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Wilde Horses

Page 9

by Jannine Gallant

  “Okay.” He bent and kissed her, taking his time to taste every corner of her mouth before finally pulling back an inch. “For now, I’ll agree with you.” He dropped another kiss on her lips. “But I won’t promise not to try to convince you I’m right once we get back to the ranch. Want to know why?”

  The gleam in his eyes stole her breath. “Why?” The word came out on a gasp.

  “Because I like you, too. A lot.” Scooping her up in his arms, he carried her to the bed then grinned down at her. “I didn’t think this through. Can you grab the spread?”

  Eden smiled back. “Not very smooth, Mr. Hollywood.” She reached down and threw back the covers. “You’d think a man with your experience would have all the technical details of seduction down pat.”

  He dropped her on the cool sheet.

  She let out a squeal as she bounced then sprawled against the pillows. “Hey!”

  “You deserved that.” He planted one knee on the mattress and leaned over her. “Honestly, I have way more experience on-camera than off. Well not doing the actual deed, but...”

  “I know what you mean.” She grinned up at him. “If that was your best move without a script, I’m not surprised.”

  “See, this is why I’m interested in more than a quick fling. You’re smart and funny.” He ran one finger across the swell of her breast beneath the silk nighty. “And hot. Really, really hot. A perfect ten.”

  “No one’s perfect.”

  “You’re damn close. How about a nine and a half?”

  “I’ll take it.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down on top of her. “Touching you makes my insides flutter. It’s sort of odd, living out a fantasy.”

  “Yeah? You fantasized about me?”

  “Me and every woman under eighty who’s ever seen one of your movies.” She ran a hand down the hard muscles of his back. “But don’t let it go to your head.”

  “I try not to.”

  “You could possibly be even sexier in person.”

  “Good to know.” He worked one hand between them to splay his fingers across her quivering stomach. “Are we going to talk all night or see if your fantasy image of me lives up to the reality?”

  She gulped in air as a dart of heat shot straight through her, then clamped her legs together as her whole body tightened. “I can shut up.”

  Wrapped in Blake’s arms, she let all her uncertainties go as he kissed her senseless. When he pulled the scrap of silk over her head and tossed it to the floor then settled back down to run his tongue along the side of her neck, she nearly melted. Eden let out a moan as he nipped and licked a trail to her breasts where his mouth fastened over one tip.

  “Oh, God.” Tension built as she dug her nails into his back.

  He raised his head to look into her eyes. “Good?”

  “So good. Don’t stop.”

  He grinned. “I can make it even better. But I need one minute…” He reached down to jerk off his briefs then rolled off the bed to kneel beside his suitcase. “Protection.” The muscles in his shoulders flexed as he dug through the bag. “I know I have some…” He turned to hold up a packet then stood. “Success.”

  Her gaze dropped, and she sucked in a breath. When she finally forced her attention upward, his eyes glittered with need.

  Hands shaking, he ripped open the package then covered himself. “Ready?”

  She could only nod, certain she’d never been more ready for anything in her life.

  He slid over her then in her, taking her to a level of pleasure she’d never achieved before. Moving in rhythm with Blake, Eden could only hold on and enjoy the ride as her body quaked with a profusion of sensation and emotion. She knew it wouldn’t last, that they wouldn’t last, but at the moment reality didn’t matter. Only the fantasy that was Blake Benedict.

  Chapter 8

  “Home sweet home.” Blake let out a sigh as Eden drove her tan SUV under the Flying W archway and parked next to the barn. “Or at least that’s what the ranch feels like after the last jam-packed thirty hours.”

  “The trip was exhausting.” She turned off the engine and unfastened her seatbelt. As the seconds ticked by, her cheeks took on a pink hue. “But maybe that’s because I barely got any sleep.”

  A slow smile spread. “Hey, since you made it clear last night would be a one-time-only event, I wanted to make the most of every minute.”

  “I won’t sneak around the house at night to go out to your bus. Nor will I announce to the whole world I’m sleeping with you. Either way, I—”

  He leaned over and kissed her, taking his time and enjoying the moment before he finally released her.

  “What was that for?” Her voice was breathless. “I just told you—”

  He angled his head toward the windshield. Zane stood outside the barn door, a scowl twisting his lips while his fists clenched and unclenched at his sides.

  “I figured we shouldn’t waste a perfectly good opportunity to put our plan into action.”

  “Oh.” She let out a sigh. “He looks pissed.”

  “You think? I’d say he wants to kick my ass about now.” He opened the car door. “As much as I’d like to hang out with you all day, I’m in a scene scheduled to shoot in less than an hour, so I’d better go change and get to makeup, or John will tear me a new one.”

  “Don’t let me stop you. I have a lot of work to catch up on, too.” A brief smile curved her lips. “Still, I’m not sorry I took a day off.”

  He stood then waited for her to slide out of the car. Their gazes locked over the roof. “Thank you, Eden.”

  “For what?”

  “Coming to Blue Valley with me. You made attending Josie’s service a whole lot more bearable. Because of you, I allowed myself to lay the past to rest and have fun last night. I’m grateful.”

  Her deep blue eyes reflected compassion…and maybe something more. “You’re very welcome.”

  Blake opened the rear door of the vehicle then bent to lift his bag off the back seat. “I guess I’ll see you around.”


  He walked away with a smile on his lips. As he passed the ranch foreman, he gave a nod.

  Zane stepped into his path. Brown eyes narrowed. “If you hurt her, or treat her with anything other than respect, I’ll make sure you regret it.”

  Blake let out a long, slow breath and resisted the urge to punch the guy. “I don’t intend to do either.”

  “See that you don’t.” Turning on his boot heel, the man walked away.

  With a shrug, Blake headed toward his bus. Obviously they’d made their relationship—or the perception of their relationship—clear. He was more than willing to turn that perception into reality, but Eden was resisting. Still, he had no intention of backing away from her. Just the opposite. His plan was to spend as much time with her as she’d allow until she stopped thinking of him as Blake Benedict, the actor whose life revolved around a Hollywood movie set, and started seeing him only as Blake Benedict, the man who cared about her. He had no idea where their relationship would take them, but he at least wanted a chance to find out.

  Hours later, Blake pressed hard on the accelerator to send the ATV bouncing across the prairie away from the hastily constructed, two-sided fort where they’d filmed a meeting between his character and an army colonel intent on wiping out the local Natives. Kyle Stockman, the older actor who played the bloodthirsty war veteran, held on tight to the roll bar as they went airborne over a mound of grass.

  Blake’s teeth clanked together as they hit the ground. “Sorry about that,” he shouted.

  Stockman let out a whoop. “Most excitement I’ve had in quite some time.”

  As they approached the RV encampment, Blake cut the engine and rolled to a stop behind the food truck. Kara’s high-pitched voice caught his attention as he stepped out of the vehicle.

  “Sounds like Kara’s mad about something. Then again, she usually is.”
Kyle smiled behind the drooping cavalier moustache he’d grown for his part. “I think I’ll make myself scarce. I had enough female drama when I was still married.”

  After the other man hurried off in the opposite direction, Blake kept his head down on the way to his bus, but his steps slowed when he caught a glimpse of his costar standing nearly nose-to-nose with her husband between him and his goal.

  “Why don’t you leave if you don’t like how I spend my time? You’re only a quick plane trip from L.A.”

  Yarbrough crossed his arms over his chest. “I bet you’d love that. Then you could really make a play for Benedict.”

  Blake reared back. What the hell?

  “I’ve told you a million times, I’m not sleeping with Blake. He volunteered to help me with a scene I’m struggling to get right. We plan to go over our lines this evening.”

  He stopped walking and plunged his hands into his pockets. Shit.

  “What, the big love scene you’re filming in the barn tomorrow? I didn’t know you needed practice to get naked in the hay.”

  “Don’t be an ass, Hayden.” Kara flipped her hair over one shoulder and scowled. “You never acted like a jealous lunatic when I had…intimate scenes in any of my other movies.”

  “Maybe if you didn’t draw hearts around Benedict’s name on your script like an infatuated teenager, I wouldn’t wonder about your intentions toward the man.”

  “Hearts?” Her voice turned shrill, and her cheeks flushed. “Those were circles, not hearts. I—” She glanced past her husband, and her gaze locked with Blake’s. “Think what you want. I’m tired of defending myself.” Spinning around, she walked away.

  Anger simmered as Blake continued forward. When he reached Yarbrough, he paused. “I don’t poach married women. You’ve nothing to worry about.” The man didn’t respond, just gave him a cool look, so Blake kept moving. Lengthening his stride, he reached his bus and yanked open the door. Giving it a hard slam behind him, he took three steps to drop onto the couch.

  “Just what I don’t need, more bullshit.” Letting out a long breath, he closed his eyes.


  Eyes wide open, he sprang to his feet and spun around. “Jesus, Pris, you scared the crap out of me. What the hell are you doing in here?”

  “I arrived while you were filming.” She bit her lip. “You invited me, remember? I had hoped you’d be glad to see me.”

  He drew in a calming breath and let it out slowly as his temples throbbed. “I wasn’t expecting you this soon. I figured you’d drive out in a few days.”

  “I stayed up late last night taking care of everything that couldn’t wait then left before sunrise this morning.” She shrugged. “I’ll handle the rest of the paperwork after I go home. I needed a break…a change of scenery like we talked about.”

  He wasn’t sure how to respond in the face of the determination shining in her hazel eyes. “It’s not a problem. I was just a little surprised to see you here…in my bus.”

  “The lady at the food truck told me which one was yours.” She glanced down at the suitcase lying open on his spread. “I couldn’t help noticing there’s only one bed, but I guess—”

  “Not a problem because there’s a room in the barn you can use. Eden told me it’s clean and comfortable and has its own bath.”

  “Oh, I just assumed—”

  “I’ll carry your bag down to the barn now.” Did his voice sound a little desperate? He tried his best to insert a note of enthusiasm. “Then I need to shower and change before dinner. You know where the food truck is, so feel free to help yourself to a meal whenever you’re hungry. I’ll tell Liz you’ll be eating with the actors and crew.”

  “Okay.” Her tone was hesitant. Lost.

  He reached out to pat her shoulder. “You’ll have fun watching us film, but right now, let’s get you settled in.”

  She turned to shut her suitcase and zipped it closed then gave him a shaky smile. “I’m ready.”

  He picked up the bag. “Follow me.”

  Blake held the door to the bus open for her then led the way toward the barn. The two Quarter Horses switched their tails and eyed them lazily from the corral as he pushed open the side door. Inside, evening light shone through the windows high on the western wall in patches on the wood floor.

  Pris sneezed.

  His shoulders tensed. “You’re not allergic to hay, are you?”

  “I don’t think so. Just cats.”

  As if on cue, a big gray tabby strolled out of one of the stalls and twined around his ankles then advanced on Pris, eyes narrowed and tail twitching. She squealed and jumped back then sneezed again.

  “Don’t let it touch me!”

  “Come here, you little devil.” He dropped the suitcase and scooped up the cat.

  “Blake, is that you?” Eden’s voice preceded her from the back of the barn. As she rounded the corner of the farthest stall, her eyes widened. “Pris, wow, you’re here already.”

  She sneezed again, and her eyes watered. “Is that a problem?”

  “Of course not.” Hurrying toward them, Eden took the cat from Blake then set it down and shooed it toward the door. “Get!”

  Without a backward glance, the cat sauntered away.

  “I can’t stay in here if there’re cats.” Pris crossed her arms over her chest and shivered.

  Blake gave Eden a pleading look and wondered if his day could possibly get any worse.

  “The cats haven’t been in the apartment because we keep the door shut. Mostly they hang out in the hay up front to hunt for mice. You should be fine.”

  “Let’s go check out the room.” Grabbing the handle of the suitcase without giving Pris a chance to argue, he hustled down the row of stalls behind Eden.

  “The room’s right here.” She opened a door and stood aside for them to enter. “My brother, Sawyer, used to live out here before he moved to Colorado. There’s a mini fridge and an attached bath, and I promise the bed is comfortable.”

  Pris glanced from the patchwork quilt covering the twin bed to the knotty pine dresser and desk. “The room is nice enough, and I don’t mind being out here. I like barns.”

  “And you’re not sneezing. That’s a relief.” Blake set the suitcase next to the dresser. “Looks like you’re all set. Eden’s workshop is just past the tack room, so you can ask her for anything you might need.”

  Eden stepped forward and smiled. “Absolutely. Please make yourself at home.”

  “Thanks.” Pris let out a sigh.

  “I’m going to go take a shower.” Blake edged toward the door. “These buckskin breeches are starting to itch.”

  Eden grinned. “I wondered if you’d decided to live your part twenty-four-seven from now on.”

  “Funny. I’ll talk to you both later.” He bolted out of the room and hurried through the barn. Escape was all he cared about, even if he was leaving Eden in the lurch with Pris. She could handle any requests the other woman might have, and more than likely Pris wouldn’t want Eden’s assistance. She’d always been something of a loner.

  His lips curved slightly as he left the corral area. Anyway, Pris’s presence was all Eden’s fault for coming up with such an awkward plan in the first place. Let her handle the fallout. He’d almost reached his bus when Kara left hers to hurry toward him. Blake let out a long sigh, wondering if he’d ever escape all the drama and get that shower.

  “Are we still on for tonight?” The actress’s color was high, but her eyes held a determined gleam. “I know you overheard my…conversation with Hayden, but I really need your input on how to approach our next scene together.”

  “You’re kidding, right? Are you trying to piss off your husband?”

  “He’s being ridiculous. I don’t know what gave him the idea I…” She shrugged. “I won’t be guilted into caving in to his demands when I haven’t done anything wrong.”

  Her gaze slid over him, and the word yet hun
g in the air unspoken.

  “I’ll have to pass on working together tonight. An old friend showed up unexpectedly, so I’ll need to entertain her this evening.”

  “Lucky her.” Kara gave him a quick smile. “I guess I’ll just use my instincts during tomorrow’s scene and hope for the best. If we have to redo a few takes to get it right, those are the breaks.”

  “I’m sure you’ll be fine.” He stepped around her. “Uh, I need to go shower. See you, Kara.”

  “Sure.” She flipped her hair back with a little toss of her head then walked away.

  “Jesus.” Blake fled into his bus and shut the door. After checking to make sure he was really alone, he undressed then started the shower. When the water was steaming hot, he stepped beneath the spray and let out a long breath. Damn women. He didn’t need the complications.

  Except Eden.

  He wouldn’t mind one bit if she complicated his life. In fact, he’d welcome it. Blake hung his head as the water poured over him. Until then, he’d simply enjoy his shower. In peace.

  * * * *

  Eden gulped down the last of her coffee, pushed her stool back from the high kitchen counter and hopped down. “I’ll see you all later.”

  From the far end of the breakfast bar, her grandpa eyed her over the rim of his mug. “Why are you in such an all-fired rush this morning?”

  “I’ve about a million things to do. First up, I need to finish the last order for belts and get it in the mail. Is someone going into town later?”

  Her dad set down his fork and nodded. “I planned to send Roman to the feed store before noon to pick up some supplies. Would you like him to mail your package?”

  Eden nodded. “Don’t let him go without it, please. I’ll leave the padded mailer on my workbench when I head out to the pasture.”

  “You have time for a proper breakfast before you start your day.” Her mother turned away from the sink and wiped her hands on a dishtowel. “I’ll whip up some eggs.”


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