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Mine : You Can't Help Who You Fall In Love With... (The Winterburg Series Book 1)

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by Linzvonc

  I dried my eyes, forcing a smile as I turned to her. “I know, hormones, hey?”

  We got out of her car and walked up to the school, both stopping when I heard my name being called.

  “Gretchen, wait.”

  It was Krystal.

  She tottered over to me in her high heels and I tried not to groan out loud. All I could see was her removing the cigarette from Cal’s lips before she kissed him, and it twisted my stomach with agony and jealousy.

  “What do you want, Krystal?” I folded my arms with annoyance as Sienna left us to it.

  As usual, Krystal had on a super short mini dress, and a full face of makeup. She was a pretty girl underneath it all; she didn’t need it.

  “So, I don’t like you. You don’t like me, I hope not anyway,” she made a face as she flicked her hair. “But we need to swap partners for Psych. They’ve partnered me with some loser, and I see they have partnered you with my boyfriend.”

  I glared at her with disbelief, unable to disguise my jealousy.

  “Cal is your boyfriend?”

  She laughed in my face before smiling smugly.

  “What do you call someone who you spend most of your time naked with, exploring each other’s bodies? Yes, dumbass, he is my boyfriend. So, we are swapping partners. Have a nice life.”

  She stalked off, leaving me furious.

  How dare Krystal think she can order me around?

  Cal was my partner! We had already started working together, too. More to the point, Cal had said she wasn’t his girl. I clenched my fists as I trembled with rage. I was about to storm into school when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

  “Hey, baby.”

  It was Luke, his handsome face creased with worry. “Are you okay? What’s up with Krystal?” His eyes followed Krystal with a strange expression on his face before he looked back at me. “You haven’t answered my texts or calls?”

  I blinked at him, only half-listening.

  “Sorry Luke, I’m just tired... and you know Krystal, always dependable to be a bitch.”

  He reached up to kiss me as I stepped back, pointing towards the school as a way of explanation.

  “I can’t babe, I need to get to class, I’m already late...”

  He frowned and looked at me suspiciously.

  “Can we talk later, Luke?” I called over my shoulder, turning on my heel, as I hurried into school, not waiting for his answer. I ran down the corridor, despite the signs reminding me it was banned.

  The day passed in a blur until I received a text from Luke asking me to meet him by the bleachers after school.

  I knew I couldn’t avoid Luke much longer, with the dance being tonight. I made my way to the bleachers, finding him fresh from football practice. He was all sweaty and gorgeous, making me feel guilty for being such an awful girlfriend, but what could I do?

  I can’t help how I feel.

  “Here you are,” he said happily, tugging me into his arms. “What time shall I pick you up for the dance later?”

  Why was it annoying me that he assumes we are going together?

  Of course, we would be; we were a couple, after all.

  “Is seven good?” he murmured, tilting my head up to kiss my lips softly. “Are you okay?”

  I noticed Krystal and Cal sitting on the bleachers behind him, leaning back against the bench whilst Krystal ran her hands down his chest, whispering in his ear.

  His presence alone left me breathless, and the familiar zing of electricity travelled through my body at the thought of him watching me.

  His aviators hid his eyes so I couldn’t see where he was looking; I just hoped he wasn’t watching us—how awkward. I forced a smile as I moved my gaze back to Luke.

  “I just need to relax, I think. Tonight, will be good for me. Can we enjoy the night with no pressure or questions?”

  “Of course, baby. I’ll meet you at seven. Can’t wait to see what you’re wearing.”

  He winked and patted my ass as I walked away.

  I couldn’t help but notice Cal was now alone, as Krystal leaned forward talking to her little posse. There’s no doubt now that his eyes were on me, and he didn’t seem pleased. I avoided his gaze and moved back towards school, refusing to allow him to make me feel guilty.

  It’s not like I’m his girlfriend.

  Chapter Eight


  Later that evening, I made my way downstairs, trying not to trip in my heels. I lifted the green dress up as I walked, as Luke studied me with a low whistle.

  My Dad sent him a sharp glare, causing Luke to straighten up and smile politely. My Mom then insists on taking a million photos, and I posed, a fake smile plastered across my face.

  "Guys please, I just want to go..." I groaned, sending Luke a desperate look as he held his hands up by a way of apology.

  "Sorry, Mr. & Mrs. Red, ladies orders."

  They both smiled and wished us a great evening, whilst I promise to be back at a reasonable time. The drive to the dance was silent, neither of us saying much to the other; which wasn’t like us.

  We pulled up outside as Luke turned to me, his eyes searching mine as he took my hands in his.

  "Babe, just have a good night tonight. I’ll be there whenever you want me, okay"

  I smiled gratefully, and we made our way into the dance. They’d decorated the hall beautifully, and as we stepped in, my heels sank into the plush carpet that welcomed us.

  I spotted Rosie standing with Hal, a boy from our history class. We made our way over to them as I embraced her tightly.

  "Babe you look sensational!" I breathed. She really did: her hair was worn poker straight, her curvaceous body hugged by a full-length black dress with red slits, exposing her gorgeous legs. Her chocolate brown eyes were surrounded by smoky black glitter, whilst her lips painted a deep red.

  "Wow," I said, as she beamed at me.

  "You think so? You look amazing as usual."

  Hal excuses himself to get us drinks when Ethan & Sienna turn up beside us. Poor guy—I could only guess he didn’t feel too comfortable around people he didn’t know too well.

  Sienna looked gorgeous in a glitzy gold dress showing off her shiny red hair and tanned skin. Ethan couldn’t take his eyes away from her, and she returned his heated gaze.

  It was typical for them to be this loved up, but I was relieved when Luke and Finn joined us, the latter appearing to be without a date.

  "Girls, who wants to dance with me?" Finn held his arms open, his eyes on Rosie. "Rosie, you look incredible." His face changed as he stared at her, and he held his hand out to her. "May I have this dance?"

  He didn’t wait for a response, his hand lacing with Rosie’s, walking to the dance floor as she obediently followed him.

  Sienna pressed a glass into my hand, whispering, "Down that, I popped some vodka in to make it work quicker," she winked at me and I struggled to drink it. It tasted like rocket fuel.

  As the night went on, I searched the dance floor for Cal. I knew he wouldn’t come— dances didn’t seem his thing.

  I remember Krystal’s words about her relationship with him, and I knocked back the entire drink, signalling to Sienna for another. Hal was stood on the side, watching Rosie and Finn with annoyance, who seemed to be close on the dance floor some ten songs later.

  Sienna nudged me, nodding at Krystal across the room. "Look at her."

  I followed her eyes to see Krystal standing on the side of the dance floor looking pissed off. "I wonder where her date is?" I mused, fishing for information from Sienna.

  "Well," Sienna slurred, "rumour has it she hasn’t got one."

  I looked back with surprise at Krystal, who is now speaking to Ray, another one of the football players. "It won’t bother her for long," I remarked.

  I searched for Luke, finding him dancing with Wes and Grey, two of his friends, as they tried to make the floss seem sexy.

  I couldn’t bring myself to watch.

  My phone vibrated in my
bag, and I pulled it out curiously, to see it was a text from Cal. My heart was in my mouth as I scanned the room.

  Where was he?

  I opened the text, my heart thumping in my chest when I read it.


  Come outside.

  Chapter Nine


  Oh, my God.

  I spun around, catching Sienna’s eyes as she lifted her brows at me. I mouthed to her, ‘I’ll be right back’, and she beamed at me before moving her attention back to Ethan.

  I stopped for a second, watching as Ethan dipped his head to hers, whispering things in her ear that made her throw her head back with laughter, the smug grin on his face showing how close they were. I swallowed down my envy, casting a glance at Luke, who was now doing some kind of peacock dance with his buddies.

  My heart raced in my chest as I pushed through the throng of bodies, perfume and aftershave clogging my airwaves. The music faded behind me, and I sucked in the cool air, pulling my bag under my arm. I had to address the reason I was out here when my boyfriend was inside.

  What does Cal want?

  I glanced around, seeking him out. My heels clicked on the tiled pathway as I scanned the area for him, wrapping my arms around my chest as I shivered in the chilly air.

  My eyes locked onto the silhouette of a figure leaning against a tree in the distance, in his usual jeans and t-shirt combo. My body relaxed as I walked over, offering him a polite smile.

  His gaze travelled along the floor between us until it reached me, and my core tightened when he gave me a dark stare that told me he wasn’t playing games.

  The closer I got, I noticed my heart drumming in my chest, my body shivering not only from the cold, but from his heated gaze.

  “You look… beautiful. How is it going in there?” he murmured, his electric green eyes piercing into mine.

  This wasn’t the behaviour I expected from someone’s boyfriend.

  His gaze journeyed down my body, stopping once he reached my hips. His eyes travelled back up to my eyes, and he stepped closer to me.

  Being so attracted to him is painful.

  If Cal asks me, I’ll leave with him right now.

  I recalled Krystal’s words from earlier that day, and I scowled, fixing him with a cool stare.

  “Krystal isn’t happy,” I held my chin up. “She wants to swap psych partners. According to her, you should be hers and I should be with whoever they have given her.”

  My voice deceived me, showing the jealousy that raced through every fibre of my being. Being this close to him made me want to melt into his arms and ask him to take me home.

  “Is that right?” he said, studying my face as I tried not to react. “I don’t think that would be the best course of action, do you? I think we are good together. So, fuck Krystal.”

  Tingles shot all over my body when he said the word ‘together’. I knew he was referring to being stupid partners, but a trickle of excitement ran through me. I was beyond rationality when it came to Cal.

  “That’s your job, I gather,” I folded my arms as I stared at him with what I hoped was utter disgust, and he frowned at me in confusion. I couldn’t help being so fucking juvenile.

  I’m jealous.

  “It isn’t my job. I haven’t fucked her,” his eyes flashed at me, his hands dangerously close to mine.

  Please let it be true. I can’t imagine him doing that with her. I don’t want to imagine him doing it with anyone else.

  “What you do, and who you do it with is not my business, Cal, let’s be honest here,” I pointed out as he studied me with an intensity that made me shiver. I moved back again, creating more distance between us.

  The bark of the tree brushed against my back, and I exhaled to calm my senses, which were in overdrive. He reached out, his fingers moving my hair from my face as his eyes followed the action. His gaze flickered back to me, and he gave me a lazy smile that set my ovaries on fire.

  The rain poured around us, tiny droplets at first, becoming heavier by the second. I glanced up at the sky with a groan. “I can’t get wet!” I wailed, my eyes searching for shelter from the rain.

  Cal put his hands either side of me on the bark of the tree, pinning me in place. My eyes locked onto his as a nervous laugh escaped my lips.

  I should stop him, ask him to move, but I did nothing. The words wouldn’t come.

  His warm hand slid around my waist, tugging me close to him.

  “What was it you said?” His breath was close to my ear, his masculine scent driving me crazy. His thumb repeated a pattern on the bare skin on my back, and I tried to summon the words to put a stop to this.

  “Cal—” I stammered, my eyes drinking his in as he spoke.

  “I want to kiss someone in the rain, someone to push me against a wall, kiss me hard and pull my hair to the point of pain. I want to want someone so much they are all I think about,” he quoted what I had said yesterday—word for word.

  My heart stopped.

  His face was close to mine, his lips hovering above my own as sparks of electricity flew between us.

  “Let me be of some assistance here.”

  His body was against mine, my bare skin prickling from the roughness of the bark on my back. I moaned with zero resistance as his lips pressed against mine, his tongue exploring my mouth slowly at first, as though he was testing the water to see what I wanted.

  His hands laced with mine against the tree, and I gave into him. My knees almost gave way from the way he was kissing me, but for love or money would I have moved.

  I was lost in the moment.

  The fantasies I’d had were crushed by reality.

  I kissed him back, my body screaming for his touch.

  He pulled away, my mouth following his until he rested his forehead on mine, allowing our eyes to meet. He gave me that crooked smile, and he kissed me again, softer than before.

  He moved his mouth to my neck, dotting soft, fervent kisses along my throat as his hands moved, one slipping around my waist, the other cupping my chin as he moved further down to my collarbone.

  I swore if he hadn’t been holding my hands up, I’d have melted into a puddle of desire on the floor.

  I’ve never felt like this; ever.

  He breaks away from me again, and this time I’m met with his deep green stare.

  I tried to speak, but it was impossible.

  Cal moved my curls back from my neck and traced his finger along my collarbone, following the journey of his lips, my skin still sparking with fire from his kisses. All the while he gazed at me with a heated expression.

  “I can’t stop thinking about you, Raven.”

  My heart was going to explode out of my chest. He tugged me towards him, his fingers running down my back as I shivered.

  “Are you cold?” he asked, shrugging his jacket off.

  I allowed my eyes to skim over his brawn, his veiny, tanned forearms. He draped the jacket around my shoulders, his body heat still radiating from the material. I tugged it around me gratefully, as he pulled me towards him by the collar of the jacket with a smirk.

  “Is that better?”

  “Yes, thank you,” I breathed, as he lifts my fingers to his lips and kisses them softly.

  “I know what I’m about to say is wrong, but it doesn’t feel like it,” Cal murmured, gazing at me with such intensity I forgot my own name. “I want you to come home with me, right now.”

  The air left my body in a whoosh at his words, and I held onto him as I closed my eyes.

  His lips brushed against mine, his smoky yet addictive breath in my mouth as our tongues met. His hands skimmed the flesh below my dress, his fingers flickering against the soft skin of my inner thigh.

  My breath hitched in my throat, and he stopped, dropping his hand from the place I wanted him to be so badly.

  “This is what you are used to,” I whispered, as he slammed his hands on the tree, my eyes widening with surprise.

  “No, it isn’t
— trust me. I can’t get you out of my fucking mind. I’ve tried.”

  His confession made me smile stupidly, and all reason left my mind.

  Except for one.

  “I’m with Luke,” I said, my fingernails dug into my palms as tears threatened to spill down my cheeks.

  His eyes hardened. His finger grazed against my jaw as he tilted my head up. I gazed at him, knowing that I couldn’t fight this; whatever it was. He dropped his lips to mine, and my hands laced around his neck, our mouths meeting fervently.

  “Walk away then,” Cal muttered against me, loosening his grip. I shook my head, my hands resting on his biceps. His eyes flickered with annoyance, and he shrugged. “Go, Gretchen. Back to your boyfriend, who you don’t love.”

  “What’s the alternative? I spend the night with his cousin?” I shot back, pursing my lips. “I’m not that kind of girl, Cal.”

  “The alternative is you come home with me,” he said darkly, turning to gaze at me. “Because you can’t deny this,” his finger moved between us in a beckoning fashion, and my heart hammered in my chest at the movement.

  He stepped forward, his eyes on mine the entire time. “Does he make you feel like I do?” Cal demanded, raising his eyebrows.

  I folded my arms around myself, hugging my wet clothes to my body.

  Cal knew that Luke didn’t make me feel like he did.

  No one did, and I’m convinced no one ever will again.

  “No,” I admitted, stepping closer to him. “But I’m not just leaving with you, Cal. I don’t even know you.”

  I raised my hand to cup his cheek, and he lifted his hand up to capture my palm with his lips, tugging me towards him.

  “Then get to know me,” he said, as I closed my eyes. “Unless you say no, I’m going to fucking keep kissing you.”

  I lifted my mouth to his, knowing that I was powerless to resist Cal Fallon. When I kissed him, I knew it was over with Luke and me. I risked it all to be with this man who I barely knew.

  “I’m going to hell,” I whispered as he chuckled against my lips.

  “You can ride there with me,” his lips teased mine as we gave in to one another. “You coming home with me, Raven?”


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