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Mine : You Can't Help Who You Fall In Love With... (The Winterburg Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Linzvonc


  Where are we going tonight? Need to know how to dress…!


  Dress however the fuck you like—you won’t be wearing it long. We are going somewhere nice; I promise.

  I had butterflies in my tummy as I read it.

  Rosie rolled her eyes. “They really do just think with their cocks, don’t they?”

  I shrugged, remembering that morning with a shiver. In the end we settled on a simple yet figure hugging black dress, the back exposed.

  Later that evening, I stared at myself in the mirror again, chewing on my lip as I waited for Cal to pick me up. I wore a diamante choker, and I had gone all the way with the makeup, going as far as to follow a tutorial on YouTube on ‘smoky eyes’ and nude lips. I’d just finished the lip liner on my lips as the buzzer rang.

  I squealed, grabbing my black fur-collared jacket. I carefully walked down the stairs in my heels, and tried not to slip.

  My Dad had answered the door and was standing at the bottom of the stairs talking with Cal, a relaxed expression on his face—clearly Mom had filled him in.

  I smiled as they broke off their conversation to watch me descend the stairs.

  Mom walked in from the kitchen, her eyes falling on me as she smiled in delight, her hands flying to her mouth as tears filled her eyes. I felt for them—they didn’t get to see me go to prom; this was as good as that to them.

  But it was Cal who took my breath away, his jaw dropping as he watched me stride towards him.

  “You look beautiful; I am a lucky man.”

  He was trying to behave in front of my parents, but as his eyes drank me in, I saw his thoughts were not that of a respectable man, more likely depraved.

  My father watched him, as did I.

  He wore a black suit that showed off his brawn to perfection, a crisp white shirt and skinny black tie completed his outfit. His long hair had been cut back to its previous length and slicked back, drawing attention to his chiselled jawline, which was now devoid of any hairs.

  He lifted my hand to his and kissed it softly, while his eyes remained on mine.

  My parents stood watching us, then my mom came over to kiss me on both cheeks. She whispered, “Be safe, and if you aren’t coming home, text me.”

  I looked at her in surprise and she winked, sliding an arm around my dad’s waist.

  “Have a good night honey and Cal, look after her.” My father raised his eyebrows at him as he said this, and Cal nodded his head.

  “Absolutely Mr. Red, you have my word.”

  My father crossed his arms and watched us leave, his chest puffed out with pride. We left into the chilly evening air as the door closed behind us.

  “Cal, you look amazing, can we just go to your place?” I murmured huskily as he held my hand, gesturing in front of him.

  “Or the back of this?”

  I followed his gaze to a sleek black limo stretched out in front of my house. I gasped, halting as I took it in. “A limo?!”

  Cal laughed, clearly pleased with my reaction.

  A driver stood at the door which he held open for me, holding his hand out as I climbed in.

  I’d never been in a limo before, and I couldn’t believe my eyes. I slid into a seat which curled its way from the door and around the length of the limo, a bar in front of that complete with champagne on ice.

  I turned to see a huge bouquet of roses lying next to the champagne, with a note attached.

  My heart thudded in my chest as Cal slid in the seat next to me, kissing my shoulders.

  “You look and smell good enough to eat.”

  He looked up at me then, following my gaze to the roses. He handed me the bouquet, and I reached for the note. I realized the limo was moving, and I squealed with excitement. I slid the note out and it simply read:


  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  The limousine sped through the streets of Winterburg as I sipped champagne in between kissing the most amazing man I had ever met.

  “Where are we going?” I uttered, glad I had gone with nude lips that evening, considering how much we were kissing.

  His lips curved into the smile I adored as he gazed back at me.

  How did I get this lucky?

  He was gorgeous, but also addictive on another thousand levels.

  He leaned back against the leather seat and ran a hand through his hair, the other entwined with mine.

  “Somewhere different. You missed prom so…” He shrugged, looking down.

  I rolled my eyes and savoured my champagne as the cold bubbles made their way down my throat. I can’t remember feeling this happy.

  Cal watched me, an unreadable expression on his face.

  “What?!” I giggled as I bit my lip.

  He dropped his finger over my knuckles before he lifted my hand to his handsome mouth. His green eyes found mine and an electric bolt shot through my body.

  I swore he had magical powers. There was no other explanation.

  Voodoo maybe?

  As I pondered this, the limousine slowed before coming to a halt. I stared at Cal as he smirked.

  The door opened, and the chauffeur held his hand out for me to get out. As I stepped out the wind met me, taking my breath away. I gasped when I realized we were at the marina.

  “Cal?!” I whirled around to him; my eyes wide as I searched his. “What are we doing at the marina?”

  He chuckled as he swung me around to face the direction behind me. “We’re spending the evening on that…” he nodded to a beautiful yacht in the near distance.

  It was lit up against the dark, and I squealed with excitement.

  He beamed at my reaction, grabbing my hand after tipping the limo driver.

  My heart thudded in my chest as I gawked at the yacht.

  Roses adorned the rails that surrounded the ramp, small lanterns lining the path to it. I went to walk on it but Cal stopped me, removing first my heels, then his shoes. I peered at him, puzzled, as he winked at me.

  “You need to take your shoes off before you walk aboard a yacht, my lady. It may damage the decks.”

  I was relieved I wouldn’t have to navigate the yacht in heels.

  I stepped up the slope and onboard.

  A girl in a crisp white shirt approached me, her hair swept up into an elegant French twist, and she handed me yet another icy glass of bubbles. I thanked her and spun around to take in my surroundings.

  Cal’s arms slipped around my waist as his lips brushed my neck. “Do you like it?” His voice trembled with uncertainty, very out of character for him.

  I rubbed his palm and whispered how much I loved it, and he led me by the hand to a table circled by more small lanterns, candles and even more roses.

  The chairs were soft, with at least room for three people on each side.

  I slid into one and Cal slipped in opposite me, his eyes twinkling with happiness.

  The attendant came over and we ordered our food: chicken for me and steak for Cal... and even more champagne.

  “You look amazing, Gretchen,” he breathed, as his eyes drank me in.

  I blushed, and he noticed, smiling further as he leaned back into his chair.

  The attendant poured more champagne and fluttered her eyelashes at Cal when he acknowledged her.

  “No problem, Sir,” she swung her hips as she sauntered away, casting a sly glance behind her to see if he was checking her out, though all she saw was my furious glare.

  “Does she want to offer to take you below?” I muttered, annoyed that she had the audacity to flirt with my boyfriend on our date.

  This was the trouble with being with someone as hot as Cal.

  He lifted his eyebrows and flashed me a wicked grin. “Now that is an idea. We should go below at some point, Raven,” he licked his lips suggestively and my face burned.

  It must have been the bubbly, because I was contemplating doing it.

  After dinner, Cal and I re
tired to the other end of the yacht and stared at the sky together, complete with a thick blanket to shield us from the cold.

  I couldn’t believe how many stars were visible; it was such a clear night.

  “It’s so beautiful,” I murmured.

  Cal pulled me towards him, our lips meeting with urgency as his mouth explored mine. I pulled his hair as he tugged me onto his lap. We kissed with raw passion, his lips biting mine as I moaned with desire. He pulled me further down onto him; the blanket covering us. Waves lapped the boat as it rocked, created the most wonderful moment. He pulled away from me and I groaned.

  “I think it’s time for a dance.”

  I frowned at him with a perplexed smile. “What? Here? But…”

  He lifted me to my feet. He turned, holding out his hand, which I took as I laughed to myself.

  At that point the lights on the yacht went out, and I gasped, moving closer to Cal, who muttered against my neck. “It’s okay.”

  I stared up at him, beaming. I stood in the dark beneath the stars, on a yacht, in a dress and bare feet, whilst Cal held me in his arms. He swayed with me to invisible music and tears pricked my eyes.

  I sniffed, and he tipped my head back to look at him.

  “I worship you, you know that? Nothing will ever tear us apart again,” his voice was strong yet sweet, his lips brushing against mine.

  “I adore you, too. So much.”

  Our mouths met as we danced under the stars.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I woke up the next morning naked in Cal’s arms.

  I looked up at him and watched as his lips moved with each breath, his chest rising and falling slowly.

  He looked as content as I felt.

  I peeled myself away from the warmth of the bed and made my way to the bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror, realising that my make-up from last night was still on. Much of it was on the pillow, too.

  I ran the water in the shower and waited until the temperature was hot enough to step into. I stepped into the steam as it covered my body, running my hands over my face and my hair as I hummed to myself. I washed my hair, massaging the conditioner in before I rinsed it out.

  I shivered when I remembered what Cal did for me last night. My smile was so wide, I thought my face would burst with happiness.

  I didn’t hear the footsteps that came into the bathroom and jumped out of my skin when I heard a deep voice.

  “Well, you must be the reason he isn’t answering any of my calls.”

  I gasped as I grabbed my towel from the top of the shower, my hands twisted at the taps to stop the water. Through the steam I saw a muscular man towering in the doorway, his eyes running over my body as he watched me with a lazy grin on his face. I gulped, wrapping the surrounding towel in horror.

  Who the hell is this?!

  Why is he staring at me like I am his breakfast?

  “What the fuck are you doing in my house?!” Cal growled, relief washing over me like a tidal wave when I heard his voice.

  The man continued to assault me with his eyes, as his hand moved to his belt.

  Oh, God.

  His depraved thoughts didn’t need to be said. The leer he gave me spoke volumes.

  “See, I was just telling this young lady here now I understand why you haven’t returned my calls,” his voice was thick with a New York accent and panic took over. My entire body shook in response to the situation.

  Cal pushed in front of him, creating a barrier between us.

  I cowered behind him as he barked at the stranger.

  “What the fuck is this, Andre?!”

  I hid behind Cal, my heart pounding in my chest so hard it vibrated around my entire being. I knew nothing would happen to me whilst Cal was there, but I was still out of my depth and it terrified me.

  Andre spoke again. “Let’s go downstairs. Let the girl...get dressed.”

  The man licked his lips, and I shuddered.

  Cal remained in place as the man stepped backwards out of the bathroom, his dark eyes flashing towards me, his eyes wide with fear, which made me nauseous. “Get dressed and don’t worry. You’re safe with me.”

  He kissed my head, his eyes fixed on mine, before he turned in the same direction the creepy Andre guy had gone.

  I grabbed a stray t-shirt and some jeans that were way too big for me, tugging them onto my damp body.

  I wanted to cry with frustration; I didn’t even have any clothes here that fit me. I found a hoodie and pulled it on, grateful for the larger size. My hair was dripping wet as heavy curls formed. I grabbed a towel and scrunched some moisture out, and I realized my hands were shaking.

  I tiptoed to the stairs and listened to the voices as best as I could.

  I heard the vibration of their voices, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying.

  All I could think of was what I was going to do if something happened to Cal.

  I screamed inwardly, desperately trying to calm myself down.

  How did we go from dancing on a yacht last night to hiding upstairs from a lecherous prick who had let himself into Cal’s house?

  I gripped the handrail as the voices got louder and less muffled.

  “If you had answered my calls, I wouldn’t have had to make this trip especially, Leo.”

  Leo?! Who the fuck was Leo?

  My heart punched in my chest.

  “I told you. This is all over now. What the fuck are you doing here?!” Cal demanded, his voice so cold it sent chills down my spine.

  “You can’t ignore what happened. Does your pretty little girlfriend know?” Andre sneered.

  “Don’t even mention her. Forget you ever saw her.” Cal warned.

  “It’s hard though; she is such a hot little thing. Remember the last little thing you had? I liked her a lot, too.”

  There was a loud bang before I heard Cal speak.

  “You come to my house, let yourself in, and fucking stare at my girlfriend in the shower?! You are one sick fuck!”

  Andre laughed. “But we are alike, are we not, Leo?” His voice was softer now.

  “No, we aren’t, we’re nothing alike.” Cal spat.

  I wanted to hold him back, but I knew I needed to stay upstairs.

  “You deserve to die,” Cal snarled. His voice was menacing. I had never heard him like that before, ever.

  “I’ll pay your little girlfriend a visit. Hopefully, she hasn’t got dressed; I much preferred her naked.”

  I gasped then, my feet sliding on the floor as I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. My heart pounded in my chest, my ears filled with the sound of rushing blood. Nausea filled my throat from pure fear. Tears streamed down my face as I heard footsteps racing up the stairs, followed by scuffles and hollering.

  “You are a weak little boy. She needs a man. When I have finished with you, I will make sure she knows what a man feels like.”

  His vile words made me retch, but I racked my brain thinking of what I could do. My phone wasn’t in the bathroom, and if I went out there, I’d be at risk.

  I couldn’t leave Cal though.

  That man was bigger than Cal and clearly fought dirty. I glanced around the bathroom, searching for anything I could use as a weapon.


  All I could see was bottles of shampoo and shower gel.

  Bangs from outside the door startled me, then a thud slammed against it.

  As sweat dripped down my back, my fight or flight kicked in.

  Fuck this.

  I opened the door gradually, peeking through the crack in the door; I couldn’t see anything. I opened the door more, and the crack expanded to allow me to see legs sprawled beside the bedroom door. I wept as I walked towards them, and I prayed they weren’t Cal’s.

  They weren’t moving.

  I walked forward, my hand over my mouth as I saw Andre.

  I recoiled at the blood that covered his face, and as I crept forward, I jumped at the sight of C
al leaned against the wall, his right eye swollen shut, his face purple with bruises. Andre had split Cal’s lip open, the blood trickled down his chin as he stared ahead.

  “Baby,” I whispered. He didn’t look at me; he didn’t even blink.“I'll call an ambulance, okay?” I looked around for my phone desperately, spotting it on the stand beside Cal’s bed as I ran over.

  “Don’t,” Cal hissed.

  I stared at him, stunned. “But—”

  “No. He needs to die, okay? I’ll explain. But he needs to.” His voice was eerily calm. He nodded towards his phone, which was on the floor near the bed. “Can you pass me that? I’m not sure I can move just yet.” He tried to smile and winced.

  My mind raced as I handed him his phone.

  What is going on?!

  The man was a rotten apple, but did he deserve to die?

  I slumped onto the floor against the bed, closing my eyes.

  Suddenly, Andre gurgled and coughed, and Cal’s eyes widened as he jumped up, roaring with pain as he did, his hand clapping over Andre’s mouth and nose.

  I froze, covering my eyes as Andre tried to fight Cal pointlessly. His eyes were wide as he tried to speak, but Cal stared at him as he leaned in close to his ear.

  “This is for Lucia, you sick fucker,” he spat in his face, as the light faded from Andre’s eyes. Cal didn’t remove his hands, pushing down repeatedly until he was sure he was dead.

  I choked out a sob then, and Cal whipped his head towards me, as though he’d just remembered I was there. He leaned back and reached for his phone as he beckoned me to his side.

  I shook my head.


  Cal made a call, his hands on his head. “Can I speak to Verno? It’s Leo.”

  I stared at him, a million questions in my head.

  Leo Cape?

  Was this his name?

  His real name?

  I closed my eyes and tried to breathe.

  I was sitting in a room with a corpse who moments before was going to kill my boyfriend before doing unthinkable things to me.

  Cal didn’t have a choice. Well, Leo didn’t.

  My head spun as I realized I had zero grip on reality.


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