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Sugar Creek 4: Prim's Silver Wolves (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Becca Van

  Hopefully, if and when she made up her mind, it would be in all their favors and they would never have to worry about being lonely or alone again. Even though he had his brothers at his side, that was no consolation now that they had found their mate.

  He needed Prim in his arms, bed, heart, and life more than he had needed anything else before, and letting her walk away wasn’t an option. There was no way he wanted to face a long, painful drawn-out death. Now that they had found their mate, hopefully they could claim her and consummate their mating before their animals took over and did the unthinkable, like marking her without her permission.

  That scenario wasn’t acceptable and he was going to make damn sure that his animal was kept on a tight leash. Failing wasn’t an option he even wanted to ponder.

  * * * *

  The moment the door closed behind them, Primrose wanted to rush out and call them back. Now that they were gone, she felt like she had a huge hole in her heart and the ache was almost unbearable. She rubbed over her chest, between her breasts, and whimpered when her arm brushed against her aching nipple.

  She spun on her heels and headed to the kitchen. Now that they were no longer there, close to her, where she felt like she was drowning in the delectable scents, she felt like she could think straight. Although, she had to be honest with herself. She had been cognizant the whole time they had been with her, she’d just let their aromas and hunkalicious bodies, as well as their handsomeness, get to her. But that wasn’t all. She’d been swept away on a sea of passion from the moment they had started kissing her, and even though they had brought her to orgasm with their hands, fingers, and mouths she hadn’t wanted them to stop. She’d never done anything like that in her life.

  Prim hardly knew them, but she couldn’t deny that she was drawn to them or wanted them to fuck her into oblivion. But if she gave in and let them make love to her and claim her, what would happen after that? She didn’t even know what they did for a living or how old they were. She wanted to ask them everything and learn all about them, but if she did, and she had someone after her, would she get the chance to see things through to the end? Or would they just start a relationship, and she would have to back away when she found out that she was crazy and imagining things?

  No. She wasn’t imagining all those noises she heard at night. Prim had never been a nervous person. She’d learned to be independent when she had just hit her teens. Her mother had been her sole parent and since she’d had to work so much, Prim had to do for herself. She had been the one to keep house and cook the meals, and even though her mom had told her how guilty she’d felt for relying on her, she was so tired since she’d been working two jobs to pay the bills and buy food.

  Prim made herself a cup of coffee and sat down with a weary sigh, and sipped at it. She missed her mom so much, but nothing she could do would bring her back. Her mother had been walking home from work and as she’d passed a shop that was being held up by armed robbers, and they’d started shooting, her mother had been hit by a stray bullet. That had been three years ago. It had taken a few months to pack everything up, but Prim had moved out of their rented apartment into a small house. She’d always wanted to have a yard and garden, and since the landlord had put the lease up, she’d decided to move. It had been wonderful, since she loved getting out in the garden and nurturing her plants and flowers, but all that had changed a few months back. At first, Prim had thought Harry from work was harassing her because he’d made that pass and she’d in essence told him to fuck off, but she was beginning to think that someone else was trying to make her life a living hell by frightening her. Although, he had every reason to be angry with her since she’d put a complaint in against him and gotten him fired. But for some reason, she wasn’t sure he was the one harassing her. The problem was, she had no idea who or why.

  What pissed her off the most was that the cops thought she was delusional. She wasn’t, but there was never anyone around when the police arrived and they hadn’t been able to find any evidence that someone was trying to break into her house.

  Her thoughts were so scattered, and she attributed that to Palmer, Edison, and Barrett.

  What the hell was she supposed to do? She wanted them more than anything, but she couldn’t just leap in headfirst and hope for the best. She had even been shown proof that they were werewolves, especially after what Barrett had told her when her car had broken down, but she thought she may just believe a little more if they could show her them changing into their wolves. Seeing Barrett change from man to wolf had felt so surreal, and even though she had been filled with awe, she hadn’t once been scared. Although she loved seeing him in his wolf form, his human side was much better. Barrett’s nakedness had set her body on fire and she’d wanted to reach out, wrap her hand around his hard cock, and then lick it all over, but she’d controlled her lust and stayed still while he’d gotten dressed again.

  Primrose was so turned on her panties were soaked, but she was confused with everything whirling around in her head. She headed to the bathroom and after cleaning up and changing her underwear, feeling fresh again, she sat at the table and sipped the rest of her wine.

  Maybe she should go and talk to Mel. She was a great friend and she might be able to help her put things into perspective. Plus, she would surely know how she was feeling since she must have gone through the turmoil Prim was currently experiencing, and she was also a werewolf, from what the Vargas brothers had said.

  She quickly finished off her wine, rinsed the glass, and placed it in the sink. When she got outside onto the porch, she looked through the trees toward Mel and her husbands’ cabin, took a deep breath, and then started walking. She loved the scents of the trees and flowers she could smell on the light breeze and was glad the weather was cooler now that the sun had gone down. Prim just hoped that Mel wasn’t too busy with her daughter and her men, and would have time for some conversation.

  She stepped up on the porch and squeaked with surprise when the door opened before she even got to knock. Luke smiled at her and then bade her to enter without saying a word. She hurried past him and into the living room. Melissa was curled up on the sofa and watching Damian cuddle with their daughter. She met Prim’s gaze and urged her over by hand gestures.

  “I’ll just go and get Carmen settled.” Damian stood up and then walked away.

  “What’s wrong, Prim?” Melissa asked.

  Prim turned to look over her shoulder and make sure Luke wasn’t about before turning back to face her friend. “I’m so confused right now. I don’t know what to do, what to think.”

  “Have they told you, then?”

  “That nearly everyone here is a werewolf? Yes.”

  “Okay, tell me what they’ve told you.”

  Prim spent the next fifteen minutes trying to remember what the three men had said and relating it back to Melissa.

  “I’m glad they told you about me. I hated not telling you earlier, but I’m sure you can understand that secrecy is imperative.”

  “Yes, I understand.”

  “So.” Melissa waved her hand in the air. “Start asking me your questions.”

  “That’s just it, Mel. I don’t know what to ask.”

  “They’ve told you a lot, which is great, but tell me why you seem so hesitant. If you do agree to mate with them, they will treat you like a princess. They will put all your needs first. Did they tell you that they fell instantly in love with you the first time they saw you?”


  Melissa smiled and Prim wondered if she looked as astounded as she felt. Probably, but it didn’t matter. What mattered was trying to sort her tumultuous thoughts out.

  “Okay, well they do. I’ll bet they didn’t tell you that once you’re all mated you can never leave them or them you. If you do, it would be like you ripped their hearts out and they would die slowly and painfully.”

  “No, they didn’t tell me that either.”

  “Did they tell you they couldn’t be away
from you for very long if you agree to the mating?”


  “Thank God. Poor Tessa didn’t know that until after she was mated.”

  “What’s she like?” Prim asked.


  Prim nodded.

  “She’s wonderful. So down to earth, and she absolutely hates it when anyone calls her queen. Sara’s here, too. She’s mated with Chase and Tony Avero.”

  “Oh. You and Sara are so close, and I know how much she looks out for you. I’m glad that you’re both here.”

  “Yeah.” Melissa smiled. “Although she keeps an eye on me, she’s backed off now that she has her own men to love and love her, too. And I have mine.”

  “You’re so lucky to have Damian and Luke and Carmen.”

  “You could have that, too. What’s holding you back, Prim? I know damn well you are drawn to those three men. What’s wrong? You look like you’ve been sick and haven’t been sleeping. You’ve lost a little weight and have dark marks under your eyes.”

  Prim glanced at the floor and nibbled on her lip while she decided whether to tell Mel what had been happening. She didn’t want to burden her with her problems, but she also needed to talk to someone. She didn’t trust anyone else. And then she decided that she would tell her. Mel had always been straightforward and upfront, so if her friend did think she was going crazy, surely she would tell her.

  Once Primrose started talking, she told Melissa everything, from Harry making a pass at her to the noises she heard nearly every night at home. When she was done, she looked at Melissa and waited for her to speak.

  Melissa reached out and grabbed her hand. “I don’t think you’re going insane, Primrose. You’ve never been a nervous person and you don’t have an overactive imagination. If you say you’re hearing someone outside your house, then I would say it’s a damn good possibility that there is. What I don’t get is why the cops never find anyone or any evidence. No wonder you’re so tired. Have you thought about hiring someone to keep a watch on your place at night? Maybe a bodyguard or something like that? Or putting up security cameras?”

  “I thought about it, but you and I both know how much money we earn. I can’t afford to hire someone. If I put up security cameras, I need to write to my landlord first to ask permission through the estate agent, but it could take weeks before I get a reply, because apparently the owner is off in the wilds of another country.

  “I don’t know what else to do. When you offered for me to come here for the break, I jumped at the chance. I can’t remember the last time I slept a whole night through, and even though I appreciate being here, I’m not sure it’s a good idea if I stay.”

  “Why the hell not?” Mel asked.

  “What if there is someone watching me? What if they followed me here? I could be putting you all in danger. I don’t want you or Carmen getting hurt because of me, let alone anyone else.”

  “If you weren’t worried about that, would you assent to being with Palmer, Edison, and Barrett? Would you be willing to give them a chance to get to know you, and you them?”

  “No. I don’t know. Maybe.” Prim sighed. “It’s really hard to answer that question because of whoever is trying to terrorize me. I just can’t push it from my mind. Plus, I’ve only known them for hours, Mel, and I don’t know them at all.”

  Melissa patted her hand. “Try not to worry too much. Push it all from your mind for a couple of days and try to catch up on some sleep. Things have a way of working themselves out when you least expect it.”

  “Thank you for listening to me and not thinking I’m crazy. I feel a little better since I’ve talked to you.”

  Melissa smiled and then hugged Prim. “Go and have a nice, hot, relaxing bath and crawl into bed. We can talk more tomorrow.”

  “Thanks Mel.” Prim pushed to her feet. “Don’t get up. I can see myself out.”

  Prim walked slowly back to her cabin. Even though she felt better after talking things through with Melissa, she still had no idea what to do.

  When she stepped up onto the porch, she saw that Palmer was sitting on one of the chairs and stopped when she met his gaze.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you’d left.”

  “I did, but I just needed some time alone with you.” Palmer pushed to his feet. “Did you go and see Melissa?”


  “Has she helped you to understand more of who and what we are?”

  “I think so. It’s still hard to take everything in.”

  “That’s understandable, sugar, but maybe you should stop thinking things over so much and just relax for a while.” Palmer stroked a hand over her arm and then grasped her hand. “Can I come inside with you? I just want to hold you for a while. We could watch a movie or play a game or something.”

  “I’d like that.” Prim led the way inside and they decided to watch a movie on the television.

  Palmer sat down on the sofa and when she sat down next to him, he pulled her in against his side. He grabbed the remote and flicked through the channels until he found an action movie playing and they settled back to watch. It was nice being snuggled up in his arms while the movie played. Prim didn’t really care about what was on the TV. What she cared about was how good it felt to be surrounded by his big, warm, muscular body and wonderful scent. And she found herself relaxing into him, feeling safe, secure and cherished.

  When the movie was finished, he turned the television off, helped her to her feet and then got up off the sofa before guiding her toward the door.

  “Thank you for spending some time with me, Primrose. I love being in your company.” Palmer kissed her lightly on the lips and left, closing the door behind him.

  Primrose sighed at how lonely she felt now that he had left. She still didn’t understand it all, but now that he, Ed and Barrett were no longer with her, she missed them so much.

  She headed to bed and as much as she tried to push Palmer, Edison, and Barrett from her mind, it seemed to be an impossibility. She just hoped she could get them out of her head long enough to fall asleep.

  Chapter Five

  Primrose was sitting out on the porch of her cabin, enjoying the sunshine, fresh air, and a cup of coffee after the first restful night’s sleep she’d had in months. She realized that she had slept well since she wasn’t at home and scared out of her mind, listening for every little noise, and for the first time in months, she felt calm and happy.

  She really loved this place, and the thought of throwing in her current job to move here to live and work was tempting. But what was more tempting was having a relationship with three handsome, hunky werewolves. Every time she thought about Palmer, Edison, and Barrett, she got horny, and since meeting them the day before and then having them leave after being intimate with them—or rather, letting them be intimate with her—she missed them. She knew that was crazy, but that was how she felt, like part of herself was missing when they weren’t with her.

  When she saw movement in amongst the trees, she gasped and then held her breath. Three large, silver wolves were standing no more than fifty yards away and they were all staring at her. Her heart raced and she exhaled heavily before inhaling again. She didn’t have to be a genius to know who the wolves were. The biggest one took a step forward and must have been waiting for her reaction because when she didn’t move and just sat there watching them all, he took another step. The other two followed, and when they were standing at the bottom of the steps, they stopped.

  They were absolutely magnificent and so damn big and muscular with their light-silver coats of fur and varying degrees of blue eyes, which were constantly changing to that yellow-gold color. Her breasts swelled, her nipples hardened, and her pussy softened and started to get wet when she smelled their delicious musky pine scents. The three wolves lifted their noses into the air and sniffed, and then they all bounded up the steps and didn’t stop until they were very close to her.

  Prim placed her almost-empty coffee mug on the
small table next to her chair and then she tentatively reached out to the largest animal. Her fingers threaded in the fur of his neck and she nearly giggled when the soft strands tickled her palm. She kept her eyes on his and watched in fascination as they changed from one color to another. She petted and stroked him until the wolf next to her licked the back of her hand and whined. She laughed and then turned to pet him. By the time she had patted all three animals, she was so turned on her undies were soaked.

  It wasn’t the wolves she was lusting after, but the three men inside those beasts. She could see each and every one of them in her mind’s eye and wanted them to change back so she could see their handsome faces and talk to them some more. There was still so much she wanted to know about them, and even though she had decided to have a relationship with them, she wanted to learn more about each of them.

  “Can you hear and understand me like that?” Prim asked.

  All three wolves nodded their heads. Their tongues flopped out of their mouths and their lips pulled back in what looked like smiles. She smiled back and sighed with relief.

  “Will you change back so we can talk?”

  Again, all three nodded. Barrett nudged her knee and then swiped his tongue over her skin, making her giggle. How she knew it was him, she wasn’t certain, but she did. Edison rubbed his face against her other leg and Palmer licked her hand. Then all three turned around and trotted back down the steps. She wanted to ask them where they were going, but held her tongue and then watched until they had disappeared. It took her a few moments to figure out that they were probably going back to their place to get dressed. She was glad that they were being so thoughtful, because if they tried to converse with her while they were naked, she knew she would have a hell of a time concentrating.

  Prim drained the last of her coffee and then hurried inside to get the nearly full coffee pot and more mugs, as well as cream and sugar. She carried it all outside on a tray and then placed it on the small table. After pouring herself another cup of coffee, she waited for them to come back. She didn’t have to wait long. She spied Barrett striding toward her dressed in jeans and a T-shirt.


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