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Page 4

by Delia Petrano

  “Go fish.” Emily and I kept on playing for thirty minutes.

  “Emily you are cheating you beat me three times in a row.”

  “I’m not cheating I’m just good at playing card games.” She says with a smile. I looked at Marco and he smiles.

  “Alright Emily how about you play with one of your uncles while I talk to Pauly.”

  “Okay Daddy.” Emily picked up all the cards then hugs me.

  “Glad you are home, daddy missed you a lot.” After Emily hugged me she hugs her father then skips towards Storm. Marco starts walking towards his room in the compound and I follow him. We walked inside his room and I close the door.

  “You usually call me Pauly when you want me to kiss you.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “So you don’t want me to kiss you?”

  “I didn’t say that.” Marco says with a soft tone.

  “So you do want me to?”

  “I didn’t say that either Pauly.” Marco bit his bottom lip, all I want to do is bite it for him but I’m not going to do that. I take a step closer and Marco takes a step back, now that’s new and I don’t like it.

  “Did you just took a step away from me?” Marco sighs.

  “Yes I did, you can’t kiss me not until you explain why the fuck you left. It's because you wanted to forget about me isn’t?” He frowns and I take two steps forwards while Marco took two step back.

  “Stop moving away from me.”

  “Answer the fucking question!”

  “No I didn’t leave because I wanted to forget about you. Just because I left to clear my head doesn’t fucking mean I left to forget about you. Even if I wanted to I can’t.”

  “Than why did you leave?”

  “Because of you, you kept on being hot and cold towards me and I didn’t know what to do. Every time you were cold towards me it hurt, I left to clear my head to see what I wanted and hoped you would figure out what you wanted when I was gone.” Marco looks sad like he’s the blame for all of this but it’s not just his fault, it’s mine as well.

  “Why didn’t you call me before you left? I left you messages to call me or to come over why didn’t you?”

  “Because I didn’t know what you wanted, I thought that you wanted me to stop touching you or something. The thought of that scared me a bit so I decided to leave for a bit, you are the one who started this you kissed me first.”

  “I know that I started it and I don’t regret it. I wanted to apologize to you on how I was treating you, but you left instead then the next morning I found out about Emily and you were the first person I wanted to tell.” I took a few steps towards Marco and he didn’t move away from me this time.

  “You wanted to tell me about Emily.” I intertwined our fingers and he looks into my eyes.

  “Yes, you was the first person I wanted to tell. When I got to the compound Erika told me you left and I was very pissed that you left without telling me.”

  “I’m sorry, but I knew if I would have told you about it, you would have tried to stop me.”

  “You’re damn right I would have. I would have stopped you from leaving than you would of met Emily sooner than you did. Emily likes you she’s been waiting four months to meet you.” I smile.

  “You told her about me?” I smirked.

  “Of course I did. We all have and stop smirking like that.” I laugh. Marco places his forehead on mine and I felt the shock waves go through my body again.

  “Are you still mad at me?” I ask.


  “On what?” I ask curiously.

  “Do you plan on leaving again?”

  “No, I don’t I’m right where I want to be.”

  “Good, no I’m not mad anymore.”

  “Good.” I lean in and kiss Marco. Our tongues intertwine fighting for dominance, I run my fingers through Marco’s hair and he moans. I miss him, the feel of him near me. I break the kiss and look down.

  “What’s wrong Pauly?”

  “What do you want? I can’t move forward until I know what exactly what you want.” Marco grabs my face with his soft smooth hands then kisses me.

  “I want you all of you, nothing less.” I lean forward and kiss Marco with a smile on my face. Marco grabs my hand and starts walking towards the door.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  “To Emily, I don’t like being away from her for too long plus she want to play with you more.” Marco looks up at me with a smile on his face and I smile back.

  “Alright take me to the princess.” He nods his head. When Emily saw us sheran right into her father's arms then grabs my hand, I kiss her hand and she giggles. Everyone was in the play area and we all start playing with Melissa and Emily. Having two kids in the house is better than one.


  Taking Emily out of the car she looks happy and that's all that matters. Emily has been staying with me for little over four months and I love having her here with me. Even though I missed the first four years of her life, my little girl is everything to me and I don't know what I would do without her, I will be a good father to her even if it kills me. I pick up Emily and she wraps her small arms around my neck. I never thought I would ever have the chance to be a dad and now that I do, I wouldn't risk that for the world. I do want another child though only time will tell.

  “Daddy when will we see Pauly again?” In such a short amount of time Emily has gotten attached to Paul, I don't blame her I did as well. He's loveable even when you try not to love him and you just can't help it.

  “I'm not sure princess, maybe in a few days.” Emily pouts and it's the cutest thing, saying no to her is very hard. I figured that out just a week of having her in my life.

  “Don't pout Emily he's a busy man, he can't always be here.”

  “That sucks.” Emily says with a cute voice.

  “I know it does, but I promise you will get to see him soon.” What am I going to do when she start asking for Paul, he didn't sign up for any of this. I walk inside with Emily in my arms I put her down and she walks over to Storm.

  “Hey sweetheart were you good for daddy this morning?” Storm ask with a smile.

  “Yes Uncle Storm I'm always a good girl.”

  “Of course you are.” I walk over to them while Storm is tickling Emily.

  “Stop uncle Storm.” She says through her laughter. Storm puts her on the ground. I grab Emily hand and we walked over to the play area. Erika walks over with Melissa in her arms. I grab Melissa and start to play with her. I place her on the carpet and start tickling both the girls and all you can hear was giggling and laughing throughout the compound and it was great, we loved every minute of it.

  I hear the door open but I didn't pay attention to it until Emily got up.

  “Uncle Dalson, Pauly.” She runs into Pauly arms and he picks her up with a smile.

  “Hi princess.” Dalson and Paul said in unison. Paul looks at me and smiles. Emily calls all the guys uncle besides Paul, I'm kinda glad she doesn't and I don't know what to do with that feeling. I pick up Melissa and walk over to where they are standing.

  “Hey guys is everything alright?” I ask concerned.

  “Yeah we just have to ask Erika for a favor.” I handed Melissa to Dalson and he starts playing with her, Paul is still holding Emily and talking to her.

  “What's going on? What do you need my help with?” Erika asks.

  “We need you to find information about the Dragons.” Dalson said. I haven't heard much about the Dragons.

  “How did you get on the Dragons bad side?” Erika asks with irritation.

  “They think we want their territory but we don't want it and we don't need it. Find out anything you can that could help us.” Dalson says with a smile.

  “Of course I tell what ever I find out.”

  “Erika how do you know about the Dragon?” Paul ask.

  “I met them a few times.” Why does that not surprise me.

  “How?” I
heard Devin’s voice so I turn around.

  “Kyle and I helped them out a few times.”

  “Wait my dad knew them too?” Erika nods her head.

  “What did you help out with?” I ask curiously.

  “With somethings that I can't talk about you know how it goes.” We all nod our heads in agreement.

  “Pauly will you play with me?” Emily asks. He smiles down at her.

  “Of course I will.” Paul carries her to the play area. Turning my head to look at them both and they are having fun and laughing together. Seeing Paul with my daughter does something to my body and heart that I can't explain.

  “Alright Marco hand me my daughter.” I turn to Devin and smile. I kiss Melissa head then give her to Devin.

  “You should go over there and play with them.” Devin whispers into my ear. I look at him and he smiles at me while pushing me towards them. I shake my head knowing what he's trying to do. I start walking towards them, it's time to stop fighting and to start getting what I want. I sit next to Paul on the floor. He glances my way with a smirk on his face, it all started with that sexy smirk of his that makes my body burn with heat and makes me want to rip off all his clothes and kiss every inch of his body.

  “Who's winning?” I ask.

  “Emily, she’s really good with cards.” I smile.

  “I've noticed, she got that from her mother and me.” Paul nods his head.

  “I'm not surprised you are good with cards.”

  “Mom said that you met by playing cards.” Emily smiles up at me.

  “Yes we were playing poker when I met her, she was very good I almost lost to her.” Paul puts his hand on my lap and a shiver went up by spine the good kind that makes you want to fuck him in every way possible. Playing a few more rounds of goldfish I saw Emily yawn and it's a perfect time for a nap.

  “How about that nap Emily?”

  “I want to keep on playing with you and Paul.” Emily says with a sad tone.

  “We can always play cards Emily all you have to do is ask your dad to call me.”

  “Okay. Will you stay until I fall asleep?” Emily ask.

  “Of course I will.” Paul says with a smile. I pickup Emily and she wraps her arms around my neck. We walk into my room, Paul closes the door while I put Emily on the bed then cover her up in the blanket. Paul walks over and kisses Emily forehead. Paul grabs the chair he always sit in when he used to come and visit me. As her eyes close she has a beautiful smile on her face that makes me want to smile even more.

  “You have a beautiful daughter Marco.” I turn to face Paul and smile.

  “Thank you. Emily is the best thing that's ever happened to me.” Paul gets up from the chair and stands right in front of me, I'm rooted right to the spot.

  “I can tell. Since I have been back I've noticed a change in you, a good change and I'm enjoying seeing it. You look more happy and brighter than the last time I saw you before I left.”

  “Yeah Emily is like Erika a bit she’s the light in the darkness.” Paul smiles as he nods his head in agreement.

  “I agree with you on that, she's a special girl and I'm glad I was able to meet her.”

  “I'm glad to. She loves you, you know that right?” I ask.

  “I know, and I love her just as much. Having two kids in my life is a nice change. Maybe there will be more in the future.”

  “What do you mean by that last comment?” My curiosity is at a high with that comment.

  “Just that hopefully there will be more kids from us all and hopefully one of my own.”

  “You want a baby?” I raised an eyebrow, now I'm picturing us raising two kids. Fuck me.

  “Yeah I want one or two.”

  “I hope you can get that one day. It's a lot of joy having a child.”

  “Do you want another child?”

  “I do, but I'm going to wait to be with the right person that will want to help me raise my daughter and love her as if she was their own.”

  “You don't have to look far.” Fuck. Just the thought of Paul and I together raising our children is like being in heaven.

  “Do you have someone in mind?” I ask holding my breath for his answer. Paul leans forward and our lips touch. I gasp and Paul used that for his advantage he slips his tongue into my mouth and our tongues touch and I moan. Paul grabs my waist and pulls me to his body and I can feel his erection on my stomach and my cock twitches. Paul slides his tongue on my tongue then the inside of my cheek. Paul breaks the kiss and I look into his eyes and I can see the heat and the want in his dark brown eyes. His phone goes off, he grabs his phone out of his pocket and looks at it.

  “I have to go.” He walks towards the door but I grab his hand to stop him.

  “Wait. Did you mean what you just said?”

  “Of course I did. I love you, Emily is apart of you why would I not love her as well?” Paul kisses me.

  “Think about it.” Paul opens the door and leaves. I'm so fucked.


  Dealing with a sick child sucks ass, there is nothing I can do for her. I wish I could just take it all away. She hasn't been sleeping so I haven't been sleeping, I finally got her to eat some soup with crackers today. That was my goal for the day get Emily to eat something she hasn't eaten in three days. Every time she tried she puked it up, like I said dealing with sick kids suck ass. Storm and Rain walk in the house with some bags from the store.

  “How's my niece doing?” Storm ask.

  “She finally ate today.”

  “That's good. Did the fever go down?” Rain ask.

  “Not much.”

  “We got more soup and crackers, Tylenol for kids and other stuff.”

  “Thanks guys.”

  “Not a problem.” They said in unison. I pick Emily up and take her into her bedroom. As I place Emily on her bed her eyes open. Fuck me.

  “Hi princess how are you feeling?”

  “Sick my head hurts.” I laid down next to her and she puts her head on my chest.

  “I'm sorry princess, I wish I could make you feel better.”

  “Daddy when are we going to see Paul?” I couldn't help but to smile at her question.

  “Once you get better.”

  “Daddy you should make him stay with us. Mommy always said once you find a person that you love you shouldn’t let them go. And that love is love no matter what their gender is. And two men is just like a man and a female, and so is two females. Paul loves you daddy I just know he does you need to make him stay. Stay with us.” As her voice fades her eyes close again and she goes back to sleep.

  “Emily is right you know.” I turn my head to see Storm at the door.

  “I know. Her mother raised her very well.”

  “Yes she did now it's your turn to prove to Emily that her mom was right. It's your turn to raise that beautiful daughter of yours and to teach her that once you love someone to never let them go. We learned the hard way, she doesn't have to.” Storm say with a smile.

  “She obviously doesn't have a problem with having two dad’s.” Storm says with a smirk as he walks away. Feeling my phone vibrate I take my phone out of my pocket, I saw the screen and smiled.

  Paul- Hey I was wondering if you are ignoring me because of what I said the other day?

  Marco- No I'm not ignoring I'm sorry I haven't been able to message you lately. Emily is sick, she hasn't been sleeping that much so I haven't either I try to sleep when she does.

  Paul- Poor Emily do you want me to come over I can look after her while you get some sleep.

  Marco- I would like that and so would Emily she has been asking when she can see you.

  Paul- I'll be there soon.

  Looking at my phone I smile. I laid down on the couch and start to drift off to sleep. Hearing a knock on the door I get off the couch and walk towards the door. I open the door and smile when I see Paul.

  “You look like you haven't slept in days.” Paul says as he walks inside my house.

hing like that.” I told him. I walk over to Emily’s room and peek inside. I feel Paul behind me, I turn my head and he smiles.

  “Go get some sleep.” Paul grabs my hand and walks me into my room.

  “Emily’s medicine is on my dresser just in case she wakes up and I know she will.”

  “Okay I'll take care of it. Go to sleep.” Hearing Emily crying I shot up out of bed.


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