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I, Mistress

Page 8

by Alex Tempera

  “Why do you have three subs? Is it always three?” he followed me over to the leather sofa and waited for me to sit down. He then sat down and sipped his coffee.

  “I don’t know, but yes, it’s usually three, unless there is a space between filling one of the roles. To be honest, I haven’t found just one that I wanted to be with. I haven’t had a vanilla relationship since college and it didn’t last long and wasn’t satisfying.”

  “When did you learn that you were a Mistress?”

  “Dane and Alec showed me their club. They created it just out of law school but it started as one of those underground clubs, you know, so taboo or whatever. They showed me the world and I entered it, first training as a sub and then became a Mistress. Oh, I’m probably sharing more than I should.”

  “No, I was curious. We’re gonna be business partners and I like that you’ve honored me by having me be your sub. I can relate when you said those others want to be the one that you keep. Someday, maybe, you’ll see that about me, but I won’t compete with the other subs and I won’t be jealous.”

  “Good. Jealousy just makes me angry. I do have other rules about the subs but I’ll go over those on Wednesday when you are all there at dinner. Now, Richard’s nights are Mondays and Fridays, at the club. Jerry’s are Tuesdays, sometimes at my playroom and sometimes at the club. He sometimes comes over during the day on a weekend, but not always. For you, do you have a preference?”

  “I’d like Saturday and Sunday nights, unless you reserve those nights for yourself.”

  “Those nights are fine. Friday there will be an event at the club and I’d like to bring all three of you there. And the three of you will have dinner at my place Wednesday.”

  “Um, I know you said you were dating Richard or going to dinner or something, but do you think you and I could have dinner one night. Just talking or whatever?”

  “Well, Richard and I won’t be going on dinner dates. Things changed. I think you and I could do that.”

  “Great. Tonight?”

  “I don’t know. Tonight is Richard’s night.”

  “What time?”


  “Then, have dinner with me early. The rest of the week, I’m booked except for Wednesday, when I’ll be at your place.”

  “I do have to go to the hospital, but we could have an early dinner, say around five or so. At Romano’s down the street, unless you don’t like Italian food. I’m not sure if there’s a Greek restaurant in the neighborhood.”

  “Italian is fine. Did you want to meet there or I could pick you up?”

  “Why don’t we meet there?” I smiled as I stood up. “I do have to get to the hospital to see Mae.”

  “I hope she’ll be all right,” he said, leaving the office.

  “Yeah, me, too,” I sighed.


  I WALKED INTO Mae’s room as the nurse nodded and walked out of the room. I pulled up a chair and sat down next to the bed. I took her hand and sighed. She had a large bandage over her left cheek and I could see the bandages creep out from underneath her white-with-small-blue-flowers hospital gown. She had three IV’s in her hand and tubes connected to her chest under her gown. Her hair even seem to lose that lustrous sheen that her red curls normally had. It was splayed against the pillow, caressing the pillow with sadness and dullness. “Oh, Mae,” I sighed.

  She opened her eyes and turned her head toward me. “Ang, you came,” her voice was weak but it was a beautiful sound. I was so afraid that I’d never hear her voice again.

  “Of course. Natalia said I could finally come today,” I smiled. “Oh, and this room would’ve been filled with flowers and whatnot, but I had Elaine have them distributed around the pediatrics and geriatric floors. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. Thank you. It is kind of bland in here, though,” she smiled. “Can you help me?” she tried to sit.

  I put an extra pillow behind her back and pressed the button on the remote control to raise the head of the bed. “Is that better?”

  “Yes, thank you,” she said. “Have you heard anything about Avery?”

  “Yes, they’re moving him up on this floor tomorrow.”

  “Oh, good,” she sighed. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I just want you better.”

  “So, tell me about the masked guy.” She grinned.

  “Oh, Lox, well, he’s my new sub. He is also Mr. Panagakos. We worked all day on the proposal and created a contract.”

  “I thought you were worried about that.”

  “I was but the parts that concerned me, we reworded. I had Elaine fax the stuff to Dane. Now, enough work.”

  “You sure you’re OK?” Mae asked.

  “Me? Huh? You should be concerned about yourself.”

  “Oh, I am. I fucking hurt and I’m in the worst pain I have ever felt. Now, I do have a dumb question.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You said razor whip. I never heard of such a thing.”

  “It’s a new thing that Alec was telling me about. They don’t sell them, but they’re made by those who love to injure and harm others. It looks like a long whip, but instead of leather, they use that razor wire and add a handle to it.”

  “Well, it hurts like hell but then I passed out from it.”

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course,” she smiled.

  “Do you think Tim did this to you?”

  She placed her hands in her lap and stared at her fingertips. “I know it was.”

  “How? I thought you passed out.”

  “I did. I remembered something, though. I think it was when I was at the motel. He said something. He said he figured out why I left him. He said he didn’t hit me hard enough,” tears streamed down her face, her lips slightly trembling.

  “He used to hit you? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I didn’t want you to think I was weak. You’re this strong powerful woman. I didn’t …” her voice trailed off into a sob.

  “I’d never think that you were weak. Mae, I love you.” I had to keep my composure but I couldn’t stop my own tears from falling. “Mae, I would’ve killed him for you. You know that, don’t you?”

  “Yes, that’s why I didn’t say anything. Ang, you’re my best friend. I don’t want you to do something that you’ll regret and I don’t want to ever disappoint you.”

  “Did you tell the police?”

  “No. I can’t prove it’s him, I just know that it is. That it was.”

  I hugged her as tight as I could without hurting her. “Mae, if you don’t want to be involved in the lifestyle anymore, I understand.”

  “You’re the only Dominant that I ever had and when I try to be a sub to a man, he is almost killed because of me. Avery will never forgive me. He bugged me for months to be his sub and when I finally do …”

  “Now, I don’t know what Avery will decide but it’s not your fault. I swear. Do you want me to check on him?”

  “Yes, please,” Mae held my hand. “Ang, I hope he doesn’t hate me. I like him and I liked the thought of being his sub. I wasn’t sure but once we sat down and started talking, I agreed that we could try it for a few sessions to see how it worked out between us.”

  “I’ll see what I can do,” I kissed her cheek and pulled my cell phone out of my pocket. I pressed the speed dial button. “Yes, Elaine, now. Thank you.” I hung up.

  “What did you do?” Mae asked.

  I opened the door and three men carrying bouquets of flowers walked into the room. “Put them over there,” I smiled. “Thank you.” I watched the men leave. “This room is too bland.” I kissed her cheek and then her mouth softly. “I love you, Mae. I’ll check in on Avery. I want you to rest.”

  “I will. Don’t give my job away.”

  “Never, sweetie,” I touched her hand and then left the room. I hoped she would get some rest.

  I headed down to Master Avery’s room when I noticed Alec standing outs
ide his door. “Alec, what’s wrong?”

  “Oh, nothing. I guess he’s being moved upstairs. Why you here?” he kissed my cheek.

  “I just came from seeing Mae. I wanted to talk to him about her.”

  “Oh, good, he keeps asking about her. The nurse had to give him a sedative or something. I came to see how he was doing and to let him know that we’re covering his medical expenses. Does Mae know who did this?”

  “Yeah, I was right. It was Tim.”

  “Bastard. I’ll put his picture on the watch list at the club, and to make sure that eye masks are removed at check in to confirm identity. Oh, you and your subs are coming on Friday, right?”

  “Yup, all three of them.”

  “Oh, so you did bring in the Greek God, huh?” he snickered.

  “Yes, and he’s very delicious. Now, go away,” I laughed.

  “Yeah, yeah,” he slapped my ass as he walked down the hall.

  I shook my head and laughed. “Fucker,” I whispered as I opened the door to Avery’s room. He looked worse than Mae did. Bandages covered his face and wrapped around his head. His arms and legs were also bandaged, and some bandages appeared under his gown.

  He opened his eyes. “Mistress Angel,” he whispered, hoarsely. “Please, have a seat.” He pointed to the chair.

  I sat down and crossed my legs. “How are you feeling, Master Avery?”

  “Please, just call me Avery. I don’t feel like much of a Master.”

  “Well, you are one, you just have to heal. Call me Angelica.”

  “Thank you for coming. Have you seen Mae? How is she?”

  “She’s worried about you. She’s still healing. The doctor said she would be in here for quite a while. I know she wants to see you but she’s afraid that you…”

  “It’s not her fault. It’s mine.”

  “Please, don’t blame yourself. Do you want to tell me what happened?”

  “I don’t remember much. Mae and I were in a session. I had gotten to a point where I blindfolded her. I kissed her softly and did that for a little while. She’s so amazingly beautiful and … well, anyway, I was going to use the feathers next. I love sensual touch and the way the body responds to different sensations. There was a knock on the emergency exit. I thought there was a problem. He was standing there, dressed like fucking Zorro. You know, hat, mask, cape, even cheesy mustache. He said there was a fire and when I went to turn around to get Mae, he hit me from behind. I wasn’t knocked out, just stunned, until he kept whipping me with something that felt like knives or razors. I felt the slices in my body, followed by blows to the face and stomach. Like he had brass knuckles or something. I thought he was going to chop me up.”

  “I’m sorry. I know who it was. I’ll take care of it.”

  “It was Mae’s ex, wasn’t it? That fucker Tim.”

  “That’s what she thinks. Why do you ask?”

  “He said something to me. He said the words she is mine and he was going to tame her. He said that I wasn’t good enough for the masochist that she was.”

  “Mae’s not a masochist. I didn’t even know he was beating her when they were together. I just knew she needed confidence in herself to explore and discover her true self. So, I took her in as my sub and trained her. She’s worried that you won’t want to be her Master anymore.”

  “I’ll be whatever she needs me to be,” Avery smiled. “When I go upstairs, I want to see her.”

  “Tell Dr. Ralston. She’s my sister but she’s also Mae’s doctor.”

  “She’s really nice. I was expecting to be treated like a freak or something.”

  “I know the feeling. Get better.” I stood up and patted the back of his hand lightly.

  “Thank you, Angelica.”

  “Take care of yourself, Avery,” I left the room as I heard his television click on. “Rest and I’ll find him.” I whispered to myself. I didn’t know what I’d do if I got my hands on him but he hurt Mae. He hurt someone Mae cared about so, I cared about Avery, too. I headed toward the elevator.


  I FELT LIKE I couldn’t catch my breath. I drove to the parking garage near my building and just sat in my car. I did my best to stay in control but the sight of Mae, her body all torn up by that fucking bastard, it haunted me. I didn’t want her to know how much pain I was in. She was the one that was attacked. It killed me that she didn’t tell me what he had done to her. I never wanted anyone dead, let alone want to kill anyone but what he did to her and Avery made me sick. I wiped my tears and fixed my make up in the rearview mirror. I was so focused that the knocking on my window made me jump.

  I looked out the window and then opened the door. “Lox?”

  “Angelica, are you all right?”

  I got out of the car and looked into his eyes. For the first time in my life, I felt vulnerable. “No,” I sobbed. I couldn’t help it. I had to be in control, but I couldn’t.

  Lox pulled me in his arms and I didn’t fight. I buried my face into his chest and sobbed. I didn’t cry. I sobbed. There was a difference. At least that’s what I told myself. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly.

  I don’t even remember the trek up to my home, but the next thing I know, I was sitting on my sofa, curled up in his arms. I looked up at him. “Oh, Lox, I’m sorry.” I wiped my eyes.

  He didn’t say a word; he just pressed his mouth against mine. He took my mouth and for this moment, I didn’t care. It was an amazing kiss and I returned it. I didn’t try to control it; I just kissed him as he kissed me. Then I realized what was happening.

  “I can’t do this. You’re my sub,” I whispered.

  “No, Mistress,” he whispered.

  “No? You want out?” I asked as I slowly pulled out of his embrace.

  “No, Mistress, I want more …” he whispered.

  “Figures.” I stood up and walked over to the sliding glass doors that opened to the balcony.

  “No, that’s not what I mean.”

  “Then tell me what you fucking mean.” I turned around and he was right behind me.

  “I want you, Mistress. I want to be your lover and your sub,” he whispered.

  “I don’t know. I have other subs.”

  “Let me show you. You were upset, please, let me help you feel better.”

  “I don’t know. I have to be in control.”

  “Mistress, I need to please you and I think making you feel better will please you.”

  I looked at the clock. “I need to cancel Richard.”

  “He’s working late,” he said. “Don’t worry.”

  “He is?” I whispered.

  “Yes, I’m sure he’ll text you,” he kneeled at my feet. “Mistress, let me show you that I can be both.”

  I held his hand and pulled him back to his feet. I kissed him and plunged my tongue down his throat. I wanted him. Hell, I wanted him from the moment he walked into my office. His exotic Greek body. Yeah, he was more than my panther, but I couldn’t admit that out loud yet, if ever. I wanted something more than his body but right now, I’d settle for his body.

  I watched as my phone, which was sitting on the coffee table, vibrated. I looked at Lox. “Richard?”

  “He has to work late. I’ll tell you how I know if you want.”

  “I don’t think I want to know,” I pulled him by his tie toward my room.

  “Probably, not,” he said.

  “Strip,” I commanded. Yes, I wanted him but I needed to be in control. I wanted this man and I needed something from him. Not just being with him or him being inside me but I needed to find out if someone could finally satisfy me. I watched as he quickly stripped out of his suit and tie. He had a remarkably sexy body, and that thing that made it so perfect was that it was imperfect. “Now,” I commanded.

  “Yes, Mistress,” his eyes watched me intently.

  “Strip me,” I instructed.

  And he did. Swiftly and gently, he stripped me of my clothes. “May I?”

  “May you what?�

  “Take care of my Mistress,” he pressed his mouth against mine. “I want you, Mistress, and I want you to be taken care of. Let me pleasure you, Mistress.”

  “Take me, Lox.” Yes, I called him by his name. It has been so long since anyone has wanted to take care of me. Please me, yes, but take care of me, no. I couldn’t relinquish control, but I could let him explore my body and what he thought were my needs. I lay on the bed on my back and he lay over top of me. I can’t remember the last time I had sex, vanilla sex, or any sex that wasn’t part of some playtime.

  He lay on top of me, kissing my neck so soft and gently. His warm breath felt erotic against my skin. He was a beautiful man, and yes, everyone may have joked that he was a Greek God, but he certainly was. He ran his fingertips down my body and swirled them around my nipples.

  I grabbed a hold of his head and brought his lips up to mine. I thought I could let him take me but I couldn’t. Not my sub. Not Lox. This wasn’t a relationship. This was … oh, my god … I plunged my tongue in his mouth and rolled him over on his back. I gazed into those sexy dark eyes. There was a light in his eyes. I figured it was lust and I enjoyed looking into those onyx eyes. I kissed his chest as I moved my way down to his erection. In one breath, I took that great length of manhood in my mouth and sucked. I could feel him arch his back and grip the sheets on the bed. I knew he liked it and hell, did I like tasting him.

  I could feel his cock pulsate and I knew I needed it. I needed him. I released my mouth’s embrace and I leaned up and pressed my mouth against his, just lightly sucking in his bottom lip.

  I reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out a condom. I ripped the wrapper open with my teeth and covered his long cock. I placed my sex over his erection and lowered myself on him. It’s been years since I’ve been so intimate with a sub and right now, yes, he was my sub, but there was something about him. Maybe Jerry and Richard had the right to be jealous but that didn’t mean I’d send them away either.

  I thrust my body up and down, slowly taking in his length, while I lightly thumbed his nipples. He leaned up and pressed his mouth against mine.


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