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LAW Box Set: Books 4-6 (Life After War Book 0)

Page 108

by Angela White

  Kyle gathered her into his arms, murmuring nonsensical endearments as he rocked her. Once the poison was out, she would feel better.

  Jennifer’s breath gasped out, “I meant it! Don’t you b-back out on me.”

  Kyle laughed, cuddling her tighter. “Not on my life! I’d give you anything. You know that.”

  Jennifer allowed the tears to flow and eventually fell asleep that way, with drops still glistening on her dark lashes.

  Chapter Thirty



  Angela had instructed Cynthia to take the camp to the carpet warehouse because of the size. It was a vast complex of rooms that she hoped might still be filled with items of use. Before they reached the monstrous building, they had to cross the railroad tracks. Before they could get to them, they had to travel through the dozens of small groups that were lined up around their people.

  The Indians made up the farthest rings and Marc was glad to see that Grendin, Natoli, and Atolius had survived the battles. He would tell them about Red Stone, though they already knew. It was the proper way, so that the Indian’s body could be retrieved by his mourning people.

  After the Indians, came a surprise to some of those in the truck. The remaining soldiers, now moving away from the road as Eagles rushed toward the convoy, appeared to have been disarmed and were under guard. Angela had vowed not to leave a single enemy alive. Less than one hundred had survived, and only because she hadn’t been willing to kill any more of her own people just to have a perfect tally. It was intimidating.

  As the small convoy rolled by, shouts of support and cheering began to echo. The wave of sound drew waiting people from their tents and the sides of the road quickly filled with Eagles, Indians, soldiers, and descendants.

  Angela tried not to cry. My people!

  They love you.

  Marc stiffening next to her told Angela that he’d heard Adrian’s message. She chose to ignore it, but was surprised when Marc waved a hand at her to continue before falling into a discussion with Shawn on their remaining fuel.

  I’ll be there soon.

  Angela ducked her head to give herself the illusion of privacy. You should go north. Nothing good waits for you here.

  I’m coming in.

  There were survivors in Canada. You heard his thoughts. You could start over.

  Not without you.

  She sighed again. Then come home and face what you’ve done.

  Thank you.

  Don’t thank me! she sent sharply. I traded your life for the sheep and then for Marc, and I’d do it all over again!

  That’s what I’m grateful for, Adrian confessed, relishing the feel of her, even the part that now loathed him. You’ve reacted exactly as I needed you to and the result is coming into view. Enjoy their love. You’re worthy of it.

  Angela felt him shut the door between them and was relieved that he hadn’t said more. She had begun to suspect that Adrian had manipulated her into what she’d done at the bunker, but hadn’t allowed herself to actually spend time thinking about it. Now, she added up the clues as they came to her, not enraged like he probably expected her to be. How could she be, when the goal had been reached? Did it matter that she hadn’t known her destiny until the grand plan was being drawn up? Did it matter that she wouldn’t be here to control the new future she’d started? Only time would tell.

  The convoy, now larger from an Eagle escort, rolled across the railroad tracks to find another group under guard. The Mexicans were waiting to speak to her about their leader. The sentries here were thicker than on the soldiers. Most of the Mexican army had gone south after fighting with Marc. Only Sebastian and his main men had shown up for round two and there were roughly fifty of them left. They glowered at the happy reception with hatred. Their leader hadn’t made it back. They wanted to know why.

  The new groups of descendants were also staying close to the Mexicans, and Marc was sure that had kept Eagle guards alert. If the descendants thought the heavily-armed men were a problem, than they probably were.

  “Don’t get out until I clear it,” Marc tossed over his shoulder and then went back to his talk with Shawn. Fuel was important.

  Angela hadn’t planned on it. The rebellious thoughts of the Mexican’s were already forcing another choice that she didn’t want to have to make.

  “I can handle it,” Jennifer stated from the backseat. She was also monitoring thoughts and didn’t like what she was finding.

  “No,” Angela denied. “It’s covered.”

  “You’re the boss. Do you need me right now?”

  “Not with your daughter yelling that way. You are off duty until morning.”

  “Nice,” Kyle commented. “Me too, boss?”

  Angela winced, glad Marc’s back was to her. “For a bit.”

  Marc hadn’t missed her reaction, but he had other pressing concerns as Charlie stormed from the flag-decorated warehouse with a thunderous face and clenched fists.

  Angela’s mental sigh was awful to hear. Leave him alone. I’ve earned this and much worse.

  Marc scowled, but didn’t interfere as the truck stopped and Charlie began screaming.

  The accusations were spat with a teenager’s lack of caution and tact. Everyone listened in shock as he accused her of sending Tracy off to be beaten and raped so that she could talk the bunker into letting her keep Adrian. He then went on to connect that to her hurting Marc and then getting Crista killed.

  Angela withstood it without any reaction, but she took each arrow deep into her heart and held it tight, knowing it would fester. She was a monster.

  Charlie had gotten most of the rage out and he stared at his mom in confused betrayal. “Why?!”

  Angela swept the witnesses, seeing they too needed those answers. She’d planned on it. Angela was glad to know that the rest of her designs were coming to fruition as well, but it still hurt her deeply to see such wariness in their expressions.

  “Tomorrow morning, there will be three trials held in Safe Haven. One is for Conner Mitchel, who is accused of stalking and sexual deviance. The second is for myself. It’s a leadership vote.

  Stunned, Marc turned to her and Angela quickly finished her last orders. “The third is for Adrian. He’ll be here soon. Get three cells ready and get us locked up.”

  For almost a full minute, no one moved. It was easy to see that her voluntary surrender was likely enough, but her plans required that she play this role to the end and she would.

  The Mexicans suddenly began to cheer as the words were passed to them.

  Angela glanced at Marc. Take me into custody.

  Marc almost couldn’t do it. In the end, it was the witch and her whispers of the grand plan that allowed him to take her arm and motion for Shawn to get her other side. Angela was lethal and he still had to train his men. Like those who’d come before him, Marc was going to use every moment as a tool.

  Marc led her through the silently gaping crowd and into the warehouse. He’d already used his grid ability to find the brig.

  “Thank you.”

  Charlie spun around to find Tracy standing by the flap of their tent. She’d chosen to have some time alone and no one had argued once the doctor had cleared her. It didn’t seem to bother her that the freshly dug graves were about to be filled in right next to them. Charlie did mind, but not enough to bring it up. They wouldn’t be here long anyway.

  “For what?”

  “No one ever stood up for me like that,” Tracy told him. “She doesn’t deserve it and you’re going to apologize and then make it right, but I’ll never forget it, I promise.”

  Charlie was completely confused. He followed Tracy inside their tent, sputtering reasons for the rant.


  Forgotten during the show, the rest of the passengers exited. They made their way through the congratulations and into the warehouse behind Marc and Angie. Seth and Becky went toward the mess, using her mental grid to find it. Peggy and Doug exclaimed happily as she a
nd Seth joined them.

  Angela heard and frowned at the changes in Peggy. Her public tune had changed drastically after Samantha had called her out.

  Angela swept each area they went through, noting the work that had been done to make it safe. She nodded approvingly at Ray and Dale, who were busy collecting carpeting they would need in the caves as they settled for the winter.

  Both Eagles started to rush over and then realized she was being escorted, like a prisoner. They stayed back and watched in confusion.

  Marc took her to a center room, glad of the location when he realized there might be many people who wanted her out of the way. Now would be a great time to accomplish that goal.

  “That’s the reason I told them to put the cells in the center,” Angela informed him. “I’m reaching in my pocket.”

  She would act like what she was–a suspect awaiting her judgment. She lit a stale smoke that had come from Donner, then handed her jacket to Marc and stepped into the cell.

  “Get her out of there!”

  They all looked at the angry woman storming into the room.

  “Right now!” Cynthia ordered. She motioned to the men with her.

  Daryl had Angela out of the cell and back into her jacket before she could protest.

  “She’ll be held in a real room,” the reporter directed. “One with a bed, food, a bathroom, and her man. See to it.”

  Cynthia’s tone was a set order that pleased Angela. She was obeyed without question.

  Angela could feel Marc’s relief. He hadn’t been sure how long he would be okay with her crammed into a small cage.

  Behind them, Conner was being brought into the cage room, though he wasn’t shouting the way Angela had foreseen in the beginning of things. She’d put him with the wounded intentionally, hoping it would bring him a new awareness of life and death. With that, he might be able to recover.

  Angela sank down into clean sheets a few minutes later, smelling fresh-baked bread. They were giving her a hero’s welcome, doing it in ways the sheep couldn’t argue with.

  “I don’t deserve this,” she said quietly. “And I love you for it.”

  Angela was asleep in the bed a few minutes later, with Marc curled around her. They were home.


  “Welcome back.”

  Kenn returned the greeting in relief. He hadn’t been sure of his reception after the glowers they’d received while they drove through the camps. Kenn had been glad when Adrian insisted he and Kendle come back together. Adrian wasn’t far behind though.

  Kenn looked to Daryl. “Where’s the boss?”

  Daryl frowned, happiness fading. “She placed herself under arrest, along with Conner. Told us to do the same to Adrian when he gets here.”

  Kenn scanned the crowd that was no longer as hostile to him now that he’d been greeted by a top level Eagle. “You won’t get him there.”

  Daryl wasn’t sure he wanted to.

  Kenn looked around again and saw very little support. Those who would help him were flashing gestures, but it wasn’t enough to control a mob. Kenn noted the armed men standing in small groups, the tense air waiting for a spark, and shook his head. “He won’t make it out of the truck.”

  Kenn spun back toward his vehicle. “If this is now how we handle justice here, tell Tonya she’ll have to come to me.”

  “Get back here!”

  Charlie’s voice was one Kenn hadn’t expected to hear. He waited for the teenager to reach him before snarling, “What?!”

  Charlie still found enjoyment from Kenn’s distress, but he had a job to do. Tracy had insisted. He held out an envelope.

  Kenn stared at it in hatred. Small and torn in places, the message had obviously survived more than one battlefield.

  Kenn opened it with nervous anger, aware that there were hundreds of witnesses.

  Marc is the only one who can get him through. Use what you have to.

  And below that, in a quick script that Kenn was sure she had added reluctantly:

  Ask Kendle to help.

  She didn’t want Kendle and Adrian together, but she’d added that note and that meant he would need the assistance. “I have to see Marc.”

  Daryl couldn’t find a reason to say no. He led Kenn into the warehouse, immediately relaxing once they were out of sight of the other camps.

  “I hope Adrian has a good plan, or we’ll be burying him with the other bodies tonight,” Daryl said, moving fast and spitting out information.

  “That crowd is angry and they outnumber us if the soldiers and Mexicans make a deal. We’ve got them separated and under watch.”

  Daryl opened a door and took them down a long, dusty hall covered in prints. “If he just walks in here, they’ll riot. Some of our people will join them too. They’re all pissed.”

  “They have a right to be,” Marc said from the doorway in front of them.

  The guard on the room, Greg, nodded to Daryl and headed down a different hallway.

  Kenn didn’t get close enough to be easily reached as he tried to convince Marc to save his rival. “Think of it–”

  “I won’t.”

  Kenn held out the last envelope from Angie. “Then just follow orders!”

  Kendle had trailed them, hating Angela for her new chore. She was ruthless.

  Yes, I am. Now do your duty and then go be rewarded with the reception from Safe Haven that you’ve longed for.

  Angela’s voice was a deep command of the alpha, but it wasn’t needed. Kendle didn’t want Adrian killed. With him around, there was always the chance that Angela would go to him and Marc would be free.

  That will never happen! He has always been MY Brady!

  Marc smirked, aware that Kenn knew the females were talking, but wasn’t picking it up. Being out of the loop drove all Marines crazy.

  “You can’t let him be lynched,” Kendle added. “Adrian and I are a couple.”

  Marc, furious at being set up, blasted into Kendle’s mind and found each lie she had told.

  Kendle shuddered as Marc dug through all the layers of her torment and then went deeper. Nothing escaped his attention.

  Kenn, worried for Adrian’s new relief source, put a comforting arm around her shoulders.

  Just as Tonya walked in.

  “You skank!”

  Tonya ran straight towards the cringing castaway.

  Marc barely caught her around the waist, swinging her around.

  “Take this!” he shouted, shoving Tonya at Kenn.

  Kenn caught her and held on, dragging her towards the door as he tried to explain. “Stop! It’s not what–”

  “I’ll rip your eyes out!” Tonya screamed, swinging on Kenn. “And hers!”

  Kenn grunted at a well-aimed blow to his jaw from a pissed elbow. Tiring of it, he pinned her against the wall with his body, straining to be careful but not get hurt.

  Listening from her bed, Angela reluctantly put a stop to it. She was enjoying the show. “He’s not lying. Be quiet.”

  It took Tonya a full minute of listening to Angela’s explanations before she would calm down. She kept kicking and delivering death threats until Angela finally tired of it and opened the door.

  Tonya froze at the wave of menace that ran over her. She stared at Angela in concern and distrust. “Kendle and Adrian?”

  Angela nodded and it was easy to see from the pain on her face that it was true. “Marc was scanning her lies. She was scared. Your man showed compassion to her. Real progress for him, wouldn’t you say?”

  “If it’s true,” Tonya tried to keep it going.

  Angela went back to her bed. As she sank down, she waved a hand and to slam the door shut.

  Kenn moved back as Tonya shivered. “She has no reason to lie for me. I don’t even like Kendle.”

  Kendle stiffened. “You’re no picnic either, Smurf Balls!” She turned to Marc. “You’ve seen my secrets. How about we see yours? Are you really a good guy or are you hiding scum, like the rest of us?”

/>   Marc was taken aback, despite feeling covered for this moment. “Yes, I am.”

  Kendle seized onto the short list that Adrian had given her. “What about all those snake women? What about your decades old lie of not being a descendant? Or the way you left Angie to raise a baby when she was just a teenager? When were you forgiven for all of your mistakes?”

  “This isn’t about me,” he refuted.

  “Yes, it is. You can stop them from lynching someone on their way to stand trial.”

  “And when we vote to hang him?” Marc asked. “What then?”

  Kendle’s anger faded. “Then it’s what he deserves. It just has to be a fair trial. If it isn’t, everything you’re building here will collapse. You know that.”

  “You’re only doing this for personal gains,” Marc pointed out, once again trapped.

  “Yes, but does that change the truth?”

  “No.” He let out an ugly sound and hit the button on his radio. “I want all Level Six Eagles at the front door. Now.”

  Marc strode that way, hating it that he had to keep playing this awful role. He longed for Adrian’s blood and here he was, forced to save the piece of trash yet again. The camp would think any form of punishment was okay if he allowed a lynching. It would undermine all the effort they’d made to be civilized. Angela had known exactly what to use.

  Angela shut her lids. You can come in now.

  Have you looked?

  There’s only darkness.

  You don’t have to do this. Let me die.

  Not even if I have to destroy all we’ve built, Angela denied. Your life belongs to me.


  Jennifer had to stop at the bathroom campers before she could go to her daughter and she hurried, not sure where Kyle had gone. He’d been by her side until she reached the restroom. Upon exiting, Jennifer rushed through the lantern-lit halls, waving and calling greetings that were returned. She entered the area where the younger children were sequestered, and stopped in amusement at the site of Kyle already holding Autumn.

  The pair wasn’t facing the door and hadn’t noticed her yet. Jennifer stayed still, observing. She usually left them alone when Kyle spent time with the baby, trying not to push him into being closer with Autumn than he was ready for. Even at her age, she knew kids were a rough adjustment.


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