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The Enchanted Kingdoms (Haunting Fairytales Book 1)

Page 8

by R. L. Weeks

  Caleb breathed a sigh of relief. ‘Good.’

  ‘What?’ she looked at him tight-lipped. ‘You don’t want us here either?’

  ‘It’s not like that!’ Caleb called after them as Belle dragged James off toward the guest rooms. The prisoners walked back up to their rooms, all thanking Caleb for a wonderful dinner and asking him if it would happen again. He honestly didn’t have an answer for them.

  Stilt sneaked out through a door and sped up to the guestrooms. Edward finally having a conscience would ruins his plans. He scurried through the dark corridors, his light footsteps echoing maddeningly. He reached a brown arched door and pushed it open. Belle was undressing and gasped as he entered. She covered herself up. ‘Get out!’ She screamed.

  He waved his hand dismissively and made himself comfortable on her futon. He glanced down at an open book. ‘Oooh, reading a book I see?’ He looked inside. ‘Feeling romantic?’

  She scowled. ‘I like romance books!’

  He grinned. ‘We always ready what we crave…’ he trailed off, looking around the room. Finally, he raised a finger in the air and turned. ‘Ah. I almost forgot. You need to kiss Edward.’

  Belle flushed red as she pulled her dress back on. ‘He doesn’t want me to kiss him. He made that perfectly clear.

  He laughed quickly. ‘Of course he does, sweetheart. He won’t because he is cursed.’

  Her eyes widened. ‘Of course! What Caleb said makes sense. If someone breaks the curse, then that person takes the curse…. Oh.’ She dropped her head. She couldn’t commit herself to imprisonment.

  Stilt smile creepily, although he thought it was kind smile. ‘Fear not young Belle. True loves kiss will shatter the curse completely.’ He wasn’t lying. It would.

  Her eyes sparked with wonder. ‘You think he loves me?’

  Stilt nodded and jumped up and down excitedly. ‘Yes, yes, yes. Now, go and kiss him.’

  She reached for the door and ran down the steps towards Edward’s room. Stilt followed quickly. Belle’s beautiful dress dragged along the ground and shimmered in the dim light. Her hair had come undone completely and looked a little wild, but it suited her small face. She banged on Edward’s door and waited. Her breath caught in her throat and heart thumped loudly. Her hands trembled as she saw the door creak open. ‘Edward,’ she breathed.


  ‘Belle…’ Edward’s breath hitched. ‘I told you to leave.’

  ‘No.’ She looked into his eyes with wonder and her lips curved into a smirk. ‘I don’t think you want me to leave at all.’

  He closed his eyes briefly. ‘Oh sweet heart, I do.’

  She ran up to him and linked her fingers with his. He tried to push her away but she held onto him. ‘I know you’re cursed, but if we kiss it will break it.’

  He shook his head. ‘You will be cursed.’

  She smiled. ‘No, I won’t.’ Her heart thumped and she etched her way up to his mouth. He placed his index finger on her lips to stop her but felt himself completely intoxicated by her. The feel of her lips was enough to drive him into a frenzy. He ran his finger across her bottom lip. Her heart thumped faster as she pushed herself closer to him. Her wrapped his arm around her stomach, wanting to pull away from her. To protect her from all of this.

  Her lips were just mere centimetres from his. Her eyes were closed and she pouted. As her lips grazed his he felt his heart flutter and it was as if fireworks had exploded in his stomach. He ran his hand up her back and through her silky hair. The strands slid through his fingers. Her lips moved with his in perfect synchronicity. She had one hand on his arm and the other on his back. Light exploded around them, forcing them to separate. It invaded the space between them. Belle reached out for Edward. He held out his hand to grasp hers. Then, a splash of mist hit his face and he looked at Belle blankly.

  Edward’s featured twisted and changed. Belle looked wide-eyed at the handsome, tall man in front of her. He looked around and walked past her. ‘Edward?’ She called out but he ignored her and kept walking. The door closed behind him and Stilt was standing next to the door, waiting for him.

  Stilt laughed. ‘You’re welcome by the way.’

  Edward scratched his head. ‘What happened?’

  ‘I broke the curse you had on you,’ Stilt replied.

  Edward looked at the short man, more confused than ever. ‘Who is that woman in the room? I remember kissing the enchanting woman and then nothing.’

  Stilt smiled. His memory wiping spell had worked. ‘Then I helped you. That woman is a maid. We need to leave, now. The curse keeping me here broke too. I can transport us there, now.’ He looked at the amulet on Edward’s neck greedily. ‘Ready?’

  Edward nodded. ‘I guess.’ He looked back the door. There was something about that woman. He shrugged it off and touched Stilt’s arm. They transported to Dolorom.

  Caleb ran up just in time to see Stilt and Edward vanish. He ran to the room and opened it. Belle was crying on the bed. ‘What happened?’

  ‘We kissed and then he left me.’

  Caleb gasped. ‘You’re cursed!’

  She shook her head. ‘I don’t think so. I don’t feel any different. True loves kiss breaks the curse completely. Stilt told me.’

  Caleb extended his hand. ‘There’s one way to find out.’

  They walked down to the ballroom. The prisoner’s doors opened and they ran out of the castle. Belle found James and looked for Bronze and the maids. Caleb sighed and looked at the bronze candlestick laying on the marble floor. Next to it was mouse. ‘They’re back to what they were,’ Caleb stated.

  They walked through the meadow. Caleb held one hand and James held the other. She crossed the border and right into the snowy forest. There was no barrier. The snow was turning to slush and some green was apparent on the trees. ‘I’m not cursed,’ she said, confused. ‘So, it was true love?’

  Caleb bit his lip. ‘I guess.’

  Belle cried. ‘Then why did he leave?’

  James shook his head. ‘He doesn’t deserve you. Let’s go home.’

  She looked back at the castle. ‘Actually, I was happy here. Perhaps we can get your Grandpa and Aunt’s and have them move here. There are enough jewels here for them and we can all be together. You can continue to sword fight.’

  James grinned and Caleb smiled. ‘I admit, this is like a family I never had. I’m happy to stay,’ Caleb admitted. Belle looked out at the forest and sighed. Caleb and James were happy and she could see her family again. Yet the dull ache of Edward leaving stayed with her as a truth that could never be just a memory.


  ‘Your Highness,’ Stilt bowed his head. ‘You’re looking old.’

  ‘It would seem that way,’ she replied, tight-lipped. ‘You’re looking good, considering.’

  He arched an eyebrow. ‘I am?’

  She laughed. ‘For someone who ate his only child, yes, you are.’

  A growl escaped his thin lips and he ran at Lori, who simply vanished and reappeared a short distance away, leaning against a tree.

  ‘Thanks to you!’ He shouted.

  ‘Yes, yes,’ she said, sounding bored. ‘Are you here to punish me, or have you called me for something worthwhile?’

  He narrowed his eyes at her. ‘I need your help,’ he admitted. ‘I have a prince with me, Edward, I need to take his magic from him. He has an amulet that gives him unlimited power.’

  ‘Edward?’ she asked. ‘Edward of Dolorom?’

  ‘Yes,’ Stilt said and evaluated her expression. ‘Ah,’ he smiled, wide eyed. ‘You know him, don’t you…’ he moved closer to her until they were almost nose to nose. She shifted uncomfortably as his amber eyes bore into her soul. He laughed manically, his wine stanched breath made her gag. ‘Very well it would seem. Tell me, why do you hate him?’

  She ground her teeth and pushed past him. ‘He ruined everything for me.’

  ‘Ohh,’ Stilt said excitedly. ‘What did he do? Steal from you, ki
ll someone you love, cheat on you?’ His eyes lit up. ‘That’s it, isn’t it? He lay with another while with you. Well, no wonder you’re so bitter.’

  ‘It was more than that,’ she said. She looked up at the sky. Pain flashed across her green eyes, as if trapped in a painful memory. ‘We were engaged. I trusted him, I gave him everything. I turned him into a frog as punishment, yet he has somehow gotten around that. Who did he find to kiss him?’ she turned her gaze to Stilt’s. ‘Who was the unlucky lady?’

  Stilt shook his head. ‘From what I hear, the curse was tampered with. He killed a princess to become a man again,’ he tutted and smirked. ‘I looked into his soul, he holds more darkness than even you and I. Yet, it is masked by ignorance. Even if it did falter momentarily.’

  ‘Falter?’ she raised an eyebrow.

  ‘Yes,’ he replied. ‘Edward fell in love. Belle is her name, but now he doesn’t remember who she is. She’s alone at a castle and he is here in Dolorom, with me.’

  Lori pursed her lips. ‘He fell in love!’ She stated. ‘He’s not capable of that.’

  ‘Oh, I assure you he is. He really loved her too,’ he said, loving how much it was getting to her. ‘He would never have cheated on her, but then she really is something, you should see her-’

  ‘Enough,’ Lori barked. ‘He doesn’t remember her anyway. I don’t care.’

  ‘Lies,’ Stilt hissed. ‘Either way, you’re welcome. He won’t be getting his happy ending now. But,’ he said, almost dancing, ‘I will make him remember if you don’t help me take the amulet from him.’

  She gulped and ran her hand over her bracelet, which was silver with a blue oval gem on it. Unknowing to anyone else, it was the source of her unlimited power and the lengths she had gone to acquire it had taken a lot of sacrifice. ‘I will help you.’

  Stilt laughed. ‘Glad to hear it, Majesty. I knew you cared.’ He winked and she pouted at him. ‘So, how do we take that amulet?’

  ‘A deal needs to be struck, that’s how any sorcerer gets one of the few unlimited power sources. However, mermaids have certain powers. I know one that can help us,’ Lori said, running her fingernail across the blue gem again. ‘She’s called Ursula.’

  ‘Well,’ Stilt grinned. ‘What are we waiting for then?’ They both clicked their fingers and vanished, leaving behind a desolate forest and two dust-like figures in the air that were swept away by the cool breeze.


  ‘Your Majesty,’ Edward said. He knelt and bowed his head his head. He looked up at his parents. His step-father, his hair now dark grey, hidden under a thick gold crown, sat on his white throne. His mother smiled, her eyes filled with tears.

  ‘Edward,’ she said, and he stood. She jumped up off the throne and embraced him with a hug.

  ‘Kathryn,’ the King expressed in a dark, demanding tone. ‘Pull yourself together.’

  She bowed her head, still smiling, and sat back on her throne. She was only forty, and her husband was fifty- five. They had married when she was just seventeen. Edward was her child from a previous marriage. She and Edward’s father married when they were sixteen. He died before their first anniversary. Fortunately, the King enjoyed her company at court so much that he wed her just a month after the accident that killed Edward’s father.

  ‘Edward,’ King Charles started. ‘We are happy for your return. We would like you to go back to your previous role as head of trade.’

  ‘Of course,’ Edward replied and walked out of the room.

  ‘That was a frosty welcome,’ said Johnathan. Edwards right-hand man from before he was cursed. Edward looked him up and down. He hadn’t changed a bit, asides from looking a little older. His albino white hair still suited his pasty complexion. He still looked thin and scrawny and his head still looked far too big for his body. ‘I don’t care. I have my old position back, my life back,’ Edward stated.

  Johnathan sighed. ‘Majesty, you have been gone for five years. Things have changed. The King and Queen have been trying for a child.’

  ‘What’s new?’ Edward scoffed. ‘He should give up. It hasn’t worked so far.’

  ‘They’re trying magic now,’ Johnathan replied.

  Edward sat back and caressed the hilt of his gold-encrusted sword. ‘I tried to help with my powers. Lot of good it did, I lost most of my magic that day.’

  ‘The King is desperate,’ he said.

  ‘Hold on,’ the Prince said and sat forward. ‘Did you say five years?’


  ‘A moment ago, you said I have been gone for five years.’

  ‘You have,’ Johnathan stated.

  ‘I was not a frog for ten years,’ the Prince said, confused. ‘You there,’ he shouted to one of the guards. ‘How long has it been?’

  ‘Five long years, your Majesty,’ the guard replied and returned to staring at the doors to the prince’s chambers. ‘Maybe I was a frog for longer than I realised’ Thought Edward.

  ‘Terribly boring job, being a guard, don’t you think?’ Edward asked.

  Johnathan, who nodded in reply. ‘If the King and Queen have a child, won’t you lose the throne?’

  ‘If they have a boy,’ the Prince corrected him. ‘And they will not have a boy!’

  ‘How can you be sure?’

  The Prince laughed. ‘Leave it to me, Johnathan.’ Edward got up and exited his chambers. Now that he was back, his hair was slicked back, he was clean shaven, and wore a white suit embellished with gold buttons and diamond cufflinks. He strode through the palace and out the back entrance.

  ‘Stable boy,’ he said, addressing a young man with scruffy hair. ‘Bring me a horse; I’m going to see a friend.’


  Lori and Stilt stood at the edge of the glimmering lake, looking out at the miles of water that was between them and what they need.

  ‘How do we reach her?’ asked Stilt. Lori grinned and held out her hand. A boat appeared. It was big and wooden. The sails were red, and the seats were coated in velvet.

  ‘Ah,’ Stilt said and got in. He considered for a moment to push her overboard when her back was turned, but, she would just magic a way out and kill him. She was far too powerful. He decided to use her to get what he wants, then he would one day find a way to remove the source to her unlimited power, and kill her. She had an immortal soul and had managed to keep her body going despite the original curse that took her youth and looks. Stealing beauty from others by using her cursed apples, she could stay young and beautiful. But her looks were fading. He could see the crow’s feet by her eyes, her eyebrows still perfect and pointed were lighter than the usual dark brown. Her hair was a shade lighter too.

  They sailed in silence until they reached a mound of rocks by a cliff. Stilt could just make out the top of a cave as the waves drew away. Lori reached into the water and let a swirl of gold liquid circle down into the cave. Minutes passed and finally a head broke the surface. A mermaid with a moss green tail and shells covering half of her face, pulled herself up the side of the boat until she was face to face with Lori and Stilt. ‘What do you want?’ she hissed.

  Lori’s thin lips curved into an evil smile. ‘Magic,’ she said, wide-eyed.

  ‘Magic?’ Ursula repeated. ‘You have magic!’

  Lori continued to smile. ‘A way for Stilt to take someone else unlimited power.’

  Ursula scoffed. ‘Why would I help you?’

  ‘A deal?’ Lori’s eyes glistened with wonder.

  Ursula looked up at her with dark eyes. ‘You’ll owe me a favour. Whatever I need, when I need it.’

  Lori raised an eyebrow. ‘Deal.’

  Stilt pushed in front of Lori. ‘I need a way to get an amulet from a prince.’ He sighed. ‘I thought that breaking the curse completely, the amulet would be free for the taking. I was wrong.’ He ground his teeth. He hated to be wrong. ‘No matter. Well, the amulet is his and I cannot just take it from him. It’s attached to a rose that is still at a castle.’ He mentally kicked himself for n
ot joining the dots before they left.

  Ursula nodded and disappeared under the water. Several award silences later, Ursula reappeared with small vial of potion. ‘Get him to take this and you will take his power for good. However, to own the power completely, you must get the root of the power. The rose you spoke of.’

  Stilt nodded. ‘Thank you.’

  Ursula disappeared and Stilt grinned. ‘Now we can leave.’

  Lori shook her head. ‘There’s something else we need to bind the potion so you can hold the magic.’

  Stilt huffed. ‘You left that out.’

  Lori shrugged. ‘Oh come on. Admit it, you secretly love spending time with me.’

  ‘Loathe, you mean,’ He muttered.

  She cackled. ‘Mermaid hair is important so one can carry unlimited power. As you well know, mermaids hold their own unlimited powers. Although different from sorcerer’s, they can hold it because of their hair.’

  Stilt arched an eyebrow. ‘Strange.’

  ‘Yes,’ Lori grinned. ‘They are.’ She sailed to the middle of the lake. Fog settled above the water, giving the circular lake a mystical appearance. She stopped in the centre and leant over the side of the boat.

  ‘I wish…’ she hissed to the water’s surface. Stilt rolled his eyes.

  The boat rocked as hands grabbed onto the side. ‘You wish for what?’ the mermaid asked, her eyes greedy. She grabbed the side of the boat and pulled herself up until she was face to face with Lori.

  ‘Your Majesty,’ Lori said and smirked. ‘You are the queen of this lake, aren’t you?’

  ‘How did you know?’ the mermaid asked, her voice was floaty, innocent, but with an aggressive undertone.

  ‘The seaweed crown on your head, the gold flecks in your eyes. It’s obvious. I am a queen too. I can tell when I am in the presence of another great ruler.’


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