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Project X

Page 15

by Watkins, TM

  Three sides of his bedroom were glass walls, we really were in a fish bowl here. At least it was pouring rain so heavily that it was pure grey outside. Dorian set me to my feet and stepped back, removing his jacket and tie. His movements were so fluid and concise as he laid them over the back of the arm chair that sat off to the side of the bed. I stood awkwardly as he moved closer, casting the cuff links and watch to the bedside table along with his phone.

  “You doubt yourself.” He whispered huskily. “Why?”

  “Past experiences haven't exactly been the greatest or non-existent.”

  He nodded and made his way through the buttons of my shirt, removing it and placing it over the back of the lounge with his jacket and shirt. As he moved behind me to undo the button and zip of my skirt, he pulled me to his body, his hand splayed over my stomach.

  “But it will be different this time, won't it?”

  “Yes.” I rasped.

  His fingers pushed the skirt over my hips, letting it drop to the floor. With a turn and a gentle push, I was on the bed. Dorian looked down with a devilish smirk, lifting one leg to remove the shoe.

  “Flat shoes, how deathly boring.”


  He rolled his eyes and removed the other one, running his finger along the instep. I giggled and his eyes widened slightly to the sound. It was a reaction that had me worried. Did it mean that he was finding more in this than I was?

  The rest of his clothes were tossed to the ground without a care and left me with a view of him completely naked, the view was pretty good. The body was certainly worthy of being looked at. His hands took mine and lifted me to my feet, turning me around. As my bra hit the ground, his hands swept up over my stomach, cupping my breasts. His fingers threaded through the hardened nipple, gently tugging on them. I gasped and arched back against him, his fingers wrapped around the swell and gripped them firmly, massaging and toying. As I reached behind, his breathing against my shoulder intensified, grasping at the air in short rasps. When he had his fill, he turned me abruptly, moving us both onto the bed.

  “Mine.” He growled softly against the skin of my stomach, slowly descending.

  My eyebrows pressed together as I closed my eyes, softly panting as he pulled down my underpants. The soft lace slipped past my feet, his hands sliding down the inside of my legs, pushing them apart. A soft touch of his finger, tracing a line over me made me whimper, sinking deep into me. Heated breath skimmed over my skin, a brush of his lips and I was almost there. As his fingers moved back and forth I gripped at the bed cover, feeling the push of his lips and tongue, urging me on. My body sizzles with the burn, my mind swamped with hazy sensations. It unraveled fast as the wall finally crumbled, flooding through me. As I moaned loudly I didn't realize that he had pulled away from me, my eyes bolted open as I felt the burn of him sinking into me hard.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, just take it slow for a little while.”

  The weight of his body pressed down onto me as he continued, I was barely out of the orgasm before the next one started to build. Dorian leaned down for a heavy kiss, his lips slicked with salty sheen. The rumors were true; it did hurt but as the time passed so did the majority of the pain. Within a few minutes of his slow pace, I wrapped my arms and legs around him, refusing to let him change out of this position. It was too mind blowing to let it go. As he picked up the pace, his breathing was heavy and labored against my jaw as he kissed his way to my neck. Rising up to his hands he looked down at me, offering a salacious smirk as he continued to move in me, now the pace was hard and fast. My body let go, unable to take the view of him any longer, I arced with the second orgasm and groaned too loudly again. Dorian slowed to a stop, staring down at me with his own ecstasy filled face.

  “How about livening it up a bit?”

  “Pardon?” I paled. “Me losing it wasn't exciting enough for you?”

  He grinned as he pulled out of me, making me moan softly at the movement. Curiously I watched as he opened the top draw of the bedside table and pulled out a set of handcuffs.

  “Cuff me.”

  “Uh… okay.”

  “You will have control of the situation. You will be able to take the pleasure as your body needs it. If it is too much, then you will be able to stop without having to tell me to.”

  “Sure.” I whispered.

  Dorian took the key that was attached to a long ribbon necklace and put it over my head. It fell between my breasts, his hand wrapped around my body and he kissed me hard. The cuffs fell to the bed as the other hand wrapped around me, slipping over my backside. His hands cupped them, pulling me closer to his body.

  “Mine.” he whispered as his lips brushed over mine.

  I was left reeling from his demanding kiss and his words of claim over me. Was I really okay with this? Dorian fell to the bed with a wicked glint in his eyes, his hands raising to the metal bar at the headboard. I clicked the cuffs over his wrists and bent down to kiss him.

  “Mine.” I whispered.

  His eyes widened with a subdued smirk, saying nothing as I kissed over his jaw and down his neck.

  “Climb on and take.”

  The feeling of him filling me made me whimper, gripping the headboard behind Dorian I began to move on him. His arms pulled on the restraint almost like he enjoyed not being able to touch me.

  The alarm on the bedside started flashing, Dorian's eyes flashed to it and then back to me. The display had a phone symbol on it, flashing a bright green.

  “Is that an incoming call?”

  He nodded warily.

  “Should you get it?”

  His eyes lit up with a devilish smirk.

  “How naughty of you. Are you going to undo the cuffs or shall I remain tethered and inside you for the call?”

  I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks as he chuckled.

  “Press the green button and keep moving. I do love the view.”

  Pressing the green button made his grin widen, the call connected through the device putting it on loudspeaker.

  “Sir, the packages have arrived.”

  Move Dorian mouthed at me. I wanted to shrink with embarrassment, having sex while he was taking a call from an employee. He bucked his hips making me whimper softly, masked by the instant slap of my hand to my mouth. Dorian grinned.

  “Excellent, have them delivered to the spare room. Lorraine can deal with them tomorrow.”

  I gripped the headboard and began to move, fearing him bucking underneath me again. His eyes rolled back with the ecstasy.

  “Leave a dress and accessories for tonight on the bed please.”

  The chain clinked against the frame, Dorian's mouth opened as I continued.

  “As you wish sir. Will that be all?”

  “Yes.” Dorian said, it was almost a groan.

  “Very good sir.”

  And then the line went dead. I pressed the button and the display panel shut off, leaving me rather mortified.

  “I can't believe we just did that.”

  “I can.” He grinned. “Keep going.”

  I began to move again and wondered if I was ever going to be able to walk away from Dorian when this was over. It would be difficult.

  Chapter 30: Red soled woman

  Silver streaks of rain slowly drizzled down the glass as the rain continued its relentless assault on the city. This far up it seemed a lot worse but it was incredibly relaxing. I was laying on my stomach, resting from the carnal activities, Dorian was laying behind me. The soft patter of his breath warmed my back in the cool room, it was a relaxed breath which made me think he was asleep. KC takes one for the team and going by how mind blowing it was, she would be happy to take a few more too.

  I was sore all over, not just the part of me that was worn out from overuse but my throat was dry and hard every time I swallowed. Dorian's arm had slipped over my body, curling up against me. The marks on his wrist was red and angry but I knew he didn't care. The world ha
d darkened now, it had to be early evening but without being able to see the clock I had no clue as to what time it really was.

  The alarm started sounding again, Dorian grumbled and rolled over to answer it.

  “Sir, Miss Edwards is on her way up.”

  “Have her wait in the study please.”

  “Certainly sir.”

  I heard the click, my body tightened wondering why Amy was here. The intel said that she was married but was it wrong? Was she having an affair with Dorian? Was I about to be unceremoniously shown out the door via the stairs? Dorian rolled back over and kissed over my body, a slow and relaxed movement up to my neck. Okay so clearly no one that I had to be worried about.

  “I will retrieve the clothes for you, I can't imagine you would want the staff to see you in all your glory even if it is quite delectable. Take a bath, it will help with the pain. When I'm done with Amy I'll bring in some pain relief.”

  Dorian was off the bed and dressed rather quickly, opting for just the pants and shirt. He was out the door before I could even sit up against the headboard. I pulled the sheet around me as I got off the bed, hearing a commotion. Wrapped in the sheet I tiptoed my way to the door, pressing my ear against it. I could hear the muffled sounds of Dorian and Amy talking, it sounded a little heated. Slowly I turned the handle, doing my damnedest to not make a sound. The door opened to the smallest of cracks, enough for me to see the shadows at the turn of the hallway.

  “I can't believe after all these years this is what you're doing to me. It's pretty low Dorian.”

  “It's for the best, I want to ensure that she has someone watching her that I can trust.”

  “I'm not a fucking babysitter!”

  “I never asked you to wipe her ass, just watch over her and report everything to me.”

  “So this is what she's doing now? Maybe I should have got on my knees for you too and then I wouldn't be made to do some shit job.”

  “Amy I can assure you that she has never been on her knees for me.”

  “Knees, back. Whatever. Looks like she's done pretty well for herself after a few days of work and she's got my damned job.”

  “I don't think that it concerns you. You were aware of the terms of your agreement for employment and if you have an issue with your change of duties you should speak with HR and not come to my private residence.”

  “Oh screw you Dorian. What's Cooper going to do for me? Diddly-squat. If you wanted a babysitter, then you should have hired one. I'm done.”

  The sounds of her stomping her way through the apartment echoed over the wood floorboards, the ping of the elevator was a soft strain seconds later. As the shadows moved through the corridor I quickly scampered into the bathroom, pretending to fuss over the faucet. The room was huge and it was done in black stone. The walls were a toned down black, almost like a dark grey. It appeared that the floor was a darker shade though it could be a trick of the light. To the left of the door was a shower that spanned the entire width of the bathroom.

  In the center was a square shower rose and a glass panel sat in the center of the entry to the shower. In front of the door was the vanity, two sinks and a mirror that covered the distance of the vanity. To the right of the me was a door to what I assumed was the toilet, beside that was the bathtub. No, bathtub wasn't the right term. Miniature pool would be more accurate. I stared at it, two wide steps led up to the bath edge, the stone continued on the stairs and around it. Dorian wrapped his arms around me and kissed along my bare shoulder to my neck.

  “Why aren't you in the bath soothing your sore body?”

  “Just a little overwhelmed.”

  Dorian turned the faucet, filling the monstrous bath. Even though I did have pain, I held no trust when it came to open bottles of pain relief. I took two out in case he had counted them and when his back was turned I put them down the sink. There was little trust for the glass of water even if it did look innocent. I tipped it down the sink as well and unwrapped the sheet from my body. My body ached and as I settled into the warm water, I could feel the sting. Maybe I should have trusted him and taken the tablets.

  Resting against Dorian's body had to be the nicest thing I have ever done. His fingers lazily dragged over my spine, trickling water onto my skin. We lazed there for a long time, not a sound to be heard except the soft patter of his heart and the low hum of our breathing. My skills at getting the information for the client were being used to the best of their abilities. I inwardly chastised myself, if my skills were screwing the target to distract him then I suppose that is possible. With any luck the rest of the team would try to infiltrate the place while the product launch was on. If not, then they were fools.

  “As much fun as it is to lay in tepid water, I must insist that we start to get ready otherwise we will be late and I can't be late.”

  I looked up at Dorian, he had a smile a mile wide on his face.

  “You know, being the host and all I kind of have to be there to say hello, launch the product and be bored out of my mind.”

  Chapter 31: The media's darling

  Dressing for the event had distracted my mind from the thoughts of the day's events. The fact that Dorian had effectively given me an ultimatum about my living arrangements had me concerned. Seriously concerned. But it was all forgotten for a romp on the bed and the glittering night ahead of us. Dorian relaxed me in a way that I never thought was possible, I forgot all of my issues, my thoughts lacked focus and all I could think about was him. I suppose I could pretend that it was a ruse to keep Dorian occupied, that I shouldn't worry about my living arrangements because after tonight I would be gone.

  The dress fitted perfectly, hugging my curves and showing off enough cleavage to please Dorian. I had left my hair down, curled it into wide lustrous curls and even though I knew little of the world of make-up, I had done what I thought was a pretty good job. The shoes had been given a really good workout, I was determined that I would be able to walk in these infernal things without looking like I had an itch in a really annoying spot. Yep, that's how I walked in pumps, like I had an itch between the cheeks. Dorian chuckled at my horrid walk and spent the previous half hour calming me and teaching me how to walk like a lady. How did he know? Well that came from hours of watching Eva parading around in her new purchases for him.

  I looked at Dorian as he adjusted the bow tie, he looked incredible in a tuxedo. His hair was slicked back and he smelled amazing, having just shaved. I soaked in the scent, embedding it into my memory, another thing that I will miss about him.

  “Everything okay?”

  I nodded as he smiled at me in the reflection of the mirror.

  “Just a little nervous I guess.”

  He turned and kissed me on the forehead, I smiled and was grateful that he couldn't see through me, that he couldn't see through the lies that I told. Hell, you have a new resident, her name is Katherine Claire Bryant and she's coming to you real soon because she is such a liar. Dorian took my hand and lead me out of the apartment. Derek was waiting at street level, with a soft smile and a nod he opened the door for us.

  “Thank you Derek.”

  “My pleasure, ma'am.”

  Dorian slid into his seat as Derek rounded the car, getting into the driver’s seat. The evening traffic was incredibly slow tonight, making the ten-minute trip a twenty minute one. If Dorian was fazed by it, he didn't show it, he just stared out the window and watched the sun peeking through the buildings as it lowered. I turned to the view out my own window, watching the people as they walked to their destinations except for one. Because the car was barely moving, I could tell which twin it was. It was Frank. He stared at me, like he wanted to kill me with his gaze. It sent a shiver up my spine, one that caught Dorian's attention.

  “Everything okay?”

  I turned to him with shock at first, the fact that I had shown emotions so easily had me internally beating myself up. That and the fact that he had asked me the same question twice in the past half an hour. />
  “I'm fine.” I said as I smiled at him.

  “Relax.” He purred. “It's going to be okay.”

  The privacy screen was lowered tonight; through the gap I could see the path ahead. It was gridlock because of the launch party. Limousines were slowly making their way through the line, letting out the guests. Dorian's face wasn't amused, I would wager he would be happy to park in the garage and enter from the elevator but that wasn't going to happen. Not when he was the owner. We were next in the queue, I watched as the white limousine stopped and an attendant opened the door. A stunning woman in a long red dress stepped out, her hair pulled up into a sweeping up style that showed off her bare shoulders.

  Dorian squinted at the view, shaking his head.

  “Eva. Always loved the attention.”

  “She looks amazing.”

  “Because she's been pumped with so many damned antibiotics it's not funny.”

  He was angry but it was subdued, probably because he adored Eva. I watched as the vehicle pulled away and Eva strolled up the red carpet, stopping for the photographers. It was almost like an awards ceremony; I didn't think that people were so interested in a cosmetics company. The cameras were going crazy; I guess that because she hadn't been seen in months this was like their heaven. Derek pulled alongside the red carpeted side walk, an attendant quickly scurried to the door and opened it.

  “Ready?” Dorian grinned.

  “No.” I groaned.

  He chuckled and slid out of the car, holding his hand out for me. I took a deep breath, made sure everything was sitting where it should be and tried to be graceful. I was a lady, I could get out of a vehicle without giving a free show and I could do it without going ass over. It didn't help that I had these ridiculous shoes on, Dorian seemed insistent that I was dressed in the best that money could buy. Knees together, feet out first, take his hand with gratitude. I was out the door and on the red carpet before I could even think about it. Then came the blinding light of the incessant flashes from the cameras. Dorian held my hand for a few steps and then dragged me into his side. His arm wrapped around my lower back as he guided me forward. Slowly I could feel the color draining away, here he was showing us off to the public like we were a serious couple. I lowered the mask and smiled for the cameras, keeping up the appearance that I wasn't a fraud.


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