

  “I'm pretty sure you would want to keep the girls down the same hallway if at all possible.”

  “Yeah, I would prefer that.”

  “I've noticed that the office spaces are underutilized. Each office is huge in itself, so would it be possible, if they are agreeable to it of course, to split Seer's office into two offices and move Tater into the new office it would add? Move the movie room out of the girls’ hallway to where Tater's office is currently at, then the empty office that is currently across Tater’s could be split into two different rooms. In those rooms you could put the men and women's bathrooms taking them out of the girls’ hallway as well.

  “That way you could split what is now the movie room into two bedrooms and the two bathrooms could be reworked into two bedrooms. That would allow you to add four more rooms, two with plumbing already installed, on the girls’ hallway without adding on to the Clubhouse.”

  I blinked at him. Why the fuck hadn't I thought of that? It was so fucking obvious. I glanced at Hoss and I could see him thinking it over. I looked over at Seer and Tater, to see Tater nodding. Seer on the other hand had this smile on his face like he had seen into the future and was happy with it.

  “Well, what do you think Hoss, Seer, Tater? Hoss, is it workable? Seer, Tater, would you mind downsizing offices?”

  “Fuck no, I wouldn't mind,” Tater said. “I only need spa
ce for a desk and filing cabinets.”

  “Same here,” Seer replied. “I wouldn't mind doing that at all.”


  “The man is a fucking genius. Why the fuck didn't that pop into my head right off the bat?”

  “Don't know, Brother. I was thinking the same thing myself.”

  I glanced down at Viper. He wasn't even smiling like he had come up with the perfect plan. To him, he was only trying to help the MC out. My gut was telling me that even though he had only been here a little over three months, that one day he would be the VP here.

  I needed to talk to Sarge and Gunny about him. I wanted them to make a trek back towards home and meet him. He had all the leadership qualities of a good VP, hell even of a Prez. We'd work well together. I knew it wouldn't be much longer before Possum started seriously thinking about stepping down. He'd already started making rumblings of that nature. The man was sixty-two after all. He deserved his down time to do all the things he had been wanting to do for years. He was an avid fisherman and hadn't been able to do as much of that as he had liked.

  “Well, I think Viper just came up with the perfect solution to that problem. Once again, if everyone agrees with Viper's recommendation, let me see a show of hands?”

  I watched as everyone raised their hand.

  “Well, that all went fairly fucking easy. Unanimous. Just the fucking way I like it. Anyone have anything else before we close and go eat?” I inquired of the room.

  “Yeah, I actually have something I want everyone to be thinking about before next Church,” Brute spoke up.

  “What's on your mind, Brother.”

  “Old man Macky is selling The Watering Hole. I thought this would be a good business to buy. That's the main bar the Brothers go to if we aren't here at the Clubhouse.”

  “Hmm. Any idea when he's selling it?” I asked Brute.

  “I was in there last night, he made a point of coming to me and telling me that information. Said Sarge told him years ago to let the club know when he finally decided to retire. Macky said he'd like to retire as soon as possible but wasn't going to put it up for sale until the club decided whether or not we wanted to buy it.”

  “What's with him wanting to retire so suddenly?” Possum inquired.

  “Macky said that his doc told him his ticker wasn't real good and it would be better for him if he retired so he wasn't stressed as much.”

  “Hate to hear that about Macky,” Slaughter said.

  “I'll call Sarge and talk to him about it. It's definitely something to think about. It might not make a lot of money, but it is pretty much the only bar that the club uses. Y’all think about this and we'll talk about it on Friday. For now, let's go eat, drink and be rowdy.” With that, I stood up from the table letting everyone know that Church was dismissed.


  I glanced around and every picnic table was in use. Everyone was chowing down on barbecue, hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, slaw and chips. Beer, a variety of sodas, and water were submerged in ice in wash tubs. The Old Ladies, plus Audrey, Emily and Stacy; Slade, Screw and Hatchet's moms, seemed to have converged together at one table. Audrey was still holding on, but the doctors said she was on borrowed time now, fucking cancer took way too many lives.

  The Brothers and Prospects were scattered around at different tables in various groups. Although the men all liked each other, there were still certain groups that each Brother liked to hang with more than others. Kids could be seen carrying chips and nachos as they bounced from one table to another. I saw Sara, Possum's Old Lady, putting heavy blankets over the ice cream makers that held the different flavors of homemade ice cream. It would melt fast as hot as it was if it wasn't kept as cold as possible. I couldn't fucking wait for that shit. It had been a favorite of mine since I was knee high to a grasshopper.

  I made my way toward the table that held the older generation of Brothers. As I set my plate and beer down, Viper slid a container across to me. I glanced over at him to see him smirking at me. I couldn't help but reach for it once I sat down. I opened it up, took out a cookie and took a bite. I groaned. Fuck, these were good. Viper snickered at me. I didn’t care, these fuckers were making it to my room. I wasn’t sharing with anyone.

  “Fuck, Vip. Do your women always cook like this?” I asked him as I shoved the rest of the cookie in my mouth.

  “Every day, Brother.”

  “How the fuck do you not weigh five hundred pounds?”

  He laughed at my question, “I fucking get up at five every morning and work out for an hour.”

  “Damn. That takes dedication, Brother,” Hoss said as he shoved another half of a hamburger in his mouth.

  I grinned wickedly at Hoss, “Some of us care what we look like, lil bro.”

  “Hell. My body is a fucking temple and it looks damn good.”

  His response was met with hoots and hollers from everyone around the table.

  He stood up and said, “Don't believe me?”

  He proceeded to take off his cut and lay it down gently, then he pulled his t-shirt over his head. He stretched to his full height then started flexing his muscles. Howls could be heard from all the men now. I had to admit, Hoss still looked pretty damn good.

  “That's it, baby, work it,” Jessie, Hoss's Old Lady, hollered from the women's table.

  Hoss turned around and grinned at his Old Lady and playfully ran his hands down his chest. That got the entire women's table encouraging him to keep up what he was doing.

  “Sit down, you fool,” I told my little brother.

  “Bet you can't top that, Prez. Bet there isn't a man at this table that can top that,” He bragged.

  I glanced around the table and saw men shaking their heads, that was up until I got to Viper who just sat there smirking at Hoss.

  Hoss glanced at him as he sat down, “Fuck no, Brother. No way you can top that shit.”

  Viper just kept smirking at him. Now the entire table was looking at Viper. My body looked pretty much like Hoss's. I was solid with no fat.

  “Prove it,” Hoss demanded.

  Viper was openly laughing at him now.

  “That's what I thought, your body isn't any better than mine. You're just too chicken shit to let others see it though,” Hoss mouthed at Viper.

  Viper slowly stood up.


  Women's Table

  “Oh my God, Mia. Is Viper about to take off his shirt?” Jennie asked Mia as she watched Viper getting up from the table.

  Mia turned around to see her Old Man standing by the table looking at Hoss.

  “Yeah, it appears that way,” Mia replied back. “You ladies need to watch this. You're in for a treat.”

  “His body is better than Hoss's?” Jessie asked curiously.

  “Well, I'm not going to say his body is better. It's just, umm,” Jennie stuttered to a stop, not knowing how to tell the women that Viper's body was the stuff sexual dreams were made of.

  “It's a little different than Hoss's is, let's just put it like that,” Mia said.

  All the women's eyes stayed glued to Viper.


  Reb and Pred's Table

  “Fuck, bros. Think your old man is about to show off his chest,” Creed said to Pred and Reb.

  Rebel and Pred both looked over at the table where their pops was sitting.

  “Fuck,” Pred growled out.

  “I agree, Pred,” Reb stated.

  “What's with you guys? There ain't no way your old man has a body better than us,” Creed commented.

  “Just fucking watch. He makes me feel old and out of shape,” Pred spit out.

  All eyes from their table turned to look towards Viper.

  “Damn, y'all. Everyone is looking now,” Hatchet announced.


  Mad Dog

  I glanced around as Viper stood up, every eye was turned this way. I had a feeling Hoss was about to be handed his ass.

  “You sure you want me to do this, H
oss?” Viper inquired looking at Hoss.

  “You bet your ass I do. You're the only motherfucker who was smirking. Only two others in this club come close to me. That's Blood and Trooper. So, bring it on, old man.”

  “Fuck Brother, you realize we are the same age right?” Viper threw out there.

  “Not gonna do it are you,” Hoss said taunting Viper.

  Viper just shook his head. He slowly took off his cut, and like Hoss, laid it down gently, then reached and grabbed his shirt behind his head and tugged it up and off.

  “Holy. Fuck,” Hoss whispered. “I'm never taking my shirt off in public again.”

  I had thought I was in pretty good shape but seeing Viper shirtless let me know that I really needed to be working out. Damn, the man had fucking washboard abs.

  Multiple shouts came from the women's table, “Turn around we want to see.”

  Viper shook his head again but did what they requested. He turned around slowly.


  Women's Table

  “Holy. Mother. Of. God. I think I just came,” whispered Stacy, Hatchet's mom.

  “Me too,” Emily, Screw's mother, murmured. Her eyes never left Viper's body.

  “Fuck, don't tell my Old Man, but I think my ovaries just exploded,” Jessie muttered.

  Rey, Trooper’s wife, looked over at Mia and Jennie and said, “I'm so fucking jealous of you bitches.”

  “So am I,” Maul's Old Lady, Tessa commented.

  “Agreed,” said Lizzie, Rogue's Old Lady.

  “I may be dying, but my eyes still work, and let me tell you ladies, that is one damn fine-looking man,” uttered Slade's mom Audrey.

  “Lawd, have mercy,” Sara said as she fanned her face.

  “I'm pretty sure if Cueball ever looked like that, we'd have never gotten out of bed,” quipped Lillie. “Do you see that man's V? Makes a woman want to lick straight down to it and then explore what's below.”

  All the women burst out laughing at Lillie's statement.

  “Seriously though, how the fuck do y'all not have more kids than you do? Because my ass would be tapping that every damn night,” Jessie exclaimed.

  Jennie looked at Mia and grinned. Mia smirked back at Jennie.

  “Oh my God. You hussies. You do tap that every night, don't you?” Jessie asked jealously.


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