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Mine : You Can't Help Who You Fall In Love With... (The Winterburg Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Linzvonc

  I listened as Cal explained to Verno that Andre is dead, and that he needed someone to remove him.

  Remove him?

  A fresh wave of nausea swept over me as the room spun; was I now an accessory to murder?

  Cal hung up as he crawled over to me, my hands in his blood-stained ones. “I will tell you everything. Just please listen to me.”

  My hands shook uncontrollably, but I nodded, desperate for him to shed some light on what the hell has just happened.

  “Okay,” Cal took a deep breath. “First, we need to get out of here. Let me clean myself up.”

  He stood, grimacing as he did. I helped him to the shower as he washed away the blood. Deep black bruises appeared on his ribs and chest, and my heart ached. He winced as he washed, but he was soon out drying himself. He dressed with my help, and as we stepped over the body of Andre, Cal drew me close to him. We made our way downstairs and outside to his car.

  Chapter Twenty-nine


  “You’re leaving him there?!” I stared at him aghast.

  He nodded and reversed down the drive and onto the road before speeding away.

  “Text your parents. We have to talk without interruptions,” he commanded, and I shot off a text to my Mom.

  I had texted her last night to gush about my evening before falling to sleep. I realized my hands were still shaking as we pulled into a diner close by.

  We walked in and it relieved me to see it was empty, so we chose a booth towards the back as a server came over and took our orders.

  I stared at Cal, waiting for him to speak.

  He met my gaze and nodded.

  “What the fuck just happened?” I whispered.

  “So, New York. The house we broke into. It belonged to my then-girlfriend,” he had the grace to look down then, before he continued. “Lucia. No one knew we were seeing each other. She wasn’t supposed to be there.” He closed his eyes, clearly remembering that night. “We were almost done. She came in and saw us all.”

  I didn’t know what to say, so I just remained quiet.

  The server came over, placing our milkshakes in front of us, which we both left untouched.

  “You could do with the sugar, for shock.” Cal nodded at mine. I folded my arms and stared at him.

  “Carry on.”

  He looked at me through those beautiful dark eyelashes.

  “I told her to run,” he whispered, his eyes hardening. “She didn’t. They dragged her upstairs. I tried to stop them. But they were men, Gretchen. I was too young. I lied to you before—I didn’t run...But they weren’t about to let me stop them. They punched me hard enough to knock me out. When I came to, there were police everywhere.”

  I realized tears were running down my face.

  He was struggling now, his face creased with emotion. “She never told them we were seeing each other. The police guessed I had a part in it.”

  I swallowed, barely able to breathe as I imagined a young Cal going through this.

  “I had a good lawyer. Lucia survived, but only just. She can never have children and she doesn’t leave her house. She has no life, not really,” his voice was filled with remorse and agony. “I admitted to taking part in the robbery, but not what happened to her. Not that ever,” he said with disgust. “So yeah, Verno was Lucia’s old man. He wanted me dead. In his eyes, even if I didn’t touch her, I didn’t help her either.”

  I reached out and held his hand, and he looked at me in surprise. “Go on,” I pleaded. My voice was broken, but I wanted him to tell me everything.

  “I got a fine and a caution. I was the youngest. Four of the men went to prison for what they did. They got five fucking years. It was a mockery of the justice system. So Verno created his own justice system. They died in jail,” he said this without emotion.

  “So, Andre?” I asked, “What did he do?”

  Cal’s face changed to that of hatred. “He was vile, Raven, really fucking bad. To the core. He went on the run. I never heard from him or saw him until today. He was the worst of them all—what he did to her—" he shook his head as if it would erase the memory. “It was just me and him left, and Verno wanted us both dead.”

  I stared at him, trying to process everything he had just told me. I reached forward and drank my milkshake in a few gulps.

  I wish it was wine.

  Cal observed me before he spoke. “He must’ve found out she was my...girlfriend.”

  He looked like he was in physical pain.

  I couldn’t even comprehend what he was telling me.

  We sat in silence as I absorbed what he had said.

  “So that’s why you killed him today,” I whispered, my voice lower than a whisper.

  He didn’t confirm this, but he didn’t have to. His face said it all.

  “He would have hurt you, Gretchen. I couldn’t let that happen again—no way. I just couldn’t. What he is capable of—"

  He closed his eyes as his hand tightened around mine.

  Cal had killed a man.

  For me.

  For Lucia, too, I realized.

  He had killed an awful man, who would have killed us both if given the chance.

  “So, the body—” I started before Cal placed a finger to his lips to silence me.

  “Will be removed. I have to go back to meet with Verno. I have to end this, baby.”

  What? Is he insane? Verno will kill him!

  “No, Cal. No. I’m going with you,” I stammered, wondering why I was saying this.

  Love is blind and fucking stupid, too.

  His eyes met mine, ice cold as I sat back in fear. “No, Gretchen, you’re not. This is not up for debate. I need you to be safe. I also need you to know how much I love you, okay? No matter what,” his eyes burned into mine as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “I can’t believe what you had to see today. I am so sorry. So fucking sorry. I think you need time to process—”

  This time I snapped. “No. No, I don’t. Because you don’t get to choose who you fall in love with. I fucking love you. You saved me.”

  His eyes shone with love as he gazed at me.

  “I killed a man, and you still want to be with me?” He smiled. “I’m going to get you home. I have to be back at mine shortly.”

  Chapter Thirty


  The plane touched down on the runway, and I stared out of the window in excitement.

  New York City.

  Anything is possible!

  I leaned back in my chair and waited for the seatbelt sign to come off so I could grab my bag. This past year had been such a whirlwind, I felt like I had aged ten years.

  I was finally off to college to pursue my dream of being a therapist.

  I glanced around the cabin and noticed most people were business passengers or families on a trip. I felt a pang of loneliness, but I swallowed it down.

  Time to be brave, Gretchen.

  I took my phone off flight mode and sent my parents a text to let them know I had landed.

  This is so exciting!

  I had arranged accommodation with the University; it was off-campus but close to Manhattan, so I was ecstatic. Easy access to shopping and heavenly food. I was nervous though, there would be so much going on here and I was just from a small town.

  I reached up and grabbed my bag when the sign went off, allowing my body to stretch. I followed the group of impatient passengers from the plane through the jetway and into the airport. It was lively and busy, and my heart lurched with excitement.


  Good luck, baby! Be safe!

  I grinned as I made my way to the baggage claim, spotting my bright pink suitcase.

  I heaved it off the conveyor belt and looked for the signs to the taxi line, slipping through the crowd.

  I already preferred the buzz of the city—everyone was on their phones and moving quickly, going about their business. I took a free paper from someone handing them out and made my way out of the revolving d
oors and into the crisp New York air.

  I checked my email on my phone for the address. I was concentrating so much I didn’t notice someone hurtling towards me.

  “Oh, shit, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to literally fall into you.”

  I looked up and saw a handsome guy with a football jersey on, grinning at me, his hand extended towards me.

  “I’m Josh.”

  I hesitated before I replied. “I don’t talk to strangers,” I mumbled, swiping through my phone as he studied me.

  “No, that’s a good point to make, actually. What brings you to New York?”

  I found the address and glanced around for a cab. There was a long line of them and a queue of people waiting.

  I made my way over to the line with Josh in tow.

  He was certainly persistent.

  “Look Josh, I mean this in the nicest way. I’m not interested in you or anyone else,” I smiled and moved away from him. “I have a boyfriend.”

  His face fell as he held his hands up. “I’m sorry, just a sucker for a pretty face.”

  I laughed as he moved onto another girl, who seemed a little more receptive than I.

  Eventually I was in a cab, riding through the bright lights of the city heading for my apartment. I was excited to meet my roommate. The rent was surprisingly good, so I had hoped it wouldn’t be in too bad an area.

  I marvelled at the skyline as it fell into view, and I got that famous New York gawp I had heard about. The cab made its way through the traffic, the driver reluctantly answering my many questions. He seemed bored to tears, to be honest. I sat back in my seat and marvelled that I was finally here.

  Slowly but surely my cab pulled onto a residential street that was very pretty, considering it was still quite central. I pulled out my money and paid him, being sure to give him a tip as he pulled my luggage from the trunk for me.

  I longed for Cal suddenly, feeling vulnerable.

  He hadn’t been in touch before I left, telling me he was shitty at goodbyes but that we would try the long-distance thing. I sighed, pulling my suitcase up to the steps to the door that read ‘11A’.

  I searched my phone once more, making sure I was pressing the correct buzzer. I waited patiently as I heard footsteps come towards the door, and I gulped, trying not to be nervous. This was, after all, my new roomie.

  The door opened to reveal a striking brunette with large brown eyes studying me.

  “I’m Gretchen. You must be…” I racked my brain to recall her name.

  “Nancy,” she drawled, and moved back so I could walk in, not offering to help at all. She wore black thigh-high boots, which left a gap of flesh between them and a long red shirt that hung over one shoulder. Her dark hair was poker straight and her lips were painted red. She closed the door behind me as I dragged my case in awkwardly.

  She folded her arms and sighed. “So, we share the top floor,” she eyed my bags. “There’s no elevator, so it’s gonna be a struggle with your things.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a silver key. “This is yours. I’ll see you around.”

  She turned on her heel and walked out of the door I had just come in.

  I closed my eyes and wished more than anything Cal was here.

  How the hell am I going to get this case to the top floor?!

  Why is my roommate such a bitch?

  She literally had waited to let me in, then she had left without offering to help.

  Ugh, was this what all New Yorkers were like? I gazed at the stairs, trying to think of a solution.

  My phone beeped, and I felt my heart lurch when I saw it was Cal.


  Settling in okay? I miss you already.

  Tears pricked my eyes as I imagined him back in Winterburg, in his cozy house, all alone. He better be alone, I thought, texting him back quickly.


  Roommate isn’t too friendly. I’ve got to get my case up three flights of stairs. Any suggestions?

  I tried to be jovial, but I just sat on my suitcase in frustration.


  Leave it downstairs and pay someone to take it up for you later. Are you okay, Raven?

  I laughed despite myself.

  That was so Cal.

  Pay someone to sort it for you.

  I typed back my response as I heard footsteps come down the stairs.

  The guy sailing down them had platinum blond hair, a shirt complete with a scarf, and the tightest jeans I’d ever seen. He glided past me and opened the front door.

  I turned to see the guy from the airport beaming at me.

  “Hey, it’s you! Ooh, are you my roomie?” he beamed, dragging his case behind him.

  “Erm, no—I’m sharing with Nancy. You’ve just missed her…” I mumbled, looking at his case pointedly. “There are no elevators.”

  The guy with the blond hair just looked bored. “Floor 2. I’m Nicholas.”

  Josh reached his hand out, to which Nicholas shuddered.

  “I don’t shake hands. Germs,” he sniffed and ran his hand over his perfect hair.

  I stared at his waist, which must’ve been the width of my thigh.


  “You’re kidding me, right? I’m rooming with a germaphobe. Brilliant,” Josh laughed.

  Nicholas glared at him. “I’m not a phobe of any kind. I just don’t like to take risks with strangers.”

  I smiled secretly, aware that was the second time today Josh had been called a stranger.

  Nicholas looked at me disdainfully. “Are you going to sit on that until an elevator magically appears?”

  I flushed, standing up quickly. “No. I’m going to break my back getting it upstairs. But thank you for your concern,” I replied sarcastically.

  Nicholas’s eyebrows shoot up at my response. “Oh, you have spirit. I like that.”

  I glared at him. I wanted to dislike him, but his demeanour had something about it I quite liked.

  Josh yawned. “Look, Curly, I can take it up for you. Seeing as your boyfriend isn’t here. You can buy me some beers later. Deal?”

  I grinned. “Yes, deal. I can’t do this on my own, I hate being such a girl...but I can’t drag that case up there. Thank you so much.” I gushed.

  He nodded; his playful side suddenly replaced by a serious version. “No worries, Curls. I got this.”

  He reached down and lifted my suitcase in one hand and his in the other. Nicholas met my eyes, and we lifted our eyebrows up simultaneously.

  “How gallant of him. He must be very strong,” murmured Nicholas, watching Josh as he walked up the stairs effortlessly.

  I was grateful as we followed him up the steep stairs, because by the second floor, I was out of breath and holding onto the railing for dear life. I heard my phone beep as I pulled it out.


  Raven, don’t tell me you are trying to drag that case up three flights of stairs...

  I grinned as I typed back,


  No, someone else is doing it for me. Gretchen 1, NYC 0.

  No sooner had I sent the text did a ping come straight back. I smiled knowingly.


  Who is he? Don’t forget, you are mine. I do not share.

  Josh called me from the floor above. “Curls! Come on, I’m not up here for my health.”

  Nicholas had disappeared into his room.

  I followed the direction of the stairs, my legs protesting. I made it to the top floor and gasped as Josh eyed me with amusement.

  “Are you okay? You need to get in shape. You’ll be doing this at least twice a day.”

  I pulled out my key, ignoring his comment as I rolled my eyes. “Thank you, Josh, I owe you.”

  The door swung open and Josh pulled my case in for me. “There you are, my lady. Right, I will meet you on the second floor at seven pm. You owe me those beers. Ask your roomie to come. Is she hot?”

  He looked at me hopefully.

  “Boiling,” I nodded as I walked int
o the apartment.

  “Yeah?” Josh looked interested. ‘Definitely bring her. Later, baby.’

  He tipped an imaginary hat and smiled as he backed out of the door, closing it softly behind him.

  I walked into the main room and saw a mustard sofa with cream throws and cushions tossed over it casually. The floor was natural wood; the windows were bay-fronted and overlooked the street. It was an open plan, so the kitchen was tiny, a coffee machine and a stove dominated the small side.

  I smiled to myself and squealed.

  I am in New York City!

  I opened a door and saw a small, but tidy bathroom, complete with a mirror over the basin and a shower in the corner.

  I walked on and saw what must be Nancy’s room. It screamed her: black sheets on the bed and a blood red chair in the shape of lips. A floor-length mirror with fairy lights hung over it stood in the corner, a pile of makeup laid messily on the floor in front of it.

  I moved along and opened the door to what was clearly to be my room. The bed was in front of the three large windows with a bedside table on each side. A lamp sat on each table, and along the side of the wall near the bed I saw a wardrobe. A desk was on the other side, with room for my books and my laptop.

  I loved it.

  I pulled my case in and put my things away.

  My phone rang, and I saw it was Cal.

  “I wasn’t joking,” his gruff voice made my insides melt.

  I fell backwards onto the bed. “I know. His name is Josh, and he was kind enough to bring it up to my room for me. He is going to be more interested in my roomie than me, so please don’t worry. I just owe him some beers.”

  I twirled with my hair, remembering Josh calling me ‘curly’ and thought I would leave that bit out.

  “Your roommate cannot be hotter than you. Are you coming back yet?”

  I heard the longing in his voice.

  “No, I’m not qualified yet,” I teased.

  “So, what’re your plans, city girl?” Cal asked.

  “Well, Josh said I owe him some beers, so he is going to come here at seven. He wants to meet my hot roomie.”

  There was a silence on the other end, and I laughed.

  “I have to get to know people, baby…”

  Silence. I rolled my eyes. This was ridiculous.


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