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Project X

Page 14

by Watkins, TM

  “Be waiting at the security desk in ten minutes.” He moved closer, the cold and menacing look was being shot at me. “And I meant what I said, do not touch yourself.”

  I rolled my eyes, muttering that it was none of his business what I did. Thankfully he didn't hear me, I didn't want to know what he would do or say if he did. Dorian had moments where he showed a dark side that was a little worrying and made me grateful that I wasn't going to be here for too long. As I pushed through the door to the corridor and walked out to the lobby, I wished I was rebellious enough to go against his demands. To maybe go to the toilet and relieve my need but somehow I knew he would find out. Whether there wouldn't be the right amount of tension or maybe I might have that sated look about me.

  When I reached the security desk the security guard was already coding a new pass for me. The door to the green corridor opened and Dorian walked out looking rather pleased with himself.

  “Mr Gallagher.” The guard nodded. “All coded as you asked.”

  “Thank you Harry. If you will Miss Ryan.”

  Madelyn appeared with a young male beside her. He looked just as disinterested as what Jack did.

  “This is Jason, if you would kindly train him and then report to me by three-thirty.”

  “Of course.”

  Dorian nodded and walked away, leaving me with the disinterested Jason and the scowling Madelyn.

  “Miss Ryan, I still haven't received your paperwork. Do you want to be paid or not?”

  “Oh, yes sorry. I left them on the counter at home, will Monday be okay?”

  “Yes that's fine. Good day to you both.”

  Madelyn stormed off back through her little green hall of carcinogenic doom.

  “I'm Kasey and this job is pretty easy so we'll get started.”

  I grabbed my new card and handed the old one to the security guard who quickly recoded it for Jason. They had given me a grand total of two hours to train this poor sap. I quickly took him in and showed him everything in the room and introduced him to Bobby, reloaded the trolley with the second wave of mail and set about one very fast mail delivery. I don't think Jason knew what hit him. Jack was a little stunned when we delivered a parcel, I can't say as I was surprised by his reaction. I had been at this place for a few days and already I had a promotion.

  “Wow Kase, that's awesome.”

  “Uh yeah. I think it's an emergency thing so maybe don't be so impressed.” I grinned.

  “Nah, you've obviously got the brains for it and Cooper realized it, don't play it down.” He turned to the new guy. “If you get lost you can come and find me, I'll help you out.”

  “Thanks.” Jason droned.

  When all of the mail had been delivered and I returned Jason to the mail room, I raced to the lifts. It was right on three thirty and even though the elevator was fast, it would still take time to get there. The doors opened and Dorian walked out.

  “Running late Miss Ryan?”

  “Mail takes a long time to deliver Mister Gallagher.”

  “Indeed it does. Go get your bag and hurry up or we will be late.”

  I returned within a few minutes, Dorian was at the security desk talking to one of the guards. Dorian grinned at me and gestured to the doors.

  “You'll be happy to know that you won't be required to use the lockers from Monday.”

  “Sure.” I whispered.

  I walked a quickened pace, Dorian was a step ahead. Of course I was over thinking things again, ensuring that the perception to others was that I was the diminutive mouse and he was the boss man. He was a step ahead to make it look like I was beneath him rather than equal. I wasn't about to have my plans thrown all over the place for a tantrum about walking beside him. Beside the sidewalk was a black sedan was waiting for us, Derek was in a full black suit again. He gave a thin smile and opened the door. I sat as gracefully as I could, sliding into the seat as Dorian rounded the car to sit on the other side. The smell of leather invaded the air, the soft tan colored seats were cool and soft to sit on. Dorian was still in his quiet mood, seemingly smug as he pressed the button for the glass panel to go up.

  “Where are we going?”

  “A little boutique down town.”

  Half an hour later I was standing on a pedestal in a long sparkly dress. It was a dark blue halter neck piece that hugged my frame, a split went half way up my left leg. Dorian was sitting on a chair reading a paper, his eyes lifted as he folded the paper down.

  “Well Monsieur?”

  “Very good Cherie.” He flicked the paper back up again. “She will need clothes for work as well. Ensure that she has at least a months' worth of items please.”

  The woman took all of about five minutes to take my measurements, telling Dorian that his request would be delivered by the end of the day. I looked at my watch and wondered how four thirty in the afternoon wasn't already the end of the day. We left the store with the blue dress and matching shoes and a bracelet that I did not dare not ask if it was real. It sparkled in the light, two rows of what I assume is diamonds but considering that it's a dress shop and not a jeweler I couldn't be sure of what it was made of.

  The day started to cloud over as we returned to the car, in the darkened glass of the chocolate shop on the diagonal from us, I saw Chet. His face was plain as he watched while he pretended to look at the box in his hand but I understood, I knew what was going on and I was grateful for the conversation in the alley. The car pulled away, moving through the traffic smoothly. Dorian pulled his phone out of his pocket and smiled supremely, returning it back to his pocket. He pressed the button to the glass panel, the driver turned his head slightly.


  “To the house please Derek.”

  “Yes sir.”

  The glass slid back up and Dorian settled back into his seat, looking out the window with a smug grin. I watched the streets pass, a sinking feeling was creeping through me as the streets became more and more familiar. We were going to my place. My eyes casually glanced down at my watch, hopefully Amber would still be out.

  “Why are we here?” I asked as the driver slowed by my place.

  “To collect your things. You are too far away so this will be more ideal for me.”

  “But I don't want to move out.” I said indignantly.

  Dorian looked at his fingernails, more concerned with the dirt that wasn't underneath them.

  “Miss Ryan, either you collect your things and make life more convenient for me or you stay here permanently. Personally I can do without an assistant and your previous job has already been filled.” His arrogance was shining brightly as he turned his head to look at me. “Your choice.”

  I couldn't believe what he had just said. What happened to the sweet and caring Dorian from earlier? His mood had a massive shift and it was rather concerning.

  “Fine.” I snarled and got out of the car.

  When I got to the front door, I immediately sensed the danger. With the key in my hand I looked at the lock, there were marks in the key hole, scratches that weren't there this morning. And yes, I would know because Amber made a habit of checking everything before we both left the house, making loud statements about the state of things. She had said that the lock was a little loose but in fine working condition, nothing untoward.

  My skin prickled with dread as thoughts started swimming through my mind. Was it someone from Dorian's company, had he figured me out already? If so, why was he having me fitted for clothes and the promotion? It did not make sense, yet to look at this lock it would tell me that someone had been here. The random break and enter wasn't this discreet. Smash and grab was the local thug’s method, not the delicate entry so that it looked normal.

  “Everything alright?” Dorian shadowed me over the door.

  “The door.” I whispered.

  I turned and looked at him, the frown on his face seemed legitimate.

  “Maybe it would be best if you don't go in there.”

  “I can't leave
without knowing what's going on, what if my roommate comes back, what will she find in there?”

  Or, what if she was in here? In my mind I said a silent prayer that Amber was fine, that she was out and that I was mistaken about the scratches on the lock. Taking a deep breath, I put the key in the lock and turned it. Nothing happened to my relief and slowly the door creaked open. My legs felt like they had lead in them, heavy and sluggish, refusing to work. The corridor showed nothing abnormal, the smell of Amber's strawberry and cream shampoo was still thick in the air.

  Slowly I stepped into the corridor, the wood floors groaned as I walked to the open lounge and kitchen area. It was the same as this morning, the lounge room was clean and tidy, the breakfast dishes were still in the dish drainer. I looked into the bathroom and Amber's room, nothing untoward. They were both clean and exactly as they were when Amber left. I stalked back to my bedroom, Dorian was at the doorway watching wide eyed and just as curious as what I was. My room hadn't changed a bit; I knew I had nothing to steal but the fact that I knew someone had been here, it was a little concerning. I almost missed it, it was the smallest of differences but once I saw it I knew that it was as I feared. The bed cover was tucked under the mattress; someone had found my phone.

  “Kasey?” Amber called out.

  I almost shrieked but clasped my hand to my mouth, waiting for my heart to stop pounding hard. She stood at the door and frowned at me, her finger pointing to the front door knowing that Dorian couldn't see her. I dragged her to the lounge room where the magna doodle was sitting on the lounge.

  House has been broken into.

  Her eyes widened at me.

  He wants me to take my things and live elsewhere.

  Amber frowned at me, mouthing why?

  Convenience. I rolled my eyes to which she grinned madly.

  Shut up. I grinned back.

  Are you serious? I smell a rat, especially after the smoke alarms.

  She cleaned off the board and wrote on it again.

  A seriously hot rat but a still a rat.

  I nodded reluctantly, she was right. What motive was there to move me out of here and into where? With him? Maybe it was somewhere else. I sighed and with a wipe of the board I gave her the last message.

  Walk away from this place and take nothing. Tell dad of this and that I will report to Wal soon.

  She nodded with a sad smile, hugging me and whispering in my ear, be safe.

  Dorian looked rather confused at me as I walked through the corridor, all I was taking was my silk kimono.

  “Aren't you taking anything else?”

  “Uh no. I owe rent so my roomie is going to cash it all and get what she can.”

  I stuffed the gown into my bag and threw it over my shoulder.

  “But your things?”

  “Aren't sentimental, the good stuff I left with my parents.”

  I walked to the car knowing that Amber would be safe. She had this uncanny knack for things like that. I never had to worry about her walking the streets of a night, she could take down the biggest of men and walk away unscathed. Amber would close the door once the car was out of sight and she would take a really long walk to our real house, the little hidden treasure that was like a fortress.

  “So where are you making me live now?”

  “I have a few places that will be infinitely safer than this thing.”

  I didn't miss the way he said thing, like he thought that it was degrading to even stand near the place. It wasn't that bad, sure it was on the dowdy side of places but it was suitable for a temporary place. Of course he didn't know that and would likely assume that it would be permanent if he didn't alter things.

  I didn't know how to take being invaded like that. Rain pounded the window as I leaned on it, watching the world pass us by as the driver slipped in and out of the lanes. Dorian seemed far too unsteady with what happened, it made me think that he had no involvement in it. Which left me to ponder who it might be and I knew to be more concerned over those two goons that were following me.

  Could the client have engaged the services of another company to check to see if we were making progress? It's never been done to my father's company but he had mentioned that he had been asked to do it to someone else once. So it was certainly feasible. But then again, I could have been played, thinking back to the drive here I remembered his smugness when he looked at his phone. He then told the driver to go to the house. Had I been played? I looked at Dorian who was staring out the window, stuck in his own world.

  “Did you have something to do with it?”

  He frowned as he looked at me.

  “Why would I want you to forcibly leave your house? I'd rather you come willingly. What would make you think that I had something to do with it?”

  “You looked at your phone and then told the driver to go to the house.”

  Dorian rolled his eyes and retrieved his phone, opening the messages.

  “It was an email from Eva's doctor. I was happy that my sister is doing well.”

  I skimmed through the message, it said that she was responding well to the latest round of antibiotics and that they would have confirmation of the results from the latest blood test within days.

  “Oh. I'm glad she's doing well. Do they think she might be healed soon?”

  His body tightened and I knew that we were in delicate territory again.

  “I wouldn't have a clue and neither do they. They don't have a name for it and the doctors are working almost blind.”

  He turned back to the window, taking his phone with him. The conversation about his sister was over and I turned back to the view out my own window, wondering what was really wrong with her. Because I knew what Dorian said was a lie.

  Chapter 29: Fishbowl

  With the thoughts of the break-in behind me, I stared out the window as the car moved through the afternoon traffic that had slowed considerably. Dorian lived in the penthouse of the building and I guess Eva lived in the floors below. As to how many each of them had, I don’t know. I didn’t even know if I would be able to gain access to Eva’s section, though it may be pointless.

  All I needed was access to level thirty-five.

  The rain had settled into a dull patter as Derek pulled up beside the sidewalk. Dorian opened the door and stepped out, holding his hand out for me as he always does.

  “What about the dress?”

  “Derek will bring them up. Time is limited and we have much to do this afternoon.”

  I stepped out of the car and took Dorian's hand, watching the gentle patter of rain falling around him. It really was unfair. I was beginning to doubt my ability to walk away from him. We hurried up the steps to the doors, the steps were a wide grey stone that seemed to glimmer in the afternoon light. Dorian's stride across the large black stone tiles in the lobby was determined and had me struggling to keep up. As we entered the elevator he punched a code into the key pad and the doors closed, encasing us into the elevator alone.

  “You can reside here in the guest room if you wish.” He grinned darkly. “Or I could arrange something else if you prefer.”

  I couldn't help but wonder what the something else would be. His bed.

  “You hardly know me.”

  “Do I need to?” He shrugged and crossed the elevator, closing the gap between us. “Does it look like I care?”

  I shook my head and leaned against the glass wall of the elevator, Dorian had a brooding stare that seemed to smolder with heat. He pressed me against the wall, kissing me hard. I mewled within his demanding and forceful kiss. He kissed me like he hadn't seen me in years, desperate and rough. When the elevator stopped and he pulled away, I gently touched my swollen lips, smiling with flushed cheeks. The elevator doors opened to a small entry with a set of black double doors. Dorian took my hand and pulled me into the entry and keyed another code into another keypad. It seemed everywhere he went there was a high level of security. Not that keypads couldn't be cracked.

  The doo
rs opened to a large living area, the u shaped lounge nestled into the center of the room, looking out over the spectacular view of the city. Beyond the glass doors was a deck that spanned around to the left of us to an enormous entertainment area. Dorian pulled my hand into the lounge room, I gasped at the pool that was on the other side of the balcony. The water looked so tantalizing even though it was pouring rain. It was like we were in a fish bowl. I grinned at the thought, an afternoon interlude in the fish bowl.

  “Would you like something to drink?”

  I turned back to Dorian who was leaning on the edge of a bar, watching me the same way he had watched me when I first saw him.

  “No thanks.”

  He nodded and took my bag, leaving it on the bar. Taking my hand again, he pulled me through the apartment. The bar backed onto a wall with an enormous fish tank in it, filled with colorful fish. Tucked in behind that was the kitchen. Even in the fleeting glance that I got as he dragged me further into the apartment, I could see that it was something that could make a chef drool.

  “Do you cook?”

  Dorian laughed as he shook his head.

  “No, I have a housekeeper that does my cooking.”

  To the left of us was a dining room that had a glass wall, another rain soaked view of the city. We continued along a long corridor, passing a few closed doors and an open lounge, a set of stairs that went down and at the end was one final door. I could feel my heart thumping hard, I knew what laid beyond that door. Beyond that door was me on my back, thinking that I was doing the right thing. Taking one for the team in the name of customer service. Dorian pushed the door opened, showing the room that I expected to see. His bedroom.

  “I have no expectations nor demands but I know that we desire the same thing. Do not worry for what others think, they will not know unless you tell them.”

  I looked up into those dark green eyes as he looked down to me. All I could think of as I nodded was that I now understood my sister, of how easily things can turn against you and that sometimes it wasn't that bad. Dorian swooped down to kiss me, hard and heavy as his arms wrapped around me, lifting me off the ground. He pressed me into the wall hard, pushing my skirt over my hips and lifting my legs around him. I tugged on his tie, loosening the knot as he lifted me from the wall. The door was shut with a flick of his foot and seconds later we were by the bed.


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