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Mad Dog (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #2) (Angel's Rebellion MC)

Page 6

by Jeneveir Evans

  “Well...” Jennie murmured.

  “We sure do,” Mia finished.

  Sara glanced from Jennie to Mia and back again. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at each woman. “You both are blushing like crazy and I don't think it's just because you're tapping that as Jessie said so eloquently. You both went red when she asked how you didn't have more kids. There's a story there, so spill.”

  Mia and Jennie glanced at each other again, silently asking and answering the question in each other's eyes, then both shrugged.

  “Jennie and I are both actually seventeen weeks pregnant right now.”

  Gasps could be heard around the table.

  “And Mia and I are both carrying twins. A boy and a girl.”

  “Seriously?” Jessie questioned.

  Both women nodded.

  Squeals broke out around the table and women started talking over the other in a mad dash, slap happy way that women do to try to get the first word in.


  Reb and Pred's Table

  “Oh shit. I thought I was buff,” Creed muttered.

  “Damn. I'm never taking my shirt off around your pops. I feel like a fucking pussy,” Brick commented. “I mean I know you guys told us this when we talked about our dads before we left the Army, but I seriously thought you two were just joking.”

  “How the fuck you think we feel?” Reb asked morosely. “I don't have any fat on me, but I sure don't have the cut-up abs like he does.”

  “Well, Reb, my bod’s better than yours, but yeah, Pops still puts mine to shame,” Pred uttered sadly.

  “I think we seriously all need to be working out. I fucking want to look like that,” Eagle commented from the next table over.

  “Yeah, me too,” said Bane.

  “Hell, make that three,” Ranger added.

  “I think the general consensus is, we all need to be working out so we aren't outdone by Viper,” Slade said, with a slight smile on his face.

  Murmurs and muttered answers of 'agreed' were spoken around the two tables close to each other.


  Mad Dog

  “Fuck, Brother. Put your damn shirt and cut back on. You have just put us all to shame so bad that I feel like I need to check and make sure my balls are still there,” I commented as I glared at Viper. The fucker had a body that had probably put every fucking female at the women's table in heat.

  “Shit. Did you see all the women's mouths drop open?” Hoss demanded. “My Old Lady’s fell the furthest, I think. I'm gonna spank her ass when I get her home. I swear I am.”

  “Damn, Brother, just be glad she didn't come attack him. I think Lillie was thinking about it,” Cueball's uttered words were met with laughter.

  After Viper was dressed and sitting back down, I looked over at him, “So, you were fucking serious when you said you get up at five and worked out for an hour, weren't you?”

  With a slight smile on his face, Viper murmured, “Yep.”

  All at once we heard squeals coming from the women's table. I saw Viper look at his Old Ladies, both women shrugged their shoulders at him. He shook his head at them and muttered to himself, “keep it quiet my ass.”

  I laughed at him, “They spill the beans, did they?”

  “Apparently so.”

  “Whatcha talking about, Viper?” Trooper asked.

  “Well, since it appears it's no longer to be kept quiet, I guess I can tell you all. My Old Ladies are both pregnant.”

  Hoots and hollers came from our table and the one next to it.

  “Seriously, Brother?” questioned Hoss.


  “Tell them the good part, Vip,” I demanded.

  He looked at me and laughed, “Both are pregnant with twins. A boy and girl each.”

  “You're bullshitting us, Brother,” Maul said.

  “Dead serious.”

  Trooper, Hoss and Maul looked at each other then turned toward the women's table.

  “No fucking way, Rey,” Trooper shouted.

  “Absolutely not, Jessie,” Hoss screamed.

  “We can practice, Tessa,” Maul yelled.

  Laughter greeted their words. Sometimes, there was nothing you could do in cases like this but laugh and drink a beer.

  Trooper turned back around and looked at Viper speculatively.

  “Why the fuck you want to get up that early and work out for?” Trooper asked from the table sitting beside ours.

  Viper laughed then said, “You see those two women over there? I want to keep them satisfied in every way I can. So, I work out early, that way I can spend my time with them at night. There's also a plus to keeping in shape.”

  “What's that?” Maul asked as he turned toward our table.

  “Stamina and endurance,” Viper uttered.

  Maul had a look of complete puzzlement upon his face. Karma started shaking his head at his brother.

  “Dad, you sure he's your biological son? Because he's dumber than a doorknob,” Karma looked at Cueball and asked.

  “I'm beginning to wonder about that myself, son,” Cueball exclaimed as he studied his youngest son's face.

  “Woman?” Cueball shouted out to Lillie. “You sure Maul is really our son? Could the hospital have switched babies on us?”

  Laughter erupted all around the table. Maul glared at his dad and brother.

  “You are both fucking assholes. I'm not stupid, dammit. I just don't get what he means by stamina and endurance.”

  “Yep, someone has your legit son, Dad,” Karma teasingly said to his dad.

  “Fuck. You. Motherfucker.” Maul spit out glaring at Karma.

  I knew it was time to stop this fiasco or Maul was gonna come unhinged on Karma's ass. It wouldn't be the first time either, or probably the last.

  “Maul, Brother. What Viper was implying is that his stamina and endurance is good, which allows him to have sex longer,” I explained to Maul. While he was an ace mechanic and a really good guy, he was a little slower at times on some things. Never really understood why when he's so smart in other areas.

  “Huh, seriously? That shit makes it possible to have sex longer?” Maul inquired of Viper.

  “That it does, Brother, that it does,” Viper replied.

  I could almost see the thoughts flying across Maul's face.

  “You work out at home?”


  “Got room for someone else to work out with you, Brother?”


  “Be there in the morning at five,” Maul stated with a look of determination on his face.

  “You seriously gonna go work out with Viper, Maul?” Karma asked his little brother.

  “Fuck, yeah I am. To be able to go longer during sex, working out will be totally worth it.”

  “Doesn't appear you have any trouble there, Maul. You already have four kids,” Karma said, needling him.

  “Didn't say I have trouble there, big bro. I do just fine in the sack. But if working out makes it where I can fuck longer, then I'm damn sure gonna do it. Cause I sure do love to fuck, that I do. And besides all that, Karma, at least I know how to fuck a woman. Don't see you doing much of that anymore.”

  All at once, wolf whistles could be heard, and I glanced over to the backdoor of the Clubhouse and out walked trouble. I sighed. Karma's oldest daughter, Chloe, was hell on wheels, and for the last two years, ever since she'd had her eighteen birthday, she'd been trying to get into my bed.

  Was. Not. Happening. Ever.

  I watched Karma stiffen up as he realized who was making her way over toward us. He glanced at me with an apologetic look. He knew what his daughter had been doing. He also knew that I would, under no circumstance, never touch his daughter. Fuck, I was there when she was born, she was more like a daughter to me, if anything.


  Reb and Pred's Table


  As soon as the door to the kitchen opened and we watched the hottie step through it. Creed, Brick, Reb, Jace
and I all whistled at her. She didn't even glance in our direction.

  “Fuck, is she a bitch or what?” I asked the guys sitting around me.

  Beau glanced toward where I was looking and shuddered.

  “Damn, Pred, you want no part of her, get me? She's Karma's daughter and there isn't a bigger bitch alive other than her mother. How someone like Karma ended up with such a shrew for a daughter, I'll never know. He's such a good guy, but she's one hundred percent Grade A Bitch. She has made it her life's mission to hook up with my old man.”

  “Seriously?” Reb asked. “She's really that bad?”

  “No, Brother. She's worse,” Axel muttered. “I hate calling her a bitch because she's one of the most ruthless, calculating, whores I've ever seen, and it's putting down bitches everywhere just to call her a bitch.”

  “Fuck. I'm making sure I stay far away from that then. Don't need the aggravation,” I uttered.

  “Same,” Reb agreed.

  “Yep, no pussy is worth that,” Creed said as he shook his head.

  Brick added, “Yeah, wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole.”

  “Agreed,” Jace added.

  “Keep it that way, Brothers. I'm not saying it because she is another Brother's kid. You just seriously don't want any part of her,” Beau added. “Thankfully, Karma's youngest daughter is a sweetheart, but don't start perking up guys. She's still only sixteen. Jailbait.”

  Nods went around the table in agreement.


  Women's Table

  “For the love of God, I hope she's alone,” Jessie spit out. “I can't stand that bitch or her mother.”

  “Who is she?” Jennie inquired of the table at large.

  “Karma's oldest kid. She's all hot and bothered and determined to get into the Prez's pants.”

  “Does he want her?” Mia asked.

  “About as much as he wants rabies,” Sara commented. “Her fucking mother has encouraged her, excuse my language ladies. Those are two women who make my dander go up. Can't stand them. Best thing Karma ever did was get rid of his ex. Shame she took the two younger kids with her though.”

  “I agree, Sara,” Lillie said. “Zoey and Noah need to be here with Karma where we can help him raise them. I've talked until I'm blue in the face trying to get him to get custody of those two. All he's said is he's working on it.”

  “If you don't mind me asking, how long have they been divorced?” Mia asked.

  “Praise the good Lord, they were never married nor did he claim her or else I don't think we would have ever gotten rid of her. She's been gone over a year,” Sara stated.

  “As it is, Karma had to go to Tommy and have him get a restraining order for her to stay off the property,” Lillie inserted. “Thank God we have KJ, because she knows he'll lock her ass up.”

  “What's the mom's name and who is KJ?” Mia asked.

  “And who is Tommy?” Jennie queried.

  “I apologize. I forget y'all haven't been here forever. You fit in so well that it's like you've always been here,” Lillie smiled at Mia as she replied to her question. “Evil scum sucking bitch is her name, sorry, I mean Jade.”

  Laughter traveled around the table at Lillie's words.

  “Tommy is the Prez. I've known him since he was in diapers so it's hard for me to remember to call him Mad Dog, Dog, Prez or whatever. Tommy he'll always be to me. KJ is Tommy’s, I mean Dog, and Bobby's, I mean Hoss’s cousin.”

  “I think you just confused the hell out of them, Lillie,” Jessie commented. “KJ is Dog and Hoss's cousin. He's also the sheriff of this county. So that works in our favor. KJ can't stand the bitch either,” Jessie informed Mia and Jennie.

  “I see we still have a lot to learn,” Jennie said.

  Mia nodded at Jennie.

  “Indeed, we do.”


  Mad Dog

  Karma was sitting next to Viper who was directly in front of me. Chloe wrapped her arms around her dad and forced her breasts to almost pop out of her t-shirt. As it was, she wasn't wearing a fucking bra and her shirt was so thin you could see completely through it. I was so fucking tired of this shit. Enough was enough, and I was about to rain hell down on a little girl in about five minutes or less.

  “Hey, Dad,” Chloe said as she hugged Karma.

  “Chloe, what the hell are you doing here?” he asked her.

  “Well hello to you too, Dad.”

  “I've told you that I'd rather you not come back here for a while.”

  “Ah, Daddy, why do you feel that way?” she said into his ear.

  If he saw the shirt she had on, he'd shit a brick, and I knew it wouldn't be long before he did. But Chloe was playing it smart and standing behind him for the time being. She knew he was gonna blow a gasket once he saw her.

  “Hey Prez, you're looking fucking hot,” Chloe's voice purred at me.

  I watched as Viper's eyebrows rose. He cut his eyes toward Chloe and quickly cut them back toward me. Yeah, it was hard not to miss her nipples pointing out of her see through shirt. No one was saying a word at the table. I glanced up and down it and the rest of the men had their eyes averted from Chloe.

  “Chloe,” I nodded my head as I responded to her.

  “Prez, you and I need to get together soon.”

  “Not happening, girl.”

  If possible, Karma stiffened up even more.

  “Why not, Prez? I can make you a very, very happy man. I'm good at what I do,” She replied as she stood behind Karma, leaning hard against him so he couldn't turn around or stand up.

  “C'mon Prez. You know you want these in your mouth,” She said as she pinched her nipples.

  “Jesus Christ, Chloe,” Karma burst out, trying to push her back so he could get up.

  “Stay right there, Brother,” I told Karma.

  He visibly had to force himself not to move.

  “Chloe, listen to me and listen good, little girl. If you ever come here again to stir up trouble like you're doing now, I will personally throw your ass out.”

  “Promise?” she begged.

  I stood up. It was time she fully understood my stance.

  “Forget what I just said,” I told her and she smiled at me, thinking she was about to get her way. “Tomorrow I will be filing a restraining order that will state that you are not allowed on club property ever again and if you do, I will personally make sure they arrest you.”

  The blood drained from her face.

  “Also I am obtaining one that will state that you are not allowed to be within a thousand feet of me. If you break it, I will have you arrested. And don't think I can't, little girl. I don't want you, Chloe. I never have and I never will. You are a child to me, a disgusting one at that. I can be with a club girl anytime I want Chloe, so why would I want to be with a whore like you? Your behavior is vile, degrading and ugly. Do you even realize how much you embarrass your dad by the way you act?”

  “Fuck you, you bastard,” she spit out at me.

  “No thank you,” I smarted back.

  “Dad, are you going to just let him talk to me this way?” she demanded of Karma.

  As he slowly stood up, he replied, “Yes, I am, Chloe. You've had this coming for a long time.”

  Karma's eyes opened wide as he took in what his daughter was wearing. “Jesus Christ, Chloe. Do you not have any respect for yourself whatsoever? You seriously want to be a whore just like your mother? If so, you're doing a damn fine job, little girl. Now get off this property and don't ever come back. Understand?”

  “Don't worry, I won't be back,” she yelled at him. “And you are so gonna wish you had never spoken to me that way, Dog.”

  With that she stormed off toward the back door of the Clubhouse. I pointed at Beau, Axel and Streak, then motioned for them to follow her. I wanted a few men to make damn sure she got off the property. I didn't trust her not to attempt to destroy everything in her path as she made her way out.

  And I wanted more than one person to g
o because I didn't trust her to not cry rape or some bullshit. I watched as Beau, Axel and Streak got up to follow her as she rushed past them. As they made their way behind her, I observed every man that was sitting at the table with them, be it Brother or Prospect, followed along behind them. I knew they understood why I had motioned for more than one to follow her. They were going to make sure they had the backs of their Brothers and Prospects.

  “Damn fine group of young men right there,” Seer commented.

  I nodded at him, “Agreed, Brother.”

  “Prez, I'm...” Karma started to speak.

  “No, Brother. Not one word. You are not apologizing for her. Her behavior is not on you. It's on that bitch of a mother of hers. If anything, I apologize for having to speak to your child like that in front of you.”

  Karma was shaking his head, “Prez, you have nothing to apologize for. I should have stopped this shit a long time ago.”

  “Think it's time to bring your other children home, Karma. You prepared for them to be here?” I asked.

  “Think we can do it? Because, fuck yes, I want them here before that evil bitch destroys them.”

  I nodded at him, “Yeah, we can do it. We'll start working on it tomorrow.”

  He nodded at me, “Thanks, Dog. I mean it. Let's do what we have to do to get Zoey and Noah here. I don't care what it takes to make that happen.”

  “Understood, Brother.”

  I sat back down and watched as all the men who followed Chloe made their way back outside to the party. I held up my beer toward the Prospects and pointed to all the Brothers at the table. Every single one of them rushed to bring us some beer.

  As they were handing out beer to everyone, I asked Reb, “She gone?”

  “Yep, the gate's locked tight. She can't get back in that way.”

  I inclined my head at him. I stood up and held my beer high. Talking started dying down around the tables, once it was quiet, I spoke up loudly, “Here's to Brotherhood and family. Our own we protect!”

  In unison, Brother's voices shouted back, “We protect our own!”


  Mad Dog

  May 25th, 1998

  “You free now, Prez?” Karma asked as he stuck his head into my office.

  “Yeah, come on in and grab you a chair,” I told him. “If it's what you want to do, I think we need to have some of the boys follow Jade and see what she's been getting into. We need something on her to get those kids home. You could go ahead and take her to court, but it would take a while. If we can get something on her, it would be a lot faster getting them back here.”


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