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Page 2

by Delia Petrano

  “Just don’t be gone too long, don’t make me hunt your ass down.” I couldn’t stop the laughter that escaped me because I know she would definitely hunt my ass down with no hesitation at all.

  “Honestly I’m surprised you are giving me the okay to go, I promise I won't be gone for long. Oh Erika one more thing don’t tell Marco I’m leaving tell him when I’m already gone.” She sighs. She probably forgets that I know her well.

  “Why not?”

  “Because we know he will try to stop me and we all know he will get me to stay. That’s not a good thing right now. I need to get my head together and he needs to know what he wants.”

  “Fine I won’t tell him until after you leave, when is that by the way?”

  “Today, the faster I leave the faster I can fix what needs to be fixed. You can tell him tomorrow if you like.” She nods her head but I saw a tear run down her cheek. I grab her into a big hug and she wraps her arms around my neck.

  “Don’t cry sweet cheeks I will be back before you know it.”

  “Okay but you if I feel like your taking way too long I'm coming for your balls.” I wince.

  “I get it Erika, I won't take long.” I kiss her head before she leaves my bedroom.

  “Are you sure about this Pauly?” Dalson asks with a low tone. He rarely calls me that unless he is worried about me.

  “No, not really but I have to do this. Call me if you need me or if anything goes down I'll come home as fast as I can.”

  “I will, just promise me you will come back home safe.” I grab Dalson into a tight hug. Dalson has always been there for me no matter what, he's practically my brother and I would do anything for him.

  “I promise to come back home safe and sound, don't worry so much brother.” I might not see his face but I can feel his eyes rolling.

  “It's my job to worry about you I’ve been doing it for years and it won't stop ever. Be careful on your trip and when you come home talk to him don't be stupid and let him slip through your fingers.” I smile, Dalson has always had my back about being gay when he found out I thought he was going to freak out and tell the club about it, but he didn't he was very supportive.

  “I get it Dalson.”

  “Good, I'll see you when you get back.” When Dalson walks out of my bedroom I start packing my stuff in a small duffel bag. Hearing a knock on the door I put my bag on the floor I open the door.

  “Hey Logan what's up?”

  “I heard your leaving for a little while don't be gone too long brother.” Logan tells me with small smile.

  “I won't look after Dalson while I'm gone watch his six.”

  “Of course I will.” I nod my head then grab my bag and keys. Heading out the door I looked back and waved goodbye. I get on my bike and just ride, I always feel good when I'm on my bike. I just enjoy the feel of how fast I'm going and not having to think about anything.


  Coming up to a welcome sign I stop and take off my helmet. Welcome to Lake Town. This could be a good place to stay for a while. I have been riding for a week with some breaks, but this place looks great to stay at for a while. Putting my helmet back on I ride to the closest hotel I find. Getting off my bike I take a deep breath and walk towards the hotel. Walking towards the front desk there was a cute guy behind it.

  “How can I help you?” He asks with a sweet tone.

  “I’d like a room.”

  “How long will you be staying for?” That’s a good ass question.

  “A month.” The man looked up at me surprised.

  “Okay you are in room 118.” He hands me the keys and our hands touch for a minute.

  “Thank you.” No way in hell am I getting involved with any guys right now. Walking inside the room it’s a pretty decent room, I like it.

  Paul- I made it to my destination safe and sound how is everything over there?”

  Dalson- So fair so good not to much drama I had a meeting with The Dragons president and we are on the same page.

  Paul- That’s good and what drama are you talking about?

  Dalson- Well Marco was not happy that you left he’s very piss and there’s a big bombshell as well and no I can’t tell you about it.

  Paul- Why the hell not?

  Dalson- It’s not my place to say, if you would have stayed home he would’ve told you himself, my lips are sealed and you should tell Erika you are safe.

  Paul- I will hows Logan?

  Dalson- He’s doing great everyone is getting along from both sides.

  Paul- That’s great to hear talk to you later.

  Dalson- Be safe.

  He always worries so damn much when he doesn’t need to. I click on Erika’s name and send her a message.

  Paul- Hey sweet cake I made it safe to my destination.

  Erika- I’m glad to hear it. When are you coming home?

  Paul- I don’t know yet.

  Erika- Don’t be gone long you left at a bad time we all can use you home especially Marco.

  Paul- I been gone for just a damn week how much has happened and what happened?”

  Erika- Sorry love bug but I can’t tell you. If you want to know come home and talk to Marco yourself.

  Oh my god why won’t they just tell me what the hell happened? I was just gone a damn week how much crap happened in just one damn fucking week?

  Paul- I’ll talk to him when I get home but that’s not right now. I love you talk to you soon.

  Erika- I love you too be safe.

  I left to clear my head now I’m just worried that I did the wrong thing of leaving. What happened to Marco? My head is pounding so damn hard right now. I laid down on the bed and close my eyes, but I can’t fall asleep. Marco keeps flashing in my head. Shit. I grab my phone from the table and send Marco a message.

  Paul- If you need to talk you can talk to me. Just call me or whatever I’ll answer.

  Five minutes pass and nothing no call no message back nothing. Then my phone binged.

  Marco- I did want to talk to you, but you didn’t respond to my messages and then you left without saying anything to me. What else is there to talk about?

  Paul- I know you’re mad that I left. It was for a good reason. I’ve been gone for just a week and there’s some drama that Dalson said he can handle and a bom shell what happened in just one week of me being gone?

  Marco-Nothing for you to worry about.

  Paul- Marco don’t be like that tell me what happened.

  Marco- You are the one who left Paul not me what happens in my life doesn’t concern you anymore hope your trip was worth it bye.

  I throw my phone at the wall and it shattered. Fucking hell this is not suppose to fucking happen not at all. This fucking sucks.


  Hearing a loud knock on my door woke me up from my sleep, this better be good. Getting out of bed I hear another knock, I groan. When I open the door I see a man and a woman in a suit and a little girl who looks like me.

  “What can I help you with?”

  “Marco Holden?” The women in the suit says in a calm tone.

  “Yes, that’s me who are you?” I ask curiously.

  “I’m Lilly Martin, I’m Jessica Martin’s sister and lawyer. Jessica passed away recently and in her will it was stated that she wanted you to have custody of your daughter that you both share. And yes she is yours; Jessica took a DNA test when she was born the little girl is yours. You can do your own if you want but here’s the DNA test.” Lilly hands me the paper and the little girl who standing right in front of me is my daughter holy hell. The man steps closer, and I get bad vibes from this guy.

  “If you don’t want to keep her I will.”

  “Daddy don’t let them take me.” She holds onto my leg very tightly I looked into her eyes and she looks terrified . There’s something about this guy that I don’t trust, plus she’s my daughter.

  “No, she is my daughter and I’ll be keeping her thank you very much for bringing her to me.” The guy doesn’t lo
ok happy about my response but too damn bad. I close the door and my daughter looks more relaxed now.

  “What’s your name sweetie?” She looks up at me and smiles.

  “Emily Holden.” I couldn’t help the smile that appeared on my face.

  “Your mom gave you my last name.”

  “Yes she told me all about you and showed me pictures so I know what you look like.”

  “How much did she tell you and how old are you?”

  “I’m four and a half. Daddy, you don’t have to worry I won’t say a word to nobody.” Emily put her fingers to her lips and zipped it close then gave me the invisible key. I smiled at her and she smiles back.

  “Okay sweetie but I would like to know what she said though.”

  “That you are a part of the Scorpions and that you do some bad things to protect your family. That you don’t turn your back on family no matter what.”

  “That is true you never turn your back on family. Are you hungry?”

  “Yes I am. Am I going to meet the rest of the family?” I bend down so we are looking at each other.

  “Yes you will. There’s two in the house now but they are sleeping. You have three uncles or so maybe more.” She smiles brightly.

  “I have two uncles in the house?” She asks with a big smile.

  “Yes and they are going to love you. How about you sit down and watch tv.” She nods her head. I put the tv on and find a cartoon for her to watch.

  “I like Paw Patrol.” She says with a smile. Thank god I been watching this show with Melissa since she was born and now my daughter likes it, I will be watching this show more often. As I’m cooking breakfast I hear the doors open.

  “Breakfast smells good.” Then there was silence. Putting breakfast on plates I hear them talking.

  “Hello.” I hear Storm and Rain say in unison.

  “Hi.” Emily says in a sweet voice.

  “Breakfast is ready.” All three of them walk into the kitchen. Emily sits in the chair next to me while the guys are staring at me.

  “What’s your name?” Storm asks with a smile.

  “Emily Holden.” She says with a smile.

  “Hi Emily, I’m Storm and this is my brother Rain.” Rain smiles at her and waves.

  “Hi Storm and Rain it’s nice to meet you.” Storm’s mind is on overdrive I can tell by his eyes.

  “Emily did you say your last name is Holden?” There it goes.

  “Yes I did.” Rain and Storm looked at me with raised eyebrows.

  “I would like you guys to meet my daughter Emily, and before you say anything I just found out this morning.” They nod their heads.

  “You know what that means Emily?” Storm aks.

  “No, what does that mean?”

  “Rain and I are your uncles.” Storm says with a smile.

  “I know daddy told me already. I haven’t had uncles before so I’m excited”

  “You have a big family Emily and we will love you and protect you no matter what.” Rain tells her.

  After breakfast Storm cleans up the dishes as I get Emily ready to go to the compound. Getting to the compound I see Dalson’s car I’m surprised he didn’t take his bike. Emily grabs my hand, I look down at her and she smiles brightly and her blue eyes are shining up at me.

  “Are you ready to meet the rest of the family?”

  “Yes I am.” Walking inside I saw Dalson and a new guy next to him, that must be one of his new guys, but where is Pauly? I walked over to the group at the pool table with Emily’s hand in mine.

  “Hey everyone.”

  “Hey who’s the cute little girl with you?” Devin asks.

  “This is Emily my daughter.” They all stared at me like I grew a second head.

  “Hi everyone.” Emily says shyly. Devin looks at me and I smile at him he went on his knees and smile at Emily.

  “Hi Emily, I’m Devin your uncle. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Hi uncle Devin it’s nice to meet you too.” Devin smiles brightly ever since he married Erika and had a daughter he’s been happier than ever and I’m glad to see that.

  “I’m Erika I’m your aunty. This is Dalson he’s your other uncle.” She points to Dalson then to the new guy Logan.

  “And this is Logan, he’s your other uncle you also have another uncle named James but he’s not here right now.”

  “Wow I have a lot of uncles. It’s nice to meet you all.” I laugh to myself she does have a lot of uncles.

  “Isn’t there one missing where Paul?” I asks. Dalson and Erika didn’t look at me, I have a bad feeling about this.

  “Emily how about you come with me and meet your baby cousin.” Devin says. Emily looks at me with those beautiful blue eyes that matches mine.

  “Daddy can I go??”

  “Yes sweetheart you can go.” She grabs Devin hand and walks with him. I couldn’t help the smile I had on my face. I looked at Erika and Dalson.

  “Which on of you are going to tell me where Paul is at?” They looked at each other then Erika sighed, she grabs my hand and walks me to my room in the compound.

  “What’s going on where is Paul? You are starting to freak me out Erika.”

  “He left.” I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He left it won’t be for long, he left yesterday to clear his head.” My hand balls into a fist then I punch the wall. Erika winces, I can’t believe this shit.

  “Where did he go?”

  “I don’t know?”

  “When is he coming back? How far did he go?”

  “I don’t know and I don’t know.” I punch the wall again.

  “What do you know Erika?” I scream.

  “Nothing much he says that he won’t be gone long he just has to clear his head a bit then he will come back home.”

  “That’s just fucking great.”

  “He will be back Marco. We just have to wait until he’s ready to come home.”

  “Can you give me a minute please.” She nods her head. When she closes the door I grab my dresser and push it to the floor I grab the other dresser and slam it to the floor. Whatever was near me I threw at the wall or the floor. The door opens and I stop what I am doing, I turn around and see Devin. He looks at me with a sad look on his face, he closed the door then sits on my bed. He pats the spot next to him. He hasn't done that since we were kids mind you, and I'm the oldest. I sit next to Devin and take a deep breath.

  “Talk to me brother.”

  “He left.”

  “I heard but he’s coming back. He didn't leave for good, Marco.”

  “He left to clear his head. Do you know what that means?”

  “What does it mean?”

  “He left to clear his head of me. To get rid of me anything that has to do with me.”

  “That's not true even if he tries he won't be able to he loves you and you love him. He won't forget the memories you both share.”

  “What if he does. What if he comes back and he doesn't care about me anymore or worse forget me all together.”

  “Calm down Marco. Look at me.” I turn to face Devin and he looks serious.

  “He won't forget you, he won't stop caring about you no matter how hard he tries Been there done that didn't fucking work. Maybe this could be a good thing.”

  “How the fuck is Paul leaving a fucking good thing Devin please explain that to me?”

  “Marco the last time Paul was here you was a complete dick to him. You were hot and cold to him for like four months.”

  “I know and I wanted to apologize to him but he fucking left.”

  “I know that. He doesn't know what you want Marco this time apart can help you both with that. You both need to know what you want. Paul knows what he wants he needs to know what you want it's most likely why he left in the first place. So when he comes back you both can be on the same page. Marco what do you want?” I looked at him and I completely froze I know what I want but can I tell him.
r />   “Come on Marco it's just us here tell me what do you want?” I took a deep breath then looked at Devin.

  “I want him all of him.” Devin smiles.


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