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The Enchanted Kingdoms (Haunting Fairytales Book 1)

Page 7

by R. L. Weeks


  Edward dressed in a black tux and scowled at his reflection in the long oval mirror. He traced his fingers along the deep scars and over his pointy nose. The grey slush colour of his eyes was made to look worse by the dark circles and crow’s feet. The tux was slightly too big. His muscles now sagged and he could vomit looking at himself. Pushing back his grey hair which made him look older than his twenty-nine years, he decided this was the best it was going to get. He strutted out of the room and down to dinner. Yet, as he drew closer to the ballroom a strange, unexperienced feeling crept into his stomach. Like a million moths were flapping their wings. He felt incredibly nauseous, clammy, yet weirdly excited. ‘Hope I’m not getting ill,’ he said under his breath.

  When he walked into the ballroom the feeling in his stomach exploded to the point where he was unsure to how he was still standing up. Belle was dressed in a champagne coloured dress. He had told Caleb to give Belle the dresses that he had ordered Stilt to make, yet never did he expect the dress to look so exquisite. Or was it her? No, it had to be the dress, he decided and sat down at the head of the table. Belle’s mouth formed into a perfect smile. Edward felt his mouth go dry. Why was she smiling at him? Could she not see how ugly he was? He pondered these thoughts while remaining fixated on her smile. He noticed how she had a slight scar on her top lip. It wasn’t noticeable when she smiled, but he could see it when her smile dropped. There was a certain sadness on her expression masked by sweetness that to anyone, it wouldn’t have been apparent. He shook himself out of his trance like state when he saw that she was talking, and to him. ‘So do you?’

  Edward furrowed his brows and grunted. He must have missed half of what she had said. ‘Oh,’ she continued. ‘I forgot. You’re mute. I’m so insensitive!’ she looked down at her plate and mentally kicked herself.

  Edward cleared his throat. ‘Sorry, not mute. What were you saying?’ His voice sounded different, soft even. He cleared his throat again and looked at her shocked expression.

  ‘Sorry.’ She blushed and dabbed at her lips with a napkin. ‘I thought you were. I was just asking about the castle. How long have you lived her?’

  He smiled. She sounded genuinely interested. He wasn’t sure if that was through practice, or if she genuinely did just take an interest in other people. ‘I have been here for a little over a year.’

  Her eyes widened. ‘I see. Do you want to leave?’ She asked, even though she knew he couldn’t.

  Edward chose his words carefully. ‘I guess. Please, excuse me.’ He stood up and walked away from the table, leaving his food untouched. He left the room and walked up to the corridor where the prisoners were in their rooms. He pulled out the small gold master key and unlocked one of the doors. On the door was a green metallic heart. He looked around the corner. The man who had been her since he took over still lay asleep on the bed. He had never woken and probably never would. A green heart meant a sleeping curse, and true loves kiss would never find him here. From what he could gather from the books that the haggard woman had left behind, was that the man’s family had taken him to the castle so he could be safe while they tried to find his true love. Clearly, they never had.

  He walked up the corridor some more and almost tripped over a mop. After realising he and Caleb were alone he realised that he would need some help. He had Caleb do the cooking for them both and had turned a candlestick into a servant. They called him Bronze and he delivered the meals to the prisoners. Edward then turned a couple of mice that were hiding in the castle into two small mousy women. They cooked the meals for the prisoners and cleaned out the rooms, as well as made his bed daily and cleaned the bathrooms.

  He unlocked each door as he went and checked they were all in there. He hesitated as he reached the last door. On it was a red metallic heart. The love curse. In the room was a man that made Edward feel unintelligent and aggravated, but he was good spinster. He put the key in the door and heard the familiar click, then let himself in.

  Inside the short, pale man with golden straw-like hair that reached down to the bottom of his ears sat at his spinning wheel. Gold straw littered the stony ground. Through the barred window, moonlight seeped in. Stilt always blew the candles out when they maids lit them. He preferred to sit in the dark, alone. ‘Just doing the weekly check,’ Edward said. ‘The dresses were beautiful, thank you.’

  Stilt laughed, maddeningly, and smiled a menacing grin. ‘Oh I am so glad. So, you have a lady friend here. Tell me,’ he walked over to the bed and propped his head onto his hands. Edward noticed that Stilt would be around the same height as Belle’s five-foot nothing stature. Stilt looked directly at Edward with amber eyes. ‘Does she like you? Will I be getting a new castle master?’ He cackled and glanced over at the spinning wheel. ‘I can make you more dresses. You would never find such beautiful garments, but I would need something from you.’

  Edward scoffed. ‘I will never make a deal with you, and to answer your question, I don’t think she does like me in that way. I don’t care anyway. I only need a kiss.’

  Stilt laughed louder. ‘Oh Eddie, I think you’re lying to me,’ he said snidely. ‘Something has changed already in you. It’s your eyes. I think you like her.’ Stilt’s eyes lit up but Edward looked away.

  ‘Goodnight,’ Edward managed and walked out the door, locking it behind him. The way Stilt always looked through him almost felt intrusive.

  Edward walked off to his favourite place. The Rose room.


  He watched out the window as Belle ran around in the meadow with James and Caleb. They were having a snowball fight. Even the two maids and his servant Bronze had joined them. A sadness clutched at his chest. Why hadn’t he been invited? He shook it off. He would not, could not, get jealous. He tried to turn but he couldn’t take his eyes from them. Off her. His heart pounded in his throat and his cheeks flushed with warmth.

  Belle laughed as the powdered snow dissipated over her red cloak. Under it, her pink dress was slightly damp. She glanced up at the castle windows and noticed Edward looking out. He quickly moved away from the window. ‘I’ll be back soon,’ Belle said and ran off toward the castle doors.

  Edward jumped as his door was thrown open minutes later. Belle stood in the doorway showing off a mischievous smile. ‘Any good at snowball fights?’

  Edward almost smirked but then his face dropped. ‘I was when I was man.’

  Belle furrowed her brows and walked over to him, placing her hand on his forearm. ‘What do you mean when you were a man? You are a man.’

  Edward looked down solemnly. ‘I am a beast.’

  Belle tilted his chin with her hand and looked into his cold eyes. ‘You are only a beast to those who can’t see below the surface. I am not a liar, nor am I delusional. So, I won’t pretend to find you attractive.’ The knot in his stomach twisted uncomfortably, but Belle continued to gaze into his eyes. ‘But I will tell you that how you look is not the most important thing to some people. What I don’t like is that you seem like a kind man yet you also seem to be grumpy and selfish. What annoys me the most is that you mope around, feeling sorry for yourself because of how you look and it’s infuriating.’ She pointed a finger into his chest. ‘There are far worse things that can happen to a person than how they look! I suggest you stop skulking around in this castle and come outside with us!’

  She placed her hands on her hips and he swallowed hard. A huge part of him wanted to shout, scream at Belle for daring to talk to him like that. Talk to a prince like that. She had no idea on how he felt. Yet, there was a small, nagging part of him that knew she was right. He hated that part. ‘You know nothing about me!’

  She rolled her eyes. ‘Fine. Sulk.’ She walked out and slammed the door behind her.

  Edward slumped back into his chair and huffed. He couldn’t understand what he said that was so wrong? And he was perfectly within his rights to feel sorry for himself! After all, hadn’t he been cursed by some hysterical woman whic
h had ruined his chances to get his crown? After spending many years as a frog, he finally becomes free, and then is tricked by another woman and cursed to stay in this forsaken castle taking care of cursed commoners. He felt rage bubble up. She didn’t know him! She knew nothing! He threw his glass of whiskey at the wall and this time, didn’t bother fixing it. He thought of his life back home, back at the palace and growled. He tipped over the desk in the corner, breaking it into pieces. With each punch, he felt his rage dissipate. The splinters sunk into his knuckles. ‘I am alone!’ he screamed, feeling a whirlwind of sadness. Eventually, he stopped breaking the desk. He did not heal his cuts. The pain was the only reminder that he was alive. That he had somehow survived all the obstacles blocking his way to success.

  Belle’s heart thumped loudly on the other side of the door as she listened to his anguished cries. Her stomach twisted as she heard him hit and break things. The words ‘I am alone’ fell on her ears uncomfortably. They had one thing in common. She too, although surrounded by her family for years, always felt alone.


  That evening, Belle looked down at her bed and opened the white box. Inside lay a golden folded gown. On top of it was a small bit of parchment. On it read Sorry for earlier. I hope you come to dinner – Edward. She read over the note a few times and sighed. He hadn’t realised that she had heard his anger after their conversation, only that he was a little rude beforehand. She decided not to being up that she had heard him and pulled the dress out of the box, shaking it off. She held it up and looked at it in all its glory. The pearl beaded fabric of the dress glinted in the light from the chandelier above. Flecks of champagne shone out from the lustrous gold. The corset style bodice was strapless and looked like it had been spun with real gold. The arms were gold lace that reached down to the elbows.

  One of the maids entered the room to help her dress. She had learned that her name was Lola. She wore a white pinny and a pale blue dress that reached down to her knees. It seemed that the maids had even dressed up. Lola squeaked with excitement when she finished dressing in Belle.

  Belle couldn’t help but smile at her excitement and couldn’t wait to look in the mirror. She was never one for fashion, but loved a beautiful dress. Belle gasped when she looked at the mirror. Her hair was half up - half down, in silky chocolate curls. A glistening white gold hair piece held part of hair up and shone as brightly as her dress. The silk band wrapped around the top of the bodice. The arms didn’t start until the bottom of her petite shoulders, and reached down just past her elbows. Her nails had been buffed and covered with a shiny, clear liquid. The dress showed off her collarbones and slender neck. The corset pinched in at her already small waist and flowed out at the bottom. It was the most beautiful dress she had ever seen. She lifted the skirt and looked at her shoes. Champagne coloured with pearls on them to match the dress. Smiling, she walked over the door but stopped before opening it. She felts strange flutters in her stomach and was oddly a little nervous about dinner.

  Shrugging off the feeling, she walked down the steps with the help of Lola and entered the ballroom. The table stood centred and she swore it was twice the length than usual. It was covered with a glistening silver table cloth, gold runners, gold and silver candlesticks, and cloth, gold embroidered napkins. Shock pulsated through her as she saw around twenty guests heading down the three staircases. Caleb walked in with James and Edward. Edward stopped and looked Belle up and down. She was breathtaking. Caleb grinned as Belle and Edward looked each other, and James looked cautious.

  The guests all took their seats at the table. Caleb, Edward, and James reached Belle. Belle smiled her princess smile. ‘The dress is beautiful, thank you.’

  Edward opened his mouth to speak, but it was another strange voice from the table that answered. The same voice with madness attached to the words as a warning.

  ‘Thank you.’ Stilt smiled broadly and did a little dance before returning to his seat.

  Belle looked at him, unsure of how to take him. She guessed it was the man who had spoken to her through the door, yet for some reason she had expected him to look more threatening. She curtseyed to Caleb, James, and Edward and walked over to the table. Everyone looked at her with sagging faces, yet they all looked pleased to be there. She addressed Stilt. ‘You have quite the talent.’

  Stilt giggled, which sounded forced. ‘You have quite the infectious smile, sweet lady. What is your name?’

  ‘Belle,’ she replied.

  He laughed again. ‘Sit with me.’ He gestured to seat next to him and smiled, showing off his blackened teeth. She nodded her head and took the seat. Edward ground his teeth and took the seat at the head of the table. Caleb sat next to him and James sat across from his mother.

  Edward knocked his fork against his glass and cleared his throat. Everyone looked up at him. ‘Thank you for being here.’ He had invited everyone, all except the few that were known to be dangerous, and those with the sleeping curse.

  One guest, a man with green eyes, auburn long hair, and a thick moustache stood up. ‘Why tonight? This is the first time we have left our rooms for a long time.’ The man’s voice was hoarse. Belle guessed he would be from a northern kingdom.

  Edward smiled in return and glanced to Belle. ‘You can thank Belle, our guest. She felt sorry for you all being stuck in your rooms like prisoners. I spoke to Caleb this morning and we decided that you should all be allowed to leave your rooms. You are not a danger to anyone here and I am powerful enough to stop anything from happening if you were.’

  The guests raised their glasses which magically filled with red wine. They all cheered and toasted to Belle. She blushed and looked at Edward. He looked at her with his glass raised and grinned. She felt warmth flush to her face and quickly looked away and to James. Even James was smiling, for once. The castle seemed to be good for him.

  Stilt glugged down his wine quicker than anyone else and it refilled straight away. Belle guessed that Edward was using his magic.

  Once the maids and Bronze had finished bringing the food, they sat at the table too. Bronze was flirting with one of the maids, Lola. He pushed back his auburn hair and smiled, showing off his white teeth. His skin was a luscious shade of mahogany and Lola kept blushing. Belle looked at them and smiled.

  Edward looked out at the table. Everyone was smiling, laughing, and just generally enjoying themselves that it was infectious. This was, of course, just an elaborate plan to get Belle to kiss him after getting some helpful pointers that Caleb had begrudgingly given. However, he found himself enjoying everyone’s company. The commoners kept talking to him and they had some amusing stories. He ate until he felt bloated and drank wine until he felt tipsy. Lola got up to clear the plates but he waved her down. Instead, got up and used his magic to send the plates whizzing out of the room, which dazzled his guests. Edward glanced at Belle and found her looking at him. He quickly looked away but couldn’t help but look back again. When he did, she was looking away.

  The flutters reappeared in his stomach and he smiled tight-lipped. Belle reached across the table and wiped some sauce of James’s face with a napkin. He batted the napkin away and sighed. Caleb laughed and so did Edward. He wished, secretly, that his mother would have been as affectionate as Belle is to James. But, have a royal family meant that you had lock things like feelings, away. Belle half-smiled as she glanced at Edward yet something in her eyes changed. She had never looked at him in that way.

  He raised his hands in the air and made the instruments from the balcony play of their own accord. Happy, upbeat music filled the room and everyone lined up and danced. Bronze swung Lola around and James danced with Belle. Edward walked over to them. His heart raced at a thousand beats per minute as she turned and noticed him. He took a deep breath and extended his hand. ‘May I have this dance?’

  She blushed and nodded. James nodded and walked over to the other’s, yet kept looking back at Belle and Edward with caution.

  Edward placed his hand on Bell
e’s hip and felt want surge through him. She pressed her body closer to his and looked up into his eyes. ‘I know it’s not possible, but I could swear you look different to yesterday.’ It was true. The colour in his face was returning. His scars seemed less noticeable. His eyes were more brown than grey and somehow his nose seemed less pointed. Even his grey hair had turned to a sweet light brown. She spoke again. Her voice even seemed to dizzy him that he almost lost his footing a couple of times. ‘I can’t believe you let all the guests out tonight, for me. I was wrong about you…’

  Edward gulped. ‘You were?’ He hated to admit it, but after some thought on what she had said, she seemed to perfectly right.

  ‘Yes.’ She smiled again, making her cheeks ball up and dimples appear. ‘There’s sweet, almost kind.’ He felt himself drawing closer to her lips. Her scent took over him and the thought of those soft, cupid bow lips on his almost sent him into a frenzy. The curse seemed to be the last thing on his mind. He shook his head and continued to dance. How could she possibly want him? No. He would just ignore it. But the glances… the blushing. Surely he couldn’t be the only one to feel the electric pulse between them. He ran his hand around the small of her back and dipped her.

  The haggard face of the Enchantress entered his mind. This was the same ballroom, the same dance when he had sealed his fate. They gazed at each other as if they were the only ones in the room. His lips were inches from hers and his heart was racing. Her lips curved into the sweet smile that could stop a man’s heart and he sighed. He lifted her up and ran his finger down her soft cheek. ‘Go back to your family,’ he ordered. ‘I give you permission to leave.’

  She looked at him blankly. ‘I need to tell you something…’

  He shook his head. ‘It doesn’t matter what you have to say. I want you your son to leave. Caleb will arrange for your things to be packed.’ He walked away leaving Belle standing alone, feel stupid. Tears stung at her eyes. She hadn’t realised she wanted him, but the realisation hit her in that dance. She stormed over to James and took his arm. ‘We’re leaving.’ She looked at Caleb tight-lipped. ‘He wants us to leave.’


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