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The Weekend

Page 6

by L. A. Ritz

  He laughed. “And your point is?”

  “Well the only other man I have actually touched was when I was fifteen.”

  And he was back to staring at her, but this time his stare was a lot more intense in a proud sort of possessive way. He let go of her hands. He leaned over her and she bent to his will. He kissed her softly on the lips. “I am not a fifteen year old boy.”

  She shook her head, a shiver ran through her. “No.”

  He stepped back and she watched as he reached for his pants. He was pulling for his wallet and looking through it. As he looked through each flap, he became more and more agitated. Then he dropped the wallet and turned for his closet. She was curious as he was blubbering words in his foreign language, while rummaging through his bag.

  She called out. “What is wrong?”

  He wrestled around for a few more seconds. Then he stepped back. She wouldn’t let him know, but he sort of looked ridiculous cursing naked in the closet. At the same time, she had a nice view of his sculpted, bare, back side.

  “There are no condoms.”

  Bethany’s body locked up. She felt so stupid. How did she forget that? She didn’t have one either and he must have recognized that by her body language. He quickly responded, “I can go get one.” He was already putting his pants back on. “Just lay there. Don’t move. I will be really fast.”

  She asked, “Where are you going to go?”

  “There has to be a pharmacy. Or a store.”

  “It is eleven at night.”

  He was buttoning his shirt. “We are in a city.”

  “I will go with you.”

  He retorted, “I will be fine. You stay there. Naked. In my bed.”

  She was already moving out of the bed. “I am not naked. I still have my underwear on.” She was looking for where he tossed her bra. “And I am not going to lay here waiting for you in my underwear.”

  “I like you waiting for me in your underwear.” He handed her the bra she was looking for. She took it with a smirk. But he kept a hold of her in the exchange. He pulled her close. “We are going to continue this.” He was making a definite promise. She didn’t have to respond.

  Chapter 10


  Phillip had practically dragged her from the hotel room. His hand was clenched strongly around hers. He wasn’t letting her go. They went back to the elevator. The atmosphere was less carnal. This time they were on a mission. They walked in a long stride through the lobby till they came out the front entrance. He looked both directions of the street. He was unsure of which direction to take.

  “Perhaps we should google where the closest pharmacy is?” Bethany suggested.

  He glanced down at her. “Did you bring your phone?”

  She shook her head. “No. Did you?”

  “No.” He sighed heavily. “I will ask the bellhop.”

  They turned back into the hotel and Phillip got a very long answer to his question from the bellhop. Where there is a Target but it closed thirty minutes ago. The pharmacy down the street is a small one, so it closes at seven. The convenience store is under construction from a fire. There is a place in Pike’s market down the street that will be open at eight in the morning. And finally a small place about four blocks down from here should be open twenty four hours. It sells beer and what not. Should have what is needed. So the two almost lovers headed south, in the direction of the store that sold beer and what not.

  He kept a hold of her hand as they walked down the sloped hill of the street they were upon. They walked at a fairly fast pace, mostly because of Bethany’s lead. Until Phillip quickly pulled her into his arms and dipped her. “You are going to have no energy tonight if you keep running.” He kissed her and flipped her up.

  “You were the one hurrying out of the hotel.”

  “Yes. Perhaps.” He began walking. He glanced over to her. “But now I realize that your virginity is mine for the taking. So I am not going to kill myself to have it.”

  Her face flushed. She wasn’t going to argue with him. She wanted that to be the case. So she just set herself at his more leisurely stride. They walked a block, before he asked another question. “Are you cold?”

  She shook her head. “This sweater is warm and the summer still has not left yet.”

  “I have my jacket it you need it?”

  She shook her head. “No, I’m fine.”

  It was rather quiet out that night. But it was Downtown Seattle, not really known for busy streets. Though, the nightlife was there. Just hidden behind doors. Like the door they passed on the third block to their destination. It had a line of people outside of it. Inside the door it seemed like the sort of grunge club Seattle was famous for. Lots of people were dressed for the bars, though in this city it was a lot of plaid shirts and black Northface jackets, with the odd emo kid mixed in. Seattle definitely wasn’t the cocktail dress kind of city.

  She mused out loud. “I wonder which band is playing?”

  “Have you been there before?”

  She shrugged. “Once with my friend. A band was playing that we liked, so we came when we were eighteen.” She laughed a little. “We had to wear wrist bands that said we were under age. But Amber tore it off and managed to get one from the bartender inside that said she was over twenty-one.”

  “What did she have to do to get that?” He apparently already understood her friend.

  “Enough to get her free drinks for the night.”

  She liked the sound of his chuckles. His voice was so deep and passionate and so when he laughed, it was one of those wise and panty-melting sounds. But it also made him seem less intimidating. Because this man was intimidating with his height, body, and the fine clothes he wore. He carried himself well. Yet, when they finally ended up in front of that place that sold beer and what not, she was surprised when he sort of lost it. The place was closed.

  “That bellhop doesn’t deserve my tip.” He moved on to his own language, saying what she assumed were some well thought out choice words. “I am going to make this happen.” Some more cursing followed in both English and Portuguese. “I can’t believe I am not prepared.” He huffed and gruffed a few more times. “It must have been him.” Finally he exhaled and faced her again. His shoulder’s raised. “Come. I have an idea.”

  He was pulling her back up the street again. The line in front of the bar was still there. Phillip did not go to the end of it. No, he walked straight up to the bouncer and handed him a few bills. They were clearly not one dollar bills. It did the trick. They walked into the bar. A band was playing. She didn’t know them, but they were fun with their nineties brass kind of stuff. She felt like she was in a remake of that Clueless scene where the step brother takes them out to a club. She enjoyed the music and Phillip must have recognized this because he stopped to listen with her. The real kicker came when they started their next song as a remake of Sublime’s, Santeria. And, as Bethany had already decided for this weekend, she has to take advantage of what life had to offer. She was making lemonade. She turned to Phillip, pulling on his hand. “Come. Let’s dance.”

  He was already shaking his head. “No, I don’t think so.”

  “You don’t want to dance with me?”

  “I would dance with you. Not to this.”

  She wasn’t missing it. So she gave up on him, letting herself separate and becoming mixed within the crowd. She was swaying between people and moving what little hips she had. A few girls started singing the lyrics. One grabbed her hand and was yelling them to her. To hell with it. She started yelling the lyrics too. The club was dark around her, but the stage was bright and a few flashes lit up the crowd. She looked a few times for Phillip. She couldn’t really see beyond the center, but for some reason she knew he was watching her. Then the band changed up the song. It got remarkably fast and became some sort of sped up jam session. She was jumping with crowd, being carelessly tossed around. Her body and her mind were feeling the music and it felt good to be free in this mom
ent to do what she wanted.

  And then the music slowed. The jam went down. They were seamlessly moving into another song. One she also recognized, with an island beat. I melt with you by The Cure. It must have been an acceptable song for Phillip. She recognized his hands upon her hips. His body was up against hers. His lips misted her ear. “This is more my speed.”

  She leaned back against his body, letting him guide her. They swayed to their own rhythm. One, she thought, which was only possible with him. She was very in tune to his body. She turned at his silent command. They were slow dancing. Her hands draped casually upon his shoulders. His fingers playing across her hips. Their fronts touching with every step. Her mind was drifting to a world not possible, but one she wanted with each breath. She wanted a future with him. But she also knew that tonight was the only future she was going to get. She was back to making lemonade.

  The song ended and so did the band’s set for a short intermission. Bethany was a little rattled at their intimacy from that song. She barely knew him. She asked to use the bathroom and he promised to meet her in the hall. She walked into a full bathroom, with a line. She waited and tried not looking at the other women in the bathroom. No one likes to meet face to face in the restroom. She was twiddling thumb to thumb and trying to shake that uneasy feeling from the dance floor. Of course her mind was only on Phillip. She couldn’t wait much longer now. She hoped that somehow they were able to locate a store that was open and sold condoms. She briefly considered asking the woman behind her, because she was wearing a short black skirt and net stockings. She seemed the type that would have condoms in her purse. Her embarrassment got the best of her from asking that poor slutty looking woman if she had condoms. That is when she saw it, a miracle happened. Placed before her, on the opposite wall, right next to the paper towel stand, was the candy machine for condoms.

  Bethany’s eyes widened. She had access to condoms and was about ready to jump out of line to get them. It then clicked upon her. She had no money. She had no purse, and even if she did have a purse she wouldn’t have any money in it anyways. She could go ask Phillip, but that would be embarrassing. Hey Phillip give me cash so I can buy condoms out of the candy machine. No, she wasn’t going to do that. Of course, it didn’t come across her mind that the men’s restroom probably also had a condom candy machine. It did cross her mind that she kept calling this machine a candy machine. They weren’t selling candy in the bathroom that was for sure.

  All of this debate took the time to make the line dwindle and soon it was her turn to use the bathroom. She got in quickly and relieved herself. She could hear the faded start of a new song, which meant the band was already going back on. She had no desire to go dancing though. She knew what she wanted. Outside the stall the bathroom was now pretty much cleared. She moved to the sinks to wash her hands, and looked at herself in the mirror. She was a little sweaty. She wiped down her face, making her mascara marks go away. Then she looked at the massive mess her curls had made. She was sure she had a pony-tail holder on her. She checked both wrists, and she went for her pockets. No pony-tail, but she did come across something good. A twenty dollar bill was in her back pocket folded up like a used wrapper. It was a miracle.

  Not caring on whom else remained in the bathroom, she flung for the dispenser next to the paper towels. She read the instructions carefully. It would take her twenty but would give her no change. So she stuck it in there, and quickly dispensed multiples of the different kinds it had at a dollar each. She didn’t pay attention to size, but the ones that said “warming”, “pink”, and “micro-massaging” interested her. With her last dollar, she went extra fancy with the little sex toy the machine dispensed. She had no idea what the ring did, but she got it. She neatly folded them all up and split them between her pockets. When she was done she looked up and this chick with spiky hair, a few nose rings, and some sort of purple body suit was watching her in the reflection of the bathroom mirror.

  Bethany flushed and announced, “Lots and lots of sex tonight.” She hustled out of the bathroom.

  Phillip was not outside the door like he said. She stopped and looked out into the crowd for him. Then turned back for the hall. She chucked hers body right into another man, whom caught her by the waist. She looked up at him and could see that he was the tool type. Blonde folded over hair, big muscles, and orange-tanned skin. He even wore a polo shirt with the collars popped. She stepped back quickly. He responded quickly. “Hey babe, what’s the hurry?” He sounded like he took too many steroid pills.

  Her mind gagged. Her smile faked. “Just looking for my boyfriend.”

  “I am pretty sure I am what you are looking for.”

  She gaffed. “That’s nice.” She looked behind him to see if Phillip was in the hallway. “Keep thinking that.”

  She tried to step back from his clutches. He held her tight. He whispered in her ear. “Trust me babe. I have a whip, handcuffs, and a special toy for you. You won’t be missing out.”

  These comments should have made Bethany start screaming for help. Instead, she just started laughing. This was too perfect. She patted the man on the shoulder in between her giggles. “Trust me. I have had my fair share of kinky for the weekend. Why don’t you go use your special toy on yourself? You obviously enjoy it.” She pulled from him easily.

  At that moment, her prince Phillip was walking out the door of the men’s room. He saw her immediately and she escaped to him. Phillip must have seen her in the other man’s arms, because he had a look of suspicion and a tad of jealously flash across his face. She wanted to quickly diffuse the situation. So, in a bold move, she walked to Phillip, grasped his neck, and kissed him with her own sort of possessiveness. She pulled back with a smile.

  “Everything ok?” He examined her face with a little concern.

  “Yes, just being hit on.”

  “You want me to kick his ass.”

  She chuckled. “No. I’m fine.”

  “Are you sure?” He checked.

  She nodded quickly. “Yes.”

  He put his hand on the small of her back. “Are you ready to leave?”

  Bethany was more than ready to leave and she was extremely prepared to have her cherry popped.

  They had three blocks to walk. The short distance didn’t make a difference when the good old reliable rain hit that Seattle was so famous for. They had barely walked ten steps outside of the club. It wasn’t just the start with a light drizzle, no it poured. Bethany and Phillip were immediately soaked. For Bethany, this couldn’t be any more perfect. She squealed and pulled herself to the middle of it all. She opened her arms up and twirled for all that mother nature had to offer her. She called out to Phillip, “Come on. Try it.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  She didn’t care. The cool H2O was refreshing upon her body. It was some sort of renewal, cleansing the filth of the club, and preparing her body for whatever that man was going to give her that night. She kept on twirling. “I am embracing the rain.” She retorted.

  “You’re going to catch a cold.”

  She stopped and faced him. Her voice grew soft, yet sturdy. “No. You will keep me warm.”

  He was moving in on her now. His hand reached out for her hips. “I will, will I?”

  She nodded and breathlessly stated, “yes.” She stepped even closer to him. “And now that we are both wet, we will have to go remove our clothes.” She kissed him quickly and mischievously escaped from his arms. He chased after her as she ran up for the next block.

  He was quick to catch her in his arms. They were both laughing as he swung her around. He called her a tease, but didn’t punish her for it. No, instead he kept her secure against his hip and they crossed the street for the next block.

  The walk in the rain was not bad. Instead, it seemed to change the atmosphere, making their future union to be much more sensual. Perhaps it was because they knew each other just a tad bit better. They weren’t in that hurried frenzy of earlier. They were much more awa

  Bethany did not care as they walked into the lobby of the Four Season’s soaked to the bone. Bethany was oblivious to the bellhop and his ever curious gawking. She didn’t worry about the gay bartender seeing her yet again, because what did he have to judge. She wasn’t a hooker, and she was with the same man she had been with earlier.

  Bethany had condoms. Lots of condoms. She had some sort of sex toy thing from the candy machine. She had a bed to do this in. And, she had a man who she knew, with one hundred percent of her heart, was going to make this night the best ever. Bethany had no worries.

  Not even the elevator was stopping them, because the lobby was empty and they were heading straight to floor fourteen.

  Chapter 11

  Lions, Tigers, and Bears

  “So, should we just get naked and start from there.” Bethany was standing in his room again.

  Phillip had moved over to the desk and emptied his pockets on the table. His head turned towards her. He had a grin on his face. His eyes were looking over her figure. “I think I’d like to take your clothes off myself.”

  She blushed, but gave a small nod.

  He walked towards her. He was standing so close. She could feel his breath upon her nose. “You never asked.” She looked up to him questioningly as he answered her unasked question. “If I got a condom?”

  “Oh.” She stepped from one foot to the other. “Um… did you get one?”

  He again grinned at her, like he always found her amusing. He held up one hand and between his fingers was a condom. “At the bar.”

  She nodded. She wasn’t going to mention that she had many condoms shoved into her pockets of her jeans. It now seemed ridiculous that they would do it more than once on her first time. Nineteen times and a sex toy was probably a little too much for this encounter. So in her haste, to remove the evidence stashed in her jeans, she pulled down her pants. She fell back onto the bed, stumbling over her boots and foot holes before officially removing them. When she met his eyes again, he was even more amused. She was embarrassed. “Okay! Let’s get this show on the road.”


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