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Wilde Horses

Page 8

by Jannine Gallant

  “I do remember, Pris, but maybe it’s time to let go of the past.” Releasing a slow breath, he closed the album with a thump and pushed back his chair. He nudged her out of the way in order to stand. “I’m afraid we have to go.” He kept the impatience out of his tone when she murmured a protest. “Thanks for going to all this trouble with the terrific meal and pulling out the old photos.”

  “No trouble at all.”

  Eden rose to her feet and smiled. “Yes, thank you, Pris. I’ll look forward to seeing you at the ranch in a few days.”

  Her eyes brightened as she glanced up at Blake and gripped his arm. “It means a lot that you invited me to Wyoming for the filming of your movie. I need time away from here to…make a few plans. The fact that you knew how I felt—”

  He gently removed her fingers from his sleeve. “Don’t thank me. Eden came up with the idea.”

  “Well, I appreciate it.” Pris gave her a quick smile then trailed behind them as he led the way out of the kitchen. “You’re sure you can’t stay longer?”

  “Positive.” He pushed open the screen door. With a hand at Eden’s back, he guided her across the porch and down the steps.

  “I’ll see you again before you know it.” Pris’s voice rose. “Right?”

  He nodded. “Right.”

  Eden turned. “Bye, Pris. You have my sincere sympathy over the loss of your sister.”

  “Thank you.” Her voice was choked with emotion. “Drive safely, Blake.”

  “I will.” He opened the car door and slid onto the seat then barely waited until Eden had shut her door to start the engine. With a quick wave, he backed out of the driveway, shifted into gear and roared off down the street.

  Eden let out a breath. “That was—”

  “Awful?” He ran a hand through his hair. “Utterly painful? I’m sorry you had to put up with all the nostalgia.”

  “Pris is hurting, and looking through those pictures was probably cathartic for her.” Eden gave him a sideways glance. “She also has a ginormous crush on you.”

  “What?” He turned to stare. “We’re just friends. Considering the circumstances and my past relationship with Josie, anything else would have been seriously twisted.”

  “Blake, the road.”

  He glanced away and jerked the wheel to return to his side of the center line. “Not to mention when I look at Pris, even though she’s pretty in a girl-next-door sort of way, I’ve never had a single, uh…”

  “Sexual thought?”

  “Exactly. When we were young, Pris was always like a kid sister—an annoying kid sister—to me. After her mother died, she relied on me to help her make decisions about Josie’s care. Then there were the bills…”

  Eden settled back into her seat. “You paid them all?”

  “What else could I do? Pris didn’t have any money, and I have more than I need.”

  “She definitely has a huge thing for you. Between your movie star glamour and the fact that you’ve been her savior, I’m not exactly surprised.”

  “God, I shouldn’t have invited her to the ranch.”

  Eden shrugged. “Maybe it’ll help. You’ll be focused on work, not on her. She’ll realize the man you are now is nothing like the boy she remembers. Surely she must know she wouldn’t fit into your world any better than, well, I would.”

  He flashed a smile. “Oh, come on. You’d fit just fine if you made an effort. You’re not the least bit socially awkward, and you’re a beautiful woman.”

  “I’m not citified. I wear boots and jeans. I take about thirty seconds to comb my hair into a ponytail in the morning, and I rarely put on makeup.”

  “Perfect. You won’t keep me waiting while you primp and fuss before the concert.”

  “I definitely won’t.”

  He pressed a hand to his chest and let out a dramatic sigh. “I think I’m in love.”

  She grinned. “That’s too bad because I may dump you for Kent McCord. The man gives me goosebumps when he sings.”

  “Kent’s dating someone, so you’re out of luck.”

  “Well, damn.” She laughed out loud. “You know what?”

  “I wouldn’t even try to guess. You continually surprise me.”

  “An element of mystery is always a good thing.” She turned to study him. “You’re fun to hang out with. You don’t take yourself too seriously. I’m looking forward to tonight, and not just because your buddy Kent is to die for.”

  “Hey, women have been known to throw themselves at me every now and then. What does McCord have that I don’t?”

  “A voice like smooth velvet.” She surveyed him for a long moment. “You have your own brand of charm, however. I’ll admit to a few butterflies when you kissed me.”

  “Only a few?”

  Her smile grew. “Okay, maybe a swarm, which is why you’re going to keep your lips to yourself tonight.”

  Amusement curved those same lips. “If you say so.”

  “I do.”

  “Fine, I’ll wait until we’re back at the ranch to kiss you when good old Zane is around to watch. Hey!” He snapped his fingers. “Our public affair will help me, too. If Pris sees us making out, she’ll get over me in a hurry and get on with her life. All I want for her is to find some happiness…just not with me.”

  Eden frowned. “I don’t know. Jealously might spur her to hang on tighter. Maybe we should forget about our budding fictional romance.”

  “No way. I can handle Pris.”

  Eden rolled her eyes. “Somehow, I think that’s exactly what she wants.”

  * * * *

  The crowd cheered as Kent McCord sang the opening notes to his final encore song of the evening. Standing in the front row, Eden leaned against Blake’s solid chest and sang along with most of the audience, words of a love lost and found. When the final note faded away, the crowd went wild.

  “Thank yooooou!” McCord gave a salute. “Good night!”

  “You have a terrific voice.” Blake’s lips brushed her ear.

  She glanced up at him and smiled, but she couldn’t read his expression behind his dark glasses. “I’m decent. How come you weren’t singing?”

  “I can’t hold a tune.” He wrapped an arm around her as the house lights came up. “Let’s get out of here. Kent will be waiting for us backstage.”

  They moved slowly with the mass of humanity, but despite the dark glasses, someone in the crowd recognized him. Moments later he was mobbed by fans. Pushed out of the way, Eden waited while Blake signed autographs. It wasn’t until one of the security guards showed up that he was able to break away.

  “Sorry about that.” Blake let out a breath as he reached her side then pressed forward toward the door leading backstage.

  “Not your fault, but it is a little overwhelming.”

  He grimaced before producing their passes for the guard at the door. “Part of the business, I’m afraid.”

  “Go on in, Mr. Benedict. Mr. McCord asked us to be on the lookout for you.”

  “Thanks.” Blake guided Eden down a corridor, his arm tight around her. The din of voices led them into a large room where Kent and the members of his band chatted with a handful of people.

  “Hey!” The superstar broke off his conversation and hurried toward them. He grabbed Blake in a back-slapping hug. “Dude, it’s good to see you.”

  “Likewise. You put on a killer show.” He pulled back, still smiling as he took off his hat and the dark glasses. “Kent, I’d like you to meet Eden Wilde.”

  Feeling a little starstruck in the presence of the man’s up-close, tall, dark gorgeousness, Eden gulped in a breath of air and fought to keep her voice even. “It’s great to meet you. I’m a huge fan.”

  “The pleasure’s mine.” He shook her hand then waved an arm. “Hey, Brenna, come meet a friend of mine and his lady.”

  A petite woman with a mass of curly dark hair and deep brown eyes approached. When her gaze landed o
n Blake, her mouth formed a perfect O. She pressed a hand to her chest. “Blake Benedict. Wow.”

  He grinned and shook her hand. “Kent told me he’d been reunited with a childhood friend over Christmas. Good to meet you, Brenna.”

  The woman nodded then turned toward Eden with her hand outstretched. “I’m Brenna Halliday.”

  “Eden Wilde.” She clasped her palm in a firm shake. “Nice to meet you.”

  “There’s food if you’re hungry.” Kent pointed toward a table covered with sandwiches and salads. “I never eat before a performance, so I’m starving. Help yourselves.” He headed toward the buffet with Blake following. “How’s filming going on your new movie?”

  “Great. Amazingly enough, I think we’re still on schedule.”

  While the two men loaded up plates, Eden hung back.

  “Not hungry?”

  She smiled at Brenna. “We had an early dinner. Blake may be able to eat non-stop and still look terrific in front of the camera, but I don’t need all those calories.”

  “You’re small like me. I can definitely relate.” The other woman touched her arm and guided her toward a couch against the wall. “Let’s sit. How did you meet a Hollywood hottie like Blake Benedict?”

  “My family owns the ranch where the studio is filming Ashes on the Wind. Blake and I sort of struck up a friendship.”

  Brenna’s brows shot up beneath her bangs. “Not a romance?”

  Eden shook her head. “I’m too smart for that.”

  “Good for you.” The other woman let out a sigh. “I’m not, but then I’ve known Kent since I was a kid. When we met again last winter, he took my breath away with his”—she shrugged—“normalness, I guess you could call it. He doesn’t act like he’s won a Grammy.”

  Eden grinned. “It’s kind of freaky hanging out with someone you see regularly on a movie screen. Blake is surprisingly real, too, and he’s a good guy. When he found out I’d missed a chance to see Kent in concert, he made a phone call, and here we are.”

  Brenna nodded toward the men as they approached with full plates. “Not that I would, since I’m crazy about Kent.” She kept her voice low. “But if I weren’t in love, I’m not sure I’d be able to control myself around Blake if I were in your shoes. The man is smokin’ hot.”

  Though she didn’t respond as the two men joined them, the thought stayed with Eden through an hour or more of light-hearted conversation. Blake certainly acted like they were a couple. Touching obviously came naturally to him. If he didn’t have his arm around her, one hand rested on her knee or shoulder, or somewhere. By the time they said their good-byes and left, Eden’s head was fogged with emotions she’d never expected to feel.

  The drive from the concert venue to the hotel was short. Too short. After handing over the car keys to the parking attendant, Blake tugged Eden close to his side as they crossed the portico to the front doors. Thankfully, the area was deserted. She wasn’t in the mood to wait around while he signed autographs as he’d done when they’d left earlier.

  “There’s a definite chill in the air tonight.” He squeezed her waist a little tighter.

  “No wonder, since it’s well past midnight.” As they entered the lobby, she pressed a hand to her mouth to hold back a yawn. “I don’t generally stay up this late, but the whole evening was amazing. Meeting Kent and Brenna was great.”

  “I’m glad you had a good time.” Clasping her hand, he guided her toward the elevator.

  The long day seemed to catch up with her all at once. Drained of energy, she leaned against him as they waited for the burnished metal doors to open. When Blake dropped a kiss on the top of her head, all her ambiguous feelings about him swirled closer to the surface. She glanced up and wondered what he was thinking. If the heat in the depths of his blue gaze was any indication, his sentiments weren’t as platonic as the casual kiss would lead her to believe.

  A bell dinged, and when the doors swooshed open they stepped inside. Her stomach dipped as the car rose and Blake moved closer. Backing her against the wall, he tilted her chin and kissed her. And kept kissing her. The heat of his body and dexterity of his lips turned her inner core to molten lava. She was left gasping for breath when the doors slid open, and he finally stepped back.

  “You said you wouldn’t push.”

  He kept his foot in the opening until she gathered enough fortitude to step out into the hallway.

  “I’m not pushing, which is why I kissed you in the elevator where I wouldn’t be tempted to undress you.” He smiled as he took her arm. “Okay, maybe I was a little tempted, but I didn’t follow through on the urge.”

  “Thank heaven for small favors.” Only a hint of sarcasm rang in her tone. “I’d hate to see what would happen if you did decide to push.”

  He stopped outside her door. “I’d be happy to show you.”

  She fumbled in her purse for her key card. “I bet.” After pushing the door open, she stepped inside.

  He waved toward the bed. “If you change your mind about…anything, I’ll be right through that wall. We have connecting rooms, and I’ll leave the door on my side unlocked.”


  He backed up a step and smiled. “This is me, not pushing, just wishful thinking.”


  “Okay, I’m gone. Good night, Eden.”

  She swallowed against a rise of emotion that nearly choked her. “Thank you for the best date ever, but it ends now.”

  “Got it.” He backed away two more steps, then let out a sigh and smiled. “See you in the morning.”

  With a nod, she shut the door then sagged against it. If Blake wasn’t so damned nice in addition to being the sexiest man alive, resisting him would be a whole lot easier. Taking a deep enough breath to pull herself together, she headed into the bathroom. After washing her face, she brushed her teeth. Wide eyes filled with uncertainty stared back at her in the mirror before she bent to spit. Damn it, she had no reason to look so tortured. She’d made the right decision.

  Didn’t I?

  Turning her back on her reflection, she left the bathroom and slipped out of her silk blouse to drop it into her open suitcase. She sat at the foot of the bed and tugged off first one boot then the other and dropped each onto the carpet with a thump. Her jeans followed. Standing in nothing but a pair of pink panties and matching bra, she shivered as she glanced at the connecting door in the wall next to the TV. Had Blake unlocked the entrance on his side? Was he even now staring at the opening, wondering if she’d suck up the courage to walk through? Or was he already sound asleep?

  Slowly she dropped her underwear and pulled a short ivory nightgown trimmed in lace from her suitcase. Why had she packed her only frivolous sleepwear if she hadn’t been tempted to…

  To what, Eden? Do something stupid?

  Her lips tightened as she slipped the nighty over her head and smoothed it down across her hips.

  Not stupid. A little risky, maybe. After all, Blake would head back to California in a couple of weeks, and she’d never see him again.

  The daredevil in her argued back. Why not take a chance?

  Because there was no future in it. She straightened her shoulders and raised her chin. She liked Blake, and she was certainly attracted to him, but she’d never leave the ranch for any man to pursue a relationship.

  Doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun.

  She did her best to ignore the imp on her shoulder, tempting her to throw caution aside. It wasn’t like she had a ton of experience sleeping with random men. She’d had two boyfriends in college, but neither relationship had lasted long. A few years ago, she’d dated one of the men who rounded up the wild horses. Then there was Zane.

  Don’t I deserve a little excitement?

  Maybe, but her feelings for Blake were more complicated than simple desire. They’d both had an emotionally draining day, and he would probably appreciate having someone to hold tonight.

nbsp; Not that holding was the only thing he’d do…

  She bit her lip then took a step toward the door in the wall. Almost against her will, her feet led her across the carpet. She turned the knob to open the door a crack. Blake’s side stood wide open with a clear view into his room. Letting out a breath, she pulled the door all the way open and stepped through.

  Blake lay on the king-size bed wearing nothing but a pair of black briefs. The remote for the TV rested on one muscled thigh. A news program droned in the otherwise silent room.

  He clicked off the TV. “You came.”

  She nodded but didn’t move any closer.

  Concern darkened his eyes as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed. “You okay?”

  “Yes.” Her chest rose and fell on an exhale.

  He crossed to her side and pulled her tight against his chest then gazed down at her. “You’re so pretty, just looking at you takes my breath.”

  “This evening was magical.” She slid her arms around his bare back. “I’m not ready for it to end. I really like you, Blake, but…”

  He stroked a lock of hair off her cheek and tucked it behind her ear. “But what?”

  “This isn’t going to become a habit after we get back to the ranch. It’s kind of a one-time only deal.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because our lives are so at odds we might as well exist on different planets.”

  His naked magnificence made it hard to remember what she was saying as her whole body heated.

  With an effort, she gathered her thoughts, determined to set the record straight. “Once your movie is made, we’ll likely never cross paths again. I’m not going to pretend anything else or harbor unreal expectations. So, we’ll have a…moment in time. If that works for you?”

  “Whatever you want is fine with me, but we don’t have to walk away after the filming is finished. Sure, I have time commitments when I’m working, but when I’m not, I can go where I want.”

  Her heart thumped a little harder as her breasts pressed against his chest. “I’m more inclined to believe out of sight, out of mind will be the way this works.” She tilted her head back to meet his gaze. “I’m okay with that. I want tonight together, and I don’t expect anything more.”


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