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Sugar Creek 4: Prim's Silver Wolves (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Becca Van

  When she once more became aware of her surroundings the only sound she could hear was all four of them breathing heavily.

  Primrose moaned when Palmer gave her a final lick, eased his fingers from her pussy, and then lowered her legs from over his shoulders. She opened her eyes and nearly groaned when she saw all three of the men staring at her is if she was the answer to all their prayers, Christmases, and birthdays wrapped up in one package.

  Her just-satiated lust began to simmer and her cunt clenched with renewed desire, but she didn’t reach out to them like she wanted to. She’d never done something so impulsive in her life and began to feel a little uncomfortable at her actions. Her face heated and she looked away from Palmer. He must have seen how awkward she was feeling, because he grasped her chin in his hand and brought her gaze back to his.

  “Don’t ever be embarrassed with us or about your desires, sugar. We are your mates and it’s our job to see to your needs,” Palmer said in a firm voice.

  Prim didn’t know what to say or how to respond, so she nodded and then she pushed up so that she was sitting up rather than nearly lying down and reached for her clothes. She was surprised, but grateful when they helped her get dressed again, because she was feeling so weak and still trembling after such a mind-blowing orgasm, she was having trouble getting her brain and body to work in sync. Once she had her clothes on, she felt a little better and watched them warily as she pushed to her feet. Barrett reached out and steadied her by taking hold of her elbow when she stumbled, and although she was thankful he’d stopped her from falling flat on her face, she couldn’t deal with having them touch her again, because she didn’t think she could keep her hands to herself.

  She snatched her arm back, turned on her heel, and hurried to the kitchen. She knew the moment all three of them entered the room behind her, but ignored them and looked through all the cupboards as she familiarized herself with where everything was before going to the fridge and peering inside. When she saw the bottles of white wine on the lower shelf, she snagged one, broke the seal, grabbed a glass, and then poured herself some. She picked up the glass and slugged that wine back like she was an alcoholic needing the next fix, and when she’d emptied it, she refilled it before finally turning to face them.

  “What the hell did you do to me?”

  Palmer, Barrett, and Edison looked at each other before looking back at her, but Barrett was the one who took a step closer, only to stop when she held her hand up to stop him.

  “We didn’t do anything to you, baby,” Barrett said. “This is a natural reaction when a werewolf, or in our pack’s case, werewolves meet their mates.”

  “Not for me, it’s not.”

  Edison took a step closer and held his hand out to her. “Why don’t we sit down and talk? I’m sure you have a lot of questions you want to ask us.”

  “You have no idea,” Prim muttered, and when she saw Edison smirk, Barrett smile, and Palmer tense up, she knew they had heard her. She shrugged her shoulders, grabbed the bottle of wine and her glass, shoved through them but made sure not to touch them or inhale through her nose, and sat down at the table.

  The three men walked over and sat down, too, and then looked at her expectantly.

  “How do you know I’m your mate?”

  Barrett rested his arms on the table and leaned forward. “I knew you were our mate the moment I scented you on that road. You smelled so good, like vanilla and cinnamon, and I just want to eat you all up.”

  Prim squirmed in her chair when her clit throbbed, her pussy clenched, and juices pooled and leaked out. She sucked in a deep breath and held it for a few moments, before releasing it in a noisy burst.

  “Ed and I were drawn to you by your scent, too,” Palmer said. “Barrett told us that he had met our mate and we wanted to make sure that was the case. We immediately headed over to Melissa’s cabin to see if he was right, and he was.”

  “Why me?”

  “Call it fate,” Edison said. “None of us know how it works, but we would never question the gods. It’s a special thing for a werewolf to meet his mate. There is only ever one true mate for a werewolf, and once we meet her, we never want to be with anyone else.”

  Prim’s jaw gaped open and she stared at Ed, trying to come to terms with what he’d just said. She finally closed her mouth and took another sip of wine to moisten her dry mouth. She started when Palmer reached over and covered her hand with his.

  “Werewolves mate for life, sugar. Just the thought of being with another woman after we have met our one and only is repugnant.”

  “It is?” Prim asked breathlessly and her heart filled with warmth. Knowing that these three men would never want to be with anyone but her was startling, but also humbling. She felt like they were slowly working their way into her heart, but wondered how that could be when she’d only just met them.

  “There is so much you need to know, honey. I’m not sure where to start.” Edison took her glass from her hand and sipped from it before handing it back to her.

  “How did you become werewolves?” Prim asked.

  “We were born this way, baby,” Barrett answered. “As far back as our parents can remember, there has always been the Lycan gene in our family. No one has been able to trace back far enough to find out the answer to that question.”

  “How would I become your mate?”

  “We would all need to make love to you and bite you on your shoulder near your neck,” Palmer explained. “Once we’ve done that, you would be connected to us for the rest of our lives. You would be ours, but we’d also be yours.”

  Ed leaned forward. “We wouldn’t want to be away from you for more than a few hours and you wouldn’t want to be away from us for very long, either.”

  “You would carry our DNA and would be stronger, healthier, and your senses would also be more enhanced,” Barrett said.

  “Would I turn into a werewolf, too?” Prim asked, and heard her voice tremble. Palmer must have heard her nervousness, too, because he reached over, plucked her from her seat, and plonked her down in his lap. He rubbed his hand up and down her back and she felt herself relaxing into him. The heat emitting from his body was incredible, but that wasn’t all she felt. It felt so good to be in his arms, in all of their arms, when they were holding her. It just felt…so right, as if it was meant to be, but there was no way Prim was acceding to what they’d told her so far. She hardly knew anything about them.

  “No, sugar. We never turn a human into a werewolf unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

  She leaned back and looked up into his gorgeous blue eyes before asking, “What do you mean?”

  “The only reason a human is ever changed is if they are dying,” Palmer said. “Of course, that doesn’t mean we couldn’t change you if you ever decided that was what you wanted, but we would have to get permission from our Alpha first.”


  “The leader of our pack.” Palmer’s hand caressed over her arm and shoulder and then her back again.

  “Oh? Who’s that?” She asked.

  “Lucien Woolf is our Alpha. He and his Beta brothers are mated to Tessa,” Barrett said.

  “What’s a Beta?” Prim asked, not sure she wanted to know the answer, but too curious not to ask. Her head was spinning and the more he answered, the more confused she became, but she was so full of curiosity she kept right on asking.

  “A Beta is second in line to an Alpha,” Edison said. “Lucien’s brothers, Raphael and Gabriel, are also his Betas. All three of the Woolf men are mated to Tessa.”

  “What are Melissa’s men, and what are you three?”

  “The rest of us are Omegas, but the adolescents are Sigmas,” Barrett replied.

  “How do you change a human into a werewolf?” She wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer to that question, but she waited for them to answer anyway, instead of covering like her ears like she wanted to so she couldn’t hear their reply.

  “The only way to change a h
uman to a werewolf is for them to drink the blood of all her mates,” Palmer answered.

  Prim screwed up her nose and tried not to look horrified. “Really? Who would want to do that? That’s just gross.”

  “Melissa is a werewolf, Primrose.” Edison squeezed her hand. “She was shot not that long ago, and she was dying. The only way her mates, Damian and Luke, could save her was to give her their blood to drink.”

  “Oh. My. God. That’s horrible. I’m so glad her mates could save her.”

  “Yes, and now she has a wonderful female pup to love and look after,” Barrett said.

  “What? What do you mean by ‘pup’? Is her baby a werewolf? Was she born a pup? She looked like a baby when I saw her before.” Even Prim could hear the note of anxiety in her own voice.

  “No!” all three men answered simultaneously.

  “A werewolf doesn’t go through their first change until they hit puberty, and gives birth to babies just like a human being,” Edison said.

  “Oh! Thank God.” Prim sighed. “I had this image of Mel giving birth to a puppy.”

  Palmer chuckled. “You’re aren’t the first mate to think that, sugar. As to the gestation period, werewolf mates only carry their young for six months.”


  “Yes, mate, really.”

  “There’s something else you need to know, baby,” Barrett said, drawing her attention. “We can touch you, make love to you with our hands and mouths, but we can’t make love to you properly unless you agree to mate with us.”

  “Why not?” Prim asked, wanting to know the answer to that question. She had a feeling it wouldn’t be long before she was begging these three men to have sex with her. Even though they’d recently given her an orgasm and taken the edge off of her arousal, being near them ramped up her just-satiated libido like never before. She wasn’t sure she could hold out on them or herself and deny them all what they really wanted, but she wasn’t about to agree to anything until she knew the ins and outs of everything she needed to know before deciding one way or the other. It was so tempting to let them make love with her, but she wanted more time to know them first.

  “Our wolves have been pushing at us to claim you from the first moment we set eyes on you. If we made love to you with our bodies, there’s no guarantee that they won’t take over and claim you. We don’t ever want to do anything without your permission,” Barrett explained.

  “If we ever make love with you, sugar, you have to agree to be ours for the rest of your life,” Palmer said in a deep, gruff voice.

  Chapter Four

  Edison was so hungry for their mate he was having a hard time keep his animal from taking over. He was blown away by how beautiful she was, and even though his cock was hard and throbbing with need, he had never been happier than when he and his brothers were kissing, licking, and touching her, or seeing her in the throes of orgasm. She was so responsive and he wanted to be able to kiss and touch her over and over again, but he knew she needed time to digest everything they’d told her and to come to terms with being their mate.

  Prim pushed up off of Palmer’s lap and began pacing before turning to face them all. “This is all so much to take in. I have no idea what to think or say. I have a home, a career. Would you expect me to move here if, and that is a big if, I decided to be your mate? Would I have to give up my job, my whole life, to fit in with your life?”

  “You don’t need to make any decisions right now, honey.” Ed walked over to her and pulled her into his arms. He wanted to hold her forever, but he realized that they needed to give her some space so she could think things through. First, he wanted to try and appease her tumultuous mind. “We would never ask you to give up your career, Primrose. Even as we speak, there is a school being built on pack land. A lot of our Sigmas are currently traveling to your hometown to go to school and now that our Alpha, Betas, and queen have a pup, as well as Melissa, our leaders saw the need to have our own school. So if you want to continue working, I have no doubt you would be employed by the pack once the school has been completed.”

  Ed glanced at Palmer when he came up behind Prim, wrapped his arms around her from behind and kissed the back of her neck. Ed’s wolf growled and pushed against him, trying to get him to claim his mate when he and his beast both felt her shiver of desire, but he pushed his animal back down.

  “If we could, we would follow you to your hometown and live with you there,” Palmer began to explain. “But we can’t. Wolves need to be close to their families. We are, after all, pack animals. Plus, there is the danger of our existence being found out. We can’t take that chance, sugar. Can you imagine what would happen if the population found out about us? We would be hunted down and culled out of fear, not to mention what scientists would do if they got hold of any of us.”

  “Yeah.” She sighed. “I suppose they would. Human beings have always seemed to fear when they don’t understand anything or anyone else that is different from them.”

  “But you’re not scared, are you, honey?” Edison asked and met Palmer’s glare and held it. He didn’t realize how tense he was until Prim answered.


  Hope filled his heart that Primrose would eventually accept him and his brothers as her mates. If she wasn’t scared of them, surely she trusted them a little, and she’d already let them touch and kiss her until she orgasmed. Didn’t that mean that she was accepting of who and what they were?

  God, I hope so. Please, please let Primrose decide to be our mate. I don’t think I can hold my wolf off for much longer.

  “I need to think about this.” Prim stepped to the side and out from between him and Palmer. Even though Ed was disappointed at not being able to hold her still, he had to be satisfied that their mate was here and would be for at least four weeks. Hopefully, in that time and between the three of them, they could get her into their bed and agree to be their mate.

  She sighed tiredly and covered her hand over her mouth. That was another thing he wanted to know, and he had to bite his tongue literally and figuratively so he wouldn’t ask her why she looked exhausted and why she had dark smudges beneath her eyes from lack of sleep, but he didn’t want her to think he or his brothers were pressing too hard and fast too soon, so he kept his mouth shut.

  They’d already pushed her beyond her normal behavior and he didn’t want to press his luck and have her deciding to pack her stuff up and leave.

  If he had his way, and no doubt his brothers were wanting the same thing, once they had her in their lives and agreeing to be their mate, they would never let her go again or want her out of sight for more than a couple of hours. Hopefully, in the next two or three days Primrose would be theirs.

  Ed had seen how fast all the newly mated women had fallen for their mates and hoped Prim wasn’t an anomaly and would fall just as fast, but first, she’d need to get to know them. She didn’t even know what they did for a living, and for such an independent woman, he had expected her to have asked them about their work, but since they told her about being werewolves, her brain was no doubt spinning off into hundreds of different directions.

  “We need to give her some space,” Ed told his brothers through their mind link. “She’s had enough for one day and needs to rest. We’ve already bombarded her with too much information.”

  “You’re right.” Palmer sighed. “Let’s go. Tomorrow morning, we’ll come back and talk to her some more.”

  “Maybe we should ask Mel to come and talk to her, too,” Barrett said. “Another human woman’s perspective can’t hurt in helping her to accept us. She can answer questions our mate may be too embarrassed to even think of asking us.”

  “Good idea, Barrett. You always were more sensitive to others’ needs than we are. I’m so glad we have you to help woo our mate to be with us.” Palmer slapped Barrett on the shoulder and smiled at him.

  Ed looked up to see Prim looking at them with a frown on her face, as if trying to work out what they were doing. “We can
talk to each other using our minds, honey. If you were to agree to mate with us, you would be able to communicate with us the same way.”

  “I would?” she asked, and then yawned again. “Does that mean you can read minds?”

  “No, baby,” Barrett answered. “We would be able to talk to you as we are now, but in our heads. All you’d need to do is think of us, and because when you’re mated, you would carry our DNA, we would be able to hear you, and you us.

  “We can also smell emotions, because a wolf’s nose is so much more sensitive than a human’s. Fear has a really sweet smell to it, and it has quite a strong aroma.”

  “Stop!” Primrose reached up and pressed her hands to the sides of her head. “I can’t take any more in.”

  “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “You didn’t upset me, Barrett. It’s just that I’m on information overload and my head feels like it’s spinning in circles.”

  Barrett stepped closer and pulled her against his body and then he kissed her on the forehead. “I’m sorry, baby. We didn’t mean to overload you. Get some rest and we’ll talk more tomorrow.” He released her and then moved away, giving her a lingering look before leaving.

  Palmer cupped her face between his hands. “Don’t overthink things, sugar. Just take one day at a time.” He withdrew his hands, kissed her on the cheek, and then left.

  Ed took his brother’s place and pulled her in tight against his body, relishing the feel of her softness against his hardness. He could feel her soft breasts smushed up against his chest and loved that her hard nipples were poking into his body. “Get some sleep, honey. Everything will work out. You’ll see.” He gave her a last squeeze before he, too, followed his brothers out. It was the hardest thing he’d ever done, leaving his mate behind, but Primrose needed to decide what she wanted without him or his brothers influencing her in any way.


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