Mad Dog (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #2) (Angel's Rebellion MC)

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Mad Dog (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #2) (Angel's Rebellion MC) Page 28

by Jeneveir Evans

“Dog,” I cried out. “Help me, oh fuck, I need it harder.”

  I managed to open my eyes and stare into his.

  “Please, baby, help me,” I begged him.

  He grabbed my hips and took over. With each downward movement, he slammed me onto him as he thrust upwards.

  “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” I chanted. “Harder, need it harder.”

  Now I wasn't even helping at all, he was lifting me off himself and thrusting back up all on his own. It was as if I weighed nothing. Over and over he went.

  “Close, Dog, so close,” I gasped out.

  “Ava, baby. Look at me,” he commanded.

  I looked into those silvery eyes that looked like molten steel. His eyes were wild with need.

  “Baby, run your hand down and touch your clit, but don't you fucking quit looking at me, you got me?” He groaned out.

  I ran my hand down my abdomen and slid two fingers onto my clit.

  “Stroke it for me, baby,” he gritted out as he continued slamming me down on him.

  My eyes grew heavy.

  “Ava, fucking look at me,” he snapped.

  I managed to open them back up.

  “Come for me, baby, come now!” he barked out.

  It's like that was all my body was waiting on, as soon as he said the words, I erupted into a ball of flames. I threw my head back and wailed out a light scream. I had been gasping for so long that I didn't have much breath behind it. Thank God. Or it would have been heard all over the Clubhouse. Dog slammed me down one more time, thrust his hips up and with me raised in the air, he painted the walls of my pussy with his hot stream of cum.

  I flopped down on him, completely boneless. His body collapsed back down onto the bed.

  Then, he groaned, “Jesus. Fuck. Ava.”


  “Babe, you can't keep doing that shit to me. I never even thought about a fucking condom. That was what I was agreeing with Viper on. He says he hates the fuckers and I agree with him. So help me God, woman, you ever repeat what I said outside of this room and I'll blister your damn ass.”

  He drew in a deep breath, “Babe, you have fucking got to get on birth control. The difference being inside you without a condom is out of this world. Please make an appointment to do something, will you?”

  I nodded at him. Truthfully, I had meant to do it already.

  “Yeah, let me talk to Doc and see if she can see me later so no one will see me go into the clinic.”

  “Fuck yes, babe. Whatever it takes so I can be inside you bare, do.”

  I smiled down at him. This was my responsibility. Other than today, since the time I had told him I wanted him to wear protection, he had every single time. Today was my fault. I had to talk to the doc tonight when she came to the club.

  Hearing the outside door to the kitchen open snapped me back to reality. I groaned. Damn. I was fucking wet from daydreaming about this morning. Looking at what I had in my hands, I realized what I had been doing before I became lost in my thoughts. Milkshake. Strawberry. I fucking needed one bad.

  As I slapped the ice cream and strawberries onto the counter, Viper, Mia and Jennie walked in.

  I headed to the fridge and threw out, “Strawberry milkshake, ladies?”

  I heard Mia groan and Jennie uttered, “Oh heavens, yes. That sounds so good. I want one.”

  “Fuck, me too,” Mia said as she walked over to the silverware drawer and dug out a huge spoon and reached under the cabinet to get straws.

  “Go ahead, Viper, we'll be there in a minute,” Jennie said, equally as focused on taking the lid off the blender.

  I glanced over at Viper to see he was shaking his head and laughing quietly as he headed into the Great Room. With the three of us working together, we soon had enough shakes for more than just us. I fucking loved the commercial sized blender in here. After pouring us each a shake, I carried the glass pitcher of the blender to the freezer and stuck it inside.

  We all three groaned as we took our first drink.

  “Oh my gosh,” Mia whimpered. “That is so fucking good.”

  Jennie and I just hummed our response. Neither of us wanted to quit sucking on our straws long enough to talk.

  As we made our way to our usual table, I saw that Doc was already sitting there. Church had only been over for about twenty minutes, so Viper must have left directly afterwards and gone to get Mia and Jennie. He was super overprotective of them and I couldn't blame him.

  They were, after all, thirty-one weeks pregnant with four of his children. That still boggles my mind. I said that to them once and they had agreed. Said they still hadn't adjusted to it and didn't figure they would until the babies were born.

  Once we were sitting at the table, I decided to go ahead and approach Doc with my request. I wanted to do it before all the men joined us.

  “Doc, got a favor to ask,” I said quietly.

  “What's that, Ava?”

  “I need to get on birth control, sooner rather than later. But it's been over five years since I was on anything.”

  “When was your last visit to an OB/GYN?” she asked me.

  I grimaced and sighed. I couldn't lie to her.

  “Let me guess, by the look on your face it's been five years.”

  “Yeah,” I muttered.

  “I need to examine you then. I can't just bring you something,” she said.

  “I figured as much. But, Doc, you know we've been trying to keep my presence here a secret.”

  She nodded, “Yeah, and I have the perfect time for you to do it. Tomorrow about eleven. Viper is bringing in Mia and Jennie because they couldn't come in today. This way no one but me will be at the clinic. That work for you?”

  “That would be fucking perfect if Mia, Jennie and Viper don't mind letting me ride with them.”

  “That would be perfectly fine and you know it,” Jennie said as she leaned over and nudged my shoulder with hers.

  “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

  “No problem, happy to help out.”

  We'd finished in just the nick of time because all our guys left the bar with drinks in hand headed our way. As the night wore on, I noticed Ranger kept glancing at the bar. I was curious what he was looking at. If he was looking at another woman while Doc was here, I was gonna be pissed at him. Granted, they didn’t have anything official going on between them, but if he was wanting someone else, then either he didn’t need to invite her here or he didn’t need to be sitting with us.

  But as I gazed at the bar, I noticed it was only guys there. The more I watched, the more I realized Casper seemed to be off. He was doing his job okay, but he would stop randomly and just stare into space. I hoped he wasn’t struggling with his PTSD. I knew from hearing things here and there that something had happened that caused both Ghost and him to retire from the military.

  Sometimes the things life threw at you were fucking hard to deal with. Lord knows I’ve struggled with my own personal demons. But I’ve noticed in the last three months that while the pain of Brian and Mason’s deaths would always be there, my heart was blossoming again. I felt whole again. Happy. Being with Dog had done that. He was good for me. I just hoped I was equally as good for him.

  Almost as if he knew I was thinking of him, he turned and drew my head to him. He lightly kissed my lips and whispered into my ear, “I love you, babe.”

  I reached up and caressed his face and ran my finger over his bottom lip. “I love you, too,” I whispered back to him.

  He smiled at me, then looked over to the bar and nodded at someone. I turned to watch Ghost head our way carrying a box. I had no clue what was going on, but people started turning our way as Ghost handed the box to Dog.

  “What's going on?” I whispered to him.

  He smiled at me, “Ava, asked the guys at Church to vote on something tonight. They did and the vote was unanimous. Babe, I know it's only been a few months, but I fucking know you're it for me. You've brought sunshine back into my days and lovin' into
my nights. For the first time in years, I feel really alive. It's like I'm seeing things for the first time all over again. You do that for me. Don't want to lose you, want to make you mine forever.”

  I watched as he opened the box and pulled out a black leather cut. He stroked the patch on the back that said, 'Property of Mad Dog'.

  He raised his head and looked into my eyes, “Ava, I fucking love you with everything inside me. If you'll have me, I want you to be my Old Lady.”

  I hadn't thought anything about being his Old Lady. Hadn't really thought past each day, but this felt so good, so right, and I fucking loved him too.

  “Will you wear my cut saying that you'll be mine?” his eyes were silently begging me to say yes.

  I swallowed a lump in my throat and with tears rolling down my face, I replied, “Oh, fuck yes, I will.” Then I launched myself at him and kissed him for all I was worth as everyone in the room looked on and cheered.

  At this moment in time, life was pretty fucking great.


  Chapter 19

  It is strange, but true, that the most important turning-points of life often come at the most unexpected times and in the most unexpected ways.

  ~Napoleon Hill~


  August 29th, 1998

  I stripped out of my clothes, put on the lovely paper gown backwards, and sat on the examination table as I waited for Doc to be done with Mia and Jennie. I'd already peed in the cup, so now I was just waiting for my turn with Doc. Oh the lovely joys that a woman must face.

  Men so don't know how invasive it was to have either a male or female doctor feel them up. I know it was their job and I know the reason behind it, but that didn't mean I had to like it. I didn't. And yeah, yeah, I know, some men get prostate exams, but realistically women have more people looking at her vagina than there were licks to a Tootsie Pop.

  After what felt like forever, Doc entered the room.

  “Ready for this?” she asked me.

  I laughed.

  “Not really. I've always hated this.”

  “Don't blame you. I personally hate it as well. But at least Honey does mine, so it's not quite as bad.”

  As she was putting on gloves, she said, “Lie back and scoot down some.”

  When I had done what she said, she tapped my left leg, “Put this foot in the stirrup, then do your right one.”

  Once I had done that, she said, “Scoot down just a little more. Okay good. Try to relax while I examine you.”

  She snickered then commented as she manipulated my breasts, “If it helps, stare at the picture above the exam table.”

  I hadn't paid any attention to the fact there was a poster above the bed. I started laughing.

  “What the hell? Is that normally there?” I inquired of her.

  She chuckled. “Nah, Honey put it up there last night because she knew we were doing this today. She's planning on taking it down before we start work Monday,” she said as she started the examination in my nether regions.

  “Doc, I really think you're onto something. Looking at all those firefighters' abs is seriously diverting my attention.”

  “Yeah, it could do that,” she sounded distracted.

  A second later she pulled her hand out and her gloves off.

  “Okay, all done. I need to run check your urine test real quick, then we'll talk. Oh, you can go ahead and get dressed too.”

  Like a whirlwind, she was out the door. I got up and pulled the offending paper gown off and threw it back on the table. By the time Doc walked back into the room, I was once again dressed. Now just to get my birth control and be on my way.

  “So, I was thinking I would take the pill, unless you thought an IUD would be better. Hmm, maybe it would be, because then I wouldn't have to worry about taking anything. What do you think, Doc?”

  “I think we need to talk, Ava,” she said.

  I sank down onto the chair. “Is something wrong? Did you feel a lump or something in there?”

  “Nothing like that. You said you've been having your period, right?”

  “Yeah, they've been lighter, but occasionally I do that, off and on.”

  She nodded at me.

  “Have you been feeling more tired, sleepy, nauseated?”

  “No, I've been feeling great. I've had a ton of energy lately and for some reason I’ve been wanting sex like crazy. I can't seem to get enough of Dog.”

  She laughed, “Yeah, that can happen.”

  I glanced at her. “What do you mean?”

  She ignored my question and asked me, “You said you and Dog had unprotected sex a couple times, right?”


  Now I was starting to get nervous, why was she asking that. Did I have some sexually transmitted disease? I swear, I would kill Dog if that was the case. But he wasn't the type to do that on purpose, so if that was the case, then he didn't know he had it either.

  “Do you remember when it was?”

  “Yeah, I know the exact date. May twenty-ninth. What's going on Doc?”

  “Well, Ava, you're thirteen weeks pregnant,” she said.

  I blinked at her. What? What the fuck did she just say? I felt like I was going to pass out. Next thing I knew she was kneeling in front of me telling me to breathe. But wasn't I already breathing?

  “Ava, take a deep breath. In, out, in, out, good, that's good.”

  “I'm what? What did you say?” I asked in shock.

  “Ava, you're pregnant. Thirteen weeks. I take it, this is a surprise,” she said.

  “Umm, I don't… I... I need to talk to Dog.” All I could think about was getting to Dog.

  She nodded at me, “Come on, hon. I'll walk you out to the others.”

  “Don't say anything, please,” I begged.

  “Ava, I wouldn't do that. You know that thing called doctor/patient confidentiality, that ensures that I won't talk about this to anyone but you unless you sign a form stating otherwise.

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  “But, girl, if you don't get your head on straight, they're gonna know something is up.”

  “Yeah, okay, give me a minute.”

  I had to push this down until I could get back to the club and talk to Dog. Taking a deep breath, I nodded at her, “I'm good. Let's do this.”

  On the drive back, Jennie and Mia were jabbering so much they didn't even realize that I wasn't saying anything. I saw Viper glance in the rear-view mirror a couple times. He knew something was up. I agreed with Dog, the man was seriously scary good on how he could pick up on things.

  They stopped in front of the club and let me out. I smiled and waved then headed inside. There were only a couple guys kicked back in front of the TV in the Great Room. I guess most of the men were still sleeping off their late night. I was mentally out of it, causing my thoughts to be scattered and fractured, bouncing around willy-nilly. As I walked farther into the room, Reb walked out of the dining room.

  “Hey, Reb, do you know if Dog is in his office?” I asked.

  “Yeah, but I think Karma is in with him right now,” he replied.

  “Oh, okay. It'll wait. Just wanted to talk to him for a few minutes,” I smiled at him and hit the stairs quickly, racing toward our room.

  I didn't know what to feel. I swore I didn't want any more children. I didn't want a baby. I couldn't have a baby. I just couldn't, and yet, I was pregnant. I didn't want the baby, but there was no way I could terminate a baby. I couldn't kill my child. My child. My thoughts hit me like a tidal wave. My child. I was pregnant. With Dog's baby. Our baby. I was carrying our baby.

  Once inside our room, I walked to the mirror and turned sideways. I wanted to see if I could tell I was pregnant, but everything looked normal. I had been so sick with morning sickness with Mason. It had lasted the first and second trimesters, finally easing off in the third. But I didn't feel sick at all. I felt great. Never better in fact.

  Slowly the things Doc asked started coming back to me. I realize
d now that me wanting sex all the time was a product of my pregnancy. Although, Dog alone was enough to make me want to climb his bones. I started stripping off my clothes. I had to see. I needed proof. After all my clothes were off, I turned sideways looking into the mirror and I saw it. If I hadn't been looking, I wouldn't have paid any attention. It was just a small bump.

  I reached down and caressed my stomach. I was pregnant. I didn't know if it was going to fucking sink in or not. Oh God, what if I lost the baby? Both my hands flew to my baby bump. I couldn't lose the baby. Oh. My. God.

  A sob ripped out of me. Oh God. I wanted this baby so bad. If something happened to it, it would kill me. I walked over to the bed and crawled up on it, pulling my knees up tight and wrapping my arms around them. I had to do everything to protect this baby.

  As I listened to the thoughts floating around in my head, it hit me that I wouldn't always be able to protect the baby. Life happened. I just wasn't sure if I could handle this. Tears ran down my face as I started praying, pleading, begging God to always keep my child safe. I promised to give up my life if He would just keep my baby safe. I struggled with my thoughts. I knew I was trying to make a deal with God. But I felt so helpless, so out of control. I didn't know what to do. I needed Dog. I needed my man.


  Mad Dog

  After Karma left my office, I walked out to the bar to grab a beer and see if Ava had made it back yet. I couldn't fucking wait to be able to fuck her bareback anytime I wanted too. I could understand why men slipped up sometimes, the pleasure was so much more intense with a woman wrapped around your naked cock.

  Well, Hell. I'd done it again. Just thinking about Ava had my thoughts drifting there. I loved just spending time with her talking about everything and nothing at all; but being inside her, feeling her scorching hot pussy wrapped around my cock, damn there just weren't words for how it made me feel. I stopped and adjusted my damn dick.

  Fuck, I'd just bypass the Great Room and go to our room to see if she was there. That would at least give my fucking cock time to go down, that is if I could quit thinking about fucking Ava. I groaned. Dammit all to hell.

  As I opened the door to our room, a noise caught my attention. Looking toward the bed, I saw Ava sitting naked with her chin on her knees and her arms wrapped around her legs. But what froze me in my tracks were the tears running down her face. Jesus. Something was wrong. God, I hoped Doc hadn't given her bad news. I couldn't handle it if she did.


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