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After the War

Page 24

by Jessica Scott

  It’s taken me almost 8 years to get this book right. I hope it resonates with you and I hope that even if you hate it, you'll think about it long after you finish it.

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  Don’t miss my contemporary romance series Homefront about soldiers coming home from war.

  Homefront: First Sergeant Gale Sorren & Melanie

  After the War: Captain Sean Nichols & Captain Sarah Anders

  Forged in Fire: Captain Sal Bello & First Sergeant Holly Washington

  Want to know what life is like for a soldier home from war adjusting to life on campus? Check out my New Adult Falling Series:

  Before I Fall: Noah & Beth

  Break My Fall: Abby & Josh

  If I Fall: Parker & Eli

  If you’d like to read about my own experiences in Iraq and the transition home, please check out To Iraq & Back: On War and Writing. and The Long Way Home: One Mom’s Journey Home From War.

  Want more stories about soldiers coming home from war and the families who love them? Check out my Coming Home series:

  Because of You: Sergeant First Class Shane Garrison & Jen St. James

  I’ll Be Home for Christmas: A Coming Home Novella: Sergeant Vic Carponti & his wife Nicole

  Anything for You: A Coming Home Short Story: Sergeant First Class Shane Garrison & Jen St. James

  Back to You: Captain Trent Davila & his wife Laura

  Until There Was You: Captain Evan Loehr & Captain Claire Montoya

  All for You: Sergeant First Class Reza Iaconelli & Captain Emily Lindberg

  It’s Always Been You: Captain Ben Teague & Major Olivia Hale

  All I Want For Christmas is You: A Coming Home Novella: Major Patrick McLean & Captain Samantha Egan

  Keep reading for an excerpt from Homefront, the first book in the Homefront series!

  The HOMEFRONT Series, Book 1

  Jessica Scott

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  "Beautifully Written" JoAnn Ross - New York Times Bestselling author of the Shelter Bay series

  He’s always loved her…

  First Sergeant Gale Sorren waited a war and half a lifetime for a chance to get stationed near the ex-wife who left him years ago. When he finally musters the courage to see her, the life he imagined she was living was nothing close to the reality.

  She’s never stopped loving him…

  Melanie never stopped worrying about Gale each time he headed off to war. But he’s never been there when she needed him and she’s had fifteen years to steel her heart against him.

  But when Gale moves to Fort Hood, he finally has a chance to make things right with Melanie and the daughter she raised without him.

  Can Mel trust her heart to a man who has always let her down?

  The HOMEFRONT Series


  After the War

  Face the Fire

  Note – these books are fiction. Any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidence


  Tal Afar

  Late 2006

  Shit days were nothing new. In fact, Sergeant First Class Gale Sorren was on a thirty-six day streak, and there was no sign that they were coming to an end any time soon. But he had to keep going.

  No matter how much he might want to take a knee.

  The funeral detail was somber and professional, the flight line dead silent now that the aircraft had killed its engines. His throat closed off. His eyes burned. He held his salute as the caskets moved slowly past, one after another in slow procession. His arm trembled from holding it for what felt like a lifetime, but there was no way in hell he was going to drop it.

  Three of his boys were heading home tonight.

  There was no sadness. No raging grief. Only a sober, silent tribute to the fallen.

  The rage would come later. Much later. For now, there was too much work to be done.

  He dropped his salute and listened to his boys remember their brothers. Recounting their heroism. Their bravery.

  Gale said nothing. There were no words that could get past the block in his throat. So he let his men remember their friends while he stood watch.

  He stood there, long after the rest of the battalion had left the airfield. The Air Force security guard came and went and came again. The kid finally gave up trying to get him to move hours later.

  It was probably for the best.

  A stone skittered across the blazing asphalt. He watched it tumble to the edge of the tarmac and land in a pothole.

  He glanced over at the source of the stone’s movement. Tellhouse, one of his fellow platoon sergeants, walked up. Tellhouse was a sergeant first class like Gale. Promotable, too, which meant they were both going to be looking for other jobs soon. Gale didn’t really want to leave his boys mid deployment because he got promoted out of his position.

  Gale liked Tellhouse for the most part. Except for his temper. They needed to work on that. After all, there couldn’t be two of them enrolled in anger management training. Sarn’t Major would crush the both of them. The problem was they both tended to get pissed off about the same things at the same time.

  Tellhouse pushed his eye-protection up higher on the bridge of his nose. “First Sarn’t needs you at the company.”

  Gale made a noise and tried to summon an ounce of give-a-shit over what the First Sergeant wanted. Maybe if the fucker left the office once in a while, Gale wouldn’t be strung out trying to take care of three platoons instead of just his own. Thank God Tellhouse was competent or Gale might have lost his shit a long time ago.

  Finally, he shifted his weight and moved.

  Maybe someday he’d find the grief for his soldiers.

  But that day was not today. Not when they had a mission gearing up in about six hours.

  He breathed out deeply and fell into step with his fellow NCO. The walk was solemn and silent and filled with things neither of them could say. The war was nothing new. Both of them had spent more than their fair share of time in Hell.

  But sometimes, days like this just got the best of you.

  He stepped into the dark interior of the company ops. Funny how a few pieces of plywood and a couple of extension cords suddenly made an office. He stopped short, though, when he saw the battalion command sergeant major standing with the first sergeant. Not extremely out of the ordinary, except that Gale had the distinct impression Sarn’t Major was waiting for him.

  Gale swallowed the tight knot in his throat that wouldn’t seem to budge. “What’s the occasion?” he asked, looking between the two senior NCOs.

  First Sarn’t handed him a sheet of paper. “You got a Red Cross message.”

  The knot in his throat swelled, blocking his airway as he looked down at the handwritten note.

  The room spun out at the edges when he saw Jamie’s name.

  The words blurred together. Hospitalized. Stitches. Psychiatric ward.

  He breathed deeply and looked at his NCO leadership. “When can I leave?”

  It was the sergeant major who spoke. “I can’t let you go. Your daughter’s life isn’t in immediate danger. She’s safe. Your ex-wife didn’t request your presence.”

  A loud buzzing filled Gale’s head, blocking out the
sound of the sergeant major’s words. “My daughter’s in the hospital,” he finally managed. “I need to be there.”

  Sarn’t Major shook his head, his expression flat and emotionless. “That’s not going to happen, Sarn’t.”

  Gale couldn’t say what happened next. An urge to do violence slammed through him. He imagined driving his fist into the sarn’t major’s face and beating the lines off that sun-worn leather skin. All the rage, all the fury, boiled up in a single violent flash.

  The next thing he knew, he was back outside. Tellhouse’s hands were driving into his chest, holding him against the wall. “Stop. Sorren, fucking stop.”

  Tellhouse’s words finally penetrated the fog. Gale blinked rapidly and looked at the other platoon sergeant. He stopped struggling to get free.

  Tellhouse took a step back but still kept his body between Gale and the door. Gale stood there for a moment, reality crashing through the haze of violence, grief, and rage. Helpless, potent rage. “I need a few minutes,” was all he could manage before he executed an about face and walked away.

  Then there was no rage. No more red-tainted visions of violence. This was something more. Something he couldn’t name and couldn’t process.

  Jamie was in the hospital. His daughter was in the fucking hospital and Melanie hadn’t requested his presence.

  He barely felt the gravel beneath his boots as he walked back to his CHU. He was stuck half a world away in a fucking war that he no longer even hated, and there was nothing he could do.

  He closed the door to his CHU. Locked it behind him with a solitary, metallic click.

  He stood for a moment in the Spartan emptiness. There was a light coat of dust on the old leather chair he’d gotten from a major on his way out of country.

  A box of unopened Pop Tarts had fallen over.

  All around him was dust and dirt. There was an explosion somewhere in the distance. A pop of gunfire at the test fire pit. The war was fucking everywhere.

  He stood there in the center of his CHU. There was something broken inside him when he couldn’t even cry over his fallen soldiers anymore.

  Something broken that he was unable to name, that he couldn’t be there when his little girl needed him.

  The air conditioner in his CHU kicked on. His cheeks were suddenly cool.

  He lifted one hand at the unexpected sensation.

  His fingertip came away wet.

  He unclenched his other hand. The Red Cross message was still there, crumpled at his fingertips.

  The Red Cross message that told him his daughter was in the hospital.

  The wetness on his cheeks grew colder, spread down his neck as the words on the paper blurred.

  He dropped to his knees, doubled over as the violent, unrestrained grief ripped him apart.

  Chapter 1

  Fort Hood, Texas

  If there was a hell, First Sergeant Gale Sorren was certain this was it. In fifteen years, he’d never been assigned to Fort Hood, and while he'd been begging to be assigned here for years, he remembered with punishing clarity why people had recommended he avoid the home of America’s First Team for so long.

  It was fucking hot and it wasn't even summertime yet.

  He’d thought he knew hot. Hell, he’d spent enough time at Fort Benning and in Iraq to be intimately familiar with just how hot the planet could get.

  But somehow, Fort Hood took hot to a whole new level. It was a dry heat, his last sarn’t major had said when he’d given Gale the news that he was getting his assignment wish and being sent to Hood.

  It was just past the ass crack of dawn and the sun slowly slipping over the horizon, and it was already a hundred degrees. Summer was going to be fun. Next to him, his commander, Captain Ben Teague, was busy being a smart ass. It was his totem animal, or so he said.

  “I wonder if the sarn’t major would let us run in just our PT belts.”

  Gale shot him his best are you high expression. Teague grinned and raised his hands. Teague was Gale’s commander and technically that made him Gale’s boss but the commander/first sergeant relationship was… How had Sarn’t Major Cox put it once when Gale had threatened to kill one of his platoon leaders for getting drunk with the soldiers back at Benning? It was an arranged marriage. A unique description, Gale supposed.

  “I’m thinking that might get us both fired,” Gale said mildly.


  “No, not really. It’ll get the sarn’t major’s boot surgically implanted in my ass.” Gale stopped a soldier and told him to tighten his PT belt around his waist. The new Corps sergeant major had a thing about uniform violations and a loose PT belt was a cardinal sin these days. “Besides, it could be worse.”


  “We could be patrolling Sadr City in this weather in full kit.”

  “You know—” Teague snapped his fingers— “that is an excellent point.” He shoved his hands in his pockets as they walked toward the PT formation area. “I really wish we didn’t have mandatory fun today.”

  They were both in ACUs. Gale resented the hell out of any morning that didn’t start off with PT, but he damn sure resented it when he was forced to skip PT to go to breakfast. What kind of animals started their days with food? Give him coffee and a good six-mile run any day of the week. “Don’t get me started.”

  “At least there’ll be coffee.” Teague frowned and glanced at him. “There will be coffee at this kind of thing, right?”

  “Do I look like I have the slightest idea what we’re doing today?” Gale needed to be spending time with his formation, not doing whatever the hell they were going to do this morning. He was still getting to know his troops and their issues—and there were a lot of them. Issues, that is. “It’s not like I spend my free time checking the battalion’s social roster.”

  “Hell, I don’t know what you do on the weekends other than bailing kids out of jail.” Teague glanced over at him and Gale braced for more sarcasm. “Do you even have free time—oh hey.”

  Instantly his commander’s expression softened. Gale followed his line of vision to see Teague’s other half, Major Olivia Hale, talking to the battalion commander.

  “I know what you do with yours,” Gale mumbled and tried not to be jealous of the new and shiny love between his commander and the battalion’s lawyer. Major Hale nodded at Teague in acknowledgment and turned back to her conversation with the battalion commander.

  It was the subtlety of her gesture that convinced Gale that she and Teague had a good chance at making things work. They were a good fit. She kept Teague honest in more ways than one, and they were both very good at keeping things professional at work.

  It was a nice change from all the drama Gale dealt with on a daily basis. Angry spouses, cheating soldiers, and everything in between. Life in the Army sometimes felt more like a reality TV show than a professional organization.

  He peeled away from his commander and headed to the front of the formation where his platoon sergeants were talking with each other. Sergeant First Class Iaconelli was the headquarters platoon sergeant, and while Gale had his misgivings about a recovering alcoholic on the team, Iaconelli had proven to be a rock since he’d come to work for him.

  “Are we set for the range tomorrow?” Gale asked Iaconelli.

  Iaconelli nodded. “Roger, Top. Final checks today before lunchtime.”

  “Make sure we pull some camo out for shade.” When one of the other platoon sergeants started to protest, Gale talked over him. “We don’t need to practice being hardcore in the heat. We need to be able to shoot, and we can’t do that if soldiers are dropping from dehydration.”

  Iaconelli nodded. “Got it, Top.”

  Gale jerked his chin, and Iaconelli stepped away from the formation. “You talked to Foster today?”

  Foster was on convalescent leave for surgery to repair a torn meniscus. He was also struggling with an addiction to methamphetamines. “Roger. He called in like he’s supposed to.”

is he doing?” If Gale had serious misgivings about Iaconelli, he had even more about keeping Foster in the ranks, but these men meant a lot to Teague. He was keeping a very close eye on both situations, however. If the time came that he needed to recommend the commander take action, Gale would do what needed to be done.

  “He sounded steady. I’m going to swing by and check on him after PT.”

  “Good. If you get even a hint that something is wrong, I want every pain pill counted.”

  “Roger, Top.” There was resentment in Iaconelli’s answer, too obvious for Gale to ignore.

  “Something you want to say?”

  Iaconelli looked out over the formation, grinding his teeth until the muscle in his jaw looked about to snap. “It’s hard enough staying sober without everyone looking at you like you’re using all the time.”

  Gale studied the other man silently. “Are we still talking about Foster?”

  Iaconelli didn’t look away. “It doesn’t matter. But maybe give him the benefit of the doubt?”

  Gale folded his arms over his chest. He wasn’t looking for a fight with one of his platoon sergeants. If Iaconelli needed to get this off his chest, then so be it. Finally, when Iaconelli let the silence stand, Gale spoke. “The fact that he’s still in the Army and recovering from surgery while he’s trying to get clean is benefit of the doubt.”

  “You don’t know him,” Iaconelli said.


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