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LAW Box Set: Books 4-6 (Life After War Book 0)

Page 109

by Angela White

  Jennifer pushed in gently and was shocked by the levels of communication.

  She’s okay?

  Yes, darlin’. She had to pee.

  She should get a diaper.

  Kyle chuckled. I’ll tell her that.

  Kyle leaned down and kissed Autumn’s soft cheek, nuzzling her like he sometimes wanted to do with her mother. Were you okay while we were gone this time?

  Yes. They stayed closer. It was fun.

  Kyle marveled at the fast adjustment that kids could make to danger. Are you hungry or wet or anything?

  No. They’re afraid of mommy. They keep changing me when I don’t need it.

  Kyle laughed again, feeling the Safe Haven comfort settle onto his shoulders. It was good to be home.

  Autumn’s hand was busy exploring Kyle’s hair and face, as she did with everyone who held her. The mobster kept still, so that she could get her fill of it. Autumn gifts still required physical contact to be effective.

  “That won’t last long,” Jennifer said from the doorway. “We’ll have to teach her to control herself when she gets upset.”

  Kyle smiled at the infant. “We will. Together.”

  Jennifer had slipped from their minds when she revealed her presence, but she stepped closer as the baby let out a giggle of delight. “What did I miss?”

  Kyle was grinning from ear to ear. “She’s happy we’re staying.”

  “So am I,” Jennifer lied. She’d much rather be alone in the lodge with her baby and Kyle.

  Kyle turned to look at her. “So would I.”

  Jennifer’s eyes narrowed. “Autumn, what did I tell you about that?”

  Kyle shielded the baby, snickering. “Here in a few days, why don’t we go spend a week at the lodge? You, me and little cute cheeks here?”


  “Sure. If things go the way Angela planned, we’ll be headed for our settlement next. They can start putting up boards and bags without us for the first week, can’t they?”

  Jennifer nodded right away. “That sounds wonderful.”

  Kyle listened to the drowsy baby in his arms, happiness fading. “She said there’s trouble coming.”

  “Adrian,” Jennifer guessed.

  “Yeah, he’s here.”

  An instant later, his radio lit up.

  “I want all Level Six Eagles at the front door. Now.”

  Kyle answered the call with a short click and kept ahold of the baby as he and Jennifer went to the door. He’d missed her.

  It didn’t escape Jennifer’s attention, but it actually drew gawkers among the camp members and the Eagles. Seeing a dangerous man like Kyle cradling a baby and cooing to her wasn’t expected. It showed a side to his obsession that few people had thought of. By claiming Jennifer, Kyle also got to be Autumn’s dad.

  Kyle met his team at the door and the men surprised everyone by doing the same thing he was.

  “How are you today, Autumn?” Daryl asked in a high pitch voice that drew grins.

  He nodded at her answer. “Same here, sweetie.”

  Autumn’s face glowed as the group of men turned into babbling fools competing for the best impression. Even Shawn had a moment where he was unable to resist holding his arms out for a quick hug. In just months, Autumn had worked her way into the hearts of all her protectors.

  Her life mate will probably come from that group, Jennifer sent to Kyle. Encourage it. They already love her.

  That stunned Kyle, but before he could respond, the hall went cold and quiet.

  Marc was here.

  Kyle took the baby and handed her to Jennifer, then assumed his place behind Marc as they headed for the door. He didn’t want to do this. None of his team did, but if Angela had thought this far ahead, then they still needed Adrian for something.

  Marc wasn’t so sure, but he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he didn’t bring Adrian in and then Safe Haven fell apart because of it. Society had to have rules and people had to stick to them, even when it went against everything they stood for.

  Hopefully, he’ll put up a fight, his demon suggested. You can’t be blamed for that.

  Marc grinned coldly.


  Kendle came into the huge room that had been designated as their mess. She froze as the crowd rushed forward.

  “It’s her!”


  “Ms. Roberts!”

  Quinn reached her first, but Kendle was aware that his expression wasn’t that of an adoring fan. He was upset. She knew it because he only stared at her.

  Kendle tolerated the well-wishers and welcomes as best she could, thinking she would need a lot of sessions with Adrian to get over this instant flinch from being touched. It was so bad that she didn’t think it could be fixed.

  Kendle was ushered to the buffet tables, where Li Sing had outdone himself to welcome Angela home. The pig looked like it had been roasted perfectly. Kendle wondered when there had been time for cooking, and then remembered that the main camp had been sequestered with nothing to do except wait and see if the enemy would reach them.

  Kendle took her generous tray to the table in the corner, still surrounded by people who wanted to hear every detail of her life before the war. They knew she’d been fighting in this battle, but the old lure of wealth and power was what still held their interest.

  Kendle answered vaguely and downplayed her fame, sensing it might come back to haunt her later. People like the stars up close, but from a distance, jealousy caused a distorted view that sometimes ended in violence. When she could, she took a table alone to eat.

  Quinn dropped down across from her without a tray.

  Kendle glowered at him. “I didn’t even tell your boss bitch about me and Adrian, okay? Get off it.”

  That was enough for Quinn. He didn’t have time for someone who couldn’t even be polite.

  Kendle let him go. She’d chosen Adrian and it was easy to break these ties. Adrian was as close to Marc as it would get. He was the only one who might be able to help her achieve what she wanted.

  Kendle glanced around as the last of the fans faded with the sharp remark she’d made to Quinn. Her reputation for being unstable had also spread through the camp and that was good. It would save her some of the drama when everyone found out whom she had chosen to partner with.

  Curious as to the mood of the large group here, Kendle dropped the mental barrier to allow the chaos of dozens of thoughts flying around at the same time to enter her mind.

  It’s so great to be back indoors! And also creepy.

  When are we leaving? It feels wrong in here.

  We won! We can have peace now.

  We owe her everything.

  There shouldn’t be a trial. She saved us.

  Adrian should be hung. How could he betray us? We loved him.

  When is Angela taking over?

  I want Adrian back in charge.

  Kendle looked at the owner of that last thought, shutting out all but that single thread. Why would the vet want Adrian in charge again?

  Taking a chance, Kendle tapped lightly on his mental wall. How did it go?

  The vet, aware of Kendle the instant her glance turned his way, kept eating and pretending to listen to Ray and Dale gush over the meal and the work they’d been doing. He normally enjoyed their drama-free conversations, but today, it was causing him to consider spending time in the livestock trucks.

  Kendle sighed. She hadn’t been trying to pry. She just needed the contact of her own kind.

  I’m not your kind, the vet whispered, already deep into her mind. I hate them both.

  You’re keeping secrets, Kendle responded dejectedly. That’s all I meant.

  The vet didn’t want this bond and he certainly didn’t want to feel the similarities between Kendle and Angela. It would be too easy to settle for second best.

  Kendle blanched, stomach twisting.

  She shoved away from the table. She could be accepted now if she could finish conforming
. It should have been easy since the right side of the line was with Marc and Angela. She wasn’t so far gone that she didn’t know the choice she was making was wrong. But she was too far gone to change it now.

  Kendle left the mess, headed for the front door.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  My Way or the Highway


  Marc didn’t hurry to the end of the camp-lined street, where Adrian was waiting. There was still part of him hoping the crowd would become a mob and handle it before he got there.

  Adrian was sitting on the hood of a green truck, surrounded by a group of men and women who looked as hard as any of Safe Haven’s fighters. They wore long, thick coats made from animal hides and around their lean hips were pouches that bulged with rocks. The shapes were too distinctive to be anything else.

  Adrian stared at Marc with open hatred, letting his eyes glow. He’d always controlled his emotions while in Safe Haven. It was a wonderful freedom to stop hiding. Kenn’s words had helped more than he knew. Adrian didn’t have as many powers as the other descendants here, but he’d had his longer and he’d studied their kind all his life. He knew how to use his gifts.

  “Guess it had to happen,” Marc commented, slowly removing his coat. He had no idea how to battle this way, but he had no doubts about winning. He was in the right. He was also younger, in better shape, and hadn’t just spent days being abused by Major Donner. That did take some of the fun out of it for Marc, but not enough for him to delay the inevitable.

  As the witnesses realized what was about to happen, word was sent back as the crowd came closer. Some even began to place bets.

  “Rules?” Marc asked, dropping his jacket.

  Adrian tossed his butt into the blowing grit and stood up. “Honor.”

  “You don’t have that to bargain with!” Marc sneered and spat toward Adrian’s boots.

  “Your honor, grunt!” Adrian responded angrily. “No one expects me to have it. I gave up the luxury when I became their leader.”

  “Rules?” Marc insisted, unbuckling his gun belt. He’d already tried that method of punishment.

  “None. Prize?”

  Marc considered that one carefully, but only out of respect for the future. Angela insisted they still needed Adrian. He knew her personal feelings had helped make the choice, but he had no reason to doubt that she was telling the truth. She’d seen something else coming for them that only Adrian could cover, but Marc figured if it were truly that awful, fate itself would step in and save the traitor again.

  “You’ll make it to your trial, where I’ll enforce the decision. Especially if they chose to end your life.”

  Adrian slowly removed his gun belts. “Agreed.”

  The men moved toward each other without further words, both drawing upon their demons to battle for them.

  Then darkness fell.

  One minute they were in late afternoon sunlight, set to kill each other or die trying, and then it was nighttime and they could barely view their opponent.

  Marc’s anger flipped into concern for the camp at the same time as Adrian’s, but neither man moved as the sounds of the panicking crowd faded into a rushing noise that some of them were still haunted by. It reminded them of the dam that had broken and nearly washed them away, but the source was much more familiar.

  Angela and her team of females were coming through the crowd, each of them inside protective bubbles that refused to admit the slugs the Mexicans started firing upon seeing her in the open.

  Angela motioned to Jennifer and Samantha. “Finish that.”

  The two females ran eagerly into the middle of the Mexican camp and began to lay waste with fire and wind.

  Across the street, Indian camps fled Angela’s wrath, but she didn’t attack them. Her target was ahead.

  Marc and Adrian stood in stunned silence as they watched Angela stride toward them with flaming eyes and fire twining around her body. She spotted the stone-throwers that Adrian had made deals with, fire blazing higher.

  Adrian was forced to watch as she killed them all. It was why he’d brought them here, but it wasn’t easy to view. Becky did most of it by forcing Everett to turn his new rifle on his own people. Tracy and Cynthia backed it up with fast blows of icy wind followed by beautiful rifle to the head. It was terrifying.

  “They, uh... Well, they look pissed,” Marc stammered, suddenly without any rage at all.

  He’d thought he was powerful. He’d known Adrian was, but Angela was controlling all of this chaos! He watched her jerk a hand and two cars in her path shoved up into the yards and over tents.

  When I give an order, you follow it! she thundered.

  It slammed into every mind in the area and brought a few of them to their knees when they tried to resist.

  He will stand trial!

  Marc and Adrian were both relieved when the females halted near the edge of the battlefield, aware of burning cars, screaming men, and screeching demons.

  “Any idea how to calm that down?” Adrian asked suddenly. He hadn’t known she’d become that strong either, but the government had. That’s why they’d sent Donner.

  “Yeah, but he knew it and planned to use it. Looks like we’re the only ones who were fooled,” Marc pointed out.

  “What else has she been hiding?”

  “Hard to say. Right now, we’d better think of something–quick.”


  Angela waited impatiently for them to work it out, forced to leave her self-imprisonment to supervise them. It was beyond annoying after all that she’d accomplished, to have to blow her cover for this. Now everyone knew how different she actually was. Even her team, with all their gifts, were no match for her. Taking so many lives had given her uncountable powers, so many that she was still discovering them.

  “Is this a bad time?”

  Angela shook her head.

  Sergeant Wallz slowly edged closer. He noticed none of her former guards rushed over as they would have only days ago, and saw her wince. “You caught that?”

  “I catch all of it,” Angela intoned. “Why should I let you join my flock?”

  “Because we were forced and we withdrew, surrendered in some cases. We deserve a second chance.”

  “Safe Haven offers that,” Angela agreed, “But not freely. You’ll have to earn it. Until you do, I find you unworthy. Leave now or die.”

  “And the others?” David tried to verify, heart falling as he watched her scan them with glowing eyes that allowed nothing to be hidden.

  “All may stay except the three thieves who killed the old woman for her supplies. They will be executed.”

  Gunshots rang out as Jennifer caught the images and location, and sent it to Tracy, who was closest to the soldiers.

  “There are others here who are not who they claim to be,” Angela stated. She began showing their faces to her team of merciless killers.

  Those with something to hide took off running, and those without anything to fear did the same to avoid being caught in the crossfire.

  Angela didn’t control their panic. The Indians would now flee with tales of Safe Haven’s power. The few soldiers still alive would have their own stories of battles. Those who stayed and joined would have respect for her rules. As for the descendants, there were a lot of them here. Angela wanted to be clear that this was her ship. She would sink anyone who tried to run her aground.

  The only fear she had over the exposure was from her own camp. She wouldn’t be voted out now, though she would resign if she felt they were keeping her because they feared her retribution. It only worked if they could still love her.

  Angela glowered harder at the two men lingering on the edge of their fight.

  Get him locked in one of my cells before I get upset.

  The command was obeyed, though both men dragged their feet. Adrian had planned to go down in a blaze of glory at Marc’s hand. Marc had been hoping for the same thing. Turning away from that identical goal was hard.

  The walk
back to the warehouse was a learning experience. Marc and Adrian observed her team working to calm and clear the area without speaking a single word. Other than Tracy, they weren’t even exchanging a glance. Angela had taught them to read each other’s minds during battle.

  “I also trained them for this very moment,” Angela stated in annoyance from behind the pair. “It pisses me off that I had to.”

  She shoved by them and Marc was the first one to notice her hair had turned solid gray. There wasn’t a single black strand to be seen.

  Adrian saw it a second later, and concern spread over his face. He held his tongue only because he could feel Marc’s rage threatening to spill over again.

  “You shouldn’t have come back!” Marc growled. “I gave you your life.”

  Adrian didn’t tell Marc that he couldn’t do it, that being away from her felt worse than facing death.

  Marc knew, and it increased the anger. There were no closed doors now. He wasn’t supposed to have to feel the way Adrian’s heart was beating faster at being around Angela or see the way she was so perfect in his thoughts. It was awful.

  Angela waved her team away from the duties that were mostly finished, silently telling Greg and Shawn to have the Eagles handle the rest of it. She needed her Eagles to be seen as the police, the enforcers. There were too many unknowns mixed in with the surviving camps around hers for comfort, though she wasn’t going to kill them. She’d only removed the offenders who made it a habit or those whose crimes were unforgivable. That was her new line.

  “Get the camp assembled. We’ll hold Adrian’s trial immediately following the leadership vote. If everyone wants to see him hang after we get all the details, Marc will make sure that happens.”

  You bet that sweet ass, Marc sent.

  Next to him, Adrian shuddered.

  From his thoughts, Marc began to understand that Angela wasn’t planning to spare Adrian completely. He was going to face the people he’d betrayed.



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