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Page 3

by Delia Petrano

  “I know that, but Paul doesn’t you need to tell him how you feel and you have to prove it as well.”

  “That's harder said than done Devin we are in two different MC it's not going to be so simple.” Devin tilts his head to the side.

  “Don't do that Marco you are blaming the MC when you don't have to. We don't have a problem with you being with Paul, he’s family and we love him they are not the enemy no more. It's time to let yourself be happy.”

  “Do you think he will still want me when he comes home?”

  “Of course he will.”

  “What about me having a daughter that might bother him.”

  “Marco stop worrying about everything and he will love Emily she’s apart of you. He will love her no matter what.” I smile.

  “For a little brother you always know the right things to say.” Devin laughs.

  “You do too big brother. You help me more times than I can count.” I laugh that is very true he used to get into a lot of trouble and always run away from home.

  “I'm going to rest before I clean this mess.”

  “You better clean it before dad sees it.” Devin got up and felt the room. I lay down and close my eyes.

  Fifteen Years Ago

  Hearing a bang I jolted up, getting up from my bed I hear banging on the door. I open the door and see Devin bleeding.

  “Holy crap Devin, what happened to you? Come in.” He walked in and I close the door behind him. I grab the first aid kit.

  “Sit down.” I start cleaning his wounds and he winced.

  “I'm sorry, Devin what the hell happened to you?”

  “He hit me again and I ran away.” That bastard I swear if he lays one finger on him one more time I will kill him.

  “How about you stay here, and when Felix comes back I'll tell him what happened.”

  “Okay thank you Marco.” I smile at him and nod my head.

  “Time for bed.” I told him. I walked him into his bedroom then went back into my bedroom.

  Hearing a scream I woke up.

  “Don't touch me stop it dad.” Rush into Devin’s room. I swear on everything if that bastard touches him one more time I'll kill the bastard for doing this to him.

  “Devin you are safe wake up.” He jolts up and when he saw me he jumps into my arms.

  “It's okay Devin everything will be okay, you are safe.”

  “I don't want to go home Marco.”

  “Don't worry I don't plan on letting you go back to that man you are staying here with me.” He nods his head.

  “Can I sleep in your room just for tonight?”

  “Sure no a problem.” I reach for his hand and walk into my room. When we lay down we both fall asleep.

  Waking up I hear Felix. I get up and look at Devin he's still asleep. I walked out of my room then look for Felix.

  “Marco I saw Devin’s room door was open, why?”

  “Because he is here but he's in my room sleeping. That bastard hit him again.” Felix hands went into a fist.

  “He doesn't want to go home and I told him I don't plan on letting him stay with his dad. I don't care what anybody says he's not going back there.” Felix smiles.

  “What why are you smiling?”

  “Because you will be a good big brother to him and I agree he's not going back I'll handle it.” I nod my head then check on Devin.

  Present Day

  Smiling to myself I got up and start cleaning my room. I look at the clock and it's eight at night. Walking out of the room Emily runs into my arms and I pick her up.

  “Are you ready to go home princess?”

  “Yes I'm getting tired.” I thought she would be.

  “Alright let's go.” I carried Emily into the car then drive us home. When I turn off the engine, I look back and Emily was asleep. I pick her up carry her to our extra bedroom. I stare at Emily and smile, Devin was right becoming a father is one of the best feeling in the world. Even if I have missed four years of her life I won't miss anymore of them.


  Three months later

  Walking up the stairs I saw Jacob and he doesn’t look so good. I grab his hand and pull him into a corner in the compound where nobody can see us.

  “Baby what’s wrong?” He looks over my shoulder to make sure nobody can see us.

  “They found out, I don’t know how but they found out.”

  “Who found out what?”

  “That I’m gay. They also know that there’s another gay member , but they don’t know who it is and I didn’t tell them. Paul you have to promise me no matter what happens you do not come out, don’t get involved.” He looks serious but he can’t think I’m going to let anything happen to him.

  “You can’t be serious Jacob.”

  “I’m dead serious, things are going to get ugly soon if anything happens to me, DO NOT RETALIATE. I mean it. You and Dalson still need to find a way to get Erika out of here. If I die…” Jacob can’t be serious.

  “Don’t talk like that!” Jacob grabs my face and kisses me.

  “If I die you keep on going with the plan I already talked to Dalson and Erika. They are not happy about not doing anything, but I made them promise me. You can’t kill nobody not right now, not until it's time.”

  “Fine I promise.” He smiles up at me with his beautiful brown eyes.

  “One more thing, I want you to move on as well. I want you to find love again after me.”

  “Shut up Jacob that’s not going to happen so just stop.” My hands went into a fist, how can he think I can just move on just like that.

  “I’m serious Paul, I want you to fall in love again and don’t hold back. I want this for you okay, I don’t care who it is as long as you both love each other and he treats you right. Hell he can be from another MC who knows he can be from the Scorpions for all we know.” I shake my head.

  “You know you are crazy right?”

  “Yes and that’s why you love me.” I lean in and kissed him deeply.

  Walking into the compound the next day it’s way to quiet for my liking. I saw Erika with tears in her eyes fuck no.

  “Erika what’s wrong?”

  “Remember that promise we made Jacob yesterday?” No, no,no this can’t be happening.

  “Don’t say it Erika.”

  “We can’t do anything to help him They haven’t done it yet though.” Fucking hell. We ran to where they have him and everyone was there. I saw in on his knees, he looks at me and shakes his head this stubborn asshole won’t let me help him.

  “Who is your partner?” Trent asks. Jacob didn’t say anything.

  “We know it’s someone in the our MC who is it?”

  “If there was proof of that I wouldn’t be here by myself would I?” Trent punches him. I move forward but Erika and Dalson grab my hands and squeeze it.

  “Who is your fucking partner Jacob?”

  “Go fuck yourself Trent. I’m not telling you shit.” I shake my head. He’s so damn stubborn I could just kill him myself that dumb ass.

  “Fine if you want tell me I have no other choice…” Trent takes out his gun and shoots Jacob. Erika screamed and ran right to Jacob. Dalson squeezes my hand but I can’t feel a damn thing. All I can hear is Erika crying and screaming.

  “You bastard you didn’t have to kill him, you are going to pay for this.” I look at Erika and Jacob he looks me right in the eyes and says I love you. Erika is putting pressure on his wound I know she is trying to save him but that’s way too much blood. I look at him again and say I love you. With a tear running down my face Dalson wipes it away. Jacob whisper something into Erika’s ear before his eyes close.

  “No Jacob open your eyes for me!” Erika screams. Erika is looking for a pulse, but how Erika body slumps down when she couldn’t find one.

  “Go upstairs.” Dalson whispers into my ear. As I start to walk I heard Erika.

  “Don’t touch me you bastard.” I turn around to see Trent’s hands on her and all I want to do
is rip him into shreds.

  “I have to take care of the body Erika.” Trent says with a sad look on his face while he’s looking at her.

  “No, you aren’t touching his body I will take care of it.”

  “Fine Dalson and Paul help her with whatever she wants.” I walked back down the stairs.

  Waking up in sweat I got up and took a cold shower. Putting my head on the tile I took a deep breath. Getting out of the shower I wrapped a towel around my waist. Looking at the clock it's four in the morning and it's the anniversary of Jacob’s death, that explains the dream I had.

  I grab my phone off the dresser and dial Dalson’s number.

  “Pauly is everything okay? You are calling early.”

  “Yeah sorry for calling so early, I needed to hear a familiar voice.” I laid down on the bed and take another deep breath.

  “What's wrong Pauly?”

  “I had the dream again.”

  “Shit. Today is the anniversary of Jacob’s death.”

  “Yeah for the first time his death anniversary snuck up on me, I didn't realize it until I saw the date today.”

  “It's because you finally fell in love again just like Jacob wanted you to. Funny thing is he use to tease us all about one of us falling in love with a Scorpion especially you, that you might fall for one and you did.” I laugh.

  “That's true he did mention that once or twice. Problem is I think I messed that up by leaving.”

  “Trust me he misses you.”

  “Does he? Last time we talked he made it clear that his life doesn't concern me anymore.”

  “He didn't mean that he was just upset once you come home everything will get back to a new normal, I promise. I think it's time for you to come home you have been gone for three months.”

  “I know, I'll be home soon.”

  “How soon?”

  “Week or two. Don't tell nobody.”

  “I won't, get some sleep Pauly.”

  “I will goodnight well morning.” Dalson laughs.

  “Morning and goodnight Pauly.” I hung up the phone and place it down on the dresser. Dalson always knows what to say. I close my eyes and start to drift to sleep.


  Two Weeks Later

  Walking into the compound the first person I saw was Logan.

  “I'm home.” Logan turn around and smiled at me.

  “It's about damn time brother.” I hug him and he hugs me back. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs I look up to see James.

  “When did you get here little brother?” I ask.

  “Two weeks ago. I met everyone already including that sexy man of yours.” I raised and eyebrow.

  “Did you now. He's off limits James!” He laughs.

  “I know he's yours I have more respect for you to even try anything big brother.” I smile up at him. I know he wouldn't do anything he just knows how to appreciate a good looking man and woman.

  “I know you won't.”

  “Finally you’re home.” I turn around to see Dalson. He grabs me into a hug and squeezes me.

  “I missed you too brother.”

  “You should go see Erika, your niece and let's not forget Marco.” Dalson says with a smile.

  “I am I just wanted to come home first. Can you put my bag in my room please?”

  “Sure no problem, I’ll see you later.” I give Dalson my bag then wave goodbye as I walk out of the compound. Getting back on my bike I take a deep breath and ride all the way to the Scorpion compound.

  As I walk in the Scorpion compound, Erika was right by the door holding my niece. When Erika saw me her eyes brightened up and I couldn’t help but to smile at her, it feels good being home. I missed them all. Erika rushes to me and wraps one of her arms around me. I hug her back and kiss Melissa’s head.

  “You’re finally home it’s about damn time, I should kick your ass for being gone for so long.”

  “I know and I’m sorry for that.” I grab Melissa and kiss all over her and she giggles.

  “You do look alot better from the last time I saw you. The question is did the trip help you in the right way?” She raises her eyebrow at me, her mom look has gotten a lot stronger since she had her daughter and it’s kinda scary.

  “Yes it did.” I look over and see Marco and a little girl that looks just like him.

  “Who’s the little girl?” I asks curiously.

  “I’ll let Marco know that you’re home.” I nod my head while she walked over to Marco and the little girl. Marco head snapped back and he turn his head quickly, when he saw me he looked shocked and the little girl had a smile on her face. Marco slowly walks towards me and honesty I’m nervous I don’t know what he’s going to say or not say.” When Marco stops right in front of me he looks pissed and relive all at the same time, he looks sexier than ever and I don’t know how that’s even possible.

  “You finally decided to come home.” He says with his arms crossed.

  “Yeah I was gone long enough. Can I ask you something?”

  “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to answer it.”

  “I deserve that.”

  “You deserve a lot more, but I’m curious on what you have to say.”

  “Who is the little girl?” He looks behind him and I saw a smile appeared on his face then disappear just as fast as it came.

  “Is that really all you have to say?” He crosses his arms tighter then looks away from me, this is going to be harder than I thought. I grab his chin and turn his head to face me.

  “No it’s not it’s just the only question I have. I’m guessing she’s a part of the bombshell that happened while I was gone.

  “She’s my daughter, I found out the day after you decided to pack up your shit and leave us all behind.”

  “Your daughter makes sense she looks just like you. And it’s wasn’t like that Marco.”

  “Then what was it like than?” He yelled and it got everyone’s attention. Marco glares at them and they all walked away quickly, I looked down and saw Marco’s daughter grab his hand.

  “Hello Pauly.” My eyes went wide when I heard her call my name I was in complete shock that she even knew about me. I look at Marco and for some reason he looks nervous. I went on my knees and smile at her.

  “Hi sweetie what’s your name?”

  “Emily Holden.”

  “That’s a pretty name for a beautiful girl.” She smiled up at me with those beautiful blue eyes just like her dad has.

  “I’m guessing Aunty Erika told you about that name?”

  “Daddy did too, if you want I can call you Paul.” I look up at Marco and his cheech's went pink, it’s cute and the first time I have seen him blush.

  “No, it’s okay only a few people get away with calling me that.” She smiles brightly at me and I couldn’t help but to smile back.

  “I know you and Daddy need to walk but would you play with me first?” She has hope in her eyes and you just can’t say no to that, shit I was never able to say no to her dad how can I say no to his daughter it’s impossible.

  “I would love to.” Emily grabs my hand and starts walking me to the play area we made for the kids. Marco grabs my arm and we stopped walking.

  “This conversation is not done yet not by a long shot.”

  “I know it’s not.” I grab his hand and squeeze it and I felt a shock wave go through my body and I think Marco felt it too.

  Emily takes me to the play area and takes out a deck of cards.

  “How old are you Emily?”

  “Four and a half.” I smile.

  “What game are we going to play?”

  “How about goldfish?”

  “I love playing go fish.” Emily past me some cards then put the stack in the middle of us. I looked at my cards than put them in order. I looked up at Emily and it's crazy how much she looks like her father. From her blue eyes down to her blonde hair even too her smile it's all Marco.

  “Do you have any six’s?” She asked with a be
autiful smile.

  “I do.” I gave her my card. For a four year old girl playing cards she looks very serious playing.

  “Do you have a five?” I asked and I can't tell anything on her face, she has a great poker face just like her dad.


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