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Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)

Page 41

by Jessie Courts

  He stood and pulled her up roughly, crushing her lips with his, Joe kissed her hard forcing his tongue into her mouth. Rachel reacted the only way she could and kissed him back with equal fervour clawing at him; running her hands through his hair and looping her arms around his neck to try and get closer. “Oh god Joe you taste so good.”

  Joe groaned and pulled at her bottom lip with his teeth. “Need you now Rachel. Fuck it’s been forever…” he bent down and swooped her up easily into his arms strode off towards the stairs. He kissed her again and had to stop several times as he bumped into walls and doorways; sent coffee tables and ornaments flying and generally trashed the place in an effort to get to the stairs. Rachel chuckled at his eagerness and the loss of his normally cool demeanour.

  “In your own time bossman!” Rachel quipped, and Joe rolled his eyes at being teased. Finally they reached the top of the stairs where Joe came to an abrupt halt.

  “Your bed; not his.” Joe left no doubt by his gruff tone that fucking in Luc’s room was not an option.

  Rachel pointed in the general direction without turning her head away from his throat, which she was licking and sucking; relishing in the taste of him; in the smell of his skin.

  Joe faltered as she hit a particularly sensitive spot. “Fuck; you have to stop doing that or I’m not going to last, Rachel.”

  He couldn’t believe it had only been two days since they’d last been together; it felt like weeks and he was desperate to be inside of her; claiming her as his own. It was a bit cave man even for him but he indulged himself with a little retribution after hearing about Luc. The little brat was never going to be his number one chum despite Luc’s bold declaration, but there was no doubt Vincent wasn’t the bastard he’d accused him of being. It pained him to admit, but, Rachel would never have had the confidence or courage to do half of what she’d achieved in the few short weeks she’d been at Gyles Bishop if it wasn’t for the encouragement Luc had given her. Something Joe would be eternally indebted to the boy for, although he would never admit it. Ever.

  “I’ve missed how you taste bossman. And I missed the smell of you.” She breathed in deep against his skin committing Joe’s unique scent to memory; mixed with his expensive cologne it was exotic and masculine. “Hmm” she hummed and Joe felt the vibration shudder right through his chest.

  As Joe released his hold on Rachel and dropped her on the bed he grasped the belt of her robe so that it fell open as she landed. He took a moment to drink in the sight of her lying there waiting for him. The instinct to fuck her hard was tempting but he realised some finesse may be required in order for Rachel to trust that he really was in this for the long haul.

  Rachel, however, had other ideas thanks in part to the remaining alcohol flowing through her blood stream. “Fuck me Joe – what are you waiting for?” The raspy tone of the crude request and the non too subtle prod of her toes into his stomach made his dick swell uncomfortably hard in his suit trousers.

  “It’s all about you baby – have some patience. And no more speaking.”

  Joe’s drawl was deep and sexy and slow caressing her with his words. It was suggestive of all the things he had in store for her. He wanted her totally focused on him right now so that no matter how many times Luc had been in this very same bed – it was all about to be eclipsed. The thought of that hard young body entwined around Rachel’s lush curves flooded his mind and knocked the breath out of him, not least because his already rock hard cock weeped and throbbed at the image. Joe tugged at his belt and unzipped his pants pushing them down with his boxers. His glorious erection sprang free from the constraints of his clothes and he breathed a deep sigh of relief. He pulled his socks off and at long last stood before her glorious in his naked skin. Joe took his jutting cock in his hand and stroked himself leisurely edging towards Rachel tempting her and showing off.

  But Rachel was impatient and horny as hell – she appreciated Joe’s desire to take time and indulge in copious amounts of delicious foreplay but actually she just needed to be fucked. There would be plenty of time to play afterwards. She wriggled out of her robe arching her back and thrusting her tits towards his face. Bending over her with his fist still firmly gripping his cock, he lapped at one breast and then the other making them both moan but then Rachel pushed against Joe’s massive shoulders impatient for him to lie down on his back. As soon as he hit the mattress she nimbly straddled his waist pinning him in place and tugged on his hair forcing him to look at her.

  “Can you feel how wet I am?” she whispered in his ear conscious that her juices were slick against his abdomen. “It’s all for you Joe. Only you.”

  “So much for the no speaking rule…” Joe smirked.

  Resting her lush tits against his chest and lowering her voice to a sexy whisper, Rachel started her taunt. “Hmm - I think you want me to tell you more about Luc. The boy has you intrigued; doesn’t he?” Joe closed his eyes against her scrutiny but the bob of his cock against her bum was the first tell tale sign that she had hit upon a nerve. Rachel lifted herself up and moved back so that now she was straddling Joe’s thighs; she took his cock in her fist and squeezed.

  “Fuck!” Joe blurted his surprise at her touching him without fair warning.

  “So hard. So ready…the last time I had sex in this bed was…”

  “Enough!” barked the man beneath her “I don’t want to hear another word.” He placed a hand over hers stilling their movements. His cock throbbed under their combined touch.

  “You sure about that Joe?”

  “Fucking certain,” he snapped flipping her onto her back and looming over her on all fours.

  Rachel’s mouth curled upwards in a mocking grin. “Thank god, we’re not getting any younger!”

  Joe slammed his mouth down on hers forcing his tongue down her throat. His arms were supporting his upper body weight so as not to crush her, but from his groin down ward he was plastered to her pinning her against the mattress moulding his body to hers. Rachel’s thoughts were jumbled as memories of Luc mixed with the reality of Joe sent her spiralling on waves of building pleasure. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close returning his kiss with equal passion, trying to convey everything she felt about him through the fierce and fevered use of her lips and tongue.

  Joe couldn’t get enough. He was swamped with sensation as he licked and sucked his way around Rachel’s body. This wanton woman beneath him was stripping him of every coherent thought and he was fast slipping towards oblivion. Love seemed to heighten all his senses and make everything seem so intense and wonderful and everything he had ever indulged in paled into insignificance when he was with her. Squashed between their abdomens, his poor deprived cock was so rigid it was actually exquisitely painful.

  “Shit, Rachel. I need to be in you sweetheart but…” Rachel placed a finger over his lips; reached over to her bedside drawer and opened it wide. A box of open condoms sat there waiting nestled up against her vibrator. Joe’s eyes opened wide. He would have to ask her about that later, but for now he grabbed a foil packet relieving it of its contents.

  “Put it on me baby” Joe groaned loudly as Rachel took the condom from him and rolled it over the sensitive tip of his glistening cock.

  “You’re so hard Joe” she shivered at the steely length of him, “and so big.” Rachel began to giggle as she dragged out the words dramatically.

  Joe flashed her a warning look. “Say it. You know I need to hear it. Just bloody say it.”

  Rachel’s eyes widened in utter disbelief. “Oh good lord, your ego is pathetic. There is no good reason on this earth for me to satisfy your inner Neanderthal.” She poked one of his rock hard pecs and he raised an eyebrow at her which she actually found extremely sexy.

  “Oh I promise you there is. You have no idea what can happen when ‘Neanderthal Joe’ comes out to play.” Rachel’s stomach flipped at the intent behind the low rumble of Joe’s words.

  “Ok, Ok. You’re bigger than him…everywh
ere. Happy now?” Rachel threw her head back into the pillow and laughed smacking him on the chest. “Ooh so big, Joe…” she placed a hand against her forehead feigning wonder. “However will it fit?” and she was off again shaking with hysterics. “Seriously? You are definitely the bigger prick!”

  Joe stilled and narrowed his eyes at her.

  “Oops; sorry that came out wrong!” Rachel’s attempts at an apology were half hearted at best particularly as she kept dissolving into fits of laughter.

  Joe just kept shaking his head at her trying to look very stern, but the twitching at the corners of his mouth gave him away – he was enjoying this as much as Rachel was. Letting her amusement run its course, Joe waited patiently until Rachel had stopped giggling and then he waited until her breath picked up and she started squirming.


  Sitting astride her, Joe took a wrist in each hand and held them above her head. He scooted back and nudged her legs apart and settled himself on his knees between her thighs. He was now deadly silent and most certainly menacing never breaking eye contact. Rachel was tingling with anticipation; she could feel her clit swelling and her core heat up like she was priming herself for Joe’s touch. It felt primeval and raw and erotic. Her nipples peaked begging to be inside of his hot mouth, but Joe was taking his sweet time. Payback was a bitch.

  Looking up at him. Rachel took in the unconventional longish black hair streaked with grey falling over his face. She wanted to run her fingers through his fringe and tug it away from his handsome face so she could appreciate more clearly his mesmerising eyes. They changed colour and intensity depending on his mood and right now they were silvery grey. His black pupils were dilated with his desire for her and the intensity of his stare sucked the breath from her lungs. His hard features slowly softened under her scrutiny and she thought she saw love there. Joe Mason was stunning from head to toe; inside and out; Rachel had witnessed the many sides to him; hard and gentle; strong yet vulnerable; confident but hesitant; both eloquent and tongue-tied, and honest to a t. Here, at last, was the man she could fall in love with.

  Joe had grown weary of the constant to and fro of the dynamic and urgently wanted to get to the fucking stage. There at least he could be sure to be in control again and not lose himself to uncertainty. Joe had made up his mind what he wanted and that was Rachel Renton – heart, body and soul. He was sufficiently satisfied that Rachel and Luc were a thing of the past and consequently, all he wanted to do was make sure Rachel never had reason to go back there. Bucking his hips forward a mutual hiss filled the silence as the head of Joe’s cock nudged Rachel’s swollen clit. He got a thrill out of the way Rachel reacted so he did it again. She moaned quietly and lifted her own hips to meet his next thrust whimpering as their sensitive flesh met.

  “Not close enough Joe” her words more of a plea than a statement. Joe teased her again and she bucked against his thick shaft now slick with her wetness. “I need you closer baby,” she whispered against his chest.

  Hearing her call him baby finally did it for Joe and he entered her swiftly in one easy movement. The endearment from this woman’s lips shattered the last of his shields and his heart opened to the possibility of a life less lonely with Rachel in it. He rammed himself hard into her and she met each thrust with a grunt of her own. She was grabbing his shoulders then digging her nails into his butt; pulling at his waist and gripping his neck in a frenzied attempt to get closer still. She sent him wild with her wriggling and when Rachel started gyrating her hips in time with his entering her, he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold on for much longer.

  “Harder Joe. Come for me bossman; let it all out now baby.” Rachel’s constant stream of words directed towards him sounding husky and raw between her own gasps and moans had the desired effect. He felt the first delicious tingles low in his spine; little fiery licks wielded their way around to his balls and they tightened ready to explode. “So close Rachel” he forced the words out warning her, and as his climax began to build he felt her pussy walls clamp down around his cock in a delicious final tug as they both erupted together loudly.

  “Holy fuck!” ricocheted around his brain as he fought to regulate his breathing. Coming together with a woman had never happened before for Joe and the elation of the shared experience had rendered him mute and motionless.

  “Hot! It’s so hot! Joe…get off.” Rachel pushed against the wall of man collapsed across her but of course her efforts were futile against his solid mass. “Joe, please” she begged becoming claustrophobic from the heat of their sweaty bodies.

  “Can’t move.” Joe grumbled into the skin of her neck where his head was resting heavily.

  “Don’t be ridiculous; I’m melting, get off.” Rachel waited for a few more seconds but the mountain of a man currently smothering her made no attempt at complying with her request. “Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you…” and reaching down between their bodies Rachel found the soft skin of his inner thigh and pinched him hard using her fingernails. Joe flew off her landing on the mattress beside her.

  “Jesus – fuck that hurt.” He yelled turning to see a rather satisfied grinning, glistening woman lying next to him. “Oh, you think you’re so funny but you haven’t considered payback now have you. When you took your pincer like fingers and tortured my poor sensitive flesh; did you consider how I might inflict retribution for that hasty and painful action you inflicted upon me.” Joe paused to let his words penetrate Rachel’s brain. “Did you think I’d forgotten how ticklish you are?”

  A look of horror crossed her face. She absolutely hated to be tickled with a passion. Trying to maintain a convincing façade she kept her voice steady. “I hate to disappoint you but I’m not feeling at all ticklish today.”

  Joe studied her for a minute and decided she was lying to him. “Really? I’m not so sure; I think I might need to put you to the test on that” and before Rachel could escape his clutches he’d clamped one of his huge hands down on her thigh trapping her.

  Rachel panicked. If Joe wanted to torture her then she was powerless to prevent him, but she really did hate to be tickled. “Excuse me but I need the loo.” A valid reason for her release Rachel surmised.

  “I don’t think you do.”

  She tutted. “Well if you want to be sleeping on wet sheets, be my guest.”

  “Nice” Joe laughed, ”but I’m willing to risk it” and in one speedy movement he had both of her hands above her head holding her in place as he blew raspberries all over her stomach. Rachel creased up and giggled. Here she was expecting a full on unrelenting attack but instead, Joe had morphed into a big pussycat teasing her and making her laugh under his sweet kisses. ‘Unpredictable Joe’ was slowly melting her heart.

  “Oh my god” she squealed from beneath him, “now I really do need to wee; let me go!” she kicked him in the shins and eventually got his attention. “Bloody hell Joe, I’m busting, stop!” Laughing he let her go smacking her bum as she got off the bed.

  Watching her disappear in to her bathroom Joe experienced what he could only suspect was contentment and when she re-emerged sliding back in to his arms all sleepy and soft, his heart swelled and his mind stilled. His last thought as he drifted into a peaceful sleep is that he never wanted to be anywhere else but with Rachel.


  “Shit!” Rachel cried realising she’d slept straight through her alarm. She sat bolt upright; her heart pounding until her brain kicked into gear to remind her that it was Saturday. Sagging back in to the cosiness of the bed, she was suddenly conscious of the man beside her who was still deep in sleep snoring softly and as she turned to face him Rachel was momentarily shocked to see Joe and not Nate. For the past year, she had woken up in despair at being alone but today she was elated to have Joe for company. Not just anyone; not Nate; not Luc, but Joe, her boss; the man she had initially despised for being arrogant and insensitive and who was now the centre of her world. Rachel was under no illusion that he’d undergo some massive pe
rsonality change just because they were together, but she had learnt these past few days that the man was far more complex with many more layers than his image portrayed.

  If Rachel had to sum up Joe in one word it would have to be ‘powerful.’ It rolled off him in waves even in sleep. But she knew it wasn’t just his immense physical strength that gave him that aura alone; it was his stance; the set of his jaw; his confidence and diligence; the breadth of his knowledge and the depth of his passions. The man was entirely comfortable with himself and that was highly compelling. Consequently, she could cope with Public Joe as long as she came home to her Private Joe; the one who made her laugh; teased her and fucked her into oblivion.

  Rachel stretched then shifted on to her side facing him so she could study him while he slept; a novelty she expected would never wear off. Joe had a strong profile and his features although relaxed in slumber could hardly be described as soft. Rachel loved the mass of dark hair that covered his head, face and chest. It was very masculine and the feel of it on her skin turned her on which was something new to her. His physique continued to amaze her and she lightly traced the defined muscles of his biceps, shoulders and pecs with the tips of her fingers; the hard ridges taut under his soft skin. He twitched a bit under her touch but didn’t wake leaving Rachel to swoon at will.


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