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The Weekend

Page 7

by L. A. Ritz

  He shook his head with a sigh, but still continued to pull off his shirt. She was once again staring up at the V on his stomach and the ridges of his abs. He wasted no time dropping his pants. He kicked them off with grace, and his shoes slid off with each pant leg. He was standing before her naked. She could only sit back on her hands and admire his form before her. How did she get so lucky? It was worth waiting this long, so worth it. No fifteen year old boy would compare to this man before her. She looked down to his size, again happy with herself that she purchased condoms that included magnum. Even if they didn’t use them, she congratulated herself on such an achievement. It also crossed her mind that his size might hurt a little bit. Amber had said her first time wasn’t that bad because she had broke her hymen with a dildo. Apparently no high school jock was worth the pain of the first time. She had wanted to do it herself. Amber always had strange notions concerning herself. For Bethany, her bravery did not reach the levels of causing herself pain. No, she wanted the first time to be like ripping off a Band-Aid, quick and to the point (literally). More importantly, the act must be done by someone else.

  Phillip’s throat cleared, interrupting her musing and the ogling of his penis. “As much as I am turned on by you just blatantly staring at my dick, I think I can handle only so much.”

  She looked back up to his face. “Oh, sorry.”


  “What?” She was confused.

  “What are you thinking of my dick?”

  Her eyes widened slightly. “I was just wondering how this was going to go and…” She stopped herself from saying it out loud.

  “And what?”

  Her face was heating up again. “I am just wondering if you are too big.”

  He chuckled slightly, and leaned down over her. She had no choice but to fall back on the bed. He just kept on sloping over her. Instead of coming in for a kiss, like she expected him to do, he directed his lips to her ears. He murmured, “I am too big.”

  She gasped as he nibbled on her earlobe a little. He kissed up her jaw line and stopped dead center above her face. He looked her straight in the eyes. With sincerity and concern, he voiced, “But I will work it slow.”

  She didn’t get a chance to reply, because he kissed her. She had no choice to melt into the bed, letting the sensations of his lips and his body weighing on hers, take over her own body. His size was no longer a question in her mind. There were no questions. There was only the affirmative. Yes! Finally! Hallelujah!

  He continued to kiss her lips, but something was making him pull back. “Wait.” He kissed her again. “I…” It was like he couldn’t stop kissing her as he kissed her more. And more. He pulled back again with a huff. “I can’t stand your shirt on.” He lifted her upper body off the bed like she was a rag doll, and shimmied her shirt over her head. He unlatched her bra and quickly got to the point they were at earlier in the night with her in underwear only.

  Bethany watched as he looked down at her breast then attacked them with gusto. She fell back onto the bed and he kept his lips to the plump swell of her size b breasts. She raked her fingers through his hair. When he sucked upon her right nipple, she pulled his hair eliciting a growl. His voice hummed deliciously upon her skin. She liked humming, she decided. She moaned out, “more.” And so he bit upon her nipple. “Ahh… more growling.”

  He paused and looked up to her. “More growling?” He questioned.

  She smashed his head back to her breast. “Growl on my nipple!” She didn’t care about her outburst, because he was now laughing against her nipple, which had the same effect as the growl.

  “Like this.” He took a breath. “Aaarghhh…” The bear sound he made was ridiculous, but God! Bethany liked it a lot.

  He continued to lick, suck and growl upon her nipples. She continued to moan, pull and plead. He growled like a bear again. She cried out again. “Oh my God!” Why did having your nipples played with feel so good?

  As if to create more torture upon Bethany’s body, Phillip stated, “If you like me growling on your nipples. You are definitely going to like that growl somewhere else.” To demonstrate, he pulled down her panties. He took no time on traveling from her breasts to her nether regions. His strong lick up, between the lips of her lady parts, was like chocolate chip cookie dough and Disneyland combined. It was just that good.

  To prove his point, he growled just like a bear again. “Aaarghhh…”

  She screamed. She couldn’t help it. He didn’t relent either. More sucking. More licking. And when she was worked up just right, he would growl again.

  Bethany’s orgasm hit her hard. One minute a bear was humming up her crotch, the next her body froze up from the build of millions of sensations. Her thighs were on their own accord as she squeezed Phillip’s skull against her pending cum. Her hands were somewhere between grasping the sheets and finding God in the threading. Her mind was in a space of multiple curse words and shooting white infinity. Then, like autumn leaves in a windstorm, everything released into a swirl of perfection. Fucking- Phillip- Perfection.

  When Bethany opened her eyes again, Phillip was between her legs on his knees. He was watching her. He seemed smug. “So… You liked the growling?”

  “Shut up.” She tried to hide her embarrassment with a pillow over her face. He wasn’t having that. He jumped over her again and pulled her tightly to his body, kissing her with passion and a little bit of her own wetness that was upon his lips. It seemed normal to taste herself on his lips, so Bethany went along with it. She didn’t taste too bad. She wondered briefly what he tasted like, but her mind became distracted by his consuming kiss.

  Phillip had rolled so that she was over him. He pulled her face back with his hands and whispered something in Portuguese. She didn’t understand. Whatever he said, it was words from his heart. She could feel it. She didn’t ask either. He spoke again. “Was that your first orgasm?”

  She shook her head.

  “Have you touched yourself before?”

  She was embarrassed, but he seemed truly interested. So she nodded. “I never came like that though.” She leaned down and kissed him on her own. He let his hands lower upon her back. He traced her spine. He squeezed her gluttons. He moved on for the next step. He was rolling her over. She was on her back. He didn’t lie upon her body this time. Instead, he was on his side next to her, looking over her offerings. His hand relaxed upon her belly.

  “I am going to loosen you up just a little bit.”

  Bethany at first was confused, but then his hand moved back down towards her sex. He kept alternating his eye-line between where his finger was heading and seeing her reaction upon her face. She left her arms stationed to her sides, refusing to interrupt what he was doing. One finger entered her. He sunk it in and out, spreading the wetness within and without. Then he curled his index finger, creating a little more space amongst the tunnel. He also created a little more friction. Something in her upper walls was reacting. The tingly, full, sensations started. He added his second finger. There was minor burning that soon quenched with each throttled movement. Phillip started rotating. He scissor, spread and screwed the inside of her vaginal opening with the two digits. She was glad he was taking such time upon this moment. She knew it could hurt. She didn’t think this man was capable purposely of hurting her. It was crazy to think she only knew him from the last day or so. She trusted him. Something she had earlier conceded when she started this mission of losing her virginity.

  Phillip was working her up again. Her breath was heavy. Precipitation trickled over her body. He added his thumb to her clit, smoothly applying a rocking pressure. Her right hand reached for any part she could touch of him. His thigh was the target and she handled the muscles as another orgasm trickled through her body. Her back arched at the climax. She pushed her breasts closer to his face, up into the air. She came undone with a content sigh. She relished in the calming of his fingered movements. His hand massaged from her inside and spread her juice through her

  The orgasm wasn’t as strong as the first. But it was nice and soothing. The strange part being was that he only watched her facial reaction through it all. The only place he touched her was with his fingers down below. Her nerves weren’t as frazzled as before. He must have sensed it, because he reached for the condom he set on the nightstand.

  She stayed back-down and stared up at the ceiling. She knew he was putting the magnum condom on. She could hear the rip of the wrapper and his controlled breaths through the application.

  Phillip asked, “Do you want to be on top? Or under?”

  She couldn’t look at him. “Under.”

  He moved himself over her and in her vision. His hand directed her face towards him. He whispered, his lips being so close to hers. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded. She couldn’t speak. She was afraid to speak and ruin the moment. Thankfully, he was assured by her silence. He guided her legs apart. Her knees bent naturally on their own, seeming to mold around his legs. He was situating himself to have direct access. She could feel his head at her entrance. He was taking too long.

  “Just do it.” She didn’t mean to sound so impatient. But he was just hovering at her entrance.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She shook her head. “Like a Band-Aid.”

  He paused. “A Band-Aid?”

  She confirmed. “Yes. Just rip it off, like you would a Band-Aid.”

  He nodded in understanding. He adjusted his hips. His dick was pushing to come in. He was balanced on his elbows, ready for the momentum. She was watching his face, seeing how he was preparing himself. He seemed just as unsure as she was at the moment. Then determination flashed.

  He softened to her eyes. “Take a deep breath.”

  She sucked in. Her lungs were tight. Her shoulders were tense. She could feel the locking of her muscles.

  And she released.

  Phillip pushed himself in at that moment. Just one hard thrust and he broke through all barriers of her innocence. It was a shock to her system. The pain was there. The straining fullness was there. She didn’t want to move, afraid at what came next. She was pinned with his dick inside her, and fuck, did it feel outstanding.

  Never has she felt so complete. It was like she was meant to have him connected to her. Her body must recognize this, because when she became aware, she was squeezing him tightly to her with her limbs.

  His look was of concern. He opened his mouth. “I hurt you.” He stated.

  She shook her head quickly. “No.” She gasped. “It feels good.” He was watching her very closely now. He didn’t believe her. She assured him. “It really does feel great.”

  He was lodged deep inside her. She could feel the agitated jump of his penis. His face looked pained and controlled. He was clearly trying not to move. She relaxed her hands a little. “Please. Go on.”

  He only took a second more to study her face, then he pulled out and back in again. The first thrust came with a collective sigh from the two of them. His beginning movements were slow and steady. She felt the muscles of down under relax with his ministrations. The familiar build from earlier was still there and presenting itself again. Perhaps she wouldn’t come on the first time, but at least it was feeling good. She was feeling the tingling. She was feeling the pressure. The pain was dissipating. Everything was on track.

  Phillip kept at a steady pace and soon moved his mouth back to hers. She noticed when he started speeding up, his tongue also began to speed up inside her mouth. They were mirrored movements. Both of them were getting ragged, panting with each other’s kiss. She was making noises that sounded like a muffled bird in heat. He was making bear noises again. This time they weren’t planned, the growls were just spewing out of his mouth. And she started to feel that orgasm. It was just like the last two. Phillip pounded in a continuous increase. He was lodging her deeply and quickly. He seemed as if wasn’t going to last much longer. He leaned towards one elbow, not lifting up from his actions. His free hand moved in between them.

  It only took one touch. He pressed upon her clit and she was coming all over his cock. He kept pumping through her tightness. He was carrying her through it, continuing the orgasm that was hitting her body deeper than the other two. Something high within her was being reached. She only felt him. She was surrounded completely in him. With one final roar, he surged within her. And he came. Both stunned silent in ecstasy, both at the height of pleasure.

  She was aware at some point, maybe seconds later, or maybe an eternity later. He was still inside her. His body was weighing on her as his head was tucked in her neck. She was sated. She felt cocooned in his pleasure and warmth. He was murmuring more Portuguese words into her ear. It was a true fairy tale. Her absolutely, perfect, beautiful fairy tale with Prince Phillip and a few orgasms.

  Chapter 12

  Running Water

  Perfection didn’t last long. Everything weighed down upon Bethany. His body. Her emotions. The atmosphere on the fourteenth floor of the hotel. It was all compressing her and making her remember. Remember the reason she is here. The moment of making lemonade all spilt into real life.

  Perhaps Bethany’s story should be told from the beginning. Back a couple weeks ago, she had returned from the Tri-cities oncology clinic. Her doctor had confirmed that she was no longer in remission. She had cancer again.

  Ovarian cancer had been rare in a sixteen year old. But she had gotten it. The disease could apparently be hereditary. A gene, present in her mother, was passed to her. Her mother died at the age of twenty-three. She had breast cancer that spread throughout her body. Bethany also had that same gene. The connections between breast cancer and ovarian cancer were similar. Bethany obviously didn’t die from cancer at sixteen. Bethany was sure she was going to die at twenty-two, not far from the age of her mother when she died.

  She had one idea. One thing on her bucket list before she got all sick and weak again. She wanted to lose her virginity. She called up Amber. The same Amber who went to prom with the sick best friend. The same Amber who held her hair after spewing the sickness of treatments. The same Amber who wouldn’t think twice about making Bethany’s wish come true. Amber got a hold of the right people. She got the meeting at the sex club. She was what a best friend should be.

  So, now Bethany lies on a hotel bed. This man is pulling out of her. He is taking care of her, by wiping her legs clean and disposing the filled condom. He is telling her how perfect and beautiful she is. He is cuddling her body close to his. They are lying in the sheets. She is in his arms. The moment is surreal. She is happy. She may even have found a moment of love. But all she can think about is calling Amber to tell her all the details.

  A few minutes pass where Philip keeps her head pressed lightly to his chest. He is playing lightly with the strands of her curly hair. Hair she realizes she probably is going to lose in about a month or so. In about ten days, she is going into surgery. They are removing her other ovary, her tubes, and her uterus. It is the best way to rid of everything. And if that isn’t bad enough, she has to have about three months of chemotherapy. If she lives, she won’t be having any babies. This act of sex she just committed will only be that- the act of sex. The purpose of sex, to reproduce, will be inconsequential.

  Before Bethany gets too far in her self-pity party and starts crying about this whole cycle of life thing that seems to be skipping her, she makes an escape.

  “Umm…. Do you mind if go to the bathroom?” She is speaking to his left pectoral.

  He shifts slightly. “Of course.” He moves to help her sit up.

  Bethany slips from his arms and slides the sheet off. In doing so, she moves the sheet off of him and comes face to face with his penis. She flushes. “Sorry.” She covers him up quickly again and even pats down the blanket, like she is tucking it in. She smiles up at him and he is again in his amused state. In her best pose, she slides from the bed. This of course does not come out as graceful as she tries for and ends up tripp
ing over non-existent bumps in the carpet. She catches herself on the nightstand and rights herself. She can’t even look at him. She knows he is laughing at her.

  She starts for the bathroom door, but remembers her desire to call Amber. She snatches her purse from the dresser, darts into the bathroom, and shuts the door.

  Bethany throws her purse on the sink edge and searches inside for her phone. She enters her password and hits send on Amber’s contact. After the first ring, she realizes that he might hear her talking through the bathroom door. So she flings for the tub faucet and turns it on full blast. At the same time Amber picks up the phone.

  “Where are you?”


  Amber sounds panicked. “I expected you like a couple of hours ago. I almost called your father.”

  “I know. It is just, things changed. This guy…”

  “This guy?” Amber shrieks. “You’re still with the guy you slept with last night.”

  Bethany whispers loudly. “No! I didn’t even stay with him.”

  “What is going on?”

  “I didn’t go through with that, but I met another guy, and I just had sex with him and he is perfect.”

  In a normal situation, the other person in this conversation might go on questioning Bethany or wondering if she was insane. But Amber was not the normal person. It was only normal that Amber asked, “How big was his dick?”

  Bethany paused. “Big.”

  “Way to go. Did it hurt?”


  “Did you have an orgasm?”


  Amber made an exaggerated pause. “Way to go.”

  Bethany sat down on the toilet seat and relaxed back. “Do you think I made the right choice?”

  Amber sighed heavily into the phone. “Listen. I don’t know the details, because apparently you deviated from the plan.”

  “I did.”

  “I am just glad you are okay. I mean you texted me for the bus number.”


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