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Porn Star

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  It had to.


  Sydney twirled her fork in the spaghetti and turned to look at Jason. He was a handsome man, but he was keeping something from her. She didn’t like that he couldn’t bring himself to tell her whatever it was that was bothering him, but she also didn’t want to end what was happening between them. Her pussy was still tender from their lovemaking hours before.

  Jason couldn’t seem to get enough of her, and she loved that he was so insatiable. He was the first man who’d not been able to keep his hands off her. The whole experience had been rather refreshing.

  “I’ve enjoyed our weekend away,” Sydney said.

  “I have as well. We need to do this more often,” Jason said.

  “How is Richard holding up without you? Is he still able to work?” She would hate to think anything was ruining Jason’s career.

  “No. He’s fine. He can handle himself without me being there. What about Tricia?”

  “She was the one who gave me the weekend off. Erm, I was wondering if you’d invite Richard around to my place next Friday night?” she asked.

  “Sure. Why?”

  “Dawn’s coming home, and I was thinking of making it a double date. You and me, Richard and Dawn. They danced at the club a few weeks back. I didn’t know if they’d like the chance to get to know each other again?” She took a bite of her spaghetti, watching as he tensed.

  “I’ll let him know. He loves your food and been talking about it for a long time.”

  She smiled. “I’m glad. It’s always great to know good food is appreciated.” She twirled her fork in the spaghetti once again. “Are you regretting telling me that you loved me?”


  “It’s just that ever since you said it, you’ve been acting really strangely. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought it up.” She placed her fork down, and reached for some water.

  Jason caught her hand, kissing the inside of her wrist.

  “No, I do not regret telling you that I love you. I meant every word I said, Sydney. I love you. I’m not going to suddenly change. There’s just a lot going on.”

  “A problem shared is a problem halved.”

  “You can’t help me, baby.”

  Sydney gritted her teeth. He wasn’t even giving her the chance.

  The waiter came to the table, asking if there was anything else they’d like. Sydney declined any food, and was finished with her meal. “I’m ready to go back to the hotel,” she said.

  “Is there a problem with the food?” the waiter asked.

  “No, the food is delicious. I’m not hungry.”

  She wiped her lips on the napkin, getting to her feet. Sydney wasn’t in the mood to listen to Jason. This was supposed to be their weekend together, yet he’d been distant from her. Sure, he’d told her that he loved her, but since then, he’d been incredibly distant. The museum had been a complete bust, and the only time she’d felt in any way close to him had been the shower.

  Stepping out of the restaurant, she didn’t wait for a cab, and started walking. Jason had driven them to the restaurant, but she wasn’t going to wait around for him.

  “Sydney?” He started to shout her name.

  Wrapping her arms around her body, she ignored him, walking down the street. She didn’t know where she was going but in that moment, she really didn’t care.

  “Damn it, Syd, stop,” he said, grabbing her arm, and stopping her.

  She pulled out of his arms. “Let me go.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Back to the hotel.”

  “You’re going in the wrong direction.”

  “I don’t care. It’ll give me time to think.”

  “What’s going on with you?” he asked, opening his arms, and glaring at her.

  “Nothing is going on with me. I’m fine. I’m just dealing with the fact that the guy who is supposed to be in love with me, is in fact, cutting me out of part of his life.” She stopped walking away, to turn on him. Sydney pressed a finger against his chest, glaring at him. “I’m tired of this, Jason. You’re making everything complicated. You love me, and yet you won’t share a part of your life with me. I don’t get it. What have I done?”

  “Nothing, baby. You’ve done nothing,” he said, tugging her close.

  The hand she’d been pointing at his chest was now trapped between them.

  “Then what’s going on? This was supposed to be a fun weekend, and yet, we’ve not had fun. We have argued more than anything. I don’t understand it. What’s going on?” she asked.

  He let out a sigh. “Nothing is going on. I’m just thinking about coming away from being Richard’s PA. I don’t know why it’s bothering me so much.”

  She stared into his eyes, and knew she had to believe him. “You don’t have to give up what you’re doing.”

  “I’m getting older.”

  “Jason, do what makes you happy. Don’t think about anyone else. If you’re not happy, then you’ll make other people miserable.” She quickly kissed him on the slips.

  “Come on, I’m going to take you back to my car.” He took her hand, leading her back toward the parking lot where his car was waiting for them.

  “I’m sorry for overreacting,” she said.

  “You didn’t overreact. I was being a complete asshole, and you didn’t deserve that.”

  He helped her into the car, and she kicked off the heels. The shoes were beautiful, but she wasn’t used to wearing such luxury high heeled shoes. Jason had given them to her when he’d picked her up Friday night.

  They drove toward the hotel, and Jason made small talk about the museum, and he kept apologizing for his lack of interest.

  “I’ll make it up to you. I promise. I won’t let you down again.”

  “You better not.”

  When they had the car parked for them at the hotel, Jason pressed his hand on her back, as they made their way up to their room. He closed the door, while she grabbed a soda out of the fridge, moving toward the floor to ceiling window, overlooking the city.

  Jason came up behind her, banding his arm around her waist.

  Some things were not adding up to her. They were in an expensive hotel that a PA shouldn’t be able to afford. He had expensive cars, a studio apartment, and he rarely showed any expertise of being a PA. She didn’t want to question him further.

  The only PA type stuff she’d heard of was the kind Dawn told her about. Her sister had once been a PA, and she’d done jobs that were nothing like Jason’s.

  “I hope I didn’t ruin your night,” he said, kissing her exposed shoulder.

  “The night’s not over yet.” She took a sip of her soda, staring at his reflection. He’d removed his suit jacket and unbuttoned part of his shirt.

  Licking her lips, she imagined using her tongue on his body, licking him in ways that she’d only ever dreamed about.

  “What’s going on in that mind of yours?” he asked.

  “I’m thinking about you, about licking you.” She teased her tongue over her bottom lip, and she heard him groan.

  “You don’t have a clue what you’re doing to me, do you?” he asked.

  She didn’t get a chance to respond as he pressed his cock against her ass.

  Sydney was shocked he could stand up. The pulsing hot flesh pressed against her ass.

  “I’m going to fuck you so damn hard, baby. First, I’m going to have you coming on my fingers.”

  He didn’t dive right in, touching her. Slowly, he eased the straps of her dress down her shoulders.

  Sydney watched their reflections, fighting her own need to tear his clothes off and fuck him.

  When the dress fell to her hips, Jason pulled her back, pulling her head back with his fingers underneath her chin. He pressed a kiss to her lips, moving the hand from under her chin, to caress down the front of her body.

  She bit her lip, unable to keep the moan from escaping at his touch.

  “Your body is so beautiful,

  The way he spoke with such passion to his words, she believed him.

  He cupped her breast, stroking his thumb over the hard tip. “Don’t contain those moans for me, Sydney. I want to hear how much you want my touch.”

  “Please, don’t stop, Jason.” She panted each word out. Her breasts were so sensitive that she was almost climaxing just by him touching them.

  Jason used both hands, cupping her tits, pinching her nipples, and stroking down her body. She didn’t know how long she lasted with him exploring her body, only that she didn’t want it to end.

  He pushed the dress past her hips, and it dropped on a heap in the floor, leaving her in only a thong. She’d never been one to wear such flimsy material, but she couldn’t wear any other style of panties with the dress.

  “This is fucking sexy.” Jason cupped her ass before sliding a finger between her cheeks, to follow the path of the slender material, resting between her ass cheeks.

  “You like my thong?” she asked.

  “I do.”

  She turned in his arms and started to unbutton his shirt. He’d already unbuttoned the top two, so she only had to work the rest of the buttons free.

  Jason stroked up and down her back, and she leaned in close, kissing his nipple. He groaned, and she stared up at him as she took his first nipple between her teeth, biting down on him.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re playing with fire,” he said. She licked across his chest, paying the same attention to his other nipple.

  She stroked her fingers up and down his stomach, teasing him with each stroke. He kept groaning, and cupping her ass.

  Smiling against his skin, she sank to her knees before him. Unbuckling his belt, she pulled down the zipper and worked his dick out of his pants. He was hard and silky at the same time. His skin was so smooth. She pressed a kiss to his tip, before flicking her tongue over it, moaning as his pre-cum exploded on her tongue.

  Licking up and down his shaft, she stared up his body. He was stroking his fingers through her hair, panting as she drove him crazy, refusing to give him her mouth. Jason wrapped her hair around his fist.

  Gripping the base of his shaft, she sucked his cock into her mouth, taking him to the back of her throat.

  The fingers in her hair tightened, and she moaned around his cock.

  “Fuck, baby, you know exactly what to do to drive me insane.”

  She wanted to give him pleasure like he always gave her. Flicking her tongue over the weeping slit, she took him deep into her mouth. When she would have gagged on his length, she pulled back up, building a steady pace.

  Jason tugged harshly on her hair, stopping her.

  He didn’t give her the chance to question him. Pushing her to the floor, he slid between her thighs, found her entrance, and slammed inside her.

  They both crying out, panting for breath. The hard length of his cock pushed within her, shocking her with how deep he went.

  “You’re driving me crazy.”

  Jason slammed inside her, claiming her lips as he fucked her on the floor. When that didn’t sate him, he pulled out, picking her up in his arms, and carrying her across the hotel room to the bed. He dropped her down to the bed, settling behind her.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She knew he wouldn’t ever intentionally hurt her. He cupped her hip tightly as he fingered her pussy.

  She tensed up as he took his slick fingers back to her ass. “What are you doing?”

  “I want to fuck your ass, baby. I promise I won’t hurt you. It’ll be hot as hell, and I’ll have you screaming for more.” He kissed her shoulder, pushing his fingers through her wet slit.

  Nodding, she slowly relaxed against him as he began to work his fingers against her ass. Resting her head on his arm, she closed her arms, giving herself up to the pleasure of his touch.

  He worked a finger inside her, pumping it in and out, before adding a second. The pain at first was just a little too uncomfortable, but it began to change to unimaginable pleasure. She couldn’t recall ever experiencing anything like it.

  Some of the men she’d dated had wanted to try anal sex, but she’d been too afraid and embarrassed. By the time Jason was working his cock into her ass, she was hot as hell, craving his touch.

  She helped ease him inside her, and he fucked her with slow strokes, giving her time to accommodate him.

  “Touch your pretty pussy.”

  She didn’t fight him, and teased her clit, while he began to increase his thrusts within her ass.

  When she glanced over her shoulder, Jason claimed her lips, gripping her hip tightly as he worked his cock in and out of her ass.

  “I love you, baby. I love you so fucking much.”

  They came together with his words ringing in her ears. If he loved her so damn much, why was he keeping things from her?

  Chapter Eight

  “What’s got you in a bad mood?” Richard asked.

  “You mean besides the fact I’ve got directors calling me, begging me to be in their movies and I’m cancelling everyone I know because I can’t get my dick up for any woman other than Sydney? Oh, and if that’s not enough, her sister is back home tonight, and we’re due to have dinner with her, and everything could be over?” Jason asked.

  They were inside his apartment, and he glanced over at the clock to see he only had a couple of hours until everything was over.

  “You’ve still not told her the truth?”

  “I didn’t know how to bring it up.” That was another lie. There had been many chances to bring everything up and be straight with her. He’d been a coward and chosen not to.

  “There’s no getting away from it now. You do realize all of this is easily solved?” Richard asked.

  “Go on, enlighten me,” Jason said, folding his arms.

  “Tell the directors and the people who are trying to get you to work, that you’re taking a vacation or you’re moving onto something different. Tell Sydney the truth.” Richard held his arms open as if it was so damn simple.

  It was so damn simple. Jason knew that.

  Sitting down on his sofa, he pulled his laptop toward him and logged in. He went into his website and saw several comments had been left for him. All of them were asking where he was.

  Where are you, Bone Harder?

  Where’s another scene?

  Have you quit the industry?

  “You’ve got to make a decision soon. They’re all your fans. You know I’m by your side, Jason. No one else.” Richard took a seat next to him.

  “I can’t lose her.”

  “Then it’s time to come clean.”

  Nodding, Jason closed his laptop down. “I’m going to get ready and finally tell her the truth. We’re leaving early. If we’re lucky I’ll be able to get there before Dawn.”

  He didn’t take his time getting ready.

  Dressing quickly in a pair of jeans and shirt, he headed out with Richard. He didn’t want to do this alone, and Richard was his rock.

  “Are you okay’?” Richard asked.

  “Yes, I’m fine. I just want to get there.”

  “Do you want to talk to me first about what you’re going to say?” he asked.

  “No. I’m just going to do it, and I’m not going to let anything stop me.”

  Jason was determined to tell her the truth.

  He parked on the drive outside her house, and without waiting for Richard, he went to her door. Knocking, he bounced back on his feet, waiting.

  Sydney opened the door, throwing herself into his arms, and tugging him inside.

  “Dawn’s here, and she can’t wait to meet you. She got in early. I wanted to call you, but I didn’t get a chance.”

  This had to be the stupidest plan he’d ever thought of. All of the chances he’d had to tell her the truth were gone. Richard quickly joined him, and he was pulled into the sitting room. Dawn had her back to him, and only when Sydney called her, did she turn around.

ny hope that Dawn wouldn’t recognize him was dashed the moment she looked at him. She knew who he was, and she was clearly confused by what was going on.

  “Dawn, this is Jason. Jason, this is my crazy sister, Dawn.”

  “Is this a joke?” Dawn asked.

  Richard cleared his throat, and Sydney made the introductions. Before anything else could be said, something in the kitchen dinged. “I’ll be right back,” Sydney said.

  Staring at Dawn, he saw her judging him.

  “She doesn’t have a clue you’re Bone Harder, does she?” Dawn asked.

  “This isn’t the time,” Richard said, clearly trying to help.

  Dawn looked between them. “You’ve both deceived her. Does she even know half of it?”

  “I’m going to tell her the truth.”

  “Really?” She folded her arms underneath her breasts.

  “Yes. I’m not going to lie to her another minute. All I ask is that you give me tonight, and this dinner. She’s been so excited for you.”

  “If you have hurt my sister or given her some kind of sex disease, I’m going to make sure I cripple you,” Dawn said, making sure he realized he was being threatened.

  Sydney walked in and obviously detected the tension. “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  “Everything is great,” Jason said, going to his woman. He cupped her cheek, pressing a kiss to her lips.

  “There’s nothing I like more than a little tension at a dinner party,” Richard said, laughing.

  Jason wrapped his arms around Sydney, glancing over at Dawn, who was shooting a glare in his direction. He didn’t remove his hand from his woman.

  “Dinner is served. It’s your favorite, Dawn. Beef stroganoff.”

  “Good. I’ve not had the best food the past couple of weeks.”

  “Will you be going away again anytime soon?” Sydney asked.

  “No. Enough has happened in my absence. I won’t be leaving your side for a good long while.” Dawn moved up to Sydney, pushing his hand away from her.

  Gritting his teeth, he let her have this fight, but he wasn’t going to take all of her shit all night. Yes, he’d lied, but it was up to him to make it right.

  Sitting at the table, Dawn wouldn’t stop her heated glares. Richard stopped trying to make small talk. Anything Sydney tried to say had Dawn shooting her down.


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