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Page 5

by Delia Petrano

  “Go back to sleep I’ll take care of her.” I nod my head a few seconds later she has stopped and I'm not surprised at all.

  Waking up I felt a warm body next to me, I turn my head and Paul is next to me with Emily in his arms. This is a beautiful sight to see. I grab my phone and take a picture of them sleeping. I look at the time and it's ten o’clock. It was nice having Paul here and getting some sleep.

  Paul moves a little then opens his eyes looking right at me and he smiles.

  “Good morning.” I tell him.

  “Good morning.” He says with a smile.

  “How many times did you have to wake up?” I ask him.

  “Twice. Emily woke up at seven, the second time I gave her some medicine and brought her in here with us.”

  “Thank you for coming over.” I kiss his cheek and he smiles at me.

  “Not a problem, she was very happy to see me.”

  “I have no doubt about that.” I lay back down and Paul puts his arm around me then kisses my head.

  “Thank you for having me over.” I nod my head then close my eyes. I feel so comfortable I could just fall back to sleep.


  Taking out my cell phone I send a message to Marco.

  Paul- Hey are you and Emily busy today?

  Marco- No we are free why?

  Paul- I was think we could go to the lake that's if you're comfortable with Emily being in Devil’s Territory.

  Marco- Of course I am. We will see you soon.

  Paul- Great see you soon and don't forget to put a bathing suit on Emily and yourself as well. I will pick you up soon.

  Marco- Alright.

  Grabbing my car keys off the table. When I got to the door Dalson walks in.

  “Hey I’ll be out for the day.”

  “Going to hang out with Marco and Emily?” Dalson asks with a smile.

  “Yes I am.”

  “That's good have fun.”

  “We will.” Getting into the car I drive to Marco’s place. As I got out of the car Emily runs straight towards me, I bend down and pick her up.

  “Pauly I'm ready for our day out.” I smile at Emily she looks excited for our day.

  “Where is daddy?”

  “Right here.” I turn my head to see Marco smiling at us and he looks beautiful. I put Emily in the car seat and buckle her up. Getting in the car I look over to Marco and he has a smile on his face and it’s one of my favorite things to see.

  “There’s a lake in your territory?”

  “Yeah not a lot of people know about it. We found the lake when we were kids. It was a place we always went to when we wanted to get away and just have fun. Only five people know about it and now you do as well.”

  “You guys had a secret hideout.”

  “Something like that.”

  “Thank you for bringing Emily and me to your hideout.”

  “I trust you plus I thought it would be fun to get out and do something.”

  “Thank you, I’ve been busy so I haven’t been able to take Emily out.”

  “You’re welcome.” When we got to the lake I took Emily out of the car. I put her on the ground and Marco grabs her hand while I take out the cooler. Emily grabs my hand, I look down at her then up to Marco. He has that beautiful smile on his face that I love. When we got close to the water I look at Marco there is a sparkle in his eyes that I haven't seen before, I hope I get to see that more often.

  “Wow this place is beautiful.” Marco says with a smile.

  “I'm glad you like it. Emily do you like it?”

  “I love it I want to go in but I can't swim.”

  “It's okay I will teach you.” I told her and she was that beautiful smile just like her dad, she looks very excited. I the blanket on the ground than put the cooler on it. I took off my shirt and I saw Marco glance at me while he was helping Emily take off her clothes. Emily had her bathing suit under her clothes. Marco takes off his shirt and I couldn't help but to stare at him. He is sexy as sin and I just want to run my tongue from his pelvis to his chest.

  “Are you ready Emily?”

  “Yes I'm ready.” She lifts her arms up and I picked her up. Marco leans into me.

  “Do you like what you see.” Marco whispers into my ear and it sends a shiver down my spine. I glance at Marco and he has a smirk on his face. I walk into the water with Emily in my arms.

  “Emily are you ready to learn how to swim?”

  “Yes, I'm ready.”

  “You move your arms there's two different ways, but I think you should do it in circle motions and while you are doing that you have to kick your feet.”

  “Okay can you show me?”

  “Of course.” I give Emily to Marco.

  “Watch me.” I move my arms in a circular motion as I kick my feet, I swim a little further out then back to them.

  “Alright Emily do you want to try it now?”

  “Yes, but don't leave me.”

  “Wouldn't think of it.” Marco hold Emily while I moved away a little.

  “Okay Emily swim to me. Daddy is going to hold you the whole time until you get use to it.” Emily nods her head. We were swimming for awhile but I notice Emily is getting tired.

  “Emily do you want a sandwich?”

  “Yes please.” We got out of the water and I wrapEmily in a towel. I went into the cooler and got us all sandwiches and a juice. After we eat Emily falls asleep. I grab another blanket from the car and cover Emily.

  “Thanks for taking us out today we both had a great time today.”

  “You're welcome I had a great time as well. Emily is a quick study I think she will be swimming in no time.”

  “Yeah she picks up stuff quickly.” I look up at the sky when I felt something on my lap I look down to see Marco’s head on my lap. I lean down and kiss him, Marco puts his hands on my face to bring me closer to him. Marco slides his tongue into my mouth and I moan, he tastes so damn good. When I break the kiss Marco has a smile on his face.

  “What are you smiling about?” I ask curiously.

  “Nothing really. This just feels nice I don't have a worry in the world in this exact moment.” I smile down at him then kiss his forehead.

  “You don't need to worry about anything Marco I got you and Emily.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes, I got you both.” I lean in and kiss him again.

  “I got you too Pauly.”

  “Good, are you ready to go home?”

  “Yeah we should get Emily home.” I slowly grab Emily then put her in the car while Marco puts the cooler in the car. When I got into my car Marco head leans back on the head rest. As I'm driving I feel a hand on my thigh I glance over at Marco and he has a smirk on his face. His hand slowly moves up my thigh. Marco squeezes my cock and I moan.

  “Marco don't start something you can't finish.” He laughs.

  “Who says I can't finish what I just started?”

  “We are in a car with your daughter in the back seat.”

  “Point made. Rain check.”

  “I'm going to keep you to that.” When we get to the house Emily wakes up. I open the door and Storm was sitting on the couch. Emily runs then jumps on him.

  “Hey love bug did you have fun today?” Storm says to Emily.

  “Yes Paul is teaching me how to swim.”

  “That's great, you need to take a bath now.”

  “Bubble bath uncle Storm.”

  “Right what was I thinking?” Storm gets up and takes Emily to the bathroom. Marco walks over to me with a smile on his face.

  “Thanks again for today I had a great time.”

  “I did to maybe we can do this again just the two of us.”

  “I like the sound of that. Do you want to spend the night?”

  “I would love to but I have somethings I have to do.”

  “I understand, but say goodbye to Emily before you leave.” I walked into the bathroom Emily was playing with the bubbles.

ily I have to go sweet pea I will see you later.”

  “Do you have to go?”

  “Yes I do there something I have to do but I will see you soon.”

  “Okay.” I kiss her head. I walk over to Marco and give him a kiss goodbye.


  Getting into my car I hear my phone ding, taking my phone out of my pocket I saw Dalson’s name on the screen.

  Dalson- When are you coming home we need to talk.

  Paul- I'll be home in an hour is everything okay?

  Dalson- To be honest I don't really know.

  Paul- Okay I'll be there soon brother.

  I put my phone back in my pocket then start driving. I hope everything is okay I have a bad feeling about all of this I just don't know what it can be. Making a right turn I got blindsided my head hits the steering wheel and I feel blood running down my face. As my vision starts getting blurry I hear someone then everything goes black.

  Waking up I can’t move, I look around the room and I don’t see anything. Why the fuck am I tied to a chair? The door opens and three men walk in, they walk closer to me. You gotta be kidding me the Clarks.

  “Why the hell am I here?”

  “My brothers and I want our money back.” What the fuck are they talking about?

  “I don’t have your money dip shit.”

  “Frank owes us money and we want it back.” Unfuckingbealivable the prick is dead and he is still causing me problems.

  “Sorry to break it to you but, Frank is dead.”

  “I don’t care I want my money.”

  “Well guess what I don’t have your fucking money now let me go.” I demand.

  “That’s not happening, not until I get my money.”

  “You’re making a big mistake here Mr. Clark you know you want make it out of here alive.” The oldest brother punches me. I taste blood, I spit on the floor.

  “You are going to pay for that you son of a bitch.” He punches me again.

  “I’m going to leave you alone for a bit maybe you will be smart and give me my money.” Once they leave I start messing with the rope that binds my hands. Why the hell did Frank have anything to do with the Clarks? They are not important or anything. None of this makes any sense then again this is Frank he always did stupid shit. By now Dalson knows something is wrong I hope he doesn’t tell Marco about this little issue, but knowing Dalson he will for the fact that I’m missing and the first place he will check is the Scorpion Bar thaen ask Erika for help. What a fucking mess and it’s always fucking Frank’s fault. The door opens and the middle brother came in alone, great this is going to be fun.

  “Where my money?” They sound like a broken record.

  “I don’t have your fucking money.”

  “Wrong answer.” He takes out his knife from his pocket then cuts my arm.

  “If you keep on pissing me off the cuts get worse got it?”

  “Go fuck yourself. You don’t scare me I have been through worse.” He cuts my other arm but deeper this time, I guess he didn’t like my answer.

  “I feel sorry for you.”

  “Why’s that?” He asks with a concern look on his face and he should be concerned.

  “Because once my brothers find me you are a dead man.”

  “You don’t have any brothers so nice try.”

  “Just because they aren’t my blood doesn’t mean shit, plus we are the Devils we don’t play nice with others unless they are family and you now have two MC’s on your ass now. Kidnapping me was your biggest mistake I promise you on that.” He stabs my leg with his knife and leaves it there. He slams the door close and I hear him arguing with his brothers. I seriously don’t know why people decide to kidnap a MC member it’s stupid it’s like you're asking to die or something. Frank is so lucky he’s already dead, I would kick his ass then kill him for getting me into his shit. As I’m still messing with the rope I feel it loosen a bit. They better pray that the guys kill them quickly because once I get out of these their deaths will be slow and painful.


  Looking at the picture Storm just sent me of Emily playing in the park she looks like she’s having a blast. If it wasn't for my brothers I don't know what I would have done with all of this. I love having Emily with me all the time, but I can't always take her to work; she needs to have some fun like a normal little girl. Even though I know she is not a normal girl the guys say it all the time. Emily is a Scorpion and she is going to be a handful but I will enjoy watching her grow up just not too damn fast.

  The door swings open when I look up I saw Dalson who looks like his out of breath. Devin walks over to him.

  “Please tell me Paul is here.” Dalson says with a worried tone.

  “No he's not, what's going on?” Devin asks.

  “He's missing.” My heart drops.

  “What the fuck do you mean he's missing?” That's when Storm walks in with Emily in his arms isn't that just perfect timing.

  “Is Pauly okay?” Fucking hell.

  “Yeah princess he's fine he's just busy with something. Emily go play with uncle Rain.” Rain picks her up and takes her to the back.

  “What the fuck is going on Dalson?” I demand.

  “I don't know he was suppose to be home an hour and half ago he's not picking up his phone and that's not normal he always picks up his phone.”

  “How the hell could you let this happen?” I yell.

  “This is not my fault Marco do you think I'm not as much worried about him as you? Shit I’m even more worried about Paul, he is my brother, he's been with me since day fucking one. This has never happened before.” I sigh.

  “I'm sorry I shouldn't have blamed you.”

  “It's okay you're worried, I'm worried. We will get him back no matter what.”

  “Who do you think has him?” Erika asks.

  “Maybe the Dragons we have been having some problems with them lately.”

  “I don't think it's them but we are sure as hell going to ask if they know anything about it. And before any of you try to stop me I'm going I'm your best chance on getting any information just for the face that I know them.” Erika says with a strong tone.

  “I was hoping you would say that.” Dalson says with a small smile that is so fake you could see it a mile away. I can tell how worried he is I shouldn't have blamed him for this.

  “I'll be right back.” I told them. I walkover to Rain and place a big smile on my face to make sure Emily doesn't think something is wrong.

  “Hey Rain do mind watching Emily while we handle an issue?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Thanks Rain.”

  “Daddy is everything okay?” Emily asks with a worried look on her face. When Emily is worried about something she gets a cute wrinkle on her forehead.

  “Yes princess just something daddy has to take care of.” She nods her head I feel like she knows that I'm talking complete bullshit.

  “Okay daddy, bring Paul back home.” She’s too fucking smart for her age.

  “Will do princess.” I kiss her forehead and leave the room.

  “Lets go.” I told them. We get on our bikes and ride all the way to the Dragon’s compound. I hope things don't get out of hand, we don't have time for that crap. I swear to god if he's hurt in any way they are dead, all fucking dead. I get off my bike when I started to walk Erika stops me.

  “Why did you just stop me?”

  “Because you look like you are about to kill someone and that’s not what we are here for. Let me do the talking and I’m not just talking to you Marco on this it’s to all of you.”

  “Fine.” Erika walks in front of us, for a person who is in someone else's territory she’s very calm maybe it’s the fact that she knows them I guess. Erika knocks on the door and some guy answers it. He looks a little nervous.

  “How can I help you?” He asks calmly.

  “I’m here to see your President.” Erika says calmly.

  “He’s busy right now.”

/>   “Then get me the Vice President, I would like both. Just tell them Erika is here and she needs to talk to them.”


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